HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-12-14, Page 24 y+d ei PAGE TWO THE ' loUCKNOW SENTINEL,LUCKNOW, onARIO' • TWA,, DECEMBER 140: ��n•IN��/�t,a�ra�,�ua�►tM�i�!!!��i�11�r�n!�1riUl��r�N'.� he WOMEN'S • O, „By "ROSEMARY 'THYME' 4b� Christmas cards are • corning in • now: • Many of them, comeunseal- ed, don't they? Before, you burn those envelopes, scutoff the. gum- med strips .from the flaps, and save them in an envelope,' may- be in your recipe file, Come jam, making • time you,. have. •gummed. label$':all ready to lick and stick on your . j ars,,, so that you'll know your blackberry jelly, from your black currant. It' is a. good 'idea to mark •. the. `year, too, then. • if You have:any left over,• you know which it. is. . you, I •can make some • of your Christmas. tree, decorations s• from �n ilver 'the' sheets of gold and .. . paper in'' some of yottr last year's cards...aste two sheets together, SO that •you will :have shiny on both. sides. Cut circles, the . big- ger the better, and mark the cen- tre, run a; cord thro' this point, knotted on the: under: side, fold in half;: net too tightly, . and . hang from the tree.: Or use two _circles, cutting; half •way througheach, and slip the slots through each other You can do a lot of,things with pipe cleaners : let the• youngsters experiment. TI Ay will ' bend any way you want, so make 'sortie . cartwheels of a• 'bunch of them, tie them around the mid= dle, all together, then -bend then out until you have a wheel. Touch the tips with Silver paint., -Make .snowballs'of cheapabsorbent cot- ton or cotton batting. Take a rec- tangular strip, at one end • fold. the corners. together, and roll;, 'aster with .Scotch tape. Dab with, a .bit of paste, made of flour and •water, and 'sprinkle with artificial snow'. *.* * : . Do you' like a luscious dessert. :for Christmas supper? But coot and fruity. after the ' rich mince pie or • plum.:pudding dessert . of.. your big meal. ,This . 'is a •"picture - plate and it really IS, Ydu • won't need all the ingredients listed, perhaps, ;lint you ,can take your' choice, as your. guests . will do'.from the plate' 1 made. it .for. large prunes, cream cheese, rais- ins,, ,pineapple juice, .pineapple slices or chunks, optional, red col- loring, .a prepared -jelly Jelly powder, red or green, lettuce leaves. Peach halves , . . fill centres •with little balls' of peanut but - 'ter. mi d • with the marmalade, and stile a piece: of nutmeat.• on top.. Pear. halves, ;or • 1 `ave whole if .you like,. add a..droP of red color- ing .to the • .Juice,::Ind boil the Pears gently until thy area nice pink If halved, core and fill, the hollow. .with 'raisin's. n ; ` Prunes •. �. soak'the Pru. es for . about 46 hours in pineapple juice., Drain, remove pits;. and''stuff With. cream .cheese, pineapple 'cheese is nicest. . Cut oranges and grapefruit in. halves, remove the fruit ' froth them, and ,Mix, together,.. •adding. -pineapple chunks if you like. Re fill with this mixture. ake jelly powder quite stiff,. so that you may cut, it in Squares,,,_or .mold. Individual molds. Arrange: lettuce' leaves on your biggest 1 atter, ,and then arrange your fruft Most effectively. Here's' where you' have tq use your own imagination to . produce a .work of . art. If .you, use pineapple slie.eS, . „you might •„put a''square Of. the jelly iii the centre 'or .turn:.a.pear half upside,..down. on it:, If this plate is used. as dessert serve with this sauce, which' may also be pr:e pared beforehand: • 1 cup `pineap- ple ' juice, 1/2' cup •sugar, 2 • eggs, :2; 'tablespoons butter, 1'. .teaspoon flour. Cook in double boiler' until; very smoth: When,cool add 2 clips whipped 'cream, and ,pineapple tidbits, 'if •desired. If you'"use the :..plate'• as the salad course'ou'• choose Might Y this dressing, Which is .delicious with all fruit salads 2 eggs, :1, .gg �,. teaspoon salt, 1 • Teaspoon must- ard, 1 'small can leznon, juice, or, 1 ' cup. vinegar, 1 : can condensed Milk.: Beat vi orousl all., ingred- g, y ients, except' lemon juice or vine- gar; for a few minutes.;Add juice,: stir well. 'Set aside '.'to' thicken, g42011 lees• - Qood , luck. See you next 'week,. same •.time,• 'same station.:” • -• ROSEMARY' THYME'... AWARDED ' SHARE , 1 IN.ASI.IFIELD. FARM 'Before Justice D, ,,p: .J Kelly at the Supreme Court sittings .at Goderich, one of two civil actions was that , of Fannie Schedler of Kitchener who sought a dissolu- tion of pa tnershiip; .a half inter- estin an Ashfield township farm;' ani*accounting of all transactions; besides•, $2,000 . damages I o r, wrongfully depriving the ,plain- tiff of possession Of 'the prop- erty, 'against, George Essery, Asiii field; !The'. defendant, though called, was ' not present, and" no. defence Was . offered. . Mrs..SSehedler ` said` she net Es- Seryl in • Sarnia,. 'where they lived until 1932:' She had been, associa- ted with him for' 19',years, "and she was known as Mrs: ' Essery.' She .and •Ess'ery acquired 50 acres in Ashfield, 'and;.• they were to work the farm on a 50-50 basis. She helped with f aria, work, , dug post -holes; -,cut; 4woocl, helped With the' harvest; and 'did housework; did washings. and ;housecleanings;. all her .. earnings, she' Said,_Went.. into the' 'farm. In' 1948 :she was told by the defendant to leave, and never received- any, part of the farm' nor. :stock. •To her coun- sel, , ounsel,', Frank Donnelly, K.C•, she said the farm was rented at first and bought in, 1'9.46 and deeded at London• to both. anbitibusly, for, lesser. .numbers. Now. don't look, down • and stop reading, .saying .,to yourself; "4h, that's 'too much Trouble.. I'•haven''t: the half of that• in the house. But most ,of: it you will have 'on your. shelves, . and ; though•. it , does. take a bit .of time, :most of it Gari be `done beforehand; and ,Left. in your ,frig, ' or a cold. place.' You • will need -canned. 'peach''halves, Can- ned pear •.halves, 'peanut ''butter, a few nuts; almonds, walnuts or • Pecans, marmalade. "(1 like orange or ' apricot)'; couple :of oranges, couple Of grapefruit,' a' Jew extra Maybe This IS Why :You're Tircldl • If you -feel weak and: depressed or have an urge; to eat., frequent- ly and still feel hungry, its, is, possible you.`; have too much in- sulin , in. your. blood. Learn, how a siprnle test will reveal this condition . and how. •a balanced diet may 'correct 'it. Read "Maybe this is Why' you're Tired", in ' The American Weekly with Dec.' 17 issue Detroit Sunday Times. • Entitled to Joint Interest Mr.:'.Justice Kelly 'found' that Fannie 'TIssery or ''Schedler the plaintiff, As entitled • to 'a . joint interest. in the farm,' lot 6; Cori: 12, 'Ashfield,; He: ordered: thatthere is to be. a reference to the ,Local Muster' to determine the interest':of.. the plaintiff in the stock' and: chat= tels o the farm; arid a ccour t ing of • the transactions ;with the defendant, and to 'determine':' the damages', suffered b .plaint- iff. l i g er y the p a tit iff. • I. WONDER? Along about this time of year My little boy will say ,• Is there a job that I could doe To help. youout to -day I could help you to. do: the chores: Or do—them all, maybe, For I appreciate so much All you, have . done for me Say' could, I carry in some . wopd. Or clean out a box -stall, Can 1 put the 'chains on' the ear N . Or any 'work at' all. It's :strati• e. 'that at this. time . Of ' year . , With Xmas on the Tway,, That boy" is so "indt(strious;. He helps Me every day wonder if it .could be that .. I . wend He's helping ,me because He likes to do ' it, or perhaps He believes in Santa 'Claus. M. Buckingham; 'SEAL C`AMPAIGP HALFWAY MAR /1c t r t il•l.y The: Wa a c1uc1 , S y If .you ..should :.be. imluck�"' .. . Y .enough.. to• .'fall • :through the ice you:can,.save' yourself: The. •first thing,to•, rernerriber;. is. Don't Panic. Extend both' your' arrason the .ice •to. support your body ,and .call for 'help. Never try. to' :climb back on the ice surface un til you get your ,bearings. • Make every:moment_count. Thrash your _ef. et 'vi oro'usl behind .ou to. g' Y . y. prevent. the .body from jack-knif ing, under'the:ice. From, this pos "•'ition gradually crawl forward• un- til your' hips are;: on the edgeof the ice. Swer'vi•ng slightly. 'you a fray .now roll :on ' the ' ice surface. Deep rolling until you are away •e•' ,e of the' hole. If. your ,wei.ght'craeks theice continue'; until: 'you reach either thicker ice or/ the -;shore!. Above ,all,: reniem.ber'•riot to panic. Now you know how to'save your- ;self next week I'll tell you how to rescue "someone else `-who falls through the. ice., • . Mumford Group ,ofW. A. 'C+rouv .'I of the W.A. of Luck-. noir United Church: held its final meeting. of :the' year at ;the ;home •1V rst -W —Jatliiistuii .with ;25 members . present. Under • the splendid leadership of 'Mrs: ' W.: J. Mumford: this group. raised:' ;ap- proximately , $140.00. .The :