HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-01-01, Page 8• AGE. FIG • T _Ia' GW S1 3' N'EL, LUCRN4W,. ONTARIO _ . O. • ANOTHER FINE HOME DECORATING eROBUCT•'. READY:TO-HANG PAPER= DRAPERIES: — "Trims paper.-draperiescompletely hemmed. &' headed' ready • are comb .. Y to hang. ,Just insert cur to .rod. gently into rod channel ; ' mul•put them, uli. • They are Style Tested, Faseproof, . Flame, Resistant,, . Clean- able, no ,ironing weeded. . ;r: They are 21 yards long,,58' niches wide, 2 extra long • . � mat- ;',ehing tie backs..In floral�•tterns:. .e,,,,,..... • • OUR BEST WISHE, TO ALL YFOR 'A VERY. HAPPY . • NEW YEAR., 1h/ NATIVE Head -injuries which she out- felted, uf . felted,. on Thursday, December 19 in a ? colli'siow with •a•cyclist, prove ed fatal to Mrs.. J. F. Crowe, 70, whiffdied at the Hamilton • Genn- er Hospital ori, Monday; D:ecem. be3rd Mrs Crowe w.as "Crossing the street when she was: struck by a bicycle' ridden by Lorne Berry, It is' believed' th :. she, suffered, a fracture of the skult, according to -hospital • a°uthorities Mrs. Crowe, wife of John Fran cis Crowe,. was born. at .Lucknow., :70..yearago and bad ,been deuce of Harnilton•, for the last three• -years..She was a itiember of St; Joseph's • Roman Catholic chtircli Besides •het husband; Mrs. Crowe • is survived by five: sons, Daniel,; Francis, William; John and James. all: of: Hamilton, three' daugr._ers, Mrs.` Jean Einery. of, Hamilton, 'M•rs. Josephine Despins BARN• • and Mrs. Mar• y Jane Purdy, both, ?Tins ' His Wrist A week ago we reported the story #.hat George' Chin had suf ere(1,a broken rib in 'a Junior. A ' game .,,ia Barrie, When ,Gorge ar- rived fiome it was discovered• that the injury Was. more serious -='• a ' . e _has the arm lin: a :sling: and 'will be , •-•out • of, action for' a month or six 'wed. Her sustained the ' injury when sandwiched" : by a couple, of Barrie players. • of Saskatchewan; two brothers,; iVliTRDIE-=Irl Wiiigham General'•;Joseph' Donovan of London and ;Hospital;'on ,Fridali•,.Decernb'er 27, to Mr: ` and s . eth ° Murdie,, : a daughter, , THOMPST--yin Goderich Hos- pital .ow Feday;: December 27th,. o r. an s y. of Lucknow ("nee Arnetta mer), a -son David Brian,. CARRUTHERS 14 -Kincardine General, 'Hospital on' , :Saturday, December 21st, to • Mrs and Mrs. Elliott Carruthers, R 4, ',Ripley; a JO$eph's • ,,,Church , for requiem a . dau hter. g •'� mass. at 10.30 °a:m. Burial .WAS ri Edward . Donovan of Lucknow. sloe sisters, .Mrs, 'Daft el King llrs, ` Simon • Marshall, ' �l,,oth of Teeswater,; . Mrs T. b': Crowe of Saskatchewan; Mrs: Cyril De= 4 • h • J. 'Donovan and Mrs Catharine Smith, of s troit, 'Mich. There : are 12 grand children. ;'The , remaina nested at the Dodsworth` and, Brown.fuiier,' al home until, Thursday morning when, they= were conveyed; to -St•', Dah•'• • 'Wednesday; January 1st, I947 1 • d, We extend sincere areciation of: the cordial . business, .relations we, have enjoyed during th past veer,.• athed: • • -4 .' • • At this 'the close of another year, it is a sin our oppor •.. tunny to sincerely thank; your our' customers, :for o You, :for Y .... kind � :atrona e: ` We '.•. are grateful for your co -opera tion and 'courtesy, and,l;we feel sure . the time is ,ap- reaching when condition FORSTEE-Mr. and Mrys ''W A.' Forster ,ars happy, -to announce' the/'arrival' ,of • their daughter, Carolyn Isabelle.; ;FOUND WONDER CURE FOR RHEUMATIC CONDITION ,Holy.Sepulchre ;•Cemetery, ` am - Mori. It-•islustabou�t two -ears = that Mr Tom Boyes of town was ,seridus)y : crippled up with a rheumatic ..condition thatvias of feeling all his obits:Obtaining no "relief from , the •m y, switched to a comparativelf new: 'Medicine taken hi • '. quantities' 'measured .by dropsAdnd• claimed :to, be ,.Potent in battling' rheum, atic conditions. ^'' for almost alit....months b Tome could see' no , improvement and at ; tries.` the swelling." and • pain • k thein liis:.]oir�ts made°him *Ink n was being . condition was g aggravated.. .Warned, however, that this,�would be. the, re -action, he 'stuck with' the * treattment :• and ` today!' is,.; a e of • • "or of. greater .service. in sup- plying. you with' the, best in `Quality , Foods. • In, the New Year. that .:lies ahead • 'let us all' unite-. and I• co operate to restore. ` ;the' •, constructive:Peace . •"9 ' ways' of and ..Pro gross, , so that we • .rnabuild a ' Greater. ,Can '� y. ada n':a 'Better World. "A HapPY . and Prosperous Al INATION •MEETING (.Continued'�,front,'page 1) with :'9 ,services added during the year'. ane' receipt-up-�f288-over. the : preceding, -year. Arrears are but: $31 Q0 . . ; •Hydro Load ,tip 'H'ydro :is ale. ' in .a' strong •.posies• says HANK—YOU..FORNOUR , PATRONAGE IN 1946 , s. We trust that we dial! enaoo ° our .continue confidence •in: 1941. bort ' wi i i! 1 m on s an...a sizeable " cash surplus The load •has ,grown 'from 318' ;H.P.-in 19`42 to 575 li.P this ;;past ' month At; ,rears of;' • $40:00, are • .;almost • Reviews Housing Reeve Joynt'raised,.thousug question, outlining some of the steps taken • during::` the ::'year to cope, with the problem, but with little 'direct; result He had done •his utmost, •'and advocateds'.that. the Business Men's Association' and Councilet • to g:Y ether ; to try g . New Tear TO All" •. ..a.. t ed _ si OMPSON!S 4 The Store of Friendly -•Service • pa ,,A4 ." ;N• • :" " ✓cif • ,,�' ,• u-, new man a an , e -g , fine. There is little trace of the ` at"s now a nd.ec ex rheum i m ,b . his fingers and. limbswitheo plete freedom Two .years: ago. he was:' failing 'fifty outids fast, dost-_ mere .than ft : , o �' P 'in weight and ..could scarcely shuffle- aroun Toda . '' he is re-: d Y, 1R '' rob at wining: 'weight, looking' u �,. g .f., and is quite `active again,'despite the fact he is past the three Score' and ten mark. UNITED CH URC 4 NOW UC� W� J. W. Stewart . B.A:.B: p actor UNDAY JANUARY 5th 11, a,m.-4;-`.`Grandly ' Begin" Story—",Opportunities". • , �, :12,15-�15unday School �r 7" p.in:-•-• Coct,s' l�Tew Year;. New Year s'WeddingDay Set for.'New . Year's bay is the marriage. of .:Margate ,•-only, dau- hter • of Mr.:•.and' Mrs\ Hugh Ste- .. wart of Dungannon! n annoand David J.. and work out a• soltltion,•'and , in - t to 'with.meet::Mr :Renaild early in' after tal. Need Better' -Lighting ouncillor :• '.Harvey Treleaven, said he would like•. to'. see better` Most, Pressing Matter imated that. the 1947 Council•Mr.: A. W. !Hamilton' said it was, gratifying to see,the the �W ater, Sys- tem pro ing to ;a great utility;to , take' its place alongside of'hydro. ,'Y street lighting and consider • d the this.. r s hind 'in e �e t 'as b ��. town" w • :behind He also thought that with a race ;t• ack we.coul . ave •asgeed '-a. r, •. •�s •� Teesw t . }}'' a "� `how .. •S lie ervants . :Admires, Fu S .. R ' Aiicierson an • ex,' -reeve Housing, -notwithstanding., all the . difficulties, is. the most int - ,portant necessity= in the Village .• today, he : said, and suggested there should be no "other single; , matter so pre"s ing, for attention' ' • i n b :the Council. il. nsiderat and o c. ,.. iy. e�forsees .aI'great ex nsion by' 1:� � 1. Lucknow Industries. and said: one •tated he •: ' ad the greatest admit- s. 1a� g .at'on for anyone who stands .for of 'contestin , the"'reeveship •and Wes wins the °.wardenship '•fin' In view of the favorable ;ancial position of the village' and 'public :`utilities he thought E` we could shortly:'. consider spending sotne ;money: .He:' favored better lighting but ;added.•that?Lucknow intention hadn � ' e -•lie o pu' lie offic + g added 'he "hoped We industry may mean to. Lucknow'. in . ten years: ' ` i ,e did•'' not. 'Mr Hamilton said h 'intend to qualify►, that : he had, served ,phis," day and called; on young. men to step•: 'into m•iinicipal office • • At the request. of. Reeve Joynt, L. .C.1 Thompson outlined•the vari; ous • busing plans; as he recalled the• e* laa"nation`of them b.•, probably spent; `more • per 'capita "respondence,; and:. "at a .- public ,for' st eet lighting --than.- other meeting, earlier in.the ear:W. places With Gess results: , B: Anderson had 'asked for. de- Mr: ; Sam . Sherwood•• -said • that tails in this. connection.' Dr. John weeds were .an eye -sore to out- 'ton recommended that the: Coun- siders and would Aketo see•. them;' cil and Business ,Men's: Associa- • ..; dG cleaned: up as well as some Vi11- tion get.together to discuss' the (Cowan, son of"Mr: and Mrs John .. �,4411 I. Cowan of Kintail.. 4`: ^:0,10011,0„,0103,114.11 'question. �• age•street's ,repaired , + Itlhigpag l ispatto'1 m1gs irl►mosei ogoanrm► 1reetisrrrs u arv• E •• • , is t n 4 a;,�t + ar. + '4/4 +� 40411 ,a ; + +� 4 +cz0 a 4:0ir r, 4 i ++t a, $140# 60t, i '' 6 [.411110:' y • kiailr. ^9ifi% "i\ri 4:VIM. 4010 4.414 ti$0101.00000# 4#14 4;00? 1.1 o