The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-12-07, Page 4• 1 4. 11, 14 ='h • • w. PAGE', FOUR: THE. ,UCKNOW SENTXNEI;.,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO T.HUBS„ DECEMBER . 7th, 1454 It T AD" RATES --1st inse'rtrol ,.22{' nts a word, subsequent insertions 1 cent' a word, Minimum: elfa e' 25 cents. Replies care of The. Sentinel 10 Gents extra. , Legal ' advertising 10 cents per count line first insertion, 5 cents per line subsequent insertions.. -FOR MALE' — .girl's .white tube HOGS picked up. and.delivered skates:, size 2.. Mrs, Ed Johnston, direct to. Kitchener each Thurs- Lucknow. day. 'Prompt and satisfactory re- turns direct from plant. Call FORcoat. AA P Y t .man's• tblack fur Gordonucknow,Br, •'Pone: h_ X37 -J, o : Jim Graham, :L Lucknotiv. -: •,' . ,•,ooks• P .. . • GET.: EARLY :CHICKS Get the'. FOR:. RENT; — heated apartment',: big spread for 'Yourself' between available. Apply Gammie Apart- ments: FOR SALE -1 used . goal i angel white 'enamel; 1' 'new- coal -electric • coMbinatiori: range. Apply. Greer Radio .`& Electric SKATES FOR :SALE—pair .lady's white figure skates 61/z, and pair man's ; tube --skates size 8. 'Phone,. 197, cknow. • •FOiR SALE--2-piece wine moire dress; size 15. See 'Margaret Phil-' lipson at Mrs. Roy ,Black's, Luck - now. �. CARPENT$K WORK—Open • for carpentry work of all,types; •built in • cupboards a • specialty. R. A. rner, .p one -ley '10-27. FOR SALE ' .2 heifers. due to freshen soon, 2 set of . sleighs, box • stove' equipped with' sawdust turner:. Grant : Farrish, "phone 82-16 Dungannon., „, • FOR SALE. 'W4 Mr,;OoirtTi'ick=. Deering • •tractor,•, model A -Ford in',good shape.. New . Model- Z tractors . now available. George: Wraith, -Lucknow. ' STRAYED—to. Lot 40 Con. ' 1, Kinloss, a yearling . steer.. Owner. may ; have. same ' Iby proving 'pro- perty and :,paying expense's.- Ira Campbell, Lucknow, 'phone 151-J. FARM -FOR SALE 100' acres,. E.H.Lot 2; E D :; .Con.: 13,' Ash- field, with house `` & ;barn, spring Water, plowed road; • hydro past :door; opposite school. Apply'. to John' R Gilmore, • .R•:. 3 Luck'rrbw:: FLOCKS ' WANTED to.. supply us` with hatching eggs. 'Flocks culled' and, bloodtested free .:.of charge; �i • � ui�.h..-:grantee-d•-�•rexntt�na--•pard. • On . some breeds can take ` eggs every week : of the year Apply;. Tweddle .0 hick Hatcheries. Lim- ited, Fergus, Ontario, • STAYED ; from the farm: of Norman O'Con nor, Kintail,' • • a Hereford heifer weighing;, about 850' lbs.,: •part Jersey, ,with°:white strip; . 'on back, •reward : of'ered.• Strayed to the. same• cfar n., .Nero ford heifer, 800' lbs. 'Phone .66-22 Dungannon;. R. 3; Goderich. PURPLE GROVE Mir' . and Mrs. Sam, Emerson & Mrs. 'Milton : Walsh • 'spent last Wednesday at Owen Sound. The' 7Y'ecem'ber Meeting ;of , the Women's Institute '.will be. ; .held, at the 'home of Mrs.' Eh Morgan 'on.' Wednesday afternoons Mr. and Mrs. Will Walsh 'visited -th'eir- daughter, .Mrs 'Bannerman, recently, ' Mr. Will Arnold and Mr, and Mrs. Donald :1VICCosh visited with Mr. Don McTavish on the 2rl,d last week ' • • ' . •• . Little. Dickie McCosh'. had .his tonsils removed ' in Kincardine -Hospital on Thursday. Mr. Cecil Dore has taken up residence on' his farm on the 12th Con.' We welcome Cecil to our nlghborliood= _ " Mr. and Mrs. Ralph` Hill ,visit-. ed the latter's sister, Mrs. Quig • ley of: Lucknow recently: • Mr.' and •.Mrs. Isaac Nixon ,and, family of.,Belfast visited with Mr. •John Emerson last Sunday. Mr, and Mrs; 'Edbert Bushell'° and ;chill:Vert iof , ' Clinton spent 'the week -end at :.Kifilough: M. Grant ' Campbell and Bob Campbell of Velmont• visited at Donalad, Bobertson'•s . last Week. - Mr. ,and Mrs. Kenneth Rob- erton and .family visited with Mr, Calvin Roberts, on Sun- day. pullet and Grade ,A Large .eggs.• Big -4 Hatchery is.. ready`' with pullets. Broilers too. Canada. Ap- :proved,:tb " ,eeders, too. .:'test- ed. " The choicd of .experienced poultrykeepers for:: over quarter century: Ask - for price list. 'Agent ED.;' V.. BAKER, Lucknow, • LIVESTOCK WANTED' Up to .$5,00 each for Dead' or Disabled Horses, Cows,. Hogs, at your farm. Prompt service. 'Phone collect. Winghaan • 561-J. William Stone Sons, Limited, Ingersoll, 'Ont. • NOTICE :Brace County Federation of grculture annual (m Abe held in Walkerton;'eeting 'Town Hall, Thursday; 'December 7th (today')• at 1.30.' Every truce, County far - trier : is urged "to '•attend. Guest speaker; Bob; Morrison, past 'pies.. ident of Ontario '. Federation of Agriculture. Ladies : are welcome. reolliols-0..04..4•"4041..0...041+4).Griwool,',, COMING EVi NTS CHRISTMAS CONCERT Zion School, S.S.,•No. 5, • Ash- field, ' will hold their • Christmas Concert 'in Zion Orange Hall •on Friday, December 15th at 8.30;: Adults 25c, children free, RECEPTION FRIDAY There will be:', a' 'reception id Lucknow •.Community Centre on. Friday/evening, December' .8th in honor of • Mr. and Mrs, George Stanley (nee... Anne McInnes), Henderson's orchestra, Everyone welcome, • CHRISTMAS 'BAZAAR. The Guild members of St. Peter's Church are holding .their annual' sale of Christmas gifts; baking; and ' candy' on Saturday; Decem,berith at 2.30 in the Leg ion 'Rooms, Afterrioon'tea served; Everybody welcome: • BAKINO SALE A sale of hor'nem'ade '. �bakirg, white elephant sale,'and after- noon 'tea will be•'held-in the Leg- ion,. •Auxiliary':Rooms, Lucknow; on 'Saturday, December 16thm coanenc ng . at. • 3.00 .o'clock, sppnsored. by the Local Associa- tion ..to the', Girl Guides.: FOURTH: CONCESSION • Mrs..'Russell `Middleton has n'ot will . • been—iher usual health site :last Wednesday. Mr. Mac MacDonald is room- ing• in .Lucknow since' roads are so : bad. ' Mr. Dan : Thoampson has been on the' sick, `list since '. taking '• a weak spell some time ago. • • The three 'soils of Mr. and Mrs NOTICE Juvenile Hockey Meeting A meeting to . discuss • prospects for Juvenile • hockey: in Lucknow willbe held •on Monday,: •Decem ber '11tH at 8:00 o'clock in' • the Legion Rooms. All ':those"..inter- ested ; are;., requested to be: in at- tendance. NOTICE To Members of Kairsiea Institute The Decemlber meeting will be held. one 'week earlier than usual on December 14th in •the Legion Rooms with Mrs. W. Hodgkinson. and ;Mrs. T. A. MacDonald hostesses., : Members ' are remind-. ions or, e bazaar to be held • at - this meet- ing.. CARD OF .°'THANKS' J. R,, MeNab wishes 'to 'sincere- ly thank all. those who so. kindly •remernbered hire in :various ways -during:"his illness and to .espec- ially thank .Silverwood ;emnploy- ees 'and , the Lucknow: Business Men's Association for flowers. ' ASHFIELD Mr. Ross. MacKenzie of Guelph Was home over the week -end: Mrs; Henry MacKenzie ` and Neil were in, 'Owen. Sound last week.' Neil remained .. to .;take treatment : for infection on his head. Mrs. R. Martin of Ripley spent a few days last week in.this, corn rnunity. ,� . Mr: and Mrs:' Sam Caskey vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. D. Mac - Murchie one day last. week. They were • motoring from Alberta td• spend the winter in .Ontario, Mrs. Henry , IVIacKenzie will be 'hostess • for the December meet,- lug, eet-ing, of the Women's. Institute which is to be followed by . a'• tea: The ' Presbyterian S u n' .S,drool-.,,held...their•:Christmas -ser- vice -service on Monday• •evening " of : this week. Story Of. A. Man •Who .Trifled With' Love The tragedy that ended a couple's marriage never should have. occurred, except fora hus- band's flashing' .smile . and un- controlable` , zest ' for adventure,, writes , famous author :l!'annie Hurst, • in The 'American Week- ly, great n'iagazine •with thisSun- day's '' (Dee . ' '10) issue of Detroit 'Sunday Times. You're, miss'inig; something if' you miss. Sunday's Detroit 'Times, • Don Maclver have been sick 'with chicken .pox. ' • Mrs. Bob MacCormick . is 'im- proving after h:avng : her arm hurt by „'a,'kicking cow • Everyone . 'stops , working to look;` out the window to see a, snowplow passing. . The . Y.P. which was ' to have beenheld! at' the: ,home. 'of • Ira Dickie''last Monday ;night had to be postponed.on account of, !bad•. roads: WEDDING BELLS • ' 'CAMPBELL=BEATON ' On Friday, December lst, ;the `wedding : of Florence M. Beaton and .Lyall. B. Carrnpbell was sol emnize• an e 'res.y eraan •Church, Preston: The bride's' at- tendant ' was t-tendant'wras Miss. Christine °Mac •Lennan, • :London, and • a boy: friend of 'Lyall's 'was, groomsman.` Following' the wedding, the WO couples motored, to Lucknow where a reception was held in the • Town Hall with music • by Clive Munroe's orchestra. `.. The capable ;floor; manager', Was'. Eld- rid, . Harris .and a large crowd participated in an immensely en- �oyable evening:, During intermisgipn fhe . bridal couple. were 'called to•'the plat forin:�.where Jim :,Bradley' and Bill Ross presented them With a purse. Mr. and. Mrs. Canilpbell . are to• reside in Preston. ROBERTSON'S Bagpipes & Supplies Wilfred .Mc ullan Lucknow • Service •and* Satisfaction .,._!_,P,11.1111111,11ing and• Heating • peep Welt and Shallow Well Pumps sold • and installed. EAVETROU H1FNG AH 'CON ITIONING 'Art Gilmore R. 'R.'3, LUCKNOW 'Phone, 61-r-13, Dungannon ALAN WI.LLIAMS, Optometrist- Patrick St., WINGiIAM • Kincardine' Office at the esidenceof Dr.; :R• A; McCosh ' every Friday., • For ,appointrnent 'phone:: • Winghar 770 & 5r :,• Kincardine .21 JOHNSTONE'S, FUNERAL: HOCA phone . 76: Day. or 'Night ,Ambulance Service USE OF FUNERAL :HOME At , No •Eitra Cost Moderate • Prices Neil MacLennan FUNERAL SERVICE (Funerar]Iome Ava a e AMBULANCE SERVICE/ (Day or. Night Service) FURNITURE 'Phone 181, • Lucknowi Ont. (Day ;or Night)'; Agnews'Agenc Howard Agnew Jd . Agnew MEMBER ',OF.::'. '' .Ontario 'Insurance ; •: Agents'. Association •GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago Telephones. • Business 39'. Residence 138 CLELAN. VETERINEt.RIAN • • Havelock St,, south of Supertest Garage • •T. X:.UCKNOW Telephone 175 BUSINESS and 4.TAX 'SERVICE • MONTHLY AUDITS; For The • Small Merchant,.Professional man and. the Farmer'.. 0 P.O. Box '74, Lucknow, Ont: Office in ,Kilpatrick Block'.' •'Phone • 23-w F. T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST IN LUCKNOW FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EACH�MONTH . from 10 .a.m. to 6'p. n. at M. •'SCHMID'S STORE !Mire In Sure Insurance WIND'.: • Wester. n Farmers' Weather FIRE I•Iowick ; Farmers' Mutual Car, Accident Sickness Consult ..-. JOHN. FARRISH. "Phone 169-3, Lucknow I'NSURANC:E. FIRE; CASUALTY, AUTM OOBILE' • AND LIFE; INSURANCE ... Co -Operative Life:Inssuranee Co -Operative 'Automobile. Insurance Mercantile &' Farm . Fire Insurance Economical m cal and'`Reliaple� See CAMERON LUCKNOW 'Phone' 70-r-10 Dungannon GENERAL INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE FAMILY HOSPITALIZATION SICK and. ACCIDENT • Tnvestigate Before . You, Invest' a ALEX.; T. MacNAY 'Phone 1.7.7, Lucknow • NOW IS THE TIME To Order A Threshing. Machine 3 sizes -22x32; 22x38,• 28x48 'Holler Bearing Complete EARL. H. HODGINS R. R. 1, Holyroo'dr Ont. 'phone 36-r-13' Teeswitier. To 'Protect' Your Jack, Insure With Jack 'Today. . A. ;McDONAGH R.: R. 3,' Lucknow, Ont 'Phone 61-5` Dungannon • R..:W. ANDREW Barrister ' and Solicitor LUCKNOW,' ONTARIO', Office: in the:'Joynt Block Telephone: Office 135 Residence 314 '.J Stuart MacKenzie• Barrister .and• :Solicitor' WALKERTON, ONTARIO • IN • LUCKNOW Each Wednesday.' OFFICE IN :HENDERSO °=HLOCK ••$. Hetherjngton; 'K. Barrister,' •Etc..' Wingham and':Lucknow IN L JCKNOW Each Monday •' and ' Wednesday Located on 'the- ground, floor• ' • in the front of John • Kilpatrick's Building • 'Phone Wingham Office !8' Reerideeee'BT..