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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-01-01, Page 3
▪ w• Wednesday, January 1st, 1947 Tim maand Miss Mary Fisher, Regi of Toronto., visited •here 10at week, ; Mx. aid' Mrs. ,William Hornell: spent Christmas in; Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Boyea: spent Christmas in Guelph with' and'. Mrs. C E. ' Morgan. .z .Jack lienc(etson' is visiting ,pin Toronto with her 'son: Lloyd • and .Mrs. Henderson: t. UCICNOW SENTINEL, LtT ''KNOW,- ONTARIO° + DUN ANNO ;.w PAGE' THREE'i' In:, --report from a recent ;issue Ronald Johnston of • Toro o is ° of • the Canadian •Countryman • spending ° the holidays with hismagazine, it is :learned that Miss parents, ' Mr.. and MTS. Elmer • ,Grace Cook, ,1$-year=old daughter Johnston* Miss' Catherine Johnston of Toronto is holidaying at the. home of her. ,parents, Dr. 'and Mrs. W. V. Johnston. • , . ,Mr.. • Albert Mc4 uoid° is "spend- ing spending a week with his daughter,:. Mrs. .Warner 'Smyth and Mr,' Edd y Johns on,• : who, has been = Smith near Teeswater, for *tie la able to be • Out again; • ` Misses .-Margaret- Salkeld :and 'd , .• h week visitor •:.with .her brother, l:ouise. Greer were'holiday, visit= 'Ted. Howey. ' ; •a ors atttheir respective `.homes. Rev,' and. Mrs. VVrh; Henderson and ' children of Hillsdale ,were Christmas' 'visitors . with. relatives. Mrs W, G. Gardner of Colum -- bus, Ontario, Was a Christmas, o(thevegetables grown. -for-home . use;. Her:, record shows vegetables to the value of nearly- $142 used, •stored and •canned, ' from her 1 46, garden...Miss Flora `r )urnin, ' Hatue Economics coaeir, "is alsc edited. as having Grace as . ner in. her- territory ' of • severa • 'Counties to supervise.:: . ••^ • , Pre -'Nuptial Shower • About. thi • ty-five :guests gath- hi df*Mr. and Mrs. Will Cook, R. 2, Lucknow, has •• been .selected as One of seven, froni. 'Ontario who' are entitled to a, • short ceursie, •of one •.week at Guelph Agricultural College -to. study the growth -and culttre of vegetables and ' flow ers with all 'expenses: paid, •dui°-. ing Christmas vacation. The re- port' stated: '"This young. garden er kept" a very -accurate ,account Mr, Thomas gill of Langside. has g .one to Ch'ieago' to spend the ' winter' `. . Mr,': and. Mrs. Jack ;Fisher of London spent . Christmas . week with' relatives here::' • • Mr.. and Mrs: N. S. Calvert and, "Joyce of Paris are holiday ,visitors' • with. Mr: and. Mrs. W. J. Douglas. ; Miss ' •Marion MacDougall of • Springfield. Is. spending :the holi- days here ; •Mr. and Mrs.. 'NprntareWilson of :Ha ilton 'w. re and . daughterm e -Christmas visitors, with relative here here. . •:. ' • Lloyd Stewart ' of London, Al- ,lan �Stewart"f Toronto. and Miss Beverley •Harvey, of London spent Christmas -with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Stewart. ' Miss: Carolyn . Allin, ' ' student ret "Stewart, bride nurse & at St Joseph's, Hospital, to -+be•.•. ` Court whist was :':'played London,. and'Miss' Jean Allin of `tom forepart of the 'evening and • Toronto • were . ' ere '.Christmas- visitors/ • � . vis tions _ } • while the friends were- ssemkil i w the r, ; l — d_ . rs, _: ., .Ali ._ B in ..fano musks was• a d �-. e b g P P ay ed ered at the Reed, on Fr • of Miss Mar • me of lVirs. Allan 'y evening' in honor Mr. and. Mrs. Clarence Murdie Billy and Michael\an. d Mr and ‘Mrs. Alex Murdre and 'Bobby Mrs. Albert Rivett", and Mrs. Her. bert ,Stothers: Mrs. Melvin Ste-, wart on high . for .court "wh�ist, Mr.' and: Mrs'' Harold Ritchie and •'Gary of -London :have' been 'holiday visitors: at the home of h s':niother,, Mrs: °'Jaynes :Ritchie. Mr.' and::. 'Mrs :Orin• Moffat• Marilyn and .Judy of: Toronto ,:were is rn:as visa ors w. T. and-,rs,.S. C..Rathwell were: o T. aY visi ors With .Mr. _ •...: �,, v 1 and Mrs.: Wm: Murdie. holm: J. G. Montgomery, mery, e = NOTICE .T ubscribers to Notice is hereby given to all subscribers whose Sentinel subscription is not .aid° up until the cwt;' rent year, ;that all papersso in arrears, Will be discontinued at the end o 46. The continued newsp ant shortage;e, plus .an in- crease ih .new -splint , cost of 70 percent, :makes • it imperative that we eliminate all papers Rin arrears more than twelve months.; E LUCKNOW • SENTINEL C. Thompson, Publisher Mr. Wm: Stothers and his Moth- er,. Mrs. { Stephen Stothers,.• spent Christmas 'day' with the Stewart family..; "...Miss Jeari Stothers of 'the -Tor- onto teaching, , staff ' is spending the" vacation � __ , at ...the,.,.._parental ltorne. A•.regreiable feaJtur..e of her visit home is that'•her. father Mr. Thos Stothers is a, in. very.,weak conditiO'n. F' sorted'• Margaret to 'a lovely ee- .' : Miss "Eileen • Henaerson •• student r orated chair with. pink.arid , tier .nurse at Stratford`General. Hos.- r color': scheme : which" :was "placed . f and 'Mrs: • Stewart Burns of D ' roit spent,.' Christmas ' with' his pare ts, Mr. Mrs. Thomas ., and Mrs. Elwood: ' Solomon • -of Windsor. pant` Christmas with his parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Austin Solonion, Bob Thompson of. 'Elmira -was . a-•--•;.a,�-C.li.ri,�tmaltor--t�lts�--ga .. ,eis .•„, n Mr:: and Mrs.i. H,. Thom •on; • Mr:: w._B: Anderson has 're - . 'delivery .' of a new Buick - through., the local agent, 'Charles Mason Mr. and' Mrs ' • 'Sydney Decker, y . 'Bill;' and Norman•of `itchener visited e lastw eek with 'Mr.. and Mrs.. Cen Decker, a Christmas visitors with their a a C{L�:11TI�L • were Dr. Wm. MacKenzie of. St. pital, spent Christmas :.at the: 'at"" the arch ,of � th"e: double living - home gf her parents, Mr;, and° rdorn •'where a string `:of silver' Mrs. Jack; Henderson, cDonald a orations were in keeping with the,]'were • their daughters, 1 ins: Leon titer Mar. Elizabeth :Yuletide : season: The adjoining ,aid Crawford,;husband• and still Z; y Eabeth; of Chatham } . , J g• , , visited 'for ' a'fe w room was. decorated in. a' �`, '•dreri, Kenneth,,; Lois, ;Billy 'and e days lastweek lovely , , with her';parnts, Mr. arid Mrs. pink el/ d• White• co o scheine with Bbbby,'.Goderich;.-Mrs arr1 Sher.: Chas.:Steward:: bridal ' effect. Jimmy,Reed,' :little' wood, ' husband &• daughter. .Neta jr nd.. Mrsi • Terri ,M. ® and , . oiri' Alton:: o Mr. and Mrs: H. J L; Eedy, With • ,rnembers . of : thei`r family, spent Cl ristnias <• lay ��vith the'r relatives Mr. Nickel,Stratford;. ,• f . . rat ord, Visitors : with' Mr.' and, Nix's. ;, W. ,. n n, bells hung' above and ether dee- ."Culbert and; f<an ily for Xmas Mrs. M • C ` J 0 ' 0 soil of the • ostess" •ca .rid . •in the of ` Carlow. We are: leased • :to h r ,p f 'gifts,:. lacing.themar Mar 'aret: `.know that Mrs. ASrarn'.Culbert, orocito were. Christmas guests,,of and Mrs.•'Raiph He, Berson read who. is Mr Culbert's another, :Is' i•s Alma tAthletonMsrfs London spend an address of 'best 'wishesr'on be corm derably:improved 'in:.health •.: lalf of_thedonorswho had -given was.: able Jo- be ..up from... bed her many: useful ks itchen'':uteri ils for: the .day. •here the--holidays-at. her' home • •and _ :other pretty :gifts.;;••As Mar- Mr. Gordonn !Anderson' and fain- ily, ' .Madeline, Reginald,` :Freddie. and: Margaret, •spent'': Christmas ay with; the former's I brother Mr. Thos Anderson, : Goderich,” Their housekeeper, ':•Miss iteire: Ament, spent Xmas daY • with. her parents, =Mr .and Mrs. Oscar. Ament, Auburn, later visiting Mr. and Mrs'. Thos.. Anderson_ Goder-: Miss Anna Fin a son Cameron garet opened theaparcels and read and Donald of Toronto were holi� best , wishes, she thanked the' ay.: visi • oz wr e r mo er,.. Mrs. A lt. 'Finlayson. remaining -until •the; New. Year ChristinaS visitbrs with .`Mrs R. Cameron.were Mr.s' and `Mils., N, E.: 13ushell ,of; Hamilton,. Miss' jean Bushell of Toronto; and Mr giver an • invi a • .• o see er tlousseau .the ',following ' :after. noon;' Dainty refreslar ents.'were served andan enjoyable'evenin� � cosed wit . abundance o r ofgood' will and. 'hest. • wishes for :M g'aret and her future. happiness of. Mr: and" Mrs. John and MrsBlake .. S;te-wai t am em ir- Port Colbo rne.., • Dun ann'a on..'Miss Ber , BI 'dne 9 )B: Lmbeth.• a '1sr:1T'• and- little.-sonBrian of Trontonas 'day with 'Mr.and• rs. Earl\l'sd "'Mr. rs. Chas. Henderson T . inaleY, London, � nt Ch - spent the Christmas 'holidaYs with Blake, Cliifon - Mr: , George Hamilton,. London,, is . spending the Christmas vacate tion at home, .Mr. and' Mrs: Russell . Drennait,° and 'Children; ..Reta • ,and Charlie, Who'. have - recently moved., to Stratford_ from,. Goderich,. vis ted .:. her . pareiits, ,Mr., and rs. Abner Morris:' Mr .and Mrs Charle Rivett i Christmas •day with Mr, and G rdon ' Samson and Norris: ' We 4 :uiiders c tand . ,that besides what Santa`' • 1 C sus brought ' Noris,• • he,'`•' also ha ;chicken • pox.':; 1: .BrEY'T U::AR.Y Bras..".FRED HAMILTON' Several 'r °homes -''in . "Vancouver.n� a coµver,-..,: B. C., were.saadened'this, mas in the assin of the. P g :late Margaret' 1<Torine Codling, wife uf. Fred N. Hamilton, .1841., Charles ', St.; .: �rrane0li�'7' :"The .-late -Mrs Hamilton -was.; ' born on iVIa Y 16, 1 890;. -on the4•4th•' Concessionr :of h:Huron ' 'T • ownship• .on.. the :'farm now'occupied pd .,�. • bY a • • Cousin, John . Coiling.: She .. was . the, • •, ich. Mi t Hardy left :' Morida to: � Spell mas_,_week with his: •so'n, avid Hardy, Jr., near Wingliarn.. Mr.. and . Mrs Abner Morris ld. A'� Y1 rr lrlri r e ar e' • e• w home on Xin.as;:day•when Mr, and • ° Christmas day were Mr and Mr Mrs:: Leonard Chi istlaw, :Nile ::Clair' Shores,'Micb, Alex.of'Ham- �. fi Ilton; John•of Kingston and, Cath - and and 'Mrs. Anderson, Mugford 8 and son Harold, She ardtoh' and •erine of.Toronto.-, s • • PP . Mr.: and Mrs. .Douglas Freeman Mr. and Mr's. P. A. Dtirnin q Mr Larne Fitzpatrick qf. obre,� and::daughteer Leola, Clinton were Frank Pentland. and family . •, Fra a y o Mr. Henderson's cousrnr, My, and • Mes.',Athol`Purdon..'. , , ' Roderick `•MacDonald ''Mr � ,and. . 4Mr, a d Mrs.. Don Grakam and •Mrs, .'Wm.'Sillib; and, Mr.'Ronald. children ;,of .Stratfor _• Mr; and Pentland:: • M 'Mac' Graham o f'Owen l rs. t. ' •n r. and : rs::.. ,. oil • Sou•.dr M M . g •R , Sask> visited' Mr. John an, tins '1 and of Li'' o of nMiss• Lois en erson' ofTor afriends and re`la Ives' in 'the: Bis- t onto;: were holiday:guests of. , r;, Crist. ° and Mrs.• Wellington -Henderson: V'i iters , at .the, homed Mr..;.and Lo ride n ;r. and Mrs., S'am' Dur • nests •...•, gu ,. .,• i last Week and with other Visitors with Mr. and •Mrs. 'Al-` ruin and Betty Durnin of ;Luck Trench and children n st w "cousin,. ns 1 now . spent Christmas : with Mr: d L H d T lan Reed on Christmas ,day. Were and •Mrs... Henry .Carter. of Can- . M Vii'saes, Sarah and Jane Mont ton gomery :Ripley; Mrs. J. 'G.' Mont-' Mr: d t M $� Reid •1 _ P r h'ur`E11`ott b hri` Mrs. A t i. ,C st`• , T the. American Air Force, •was a holida visitor , with .:his ,grand Y ,.:vier -Higgins wedaing•in Beigrave er : brdther's. Mr ' .• ` �? , F3�11: McClure,. •Donald MacDonald who . is sta . gomery' of ' the village arid,. Mr. an Mrs. am er .spen r: s G rdon Mont er. L. : 4• on. mss a were. Mr and rs Wm : y d :Christmas at Whitechurch : with honed at Scott Frel , I111nois. With Y � , d Mrs's Charles Du n nq'ndchi1- • Mr. and "Mrs.. W. R.. Farrier and, • ren'Margaret Joy and•J. C. are I' G d h M� €iar ,e the: ;Yuletide seas.ori at. McC•lure;. Dungannon, Miss'. • ga•et • Elliott, .ea;ic , _ 'i Clara Sproul, St Watford -Nettie 1'i,cb ria Sproul, Dlirlgannon Miss Ida; liyar Mr, and ' Mrs Otto. Popp, and family spent Christmas with 1VIr, and; _Mrs; Jam'e's Mc,Eachern . at Loudon. • • Mr. ,Walter. • Dickinson inson . and Mr. Percy 'Horne•'of the village spenit ar- es rid; ori Thursday 'attended .. the ' Far - are is ' Mt. and Mrs. .Dan .Mac-'' Donald, Second .Con., • Kinloss and with Mr, and Mrs. sou' • y. • United ,Church and the reception Jr ` Aylmer.. at`tle home of 'Mr, • and Mre A �.., • ` .a d s N i •• -.Miss Ellen Maize of _tL,ondon spent the; week-end"with'' ergar-. son Hi ins in•'Mor.ris. r.4 Higgins "EXTEND RURAL". ENTRY • Jimmy Walker Left 1 • tints, Mr.,and Mrs: Harvey M ize DA Mr. and Mrs:. ,acFiard Gardner, TE UNTIL SATURDA. Y Em La hing` . • . spent Xrrias d ` With the ...:° • � • The rapier sharp q>aZips of dap ' 1t p . ay for`.m- To• date :the entry;list in the 0 0 sed . p rural league has • ,p, r al hockey ;leag e been encouraging', but on . account of the holidays _ the ' deadline. for 'entries has been tin it extended t Saturdak of .'th'is • week. "• Already . .., y there have: been :about. twenty names handed in, phis the .entry of a complete teaan• from Kirita'l.. So far; only a few from.' town have handed in'their'•nameS. 'The lace toh' i •p d •t11s is at Cum .ages --Barrber-;F•,�,._,1.:i�, •net"'C'lo't '3ater' 4. than Saturdai .: '• x . ergs brother, : Mr', , Henry Gard'- Teti• Jimmy Walker, ' one = time were a'trde• Xnas day with Mr. and Mrs. Les- nen,' Zion. mayor ofN"ewYork; a• ' • Miss mar throughout his colorful' Tier 'Schult2. • Pauline Jones enjoyed a career:' Sone of' the situations[, in which'•' lie ''Wit of'Jinuny ,Walker' t a 'Jones,' R.N., who° b ion s to C � .. , • 1V1. g • ,Mr. • and Mrs. .John] Gaj,ewskie; London, visited• for • a few days over 'Christmas, with Mr. and • rs. Thos: Dickson; the la'tter's ,par-' r ens Miss r e' c �n re a so Y Y . spent• Christmas day with her sis- 'ter; •; Mrs. Dickson,. 14Mi, s Annet a. Stewart, M:A.\'. of •Tororuo..spent : Christmas ' and a few 'days wit and ,1VIrs. W m; few . days; in Toronto last 'week, t e .guest of: her sister;.Miss Ber- figured are featured, in two. pages e staff of Christie St,: ospital. . , •sitors Mr and Mof 's about Walker in the t M tl M I t 1rs. of'ariecd e M �VDviS. Edirith* ntdonXrrras dag.day American Weekly with this Stir:- were Mr..andMrs.' •day's R©Y Black o an• Sarah' Gee Col in . 1 g' Besides :her husband;:she'•' is 'survived by one Y .. dau liter,•Hazel,• and two, • ; . g � sons, : . .Gordon. and Lloyd, all of •Van c:..uver`:``also. 'two randchildr P , g en, a` sister,, Mrs: 'Wm. Coar,. '•Ri `le • P Y. a: sister Mrs. •E., M. Mitchell,, Vancouver and •a. brother, Hair*. Carlin Vancouver.. er. The d eceased w�a : sa'eme b r of Tr. init' United Church • and'•a 'l Y ate member of Douglas Chapter No. �,�rder o$.the''Eastern Star.and o ran • view • • eka so • ge, No ' 18,. 100 F, During her to 'residence in . Vancouver, it • was':: Mrs Hamilton's, pride;t9 her Connection with mahr.lpatives of: Bruce. C:ounty:'who :had since made Vancouver their'"home. She::: was known to be a friend to 'all. who knew her,• good wife;, wonderful mother. . 5 :m...t. elm es 1 :o n after 'the o g sun , has set we. « As watch at h" t t a Close of'.day*, The sky is •brig ht with a' r Y g : a.diant • light . 'Mid the evening 'shadows graye. A so,• h ,. When a• beautiful life has, one . • Td the` fairer Worlds on :high, .g, Qur lives are bright with. its. lingering light For such. �`li s h €e a cannot die ,• . The funeral , , .h 'service, was .•held. from 'the Chapel of Chimes, Van., -•c, ruvert' and •pallbearers were.' for., ;Ziler residents . of Huron Tov reship Walter Hamilton, Neil' •McGill- ivra',: William McElhenny, James' Hamilton, Herb Mitchell and Wm. • Bowers. 'The, officiating ; clergy-;' r `,e were inn the Rev. H J. Bevan n• of Trinity 'United Chiur`ch ands"the Rev.' C. R,, McGillivray, the lat-. ter ' a .farmer school -rate of the:- deceased, he :• deceased, in" Huron Township. In- terment was in Forest Lawn, Meni tial; Park, 'Vancouver. (Jan . 5) issue of The .De and Wilfred, Lucknow, Mr; and •troit Sunaday Times.. pet .. ior'the most. to in- r parents ' Mr Victor ErringtonterOst and Detroit Trines• f v .. lip � , M . Ross .6th Con,: West Wa*anosh;. you. . ' , �tewart. i(t the 1�11�N Mrs:: Stanley: :Hughes, Toronto,. & tS r. a son • •