HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-01-15, Page 10 e • b. 42,00 A .Year -:In. Advance; c Extra; to 'Cf: 5.. A, G b° LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, :Wedn, esday, January 15th, ,19 47 ,.-7NEW ,COUNCIL, I'N.. OFF -ICE- MONDAY T•. Lucknow's • 1947 Council was sworn into .office at the inaugural meeting on Monday morning, 'the" ' Board is comprised of Reeve J. ° Joynt, Councillors Austin Sol- omon, Harvey Treleaven, Clair Healey' and. Sam.. Sherwood. 'The latter two are 'rnew members of. the Board succeeding Councillors Temple Clark and Harry Nixon . who hive:retired. Mr, Nixon; was absept from Monday .morning'sfinal meeting of the old Council°° Reeve Joynt expressed appreciation of the services': of the retiring members and congratulated Mr, Clark on •his handling "of 'the garbage col- lection department: Mr. Clark extended best wishes to Mr. Joynt 'for success in the - •-wardenshi• contest,- -a d=-=nrn v P � o ed .the adjournmentas the final act of the :1946 Board. Housing Big Problem Win -addressing the 'new Board , •Mr. Joynt placed' housing as one of the biggest problems and pro- posed a :conference . on, ;.this sub- ject be held very, ':soon.' Enforcing g of the weed actand drainage' are other'. matters that ' will receive attention.- • CALL MEETING TO-NIGIIT TO ORGANIZE CHINESE RELIEF . Lifelcing. The Muniei p al Council hat call- ... ed a• public meeting for tonight (Wednesday). for, the, purpose of setting up a committee to con- duct the local "drive to behalf of ' the • Canadian:. Aid to China Campaign, - The, meeting-' is =to: be held in the Town`_ Hall- at eight • o'clock: • Representatives of :all local or ganiz•ations and citizens in gen- eral are requested to attend this meeting. • ' BRUCE, AND HURON :WARDEN RACE OF SPECIAL INTEREST The contests for the warden= ship of Bruce and Huron Counties, are of special, interest in this dis- trict '101$ is-trict:'1iis year,.'as' the 'reeves • of Lucknow and `;•West Wawanosh. are-.--aspirants.for -the - respective offices. >, When .'Bruce County Council convenes' next. Monday one of the fist -.term- si . w1 rro *the election of :the 1947.warden. This race appears to be definitely a straight Contest., between Reeves. J.'W .Joynt of Lucknow and •Wm1sh .. of Kincardine, with the.+,Wa"experts" forecasting'• a` . close run.` , Rev. J W. Stewart, who was present in regard to the.Aid' to, China cam aign read the'scri' 1? � p -tore --and..offered prayer Reeve Joynt commented ,that this o .en P: ing„service might well :be adopted by 'future' councils 1101d"�P'itblile °Meeting • Revs Stewart 'ou.'tlined'what in- formation he- had on the „did to; China -Campaign, and Council de cided to call • a:: public meetingfor m g.. • Wednesday bight of thi ek.: organize ,a local committee. Cost : of • removal of .the' Snow ...from main •'street, which has.. met wit •general. •: ; approval . , was '$112:26. Comm litters ' Strtak: • Co it mm tees were - struck as,: fol lows .the first named being pg chair: man- ”, Hydro—Joynt, : Solomon, : Tre- leaven.:;, Finance Joynt, %Iealel!, Salo mon Sheriwood, Joynt, .Petitions' BZ By -Laws -Healey;:. Sherwood Treleaven. ,. Garbage- � .Sherwoo : eleav- :: Z`r en, Healey , . Property & 'Supplies -Solomon, Healey,:' Treleaven: sWa terworks Council :.•' as ` .a whole •Comm unity ` Hall --Solomon ':arid' Treleaven. Adjouriing utti1 Monday night, Council completed ..the appoint- ment of V.iyllage•officials, granting•. a • 10 percent: salary increase to. the clerk: and', .treasurer .and -.a;.15 percent increase to .lex. Havens, A Brock, •.laa . vise and Dunn were appointed auditors at $105;00. W. 4E..•Treleaven wias appointed ointed o the' : Library Board'•for la three- ear ''term; 'poundkeeper,' Jaynes. ehnston; fence viewers,.. G. A. ree'ri John Al 'MacDonald eorge .Swan's Council .a :pp • roved he action tie f o he rire Company, in issuings,n0 asses to • persons, ' leaving the aiice hall while tickets were: be- rig sold, ...and •recotztrnended' tha Cher organizations follow -this rocedurer b :The Clerk was 'instructed to rite .the Department p meet of ' 1VSuni- ipal' Affairs, regarding the ovvers" of the nnitncipgiity-lri re- '. and to housing, and if municipal Orley could be usedin the con tructior of 'houses, ' venes.: ;'next Tuesday,'with the .wardenship decided .,at•.a caucus of Liberal; members. Three_ aspir- ants mentioned for the office arse; Reeves Brown '•Smyth of West Wawanosl, Cecil Wheeler of Morris and John A_ rmstrong of'' ullett> , a Passes Reg.N.. Exams ' • • Miss •ISoris Eadie, .daughter'°of Mr : and Mrs W. S Eadie of Hol - j' :� US her :•registered. nurse •� .examina tions.Doris is . a graduate .'of; Women's College .Hospital, -Ter: onto: She has • been holidaying :at her home at IJoly rood since -com- pleting. g . her. •trainin butplans' .to ,. "return to ' Toronto to do , private :duty nursing EIGI IT•PAGES. - • On .Saturday, January filth, Mr, Joseph Hackett, ,who re- sides in Ashfield Township at. the• outskirts of :the. Village; celebrated his 89th birthday, .: His father a n d his t.Tncle Joseph Were. the first: two set, tiers in' this district`to venture into the wilderness' `north. .of Dungannon: ,That , was 7412 years ago, in 1845. • • The story of the Hackett family,• which we **can only briefly • sketch' h e.r e intriguing, yet is •only 'typical. of that which might be record- ed .of most .any pioneer::fain=' ily, i Natives Of. Ireland, the Hac- ketts,.'like so many .01d Cowl-. try. `folk, 'left their .. homeland for this„ land o ,rom, .e, _w �c offered them the opportunity to own their own farms; and Fort ° GENERATIONS A ND SAME"*SCHOOL Above is pictured Mr. "Jose h Hack t 'who •celebrated his . •89ti>t attain personal possessions not _ . ; n birthday on Saturday, his .daughter,' •Mrs. George " Hunter; •leis:.' possible in the ---1 _,:. . f ' b,eir::.,, - „ °: - ���--�-���c'i�r`iRis- " eat . grsnucEau ��iiieY� iviarlene g birth; • _ . • • __ _ • •. �, ... ?linter* In the • background' is '7 n., Schoolhouse, which.is the seat' Two brothers, Andrew• and of learning, f al g or l four generations.. • ., .. 'Joseph .wth,'their'families set sail fo"r. • Canada, undaunted by stories -of . Indians and , wild ani mals. They, ,suffered, shipwreck in a . three -Months' 0 ocean'--cross'in gi.. but were rescued by another sc ooner'an • an • e• :a ontreal; with; the clothes they wore as their only possessions The .-rained - at Montre 1::' o. a ;for a year to accumulate a few be' longings, then . on to Upper Can_ ada. Hearing .,of the. good farm g, . -in-in+-the-�•lnnd--of-:the-mapie in Ashfield Township, Alex;;Hackett, father of Nf r. Joseph' Hackett, and Alec's Uncle . Joseph . set 'Out:. for. Goderich, where they obtained a -surveyor's map of Ashfield and was the ' termination' of ,' civiliza- tion. At Glenn's: Hillithey had,to: turn westward: toskirt the swamp that, lay before;:them and' u :bn reaching the 10th -Concession a mile and a' quarter .west of what is now, Belfast,,' took u , ,up .a ; two hundred acre •. lot of bushland; which is 'no*. the 'farms of :Clif- ford` and; Wilfred Hackett; whose TOM •ISITT'PAYS VISIT TO OLD. FRIENDS HERE Jack McIntosh' .of "Paramount • • when an gold friend, Tim Paid hint a ` visit, 'And whom. -he.- 'had he` bad. ; not`h'eard from ' in over' 30 •years:'.. ; In 1913. '"Tom came out from ' Englan&and took employment on Hugh: Mclntosh's farirn:.for. about two years: ; He vizorked for. 'Stuart Robertson, John' McDiarmid , and. Jack Watson before -,going west at the age of 21, 'and where he has : made .good. QHe now is a grandfather;',and 'incidenta'lly :has a bald head: • �: : Tom is' a supervisor , on- .150 miles of • the • Alaska` Highway from ,Athabasca. to :Slave :]s.. -Although it.goes to 72 below, Lake, Tom g �. `says they .don't get as'•niuch snow, •as' we do here and'pabout'.three t 'i s •in a Winter With 'a 'low is: all'that is necessary'"to keep- the highway • open: In recalling the "gallant ' crew who threshed back in 1914' Tom found; that, among • the missir1g, ;were George Murray, Jim Mac- . Dlonald, Isaac .Tntign,.: Dan .Fer- g. n>i Pat Gilmore, '+ . M •c-' u �oW. J: a Kenzie Frank McCliarles , Pete Robinson;- Gilbert - Barkwell--and•` Thresher W lliai McGuire. • Tom arriv'ed.in Lucknow on the night train with* the idea that -he would spend the° night • at the`. CaiY --HoUs -or• McGarry House, brit *found neither . in existence, although he ,t,tairfed good''•ac- coinedatio-i W.' "iss Treleaven's. Joins: Air. Force Syd Rouse, formerly with the. R A.F has joined' the R.0°A:F. as a •rhet:anic an • ` `is awaiting word to repor:at. Toronto. sons are the -sixth '• generation of live in the; past alone,' but takes the . original settlers. °. • a ' Very keen interest in everyday ,. y' Alex L and his, -Uncle returned . happenings and 'world •affairs:. ' with goodr.'ep• orts of their' trip' . H � rin L. his lifetime `• he has' and 'three earl families moved to Ashfield - with. than at Zion, and until fracturing: acturin . _ a° pair of 'oxen, and' a' few meagre hit • leg:'three: yearsrjago:last Au -'• requirements.:.Iii • the , meantime • ust,• never'•: missed' Casting -hit vote', ,P the i illi s far `• ' P 1y had settled on :at.: federal, .°provncial'.'.or.•-muni=, tile' 9th ' Concession' of Ashfield, •cipai elections where' the ladies of ' the Hackett` Mr. Hackett was , born on' the • households remained '•"while the farm o w n ed,by :'Clifford Hackett, menfolk pushed on to Racket- .on. which Hackett C urch st . • town' to erect • the first . rough. On this . very site: ands: ki: was built • •the ,; shanties. • ,first long .school: thatwas. used It was:. some ten:y•f a r ch This sChool, , � ..:ointlY.,..ehu on. January, l lth, ' .,l.'858,,"• years later that ;� 1•at which 'the. "'first • .teacher•. ".w � ' JQ.seph Hackett' -was born, arid' M`i. Jackson , ,sere d a section fr oxr� , con iddef t .11 i •s corner on e ' wes 3 of ,the. Township• ,••..where •• he has 'to s, :` 'Johnston's :and north-: n. served at. reeve,.,deputy 'reeve and ward .t. e : Boundary : line.: councillor, andhas:. always play- Eventu'all a iri ted .. l ed'' a leading part' in church and' was .held by .which • the "north.' civic.`activities., ,' :. • erners''.' • succeeded`. in 'having..a •.' Mr 'Hackett retains': ' amazing ,news school built • on . 'e'. Gardner. �. . th. , G er vigor, and, Is .at mentally alert farm on. the. Zion sideroa' ..This as; .p* young. man : He can:: recall, same building was. later. 'moved a`s few can, : pioneer days as he to:. the c rner where.. it now ; .l v ed th m�° e . 'Mr. . Hack ett dors:.• not(Continued n tinue d 1 +nn, page�•\• Joins : Canadian Navy .: Rill` A. Johnston,- ` son, .of Mr. and' M r.s..Nobie Jo h- nstonv'of :tovwn, has .joined.the "{Canadian.Navy, having •s bed. p f #iyears. service and left the first - of the•, Week, with° the West Coast as his destination. Bill lias spent -the ' last';three summers on the •Lakes,. and' has developed a liking ' for sailing. •• COMING. EVENTS BURNS BALL The •annual Burns Ball under auspices '• of ' the: Lucknow Fire°i P Co.: will be : held Friday, January 24th' from `8' to 100:: Music .'by. CXNX Ranch Boys. Admission 50c, D▪ ANCE AT DUNGANNON In the Parish Hall, Dun'gannon,° Wednesday, January 15th, .Wee ther arid roads; permitting.;. Ausw• pices Agricultut"al Society: Pan, rier's'orchestrai Adiniss*on'50c; W AUKILIAkV DANCE, Come; to the dance Thursday Night, in the Lucknow Town Hall, sponsored by, the Ladies Auxil- iary-- uxil-iary- ..iYf the Canadian region's' . Lunch counter iyission' counterincluding homel. made pies Parrier's orchestra, -Ad KICKED BY,,,•HORSE,ONLY : TWO BIRTHS, : .ARM I. BADLY BROKEN`" Bill Lyons;, who is .employed in teaming sawdust and .wood at ' the Lucknow Sawmill,, had :: his' arm •badly :shattered when kicked by a, horse` e on •Saturda .Y. The f c- tu. ; was :.. ac r so rseriou's that Bill •tvas • taken to,:.Londoh for treatment. 'THOMAS STOTHERS PASSES, N ' HIS- NINETIETH . YEAR:. merit- of births, death's and °azar ria es in. Lucknow'•'in •194 h :g .1946 the the figures are, as follows: births',•2, Marriages 8,. births 14": Really the' stork was :busier ,than that in the village, ' but at practically ,all the* little tots Were .ushered 'into' the world in Win g.. hate -or : Goderich Hospitals,' they naturally are, not • registered! as being .born in•LticknoW • The death 'of. Thomas. Stothers,• DEPARTMENT RECOGNIZES Dungannon postmaster, and'•,son • 25; YEARS' SERVICE of'' a pioneer., Asliftield °.Township family.• died: on : Saturday ' in' his .•a., 90th: year. The funeral : service was held at his residence• in Dun . gannon on 'Monday. with, inter- ment5 in .Dungannori"Cemetery,' Mr. Stother's death occurred on Saturday, .which. day''inarked the 8th birthday - of ' a lifelong friend and boyhood schoolmate, Mr. Joseph Hackett: • • 'Last -Week S B. Stothers re -w • ceived; a beautiful medal from the .. Ontario`' Department of• fiAgr cul ture in ,recognition of his ;service of a': quarter of -a century • with • that 'bedy. The Min sten -of Agri-. culture expressed his regret-. that- hewas unable to come, to Arthur - arid: personaily present the medal: Actually,• Mr.. Stothers has .been in : tlie• *service for . thirty Years. t' fie conducted his ` first short.- GEORGE. IRWIN . PASSES, • ' ` course in London "Sn January df ' 1917° • Later he was assistant The -death -teemed in Kinca - Ltinpton County. before being ap_ dine ' Hospital' on Friday ; of pointed ..District Representative:. George Trwin, a fortne.i• resident for Huron. Froin. Huron he .was; of Toiionto 'who resided in Kin transferred `to 'the office in Esse Cotinty, and in 1832.. was trains'' •fel redto ,‘Wellington. Here for' almost -, fifteen 'years he has :ac- eoniplished » splendid Werk.—Ar- logs for the past few years. _The funeralservice: Was held • at' Davison's Funeral Parlor' s on Monday :afternoon 'with. +*r1 :•w uty 1 1`^�e s �Knlett r �. +t,:.M, i.;e,.• • •