HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-01-29, Page 2.11 allinirierierew PAGE TWO THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL Luelmow, 'Ontario. ratablished /873. -a- Published Each Wednesday Marning Subscription Rate -- $2,00 A Year in Advance --To U. -S. Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa • Member, of The C;W,N.A. • L. C. Thempson, 'Publisher and Proprietor Wednesday, Januar# 29th, 1946 LUCKNCt7 SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, 9NT4A'RIO • a -e •DITORIAL I. CONGRATpLA,TIONS!•. AN OBLIGATION 1, - - • - 1 . • Il earty congratulations t o The -"Canadian Aid to China" . 't.eeves J. ,W.• JoYnt of 'Liteknow places .an obligation . before the , and 'Brown Smyth ot Nest- Wae. people of th.e Dominion to help Watiosh Who in winning •the war- succor the starving and diSease- -denship •of -Bruce and • Huron ridden., millions whe, throughout `10.0 4 n t y- respectively, *ha v e the 'War years Were valiant and. brought an honour to themselves valuable •-allies1 But China's • de - • and to their municipalities, .that vastation by War goes back much ' few Other citizens haVe ever been- farther. th.gan ,the coinmenceinent ziecorded in the . lifetime of either of World War :II: It, goes back Municipalities: • . • • In West Wawanosh, Mr. Smyth • is ' orily the,. second resident. of .the Township ever to-haVe held ••this coveted County ..office. Mr. joynt is only the third Lueknow • . ite to have' ever attained the War- denship of .Bruce. County. .• Never have thesetWo adjqinieg counties had -wardens •cluring. the. - sante term who. are literally but • a stone's throw. apart In fact as . Mr.. Smyth 'jocularly „remarked West •Wewanoill has two wain :dens' for ‘. Soynt is reeve of Iaucknow by virttie of • ,his holdings .in• the corporation, -disastrous, effects elsewhere. The ,his residence at the eutakirts 'of , _the :village is 'actually:: in • West tragedy' is that today wawanbsh Township, and . *rues . to, be embroiled in a ter- rible civil war and seems at a whieh , Municipality his 'farire parting Of the •-, lands are. all situated. 00 000 COUNCIL .MINUTES. KIN. )LOSS TOWNSHIP The neWly.--eleeted -Couneil pf the Township, Kinless .iriet in the hall on Monday, JanuarST 13, 1947. After having signed their declaration of office they.took their seats at the table, Alex- ander'.NfacKenZie, reeve; John Cblivell,. George Tiffin, David H. Carruthers and Ruesell Gaunt; , -7 • The minutes of the :December l'eth Meeting' being read; they were •,apprOyedi and signed. The clerk was instructed.to; Write. Mr. Howe 'giving: &Agent for •• • Wednesday, January 29th; 1946 LOOKING. 'BACK IN A ItP;S‘ .7rfiRQUqa:.T2T,ffE SENTINEL FILES • Sixty Years Ago The Lecknew• Caledonian "Soc.-. iety pelebratecl- the 128th anni- versary of Robert Burn's birth with a grand; ball in their octagon hall. The 'program opened.. with a Scetch -reel and cieSed with a' Navy Island reel: Dancing:wag kept '"until -,;the faint. glen - pier of dawn": Road dOnditiehs were • very, bacl,, but • abeut one hundred cotipleS were in attend,r. Ceupty. Lyons,. J. -Joynt and G. Mr. -Cater. T. J. Allen was. clerk of Ash-• field Tewnship. ' Peter McKenzie orParamount died at the age of 76 years'. • The., marriage topic place ,at+ • Teeswator R.C. Church of Miss .Kate Kenney, daughter of Mr, • M. Kenney, Con, 6, Kinloss, and : Mr. J. Gibbons of Rathwell, Man: J. T. Currie 'of East ,Wawandsh Was ...elected. warden, of Huron the Township hail on January 28,1 ange,- George Kerr was floor man- l'gre'R.%Grabarn, local librarian, of. Kiatail 'reported 253 readers with .4,957 • The council re -instated the ,ager.: piper. r?Meleay 'dental clinic. work for the schOO1313,Ara Present :with the pipes haV-• books issued during the: year childrenofthe ;Township, as , a mg footed it most Of the way, ' The Fordyce cOrresponclefit. re - Municipal effort, inste"ad,of Under "the ^roads. being unfit fel.' tray-, ported that John Yfartin"had;..sold a showing or, National Fi1s in • .elling by 'vehicle", The Doherty. his . claim in Cobalt for $25,000. Organ Co of Clinton sent. one • J. , T.- Holmes • purchased the of its beat .toned organs, for the hardware .bugitiess at., •White-: occasion..-- 'Messrs. Thomas Mc- • church -froin Dobie. More than ten yeara,te when the the Bo'ard-of Health as formerly. Jhps Waged .ari unprovoked . A' comMunication from the De-. tack on the . Chinese, and from partment of Flanxiing, and Devei- Canad .!JaPari IrPn • oprnent Was club arid other .waiewaging. pote.ntiah. •petition: from the 12th. Con. east ities that brought' death. and • stif- fering•tei.a•near defenceleas try. ••. And China' a iPart World Wei- ll"' Mint. not • be oVerlooltecl. By o1digbaCkt1W China .prevented that, 'country:, from .joining .the Axis powers • much soonethan. she did,. ancr,when •.she ---did the -continued re$i4ange. engaged,. -many of.-: troppa, Which rnight.have.been used with . • . . ., • • , Donald ;and Charles Edgton fur••••• • • was aCceptetl Under the rules arid. mshed...mnsic. with Mist McDOn-• ' Twenty Years Ago 6 regulations' of .the Deeartnient. 'ald as accompanist. at the .organ. ' • e.„ , .. Mr. and ,Nirs. James Irving . Application was made. to the' *; 4.6blyweatbeibead .of . §t• }fel- Went to Detroit to spend the Win,-.. Department of Highways for the ens hid his teaching certificate ' ter with .their daughters. statutory, grant on road expendi- 'tur,e in 1946:•..7"-; ' - -- ----e , _. . , • . . ' . Mr. George -Gear, . Bruce. .Co. ' agricultural representative, inter- viewed the....council regarding' the ;Calfheed ccinatinn :‘,.Plan--'T-re Bang's - disease: Council :decided. raised to. Grade 4 at the riormal sehbel 'exareinetioris:- • ,. .1 Mist Gordon of the St,-Iteien!g- pubhc. school:resigned her pesi- tion. at Christmas, when she was presented , her PuPils,-. The' ads -being signed- te . adopt the " plan, ,• and the fel-. by Jennie T60, 114innie DralseY' • . lowing canvassers were appoint- 1 ..11C1 Annie Cl4r1L• ' • ' ' ' • ' -strketions_ Irden.,', Mr. 'Gear.. • S.S.' Campbell were engaging in .:. a James „Soinereille and Malcolm ed and who will receiee their in=1 .. No. .1—Wm: 'Stanley and 'R: J. • ,"political fuecr threugh-theLSen4 • • ' tinel cOlumns. ,• . .. . Keake; SS. No. 2-:A1exkerCy 'against Japan and: Barr; S.g:No.3-4ran . • • k Arceie AnderSon 'of 'Y'Test. We- n her resistance hoinristechwaesLijokie•wanosh lulled a wit Cat with, a: ‘Oottr-.-the•-•-neWt-,-warde znodest • and •'. unassitming , -about their success, putting ittdown to 'toed luck"... Hilt it's'. more .than t.hatIn thelour years. -that "Wes", • and, '-'Brown" have formed part , their- respective ',cotinty's gov- erning-Lbody,Aliey haw ved thernselVes as capable legislators, imen . of sound. -judgenient and right good fellow, .or• ainoinit of "good. luck"' would ' have •won for them the .positions thy now hold.• • ' Again we say, congretulationsi — -- ' • . •' The. annual': meeting of the ,Luckeow Agricultural Society 'is ttie he held* on Thursday afternon of - this week. An institution, al- most as old as the village •itself, it- behoves every directOr ' and • citizens of the community in gen-. ' eral who is iritere.sted in the the, Fair, to be in attendance. , , • • --I • .progress, and, expansion of . • c-opprisgion• China -has -la bulwark of .denieeracY, Fel.' as • , • • Such, the Canadian. people Should pay' her back in kind—in food- stuffs., •and Caeadian" goods . that will mean: their salvation. Canadians are not asked to.give1.7.LArchie'McIntyre'' and. lieonard After •fifty years .on the job, inhisiarfleSShQP.AleX Rogg_ announced he was giving up busi- a • • . • • n.est. . • . • Alex Maccarroll ',went to St. - Marys to*.operate a' flax mill for Anderson & Son., ,,, -Norman -Falkner, one -legged .veteran of the Great •War, put on a thrilling exhibition of skating • , • . on one, leg at the local ,rink, The death • occurred , of Miss. Margaret Murray of Ashfield.It was the fourth death iri.the fam-• . . ,• , liVedn( toba, jehri • week. where. • eeivirig s' reveal( •rtiture, , Mrs. „Mrs. 'Ashfiel • her da •Twins !Uri) , dap& Rathw( . parenti neon b; :SISTE1 ..PASSE . Miss - only si ..of toWi Short 'iteebe fore • Born daught twenty Londen.1 ..been , , The private ttielMe • Ily irk 1,5 monthq th-1 ..otchfo:rk. e Sitiart Miller-. foirrierlY a St: s.s.. NQ- Elliott" and shee •pete • • . • • . , . • • . . ; • Sutherland and .Janies. • •‘9ffiee±',s • 7•L'uek-n9w..:Z149cige- Ogen Alta destroyed lay 'fire Lloyd 'Johnsten; S.S; To. 577:11tigh.. P • • • • • ,Helens, had his general store: at • ',r3*; es., no. .,6,_.4,-rser .wKirit..1‘. .0.p.r.:' •' wer•e,. . wi,alirko.b:. B17:t'ki.,1*.i jg.geeiss:..'. •••• James es. iCareget,' died at "-his'', rl non and. Fred 'Gilchrist; S.S. No. -A4ar,n•` ThoMPsOn, hozhe at .Kintail.• • . ' ' , :. '.' • , jolin Ellioft,'W. H.. Sn•tith, ,j6seply .. •. Dr D.'.. ' Geddes .V.S , gave A Anderson, 11'...SoriierVille; David • ' • '. ,. P. he ..eitittes'e-gay.7en Innes-S.S. No.t—Farish N1, of- anything..Canada has to give 'in fat and- tionald,•McKinhop; S. , food ,.or clothing. will be nianu- factUred •or .grOwn here and dis-. tribitted through A Cornrnitthe. Nobodyin Canada knowe'what -th'er-laineLel,.,_Liati_e „beep through 'aince 19313..,..arid it is the hope they never They •can,, though, aid them by 'potitribeting, to the Aid to China Fund, subscriptionsl. ,. fe which 'are 'new • being received. ' Smith 'Palls, arena- giv s one to, contemplate what a logs it would ' be if. such a .fate were to befell us here. InsUrance.•c,ornes rnighty high on such buildingS,and Luck - flow is no exception .in that the . coVerage•on.such buildings rarely ever' cbmes near Meeting the lois, —,•.0 . ' • . ' • "Scarface" Capone, under- world character, •• and head of the Chicago terrorist gang in the . . . . middle '20's, if said to be slying • . • . tayiery_ juitry_*z4ijosr._mvinia., hig offiee eri 'the !flock. occupied . NO. 9-•-james 1McIn• thsh • and. Law, IT64.ins; ,,Sherriff; Gtis Y!rh"iehTh—ha-d-e years. • •-1. '' r.etice.. ivia.„00(1,, . 8s.. N.6.- 10...,: Wilson,' A'.. ' Lawson, • ..T. ghoebOt; , .• :: • ""r" . ,. :\ jOseph;l'ifiin was reeve of Kin; . Milian Moore and Kenneth Ross. t6111,'C' Adams, '`j. Al• Wil,s4!ri.. 7 ''. loss: Council .nieMbers were '., The caretaker was given an •in - Hood loss . a'gi..t4t1.0:. '4. •,•,.4.''s •,.pri :ior*,:ihe. ,aciliri: : Reiss.; .• ..Don4ld , McIntyrel'•. : , Mal - crease to, $2.00. for s•reee,tings and ' ' . : .. •••. David Carruthers and NIelvin Ir- ..Aif ,:,a - . . - • . .T.6r,:.r,C!... • ' • d bsodying the,TOwnshiPS et Huron ',' win' - • .was given...permission, to. cut wee keen* Ceniete • PLIES -WEDD1 •on sicieroad raion4' h.is KielpSS, AilifieleVEast 'and Wes By-lapre-, local reside' Were hopefel.te4 Tholmag teeth at Willo*daie Rink ,No 1...; .''Wat pared and ..pagsed making the ap- pointments fpr ;the Year: 'clerk .J. Lane- :treaSitree Thomas ;Gannti. -asseasor, ,Irinnerieli win; .colteet0e, Gordon Wall; and: - the ;3tfl OWfl lot ' • 4.• • • • WaWarlosh axid, 'Ttirnberry,. a.n. if it... \.niateriali\zeci,.. Lucknow t A -Toronto hockey team of for- d rner Luckeowites defeated ,a Would becOnieqlie "County Seat".'• J. Jarniesen's Shcirthorn herd was increased by a fifth pair Of twin calves. by a' :score •ef• 9;5. The Lucknew? team comprised sandy:milt-die, p. Collin, Billlhorripsciri, Hob And - few,' . Tom Alton; Wilf ,Murdech . arid Jack Osterhoet. Bill Peart Was referee. • gig4.:Sehobi Literary, •Officers i , Johnston Conn, weed enspec- 4 Mianii;: Florida.:He is 48' years••ei' ... - 6 ' ' • A . ' . V7 e. _F rm ,I, Pres., rabelle. ;tetv.Rebert Donaldson, Sheep 'val- Cif age.. So far /as the !Universe ' is : Cameron, ' 'vice; Frank ;McNeil; , • ''i uaters, James Mcgwan, John Mc- ,seo, Elizabeth ..Mclyer.; :program. ..concerned, it wOuld have, been .- • •• • .- ,'Leoiii...Wm, MaCIntyre, 1.441.vreAce 'tor .' ' • ' Forty. Years • .. , . Neil . ,McInnis -r,eturne'd from• .ecl.4"8"''Yeeeg9'• ' az ,'ee ; sc -6-61,tEtterlah AlabaMa where he had been on ilIfeilasigr7, "-Verna Miller; ••-piantst, An editorial:in' lagt week' S KinS'S:N'. os; 5,i.6 '&1; RobertD. onald- •TaYA.,0,11: and'H. s.ecOn' ded ..-b'Y .J., 13... well; ...:,see.,•' . Dave ,, ,Ande...rsoi.e‘ . • • ' ' ' Hunter and unanimously eridorg- Platist;. Enela • Buswell; program, ed by: a • peiblic Meeting, author- . jean Ritchie, i Margaret., McQuil,.. ing the Village , Council • t.6: pre- lin,74lex Aridrew;'Forre• Ill; Presi . Pare and sultthit..a.by7laW to , the .MiceapryzieH; cidgihs; vice, ' Grant plee.... See.',:- Dorothy ,'McQUillie; pianist, • .Mary Douglas; Pregrerie•lk . . Marion Stewart; Emma .NicDori- : . , , agh,' Winnie. Nixon, - •Editor ,bf. Jourrial, • Blanche- pat-1111ton; sub. editors, Elsie Anderson, Gertrude . .Aithidenii.: presg-reporter, Mink. --DurhamT Chronicle O , 2, 3 , & 'Walter ,lviacKenZie A resolutiah' 71°Yed 175.' D. .MarY Forin II,: Pres., lVtal.-- Watson'; 'Vice, Annie -.Col- .. fieerS, George Haldenb,.Y. Nes, Corn. • Heleir McDonald'. Charlie cardine News in 'connection with the reeve of that town having un - ,successfully contested the ,•War- deriship, sounds like sour grapeS son . S.S: Nos..., 8, 9 & 19; keepers, Lorne LOrrie Hedging,' Wesley Guest, Jack' Ackert,. 'Archie Kinnon, • Herbert' Miller, F.' . and :particularly So • in..' the ° face' .and 'prattle. rnw veiclict Da*son, • WealeSe 'Tiffin, Robert people approVirig' the •reeiteSted of todaY's. irePlacenient values. of thiet,y,two, a nice, doente,s _Ross; fenceviewers; Wm Stanley, loan of $4,000 to •theLucknOW ln.. Archie iVlacIntyre, Petet. Ariderson- presided,: and among Members :of the Lukknew Busi- . ness • Men's AssOciatien shotild feremost citiZens, 1ha ;been. re'- ceived *very ungraciously by The. -Nevis •ad the • uhfOunded,:insinA, Mations • in the: article does eid beat in nnnd the new plan' to credit to that 'paper riot will they. ' Meet everyl•teeexid • Month on the .enhance the, chances of fdture •, second Monday of :the nianth•In Itineardine, ,reeves Who, may :ase, . short; the first meeting under this pfre to. the wardehship ' new: arid regular :schedule will • 0 be ,on Monday, February 40th, '' ; In view of the scarcity of news- print„ a go'bd • deal of criticism Just .how inuebf•JannarY ,and hag' been viiieed IT1 regard' to the the' element§ ate' out of step; is James M.Ilodgins; Ross Furniture CompanY., Reeye J.• G. o MOffat, 'John' S. Oraigi‘ Walter. thOse caiieabnv.ere Messrs'. 'D., reniuneratiO,ri rOad Work; 'C. Taylor,' G. A. Newton,'H; Mor - man and team 70c per hour, Man 50c per hour„. tractor, Work $1.25.: per hour, . Council- 'Chen ncl'ou ed t�. rn again..Orf ,r.pa Oth at the usual Anne and place. ,,,„• Cheques issued: John Barr, -1 fox •bouritY, 15,00; Wm, Wraith, t 8:page. tabloid 'paper which • has fox bounty,: ROY'i• Huffman, riscini. 4. Agnew,' Ni,?%. Cenneil, .J. Pepper: ' CHANGEABLE:WATIlpi FF9In ramto,a raging:blizzard • and. back to rain again tive been the vagaries. of the, weathermar: • • , during the. past 'weeli.,A week ago Sunday the teinperature Soared . tti ••!tear the forty inark.,' Rae:, Mop day . turned to' a raging bliz- zard en Tuesday and Wednesday. • that 'brought tor traffic pray. • Highwajecheieles: Pay Roll No. 1,- .$99.00;.,J,ohn t,t,arr, 30 percent on wire fence, 7,50; Armco drain- age ,and lVietal products, 75.69; WM. 1VICGill • I: cement tile' '2 00. 13rtiee ••,coutty Ilighways, 4, Nei 'Sbh, treag, "1,251.00; George Cel-. • well, .40; Win. J.•• Marshall, 10.50; • borne ,out by the fact that on been circtilated: throughbut: Ott 2 fOg bounties, 10.00; Edward Harvey ,.LipdsaY, Stamps, 4.00, . • . • 1 • , January 25th .# rainedTh this earrying the- addresses Of Moore, 1 fax bounty 5,00; Goli- " k Lane, Clef*, ,. tario neck .of the Wood's. One always Hon, Geo. A, Diev'eand Hatl. Les.- don IVicQuilliri, Rik boupty, 5.00;.,„ lie 1 ri asso lates the anniversary of the eilackwe 1. iquorCo tro I. Nathaniel Thompson .5. fox holm- ', birth .Or the Scottish bard, 13,Obt, • • A %.4 +1-,f» Of ,'ri,re the ex- ties, .25',00; Earl ,Ilarris, 3 fox • `Sign of Siiringe • 10 tiCany to ia Standsti . On Wedees7 • • day the funeral of rs. Sarnete; Sattirday. SuCh harbingers of drifting. continued, Benyi:ats1:11:)'QrshiTtdPla()::11:r:81dit' Burps, with a blizzard and Anov;r ense' is borne Ontario tax- bounties, ,15.00;' Ralph Huston, Walter ROulstori of }Tu oh .$prwbOd had , to 'blocked toads. N• ' payers 'fOr a' publication • that.in • , ' -.Many ihanY cag6s- never 'got qiast • if f th P st 'Offide- waste paper re- 'arialYsis" its going to reinain with centicle.'Incideritalli the pririting , the old la* of Supply and de-. job was „done by the commercial "inari'd. to 'pring about a •levelling department af the 'GlobePririt-• •off of soarinp .pricos•• ' ing , , • •• It, looks as . the fina e • _.'#.11.1;11114:110110,1 fox botinties, 20.90; Mrs. George Percyl, .Stainps, 2.50; Wesley Mc- Pherson, : foX , bounties, 10,00; a john. Heilley; fox bOuntiep, j. R. Lane, postage and telephone, .mt.tilieip.,Norld; .8 coyiet. municipal.world, 16,00. •• U WM 41 'OW 'iliMhda4C.i 4.0'4 1 Tovvhship. discovered a five-inqh becauge• of the •ele fighworm . near _ilia _garage; aaiti day brought mo O gpring.• as. robins, and fiShWorms had tur4ed to rainaga` and'Sat- .are 4cheerfully neted, btit- tirda' hi:Ought spri ike keep our _fingers crossed until er, with ternperatures late March, : • above.the freezing ' :attitagm11 — • . • .11IcK .Scene ..340Xay • a a y Stopped to Sa• ilt • Charles '• at the- served:i fivorei • • • This , :.ettabliS Kay's p Angus - Wasp . church,. ,. a nativ 119is'IH John re • , a hatie IA.. Itee Rose.. ' Nisi ' •Atlanti .lioers •f Green' ' found] South. '..' -er.lts, Al • .inission . . Kay': .on the .ada.: ' ,,• Aslifiel Mrs,. faatiVe'o J Satu: 'iltuband decease( fun.eral On wed • 8arvi ' Ps Ma _4ohn_an ':Loridon; 136riald, ti!, Vie • / • • .e.