HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-12-07, Page 31950 ±11: • Cross ' can.: is pre-`: )le by 'terian ie had forty 1g the rt= his., eros-`.' was from •ilting ed in. Mary; rr cil'd.:. Rich nosh held',` z' of,. Kin was fenry f the .first field !pled ' . . -'fors:;!: nia•" they • bear i 1i3 340 yat; 3atl s: the her Roc ,' • of •" Lin • ,::..� the.. the, nch his -ear nth-, an) reit- . Ime' ny- ars lean Cc A,' inch. er`. ' O' it de - mina Isobel Luck rut' to L1L1! i�?n, DECElvtBERry..lth, 1'Q5o• 4 THE LUCKNOW „tc 4,0 SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, Loyal and Genera SALE OF HATS Fricday and Saturday special, line . of , hats at $2,00. BELL .ROBERTSON. • Mr. J• It, MNarb. :is out again after. another "bout with 'pneu- monia, . • M. and .Mrs... Stewart England find daughter Terry Lyne of Blair visited with. Mr. and •Mrs. ':lames England .. and family over the week -end. A Remember St, Peter's .Guild bazaar on Saturday in the Leg- ion looms. Afternoon tea with. salad plate and lucky' tea. table Mite. . The December meeting ,of the Women's'Institute will be held on Friday, December 8th. Roll call, donations to *Christmas cheer; contest, mince pie, Hostesses, Mrs, Button, Mrs, McInnes, ,Mrs;. ,Congram, Miss Jean Lyons. WIARTOK TO PROVIDE .BUILDING FOR 'SILKNIT • Formation of a :company to be known as the' .Wiarton,'Inclustrial Develaprn,ent Co. Ltd., is nov . underway in,.Wi:artor. Purpose Of 'the :company will' be 'to Provide assistance' for industries ing : to' that, town. First task of the conipany %Nd'hen it. is 'formed will' be to •pr'ovide..a, building for a-. Wiarton::branch. of Silknit Company Ltd. of Toronto- Bonds in denominations of $.1'00,0 and . $500 (bearing .three percent interest, will' be issued, 'to pro- vide' funds for the erection of the. building: . Silknit would :• nay for . -the butldpng•• -in ten years, and once, • the: company, has •signed ' the agreement to'gttrchase the build- ing, the total 'asset's-. of Silknit Limited will: be responsible for ,payment • of ': the .debt thereby. created. Thee• plant will employ .ap, proximately .100• Women 'in the tinanu acture `;,of lingerie. : Silknit has been in 'business.'for' forty years. and has :<a' branch .plant in Chesley. BOY SCOUT FUNDr .GROWS.' TO NEAR' THE $25Q MARK This we'ek's list,' of .aek'now ledg mer is cif donations tothe Lirck'n w` Boy Scout] 'financial ealiipaigl) sends the total to.prac.t- ictillti $250. The objeetf re' has been set, at. a mina 0tn of $350.00,. •.• l'i'e ieusly acknowledged $170 R W Andrew 1 U0;' W Ci;;, And i ew?. 2;00 Win.' E. • Andrew 2,00;. Howard Agnew 2.90;L, E. Ash-. • ton 5,0,0; E. V Baker 2,00; F. G: Brewer -.3,00; Cliff Congr•an ' 1,00;` Dr. M: Corrin: 1.00; K. Cameron. Fred 'Em'berlin•.2.00; Clark Finlayson .•1.00; Ronald Forster 2.00; John Hall' 2.00;, Nick :Hed- ley .1.00; Ralph. Hodgins 1.00; El- mer. Johnston , 2,00;.:Noble John- Ston 1:00; Gordon Kirkland 1:00 Dr. • J E. Little 10.00; Charlie -Mason 2:;00- -Iseonard-•MacDonald 2.00; Cameron °..1.4acDonald • 2.00;. Jack MacDonald' 2.00;. Jos. Mc- :Milian' c•Millan' 2:00; i ` M. MacLennan. 2:00; Innes. ;MaeSween• :1;00; Hee- tor Purdon . 2.00; Stewart Robert- son ,2.00; Archie. Smith :2.00; T. W, Smith 2,00.; •Chas. Smith. 2.00-f: 'Cot/1660W'. Thompson 2.00, Dan `•T'h'ornpson • 2:00; R'. H: Thompson &. Sons .2.00; Harvey 'Treleaven 1.00; Wim •:Webster 1.00 'Burt :Roach 1.00;4, D. Ross • 1.00, Wm: Pappas 1.00; •Total, $247.00.., LEGION HAL(KtiOI xd� ity' DSS Ice tut' .of.: 1 TOE. VOICE AF 'TEMPERANCE '.In 193 beN4ei'age rooms were opened in ; Ontario: I.t.;.was 'af- firmed•. that' more beer drinking: v<`ould result in:less' hard •liquor. drinking. There would be less drunkenness rand..:. bootlegging would disappear. After 15' 'years What 'are the facts`?. • There.::has been ,more ,beer drinking' by 533 .jiercent. Contrary to ,'promises • here . has also:.beer more .,hax'd'' MAIN; ST �l A M I G: p .� ,,,. ,4..,r., :. . 1 , I ?,. , . , . 1.,� 1 ( 1 t' .>r .r .r.,: r CD CCT e Whether Luck.now s Main ' Street was named after the vili- `" age's first merchant, Malcolm' S Caenpit ll, or'afterColin' , e "Sir. � �• • ,���':,, Ca bell 'who a �ay reliefp ' gen raped the ( ft- mof Lucknow during the In- `� ,� ' dian' Mutiny,, is the subject of,,� i. controversy butupon delving in- 1 . to dates and history it would def- initely appear that the naming ti was in , honorof the British gen- �" era'. • . #1 "A Former. Lakhnau-ite" has penned a letter drawing our at-: tention to the .version of the Rd lief of Lueknow as it appears' in r.. Winston's. encyclopedia, , which I' " gives the spelling of the name .t', more correctly as "Lakhnau,"' The encyclopedia .,article reads • as .follows: Lucknow..was one 'ofI . the -chief scenes Of "the.'': Indian , Mutiny At 'the ibeginning; of the i mutiny 'the Residency ,was fort- .• if,ied Eby Sir Henry Lawrence and after his 'death on July.4th, 1857 it was closely', besieged by the rebels .till relief was brought by Havelock and :Outram., The re- lieving force was only a small 'one, however, and the British were again beseiged. In'the mid- dle of Octdber'.Sir Colin Camp- bell '(later Lord ' Clive) ' gained possession . of theplace after severe 'fighting: As: tt seemed possible to hold',it with the at troops 1' he'left Sir James �hrs disposa , Outram 'to defend the .post . and: removed civilians, women and children to Cawneore. In .March 1858, Sir. Colin• returned with; 'a force .sufficient to. defeat the rebels: and recover the town :per manently, in ..what :became ,dra- matically known as the Relief of Lucknow... SANTA'S. HEADING :FORD' LUCKNOW. HA ... Meet' Him 'At . The Town Hall At 1.30 SharP On Saturday And 'Join The Parade Headed -B.Y • .The High School Band. There'll -Bi -Three' • FREE- SHOWS AT THE PLAYHOUSE 10.00 a. n.. for Town Children m. for. Rural Child -PLUS A. BAG OF' SWEETS' 2.00, and 4.00 pren FOR ALL :In: 'September of that 'pine year I Sage: Fora hone. moon -1858: Luckriow was given its ga y name.' It was 'not until tt . e 2 lowing.. year,: 1859,that , alcoim Campbell opened the first store. here, • arid, a year later was. ap- pointed Lucknow's first post "Former Lakhnau-ite" conclud=, ed. her letter ' rn 'this this. way! "I might .suggest . to enterprising students' ' history 'in the local High Shoo -.further delving in,- to n=to the significance of the names of. street's. At .onetime, when his- stories were • closer to, my •hand; I 'discovered that some streets were narned for not ' only Sir ; Colin Campbell'. and his senior officers, u ' or many, n This 'article, had scarcely 'been corripleted when we'.received an- other interesting and informative article. frorn Rev,. C, H. M'acpon- old which will also ',be puli1isli- Legion Auspices �. � a to Reserve T he� ,., . D FOR AN .s ,. • . Ideal Christmas Gift tctut)i •rrn •in: oy There e h tis also been more con:- • Vi;ctr•ons for :drunkenness by 269 . percc,nt 'Lind .inane . conv,ictions ;of. drunkc;=nness i inofg women by. f 243 pc''rrent :•Asfor...bootlegging i411 ten years,' convictions `inCreas- cd;32'pc�rcent, Persons con��icted; .fear drunk,en...41riving-had increas:- ea by 212'perc:ent,What a damn»i . int; r eeord for hover age m roos. 1f (Mario.. Want-s-bj:ver•age rooms( then it .•will heli e to 'put up with • this mhunting toll' of evil The .Canada, .Temperance Act: -saves • Itoron. Cnunty froil `•the*beverage c • osis and . their.evil •, s:pawn.— Adv t, .. Ther(.. arc bio hopei:ess situationsI ..---.41:41 nc'nj)le,, who becoi ie 1 j e•- J le. s 'about difficult . sitt'iatians. . �Y YrF i'Y"Al Y:1'}i➢l'iel Nie., V N e. '49.1411414.10d6 -47.447y, LOOK 'OVER OUR STOCK Table Lamps Trilights Electric Kettles Automatic Ii'oi►s Automatic Toasters w Mixmasters Shavemasters Heating Pads', Electric Blankets; Electric 'Clocks Vacirrrm Cleaners' • Skates Radios Washers Electric Ranges R, rrigidaires and many other items. Choose Yours While We Have Al. Selection tetoho !eta"tri 'Ca lc a l► limn. circ oovoion 'nrofteDiv ofte nepoo • .: Greer Radio p ,r i Ci , 'PHONE' 110, 1,11CKNO1' •4I in the •United • States the bride donned a black velvet suit with twin English . suede; topcoat,. mist blue accessories, and a corsage of pink gardenias. ,Mr., and'"Mrs.•.,Wilkin- sonwill live in Toronto..... RANGERS .NAME' NEW SLATE OF :OFFICERS' t• nlemllbers,' She,, explained'' • the. Ranger law. and • gave .an_ outline . . of study necessary to: be enrolled.. :.During : the; study. Period' Mrs F.. ` Wilson and N.4rs: S.. Collyer assisted in giving the ,. girls in- , str'uctions .. on:` ..playing, bridge. Lunch. was -served by June. Clark ;and Shirley England. Two old duffers met at. the club • w ng one' day. Said one to the. other: On Neveanber : • 29th the'. Ra ers:.held a meeting at which ;the. ``Ever time I' come. down here 1.forllowing • officers ,were named y ;my. •wife' thinks • I'm out chasing ;captain, ' Mrs. • W., V. Johnston; wameri. Gad .:.: I wish she were .secretary, 'Dorothy Gibson; .treas urer, Wilda; Irwin Mrs. ' Johnston ' .invited. t h e ger-s_to, hPr h'm:¢ fcir .a social evening on December. 13th..A full attendance is requested `in order 1 for' the`ccn')any to get ro-oi gan ized 1VIrs, MCKirn gave. an address u ar iii res ' right", .• TRATE MARK REG. 'tas'te best wherr ser: ed ..ice. cold ed.•'. ° of partic' 1 to t to the new:: WEDDING BELLS WILKINSON-MORGAN Frances. Jean Morgan of Tor .onto and Murray Arthur Wilkin son • of Weston, were: united :in marriage Saturday, at the United.l Church, Belmont: Tte groomts father; the Rev. T. C Wilkinson.,. officiated at the candlelight cer-, t.. ernony,; assisted •by: the. •R'ev. can McTavishof 'St.: Catherines.• Mrs: Gordon' 'Snaith presided at ;the organ and• Mrs, Thomas, Dit son. •of '. Toronto.•sang. The bride: is the daughter. of Mrs, jean . Mor- gan. or-gan. of Toronto and the ,groom is 'the. son of the 'Rev. and Mrs; T,.' C. Wilkinson' of „Belmont, Edward Morgan. . of " Toronto r gave his sister•• in marriage, The; bride ,wore white imported bro ;1 , caded satin,'styled. with snatching I :jacket.' that featured' a stand-up } roll, tr .;and lily -pointed.. sleeves. i•' . The full skirt extendedinto a.I cathedral . train, ,She wore a • fYnr i • gertip, veil and Carried a crescent .of pirik carnations. Mrs, Ho'ward Rowe of Toronto ;w -as .matron ofryhonors eaiing orchid ; brocaded ' satint Brides= .maids- were Miss Doris Wilkinson of London in green brocaded satin,` and ,Miss Joan McMullen, Tor.onto,. i:n•yellpwbrocaded satin, The.attendants carried. carnations in harinddnfZ•in' tones: Bruce. Clifford of 'Mallon was ,groonisnian, and the ushers were Robert Bennett of Toronto and Eri est Thorton of Weston, - ; At a reception in the. church parlors, the bride's; mother, wore a grey ensemble with a corsage of. orchids., -The groom's mother, • wore navy,' with an orchid cord. 1950:FLEETLINE CHEV. SEDAN,' light peen. 1950' CHEV. FLEETLINE; COACH, •$11995.. 1949 CJ-IEV. SEDAN, metallic green. 1949' PONTIAC SEDAN: 1948 CHEV. SEDAN, grey in ` color.". 1948 CHEV FLEETLINE, COACH, two tone green 1947 FbELTLINE COACH. 1947 CHEV. FLEETLINE SED4N, 2 -tone, ,radio, sun. visor, •white walls and 'many extras: 1946 CHEV° „SEDAN. 1939 CHEV, SEDAN DELIVER3e. 1939 CHEV= SEDAlI. 1937 NASI 'SEDAN 1936 DODGE. SEDAN, $250.•' 1935: CHEv COACH. , •/ ssels Motors 'The Dome of Better Used Cars" Cities, Service' Dealer -- 'Phone 73x Brussels . seine ice,,. ? 'N t_ Ya 111 �1