HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-12-07, Page 7THURS.. 1:3ECEMBER 7th 1950' MOI1WJIeiits A . family plot. should •be graced: with the Shrine -like • beauty, of 'a xnonurnent: which,. will be. everlastingly a tribute to those at rest. We have many classic styles, to.. suggest, and ,w111 work with; you on ,cu:s- tom: .designs. Exceptionally;low prices No canvassing, .which cumin. ates, sales comnissioias. Inscriptions Repairing: ' • Sandblasting 'Memorials *35.' Year? Experience. The' latest in Portable. • Sandblast Equipment All work personally executed' Brownlie Me• mortal • Alfred, St,; WINGHAM Phette 00 , or. NEIL MacLENNAN, Ripley, Ontario, r, a. THE LUCKNOW ' SENTINEL, LUCK.NOW, ONTARIO THE SINGEIt (by Helen. Thonppson ,Woolley 11 in farmer's Nlagazine) A sinter was irlourningwithout a As te•sat in'his, y' 1 ,part; 'Oh, Heavenly. Fat}ier' he cried tied '.put a new song in,rt y h•eartl.,, Then he heard a voice, a corr'a- pelljng*voice, ' • In accents of tenderness saying: ":Vou must sing of the love of God for Man ., .. . . And let all my ,chipyldren ra - ing" • But how can I.sing of the of God love. When' I am but m r:t ?" o al clay, "1.400k. „around",: said,",the Voice,' '• 'at' my ,beautiful. world` • And; ,I think 'yCiu will• find • way" a • So' he Sang of the 'greening grass spring, Of tithe baby, leaves on' the t'. res. Of.th•'sun and the. rain and the song, of birds And the marvellous perfumed breeze: • CAIMAN. THOMVIrSON has' been elected. reeve. of Teeswatermby clarnation,• succeeding A, . H Me Tavish, who --has heict'`tt1fJ 0 c .far five:' years.. . r ; wing' on seven sults of. clothes. • Ile 'sang..of the.' love: in .the'human. heart! • A man has less. co,ura e than a' lac sang nt'• a:baby s smile• g I -�-- �vor�aan----Tty--=to�-•inT;� ne: a man Ot' e iJ li•c'n's'laugb;tc' and. rnoth-'.with' tv,:elve. ,. •+ ' cents •.in" his oeket cr.5. tCiiisP Letters. `To The Editor • Dear', Editor: « One sentence'. in the article "How did Main Street 'get its Name? intrigues me -".in, view of the lack of any mention of a. General• Campbell,• this explan- ation seems: most feasible". Sir, Cohn Campbell who was born. in Glasgow , October 1.6th, 1792, spent his life in the army, He fought ,under Sir Arthur Wellesley in` t Peninsular War and took .art ' p.. in. the .retreat o Sir John Moore' and was at the, battle of Corunna. He Pater held. a command in the'Anierican ;6(4 And of going the second trifle. '` He sang . of. honor a'nd faith :*and. trustiy. _:a `. . . Of loyalty, -courage and .truth,' , Of ` beauty , and sweetness and sacrifice.' . 'And the call of youth. to youth. And the Weary world proclaimed his .songs With gratitude and prayer, For "This is the love of Odd", they`.; said, "And . our Father" :is every .where". 'CHEATER? The CARIBOU, is famous asa, strong . and able swimmer.. But few people .kcriow that the• has built -.in • life . preserver's! Each hair of the • ca'ribou is hollow. . containing a buoyant air pocket whichmakes • swimming no trouble at all.: The more'we'know of nature, the snore interestwe take ,in. Sonser'vation...Carling's• presentsihis series of ''unusu'al. f.ac'ts'to .help.promote a wider'. interest in nature'. and its preservation: �• J O Y' THE CARLING •6R.EWERIES`LIMITED WATERLOO,' ONTARIO • •.'rte;%!q%. •?iC >! /': t> S ,i({^:•f+' • • peditibn of ],814. In 1823 quelled the negro insurrection in i Dexnarara. Ass Lieutenant Colonel of the 98th foot regiment he ren- dered distinguished service'in,the Chinese 'war' of 1842.. In 1848-49 • he served .under Lord Hugh ,Gough. in the Sikh War, and for his skill and valour was •created a' K �C.B, in 1849 and' received` the special, thanks of Parliament. He next served in the' Crim the can r and the success oi. the Brit- ish at Alma was mainly due to his intrepidity and with his "thin red line" of Highlanders he: repulsed the Russian :attack at •Balaklava. Shortly, after. the .outbreak of the• Indian r iutiny;. Lord Pa1'rner- ston offered: the. command of the forces. ' in.' India til; 'Sir Colin 'Campbell, then 65' : years • of., __age. .He asked when he .could •be i - a' e dy. to set 'out, and Caiipbell 'answer- ed "within twenty-four hours", He left' :England. the next •even- ing, and arrived .in Calcutta on August :13. He formed an army as quickly as possible arid.rnarch- ed to the relief ' of Lucknow with 6000, men • and 36. guns. Tn. , my �boyhoodi' the history book told: of �the,silencing of the British guns by, the fire • of 'the rebel's, and how, Sir. Colin head- ed the assalht' '.which: su'bse- Crently.carriedt'he fort and sav- ed' the• besieged Afterward ' he thoroughly: defeated the, enema and cruShed:.the mutiny, • Earlier in ;the year .1857 .Sir .1James ;Outram had ,served as. a vo•Iuntee'r under Sir: Henry Haven I lock who was his junior in rank in order' that the . •honor of re- lieving 'the city. might ue gi<<cn to Havelock whose, b'rilliance' in the „conduct of the campaign. be- fore• his:, coming Outram greatly, adn' .fired. • After...the first relief' of Luckno� O> tram reassumed command `, and. both • he and Sir Henry Havelock were shut` up tri.• •Luck -now .by;.the'rehels until the•' corning,. of Sir , Co;l•irr Campbell; For : his: ,outstanding ;service, Sir r Colin• •CampbelF waselevated' to the :Peerage, and' .given • the 'title' of Lord Clyde and. i"eceiv,ed 2000 pourids .per 'year until • his: death which •occu_rr'ecl in 1863.. An old' history. of the Village of•Lucknow written many years: aa'¢, by 'a:. careful scribe records 1. the ' fact. that , in: ,1855-57':Mr •• F i. tauffer erected..a . darn 'and 'saw- 2.1: mil on • ..the - .Nine :.River where it crosses the:Br uce-IThron boundary,.:and , r. eceiv,ed from the :government a .grant of 200 acres 'Of hand. In 1858 ,lames Somerville purchased;,the,inill and Mr. Stauf- •fer's 'right "to.. the land . and the .south .halves of the. farm lots on Con. 1, . Kinloss, . •were surveyed into' -village. lots:.On September.' 1, 1858,• the lots, were 'offered for• Sale: and' the pace 'narned •'Luck:. now.; Many of .the streets 'were; named • .after.of •British • generals,' in t'he Indian 'Mutiny. , He allso.• records' that in 1859 IVIbfcolrn.. Campbell, the pioneer merchant opened,.a store.. A• short. ,time after ,a Post ,Office was es-• tablished and Mr.. Can-17be11 was. appointed Postmaster. I do not,'wish':to` detract from. + the •g1or y; of Mr, Malcolm Carnp- the first postmaster 'of r Lucknow, Ontario, but if seems ' unreasonable to say the town, _was named. after .Lucknow, India, . and that'. some. streets Were` narnedtafter lesser ranking gen”- erals Zvhile Sir. Colin Campbell, •the cos marrder • Who . relieved Lucknow, and finally:crttsshed.the' mutiny, should not be rememl:ier- ed. , Your Truly, • , actS6nald,'.D. Y HQSPITALs select equipment with unusual;. care: That's why altzmihum:' utensils ,are' used in' hospital kitchens everywhere. • Health authorities,• 77 `recom nerfd ' alumii'u' because it -meets ;ever—need-=_ :of hygienic' food, preparation. ,Enjoy this food protection in -your home, too. No other metal, is more."food-friendly" than aluminum., Hints to- de Housewife! Whenevei you see aluminuiu on the . ootaide'of a food ora drink,'there's an "inside story" of purity well- protecteci:.Atdm;intlm' utensils clean easily, To•temovo natural deposits left by foods azid.ivate!r, u e.eteel wool with soap and water, n *�:... • ■!fi ; .. .V To. Kinloss :Electors: Ladies, and• Gentlemen:." THANKS A MILLION TO THOSE WHO SUPPORTED 1VIE. And my , best wishes to the new 'Council in.• adriiinistrating the affairs 'of. the 1Vlun.icipal- its' , Sliceroly, l n e18 `:ri;1[•un t. • • PAGE: SEVEN To The Electors. Of Kinloss, Townshi p. Ladies and Gentlemen:• :. My profound thanks are ex- tended to .the„, ratepayers of the Township of Kinloss for the honor conferred upon me by the, acclamation ; to the reeveship. I am well aware of•the re- sponsibtlities- , of this . office, and • ;be . assured thatI' will. spare no time, or effort 'in my endeavour.. to . fulfill these duties for:. the general°.welfare of •the. municipality,. Please • accept my sincere thanks, with. ;Season's Greet- ; ings.: to •all. David H. Carruthers .To . The . Electors. Of Kinloss Township: Ladies and Gentlemen:. Thanks • indeed • fo : , r your„ support• :on �Mond'ayin'''elect- ing erre to the Council Baard' TIt was: Indeed 'appreciated, it %will'be my pi•roose• to ss:.rvethe bestinterest4:'of. the ratepayers .to' sthe' 'utm®st of •. my time and ability. Many • 1M,Iany Thanks. -..• Farish Moffat: ' '1"he:]Electors' Kinloss owr slip:::' Ladies :and'Gentlemen I• wish to rrrost heartily ex= press my, thanks .arid aplar eco' ation- to •the electors who: Sup-!: ported: 'rne 'sc salendidly U: ' Monday'. • I am most grateful for this e�xpression::of'•sconfidence., and return will strive. to serve the rnunicipality gs. Ta" Ali• IIIAR•OLD 'PE)i Cg' • • To The Electors Of Kinloss ToW osh.ip : '• Ladies and)'Gentlem,en:' It is with' sincere .apprecia- tion. appreciation that I • acknowledges' my `election as a member of : Kin= loss Township, Council: As in; the ,past, it •willbe my earnest endeavour to serve ' one :and all faithfully and fairly in .the. 'best `interest , of, the, inu:nici iality. Sincerely yours, an' T. McKinnon. 4. ToThe;•Electors Of: K>iloss Towns ip s Ladies and Gentlemen Y • 14Zany Tha»ks=for-the=splen= did,,vote given -me on,Monday.. •It is incl eed': appreciated and I assure you' that I will aim coristant13 to merit your coni fidence in • me. ° , , :Again, .Thanks: P. A. Murray: REFRESH ! DRINK . , • u.'l An tf t P* a,�. i, r* r