HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-01-29, Page 3,sday, January 29th, 140
j Lc��a� Qand Geiiera:
McBride of Reston, ivI.ani-
visiting in Kinloss.
Hodgkinson returned last
frown: -Victoria Hospital
he had .Spent, a week re-.
xray examitions which
d notbi`M lof •a serious
• Roy, MacKenzie of .Ripley
Tompanied / her mother, •
;lizabeth IttlacLetrinan of
Cto Chieag`to, where she
and an •extended . vi'srt Nvith
Lighter,- Mrs. 1Yr..• White,
'Baptized '
sra•,..and ; Beverly'• r,f t.win
srs of Mr. -arid Mrs.. Gerald
41,.: were:baptized at the
,1 home on Sunday • after-
Rev.. J . W Stewart.
Quite a change .in the facial
expressionsthe..last few days-
reason, "Old Sol"-` is getting
Mss .Mary ' Becking spent the
week -end at her hone.
Messrs D; Donaldsfyi nd Thos.
.Wharton motored .to Toronto.and.
returned with a .."gas ' buggy" ,for:
•were at: Fergus last:week to wit-* Dave,
ness 'a demonstration of the new ' Mr,'and Mrs...Wm. Haldenby
wonder washer being manufacc- Ralph:visitec with Mr. and Mrso
tur.edt- by B'eatty'%. and' which . is' Jos.. Wall,.. Con. 14, Sunday.
Miss . Jean Osborne of the High
School staff was "off duty last
week due to •illness. Mrs. Crispin:
of . the Public School staff wai
also ill part of the Week, .with
Mrs. P. W. Hoag substituting: for
her. '
Mr.' WM. Murciie :and '°Kenrieth
expected to be on the, market bx • • Mr and Mrs, Reuben Zettler, •. ,
spent a • day in Walkerton. with -i '
his; parents;' Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Zcatler; .. .. t:,•
Mics George . Gieyrnan ' 'pent
',Royal.' Canadian Mounted Police Sunday. , with her .grandmother;.
and is receiving his basic' train=. 'who,, pis' poorly; '
ing `, at ,.13egina,; He'• left for the. CQng'ratulations to Mrs. Helen
west on January 17th.. `' Br°v'n' on receiving` the gift of
a beautiful newt• post-war 'radio.
C OF. MRS. WY': MURDIE 'WEDDING 'BELLS. ,,Mr ' David Wharton,' Sr , • ire -
D AWAY 'IN, LONDON ; . 9 turned•; ,from a lengthy. visit *at
.Joins The R.G.M.P.'
J. .C. Alton, son of Mrs Charles
Alton of Tilbury, has joined the
Margaret.M. •-S:utherlatid,
ster of „Mrs.. Wm. Murdie
1 passed away in Victoria1, London,:.late Saturday
She' had been'i11 oily a
following: a . severe
Mrs. 'Murdie.. had 'been at
'WEBSTER—MASON , Winghain. We -are pleased `,to see*
A quiet weddingceremony was him as 'Spry. `as the
performed on Saturday; January cricket' at' .eighty-three,
25th at' 2;00 p.m.'.at the. United Miss Olive -Thomson: wile- to
a -
Church parson' agein' Clinton . elms near. Otter Creek •spent ithe
when Reta Caroline �gason, dau week end at her home, ,.Cori:' .12,
ghter ,of . Mr and 'Mit. ' ''Ardill Culross:: "."..•:: r,•.•
Mason, Cqn 4, `Huron Township, The. cars are running again ,on.
lsrde' just a'= few''hours-be and -Roy Daniel Webster, :'son -of tl`ie'"1;4th'"hi hlir`a'
r death. r, ,Mr .• and • Mrs. Nelson Webster of
. Herb ,Carter';; and Douglas Of.
'' 'Windsor were united in marriage' Ripley called . on'' friends• .'in this'4
at . Seaford;• she 'was . a -
�r of the late Mr: and Mrs: by •Rev. Andrew. ;Lane, ;great- vicinity last week`.,
AgnewINSURANC' Agenc
Luckncw,' ,Ontario.
Fire, , . Casu alty
her'' parents' Mr. and, Mrs .. 'Bert
Mr.. and Mrs Benson' Shackle-
- ' • kl -
ns had e
t''on fid' :family .were .Sunday,' af-
ternoon visitors with: Mr. and
Mrs:,Jack Rivett
Mr, .and Mrs: Cecil Blake,
my -arid. Linda -of Dungannon
ited' n, Sunday with Mr.; and Mrs.
SarnKilP atrick. '
er, . utn.erlan • ' or some
The -young couple' were'. attend -
years she hail: resided in
and • for: six' 'years .:ha;d-
Lirsing: at'Parkarood ' Hos
funeral service
y at the�Nfurdie
w•on. Tuesday. 'a
ed by ^ Miss'.' Gladys Webster, sis-
ter 'of the groom and Mr.'' Tack
=Mas'on, brother, of the bride:.;
The bride was. 'gowned 'in a:
was. held '
street length dress of powder bLue.
home in crh d virore.;a dorsa ' e of de
fternoorr P angep
ink c rnatrons.,, The h •
was ' smilarrly'
gowned. in pastel
green wearing _,a' cos sage •of pale
Pink_ earnatianS.
Following the :cere'mony a wed
dhng::dinner was served: at ' the
:bride's 'home to 'immediate `vela-:
ti-ves. Mrs.::Mason received in. a
`figured r:ess :With corsage•' of
hite:'carnatioris and the 'groom's,
tkier also • chose a figured'`dress
with.: corsage of red :roses:
During the 'evening'.a number
•0 . •
' r .and ytm C. Cornish (nee
Mable. Stewart) of Rile .visi
P y tied
at• her parent's house, Mr. .& .Mrs.
.Thdtnas •Stewart
• We wel'e sores to' nsztiee iia�The
Se'ntin'el ' that. our former mail
•coUi•i•fer,: Mr.: Wm.; Statters,Was
under the weather,. We hope :to
•nt` was' in Maitland 'Bank
some •;of Mr: and Mrs.. W.
ry. of Thamesford was the
rf a happy gathering of
s . when .Miss •Catherine
was guest of .horror. Miss
recently, arrived' in' Can:.
a e from'Scotlan• .and
in'; . Thamesford er route
atoo'n •for her .wedding to
Ross, who •is • a. 'Student:
iniversify there.. Mr. Ross
overseas in the. war. 'for
marriage .joins. two ,well
hed' faxni'fies Miss " Me
randfather, th'e' late Rev:"
McKay,- who for 26 years:'
stor. •of .'the' .Presbyterian
in Lucknow before going
of Oxford County. Chas
randfather; /the late Rev.
iss of $ru efield, : was also
e of Oxford. The lute D
was .a cousin of Charles•:
to cojigrat'ti;late them ` before they
1ef on ,shoit'-weddin g trip..:They
will; reside in London.
(Too, late for -last week)
Mr.' Andrew •Emerson attend
ed'° the wedding of 'his. grandson,
Mr Donald Gillies on• Saturday.
Mrs. Will: Walsh. r'eturn'ed. home.
from Paisley last 'week:;
' Miss' K McCos ? Ripley is
:visiting 'her .Iie e,, Mrs. Will Arn-
Mr.." •Raymond • Emerson was'
home'''. for' tile': week -end' •from'
• Trenton
�; Mrs. Claude Dore was i• n, ''Tor
McKay made the trans •
onto a few days recently.;
trip in ten and one-half
lying. from, ',Scotland over
nd to Goose..Bay,;
nd She was born in •Peru,
America,, where her par
r. :and Mrs,: McKay, are
,ries. ; In 1821 •:Miss .,Mc-.
[ncestors Were 13 - weeks'. evening last ,week .
Atlantic Corning: to .Can -,''.Mr,. land Mrs: ''Join.. hinerson
• vrsiteci 'ion Monday` ;Al Mi .Don,
lilies , of 'Ripley. •
,1VI,r. and Mrs. ' 1+'rank Fair • of.
Ripley visited with his sister Miss,
Minnie .Fair. last :Sunday.'
. Mr.« and Mrs:• Burton Collins
entertaineddthe. people of'' the :12th.
Con, to a' eikhre;party last week,
• Mr. Will , Montgomery and t•wo
sisters of Detroit visited'the r.sis-
ter, .Mr. George 'Emerson who is,
ill • in • Kincardine. hospital.' 'Her
many, friends with her a speedy
A committee Meeting' was:held,
at the home of ' Mrs.' Donald Mc=
.Cosh, last. Tuesday :afternoon, Pro=
grams for the Institute , were
'made out 'for the .conning year.'
:Mr.. and, Mrs.. Alex . Percy and
°familyof ,,Iinlough`visited•:taMr.
Howard, Thompson last'•Sunday,
Mr. and. Mrs.` Donald McCosh
•entertained a :numbef' of the•peo-
ple around the drove* .to, a social
• k
I' Native Dies ..
Catherine, MacDonald, a
f Ashfield :Township,- died
oseph's Hospital; London
day" in her 67th year. Her
Angus MacDonald; pre -
some years ago, The;
Was held at IEincardine.
iesday. '
ring . � .
are three. sons, •Au-
cDonald ,of Sarnia and
d VViilia MacDonald of
one brpther, Eldon Mac'
,and' 'three • sis•
;.'D. Hunter, Port intron
!tay, Sarnia and Mrs. G.
"'Kincardine. ' ••
Mr: and Mrs. Vernon,.. Hunter'
and .children spent:''Sunday' with
' r an. d rs. aok ;Curranand'
family were ";Saturday: „:evening
guests 'with Mr. and Mrs'. T,' NI,
Anderson. ,;
1VIr Ivan Rivett -is home from
Owen Sound..
On Monday afternoon the con-
gregational •meeting -was held'.at.'
the church, with a fair attend-,
.once; The different organizations ' -
showed .n increase :