HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-12-14, Page 7, TIMIS,a DECEMBER 14th, 1950; A.• ' • ♦A ,• A. -• • ,;a . THE +UCKNQW SENTINEL, . LUCI Now; QNTARIQ DELIGHT PAY H O N: 1 • TO • t�. •You'll.• Give ,,Gifts' To. temembeu and That Will Re Used With Pleasure 'When ,You Choose Theca at Umbach's,• Better -Just Drop In And See •For Yourself ' Our:DI$las• P Y. of Lovely• •.Gilts:. { , . 'YARDEY and.:CIRO PERFUMES: and TOILETRY. �. ES :owntree 'Back •M•agic' and, Mackintosh Chocolates:. nrara+itIare!eerntecQn•ilrnr t 'Phone' '13 w, Lucknow. WEDDING (BELLS S4/P41yLEY=--1Viaeollrl NES--_ The • i'no°rriage'cxf• An.n Forbes MacInnes, .younger duught.et of Mt .arid, :Ars. James 'M,ae hit'iis of Wh,itechur h, •and.. M. :Galli c Till.arx Stanley, son cit' Miy end Mrs,,,Jillia'm J: Stanley of •Luc k- now, was,so emnized at the. hUnic ; Of' thebride's :parents, "on,: Satur- :day, ` Deceniiber 2nd at '3.00 with: Rev..' R: 1 . A,. •Currie. °ifick ••stingand with her sister ;• Mas. • Ai vat }astings • anet Mr.: Kenneth Webster, as' attenda'n'ts. The: Wed, -ding: dinner was` served to. tn1- :mediate ` relatives, '1'lacir'. many friends in,• this district .extentlr best' wishes for ''a lone and hap-' py 'wedded:. life;A , r;ecepti3On was held' in ' the Recreational`:Centre, L c'itnow; on Frida;y.eveni:ng Vvhen''the young couple„' were presented with a purse , of money: NEW .CA'N:A PANS STVIA '',ENGLISH AT RIPELY . • BANQ.1 EIS.. I1 ELP'., BOO,SrW I. �FUNE .4 The . boi.'enzher. meeting of the .Wi'iralen's Institute was. Clic l I in `flit: rauunt:il .charnb'et'• vith: 21 l:ae ;e...: �:e��e'nt, MV1rs,..A• Wilson 'and Mrs, (.', Cook':;st'rv`td in their • u�;uta,l c haci,ty. as. pi'esidcnt' and secrettar 13tttiiiit .s .dc t<Tils ' dealt •with. 4. aan; Yor ;.hangiic:t: for:the. ffre men (in I)c'ccniber llth Fifteen' c1(,11:a;5 a�a3; 9mAted to the:fund ctar, "Shut Ins" The profits :fr.oni 1he ;A,a;r•rcttltural: and' Boy Scout ny.tac�ts:'t. .;mountied to- $;1113.' An alum nutii din tier: :e "Will b held in thc� ,. Recreational Centre, t.ci:n. 1)c : canliri lt)th, forty coU'ples, tip tic ',inv itecl MAti as presented 'at:ti active gift' iri'. recognitien Of;her,* r• faithful 'service a; secret ': qtr Y •i`cn' . the' Blue_ Cross. 'l hc:1. motto ;The 'glom 'of, life s t•, `IOVe,.•pot to 'be coved,; tai .bat to• get, .to ser v.e•,. not: to' fi(' 'set Cd"'1:V11S :well ,prepared bti • OCTOGENARIANS. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ..I, Dren- nail, St. George's Crescent, quiet= lY observed their birthdays at their home on Friday. evening. Mrs. Drennan.. wars 83 that day and' her husband' was 80. on Oct, ober '15th, but it was • in . honor • of both that Mr; :D, J. Patterson, Chwirn an of the Kinsmen's Octo- genarian Cli.ib'} called `upon 'them to present ,them with ':a ,gift, and to, attach a gold medal :to the .cer- tificate oaf memibership of: eachin, the.. Eighty-year-old.. Club. Both eaipressed their°pride and, delight in the '!blue• -bordered ce :tifidates•. framed rn gold Mr and MrsDrennan• .were. rh:arried, fifty .years ago last Jan-„, 'uar•y and would have. celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. had -it not been 'for•4he big snow_' • storm that ' blocked roads. ' Natives of Ashfield Both .. are natives of Ash'field. Mr Drennan 'cor merited harm -t on a . rented farm,' ,Working. il" tired , Years .: before his mart ,riage to Annie. O'Reilly.; daugh- to •of the .late Mr. and Mrs.,Thos. O'Rciily, `.'wh o' livedjust across': the—.creek from- thebridegroon's- farm, L.ti,ter' he. pUrehased 200 acres." can the. 8th Concession.:. of Ai;'hf ield • and ,rented .feel an addrition althe d 'hu acres.: x i' n. rl , a c es: ; Hc, diel mixed,. feu rrrin . pecia1i tle. g, • P ng rrs' •:Dtlrhum.: cattl .. He �'a , . an •i� .�� Was nspector °on toys nship `roae1s for thee years,' Both.:were` .n tubers , of • •St. Jos eph's`,.Rorrian. Catholic .Church at; Kingsbridge, and since coming'to Goderich are.rnem,b.ers.of •S 'Pet- 'ei s.."Chun{ch .They purchased, the house' ,Of `the.' late Dr. C: E,` :and., Mi s.• Sale on the Crescent. With them•.reside • their 'Son. J. J. and. his wife with their six 'children, A;5 :the children chased* .one an=, (other dhotlt the big, roomy house,. • The. Signal -Star repo'rte'r asked the ,aged couple if the ,noise en r,o' ed... thews. They`. replied that they loved. to.he'ar:,it All :his' life 'Mr; Drennan has Voted : Liberal; and he, , proudly' :asserts 1. -ie :as• never missed cast ing his vote.' Mrs: Dren.n.an's•hearing-has:'be-, .ba4.ained`` all' the wit :of• bet' :Irish` • "Abasic Ei1 'l.isl ; course is aalin g to be.: taught,, in'Ripley " C:oiitanai- ation Scliool�this.vmtet for!.:neW Canadians: 'A ,.similar course; lust: winter ,proved !most :;helpful, ,to a' class Of 12' who attended . this 'night school: •p' .. rn'f • 'ilii Ar 'h -': attend s Mrs: Cook.`Vtariety Was added. by. a papcnr cin" 'l•low•.certain Christ Ila<t� carols came`tO be tv tten •by. tlrc'singjiia ot.`the same". �,g At thc close ,of. ' the .meeting an `.Liter aet•ive • tut ch : was 'served IA- Airs. off aclnnes and 114a's. Gor dun•` Fisher. , Among those. ,. t .. ':.term •.will be Mr,'Bazyli. Ata•rnan i' • iuk., •!who is employed on• the faran I ' ..af "Bud"• Fairish, Kinta'il, Ma Roman.. Babiarz working with 'Bruce MadDanald; Eugene W'onrt of ' Arriberley ''and Mr. and Mrs. Pieter van'der ,Ley.nd his 'farn ' ily of four`; who are on the :farm .of Davey Stewart, Lochalsh: • r�ument A family .plot/shquld be graced' with the s}i'r;ine-like beauty of a m'or ufnrent which' will. be everlastingly a tribute to those at�rest. We have rnany :classic styles to suggest,• and. will work •with' Boil' on 'cusp tom designs. • 'E'xeeptionally • lgt,tr' prices• No canvassing, which'. elimin- ayes sales commissions. • • Inscriptions Repairing Sa'ndbiasting Memorials . • 25 ,Years' Experience The latest • hi Portable Sandblast •Equipment• All work personally executed Brownlie' Memorial 'Alfred' 'St , WINGI'>CAM • 'PhOnd 450 Or ' NEIL ` 1VMatrLENN:AN;: '. ' Ripley, nrttarilo. 4 • OBITUARY :A7COTi1h,R MARY.PHILOMENA •• Thc, rRev Mother Mary Phil q- 11110na, superrm' of $t. • 'Josephs l'I:os.pilal • fo''t'he past'?five .yeari, 1.dicd on I)eceniber.5th in the hos- 1 ital Lifter' a short She • 1.\',:1e (8. • Ila+',••c'r\•e�c1 rola "year's in the Can. J tet at,Icitr ,•n - r ` the sisters. of a=., f Jo.:z4:1'eii m)(1. :he l:d tit ,t';,.' post • • nt 10'.:),•in`ihillty; Sha(• 11'118Supe'1 ,.` ' • ' nt'ttai•ltt:- t: nurses, slid•• later , . ,,: . 1 in Chatham. tiUpo.., S, til'' 't. ,r0„,„),,,,, . Hospital , • a .'e o •a sc i. ea:u t. .. lr`r,riit Claaath.t.il • tihc. •�tic'at tet .. >"„ Q ar. u L�cttrtl�'rrr s it1)t'raaal' of thin hLcrt'sc �• k ' "rt—“° :"1*"" ` rr, w'if ' '' Q G ..1 inti' Ort, 114041 rt .<. 4 iiithi ±ti ra llir,4 iztIVI;P 7 . an4estry ,.They •have ,three`' sons "and, one daughter :.Geo .F•raneis of Ypsil anti, ! •M,ich.;::'`1'. ' J. of 'G.oderich Earl on 'the Ashfield homestead', :and Eva. (Mrs, Nicholas Perry:) •of Dotruit.' They have 13 grandchild- ren and.four 'great grandchildren. _Goderich�, Signal -Star; •I-iackett's '.1% S.. . INIrs. Clifford .Hackett was hos- les to the..W.M.S. for their D,e `eeinhor meeting, Wednesday, De eel -libel' el' Gth. There :was' an attend, of. 17., Mrs, Lynes .dar'npbe11, .actingas (president, 'conducted, the M. PAGE SEVEN • The following letter• • has been received by; Ivan Lauzon,, who would like •tp know the identity of f 4"A Friend", so he could reply personally: • Lucknow, 'Ont,, Dec, Mr. Luzon— • . Recently 'I. saw in your store in Lucknow bacon and; other meats. Now ' it has always been .�a, gentle .rnam''s• ,,agreement among . the' ibutchers, and grocers that the grocers•'do not,handle meats and the ;butchers do not handle groceries. • Please. remember that ,We all 'have to: live: and. It 'is ' no , use 'making; a general , store out :Of all the stores P'lease consider the other people ash I think •Luck now:. stood' behind 'you in: selling, your "tickets, ..eta:,' last' year.. ,. f' I. am not one; of the 'butchers but indirectly derive benefits • from. one 'of the shops and .,have heard. the problem - discussed often • lately. • .•Please try and see that the bultchers don't handle any.. of your products. A Friend; , Christrmas.. service;• assisted:.. by 'book on. Jaipan• , A shoat' business' Mrs• George Henry, Mr's; .Nelson, cession was held ,a'rid work given: Mrs. :Bert 'Alton and Mrs. Andy out for"next year;'s bazaar. Xmas Ritchie, -the scripture. lessons be- hymns were sung* after which ing, read by Mrs Isaac' Nixon add Rev., Woolley:• offered the'',closing Rev.. Mr.. Wooll.e'.'..Mnutes of 'the aver: and' :a: .social half''.•hortr Y p .,,7 previous meeting', ` and roll COI, •wa spent • . w to •refre me ser I ,• .., � , s� sh nts were read by Mrs. .Geox e Alton <<,ed the hostess and 'her com- sec. . pro tem,' who also read the, mittee, 'Mrs: Gee.. Henrynd• Mrs. p , Y. opening chapter of� Ale stud'Walter Alto • p g' p . y,.. � ROTEC ;WHAT'S THE.SLEEPIEST : A-NIMAL? ax , • • t. The Manycommon animals:•hibernate aurin the w'rnte. g. :ha a' i ' called th �, HOARY MARMOT, �•familar wood, hock s coos n ,c ed e , , In the t i l 'h Id d' marathon�'•!ee Sleeping record. which .ter a n � o ss p g northern ar+ ,of his range, this creature:slee • s nine p � gp months Out;o`ftthe't4elve'I This' series of advertisements: is designed to•acquaint you. g• with. some.• of the:' unusual. features; of our,.natural scene, and Ito pfomote your. interest in .'the conservation .of our wildlife. U It THE .CARLING' BREWERIES LIMITED,, WATERLOO. ONTARIO • ,yW f.,y 04 . ..1)47t.�_,0,`^ n. .j«�• tti5f3f'^f e.,FO. }Pi.V, �•yitAV w�f}.r0 ,t,KV Dig syn vii ,.w �/yt ,r.•�;7)0it ,r ry .4..t•t r'lel• rrF:.t'•lid: 'J ns', VW ar�{l ir• VTY! r. A. <ITy+�VV to �HY Ut:�C 1F.a. Ot:tL UwP �L:e��F .a. 1Ln. 1Iu l.`F.",rr'btrr U•=ern�gti'�/te`''i/t.r ti y:er •..Inn•"7.4 rAI r"�"-r r'•�t7t{. .I .afr�: of 1'royiclrnef, and • 'then . • for :_ 12 yi:'a1s :;car's er,1 _�s ti iperior;f;en- ii syr al .gat t'w Cnni;reg1Ytinn of'tile ',lila(,( .sc; rrf; London.. For the. lost. fives year `ollc ova;, aCtif ely • en Citte'el. ,as ,$tr13e'ri()r`' of St. Joseph s 't;1 i hlospital, • - . A: st)okosnlan. at ;Sacred Heart 4 ••• Cort‘lcnt wirier "Her loss is. felt . keenly+ fly ,11c:',11c:'cc.rnlrnunit,Y, which t; ri ' neve `t'd and loved her". She.tcas.born n,Ashfield Ttiwn•*: • shit . Foul•. ;iter, Sister M, phem.in ' of the St.: Josoph ;, CarO , rnunity`, NIas. Minnie O'N'cil 01'1 West Lorne, Mrs.' Wm Stock of Saskatoon, Sask., 1V r s• C'. `n'1eefe of Ashfield and one•,brothrr, .7olrti I-Lussey of Oode'r'rch, survive. Theleare : alstr • t:wt'r nephews. .l atlier T. O'Keefe, S,J., and Fath- er (. O''Keefc', 81,-,• both 'cif Tort ono t .aa and niece Sister, Mary .< < °1hilomene of Sacred Ili . rt Con- .' vcmt; London, • ` The body rested at ,�,"t. Joseph's l" #Spiral until Wc'daaer~c1a't "� when, i't was ttalcen tet Sftere.d ;r 'kart Cortvi.'ft for fttne'ral mass in the. eon, tint (Armo at 1U a:nt �,. it.rrt cisay: ?'8ita seal. r•azz in the ;siw- •.. We invite 'you to drop in and look around. You'll ,find many lovely gift ideas that.,will thrill "her" or'"bilin' •at ;Christinas time .WATCHES silverware, Silver Tea Sets,. Etc: • 1847 Rogers ; and `Community. Plate Table Ware English .Bone China Cups and, Saucers and .DinnerWare or any time. DIAMONDS Bill, Folds 'Sunbeam • Mixmasters. Ronson Lighters - .Signet Rings, GIFTS THAT LAS't 'Sunbeam Razors ' �Jew`ellerr 411IF fa' 64* 4041104. - 'Phone 167=rnr; Lucknow rF'