HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-11-30, Page 9s' as .five thief P.O. 1 lars. atus; pns !. f 20 I 'tint' s a cost oily I.. tain nen n 1 ollow$ r, le" • I,ok. at ►,nic, , ,ea -food i:esh o0 topwhen size only. pounds; tauteizt& :incar e; Geo. • Sohn ioseph' Active Sam: Wm. Sober t flower u day t?No d iges • TI•IUR8.,, WOVEVIPER 30th, 1950. • ;A vY. ' THE. LUCKNOW •S,BNTINEL,, oLlCKNOW, p ONTARIQi,- an:tped Trust: Cet.tificotes lh1S.l1ED for any amount . for. term of five Years , •, .•. guaranteedboth as togilder) 1. and interest .R. , interest cheques mailed to reach 'holders on: due date, Or; 'at fielder's optr4n,, may .'be allowed to accurn' _...Mate at compound interest An .ideal investment fore Executes •. individuals • ., ., AdminisMators. Committees. • Corporations • Trustees Cemetery~ Boar. -ds • • Hospital Boards: HE TERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION 372 .Bay Street, Toronto 1; ; RAISING: ,:;HERD DIS►► OF I RY' 'GOATS :Richard Kilpatrick of Ashfield. Township, 'has made .a `start ire the •building. of :a .herd ;of :dairy. . Y oats' of one of;:the - N.. goats' S� ass br • \-lie o* --ha three-four les of the rrtct :Saanen breed,` with • anc.csti re.s tracing through. tiro ,well-known Silcox .herds near St, _Thomas;. one of the' ' three is a 1950 ;dere kid`. ':of.particularly good; leokirrg. dairy eon•faun:atien. At .prese`nt• •he: is cin' • the •h t `for •,a, `•registered Saanen buck at •stud. somewhei e ire satisfied with scruibs ,or• grades. and will' be breeding up. ,his' • Saanens, with the use of regist- ered egisteredsirs; until he carrtake little pride :in showing'• his herd :to othi'r• •dairy' -goat 'breeders, as. Ale. . could' now 'in showing.. his cods. Shor•tite r s to Other • beef, Cattle. n, SAM MILLER .S. within reasonable dista'n'ce, So :that he ca-.hs n getibreed ng'.pro gram on an upward ,tr'en.d. . Unlike most, of. the new goat 'owners'•in' the district,- 'Dick: is not on a -small fio.ld ng..U4ually milking;:goats are: kept }iy land: holders • who• are. not' fu.11-thio .rmers,'•' and want :a'coY. fa'n�'enient :household su 'pp .Y l' of •rnilk,• The. 1 •Kilpatrick,, farm is :in 'a_•:different class;: 'its 'ma;i'n ine is beef 'cattle, ''with: a.. herd of• 'purebred Scotch - type Shorthorns Man beef czit. y t'le men keep a 4er•sc ;:or an Ayr-.; Y Y , s'hire':•in the' herd fele household milk. often she gets called .sire-. ply, 'the house cow.". The disad-:: Vantage that 'has be ac'cc ated i'. g . it qe.d :. it`t '(sl• cow. 'is too generous fcr 'the -first 'fewmonths after she:.' freshens, and 'tl en 'tapers _off • to• no milk at •.all' for ra few weeks• before. she 'freshens •again. • On the Kilpatrick farm they :are 'starting 'in to -.Work .out' the 41ter'n.ative .:plan, with the aim of having 'several ',milki.rig, goats, :so that breeding' dates •can be spaced :out •over, the year'and a ' reason- ably steady eason-ably'steady milk supply obtained '.all around the calendar'. "Like. any other Stock • breeder who has been'. SUCCESS' !.T S ORY A.''r(eent issue Of' the' Saskatoon Stai=Phoenix devoted ,.almost •a: page. of oictures'and''stnrY :to :thi 'rise to 'fame and:fortune of••Swi Mrlltar, corn or the •late: Mr: and Mts'. :Jacob MKil s5'. a nd. Lucknow:: . Thee.. Star=Phoenix carried •pic e. :the ; :the1VIi11'er, f•an•lily, ;the `. :hcnie,:• and 'the far'irr' ,lauildings, r cccitn,pa ii(d }by::the '.follawi `g n., feature sterti bti^ :Orval. Brunelle. Fo•.. e z ,ars. mbterists':t_r'avelling. the ,main h:i•ghway•betWeen ;Bask- atecin. and Nor th'Balttlefotd'.have ;WonclOr ecl' about . ,the posing' lirick farm hoine between : ' ('1cliri T.'ar ',.Ma anon • Th • fu54;thing that comes to.; the '. mind.' is *that~ it• nii.rst•kav'e ,('• r: built in. t • he ear.liei boomc and c,:nrely, the :owne- 44.p liaee ,;vein(' looroke liken any others' 1.7,. ith big idea -S.. at:that:-.t`>me: , \Slit: •S,rr» 1V7iller;, the'.'lad�`fron1 >3i lr.c e.. C'ountti Ontario,:. didn't ;go laroke a fter buil.d'ing. the', 14 room bi i'rl 'finished Iliiii�ebut stayed Gln, to: lig e `i'n it and prosper,; Maybe Sarn'had big ideas:when 1 contracted S,.n coaded to •: have .' the house: built for '$-16,000 in 1917. when lumber was $20'a.thousand board feet. This: gives' a person an idea '•what ' the. sane •'house mould cot' 'today •, with lumber` well' over $100 a.„ thousand ,arid, carpenters', • wages.: ;around $2.00 an hour, - • • ..11.e 'admit y' that ,the place did cot hirci more than, $16,000, .After h• i, vas c mtleted' Sam found •that the eory ractcr,...Dave Warnack, F n•sis in difficulties with the local lumber yard to the, .extent ,of •1• $500.:D'at-t.? died a good. job of:the t bttildi•nf 'and Stfm figured ft only right to pay: tiff 'thev$506 lurnber }rill. .l5 (':lily as 1917 'Sana' and \Vias; Miller• had til the conveniences. f%Modern '.city home; With run nit, g •Watet,',flusl}ing toilets and, electric lights: It. IS heat:ed by 1)01 \\`(iter. . 'I'hc home; today; •both inside F land .out, shows :little' sign. of de-' ' 'EciatOn Thele are seven bed ---ro•orn all large, with --one big enough' to acconwda:te three 'beds. 'San and Mrs. Miller :raised .a 'l: • • a Letters To The Editor. Lucknow, Ontario, November 23rd, 1950. Editor, Lucknow Sentinel Dear Sir: As a citizen, interested; 'in the Welfare of . our • village; .and the people' of .this community, I. •am writing this article, for your Paper in the hope that it might stimu- late 'hot only those in a'utheri;ty, but also the .�ci�tizens: in general ;into .doing .,something to get . the Recreational Centre, operating, in the capacity for which ' it was• pr, imarily erected, and as its: name implies—".for recreation". • If I were directing. this matter .to any specific persons,,I could do•:so. to 'three'responsible groups; namely, the' Village' Council,, the :Comm unity' e=n t r e Advisory Council,. and •the, Centre's ere cU.ive •Council One realizes. that the men bn cur 'Council.are' ' busy men,.: oc cupied with` ..both municipal of - fairs and: their .•own matters of business,, -',but the • Community Centre is municipally owned and, it is their' : duty " as' Reeve 'and; Councillors .te be vitally' ' i.naer- ested. and give direction' and ro=` motion. to any Undertaking which, ch, •would.��be of"benefi � ' t to the people. of Our .eerrmunity. Secondly I'; .could ' refer this matter, to` the. 'Advisory Councih � .which was..formed prior to,•the. opening of the 'Centre.. This' g body. is ' made up of, representatives from -::every` organizatipn in. and'. arou 'd,' Lucknow rid, ckriow and: its duty pis to.•plan activities for the (build-' •ing which . would cover citizens et, all ''age .groups.• This :group•`has rnet•on only a. few occasion an s d has failed to funetion•'.asan'•inter=. ested, lire -wire rou should do. g I?.. There is., also •a :third group; to whom :.this 'article ,.might 'be dir ected' and that 'is ; the' Executive. bode : It is thein duty ' ,Y , y however :to. look.,after:'the • rental upkeep ' and P p zl dnifnistzation of .the '.building, but,°as°, Men in authority ou1d. it w semi possible' that they :might. •be able to add' some. push to•the' preinetion of recreational acti,v itiea :over ,.and above what'their duties -,call. for. Failing any action on the part of these • groups,,,, it is tip -to in terested individiiaa citizens•: to nd-- - ■ I • • promotion of., recreational activ- ities; within.: the Centre. got only is there •a .lack of., interest and. leadership,. rbutlack ., ofsuper-• ' 'vision . also poses `a , problem to• the', success. ''.of.'these activities.,. • • Here againvoluntary help on the. part:of organizations and indi;vid- uals would meet the need. The public were ,most •gener.- ous in .their Are sponse; to the ap-. peal last winter for games and cards, etc., for the Centre. Today these things are to befound along • with ping pong equipment and shuffleboard, stored •away, Un- used. Various individualsand groups have also lended support. in : decorating and ' , furnishing, parts of the Centre. The buildi.ng; is: being used to' • good .advantage as. a .meeting place for Scout and Guide organ-' izations " sand local meetings 'which are:rent free, a� ??d 'for ban duets, bingos, dances', ;Msales ' and receptions • for which a rental. is made for,,, the. upkeep of . the +building. These activities, ; how- ever necessary,': should not be chief in the • life of the Cent7. A' properly organized• system of recreational; activity will cover various things for all age 'groups. A recreational director is needed; you will say. 3 do not think so. Only one or two: resp•ansible' cit- izens ,who .will`. take hold of or- ganizing .such a program, ,backed by individualcitizens who ,will give ::whole: hearted co-operation, ,and leadership, is • needed. : The-opportuntti.es 'are endless. Under' 'proper • ,supervision • the Centre could be open every, night, With card ,tables set'uy p',for those. desiring to play.,cards, ,ches's,, checkers, dorninoes,• etd; Shuffle board, ping pong ,and' ?badrzrintbn could all :>:'be'' •or anized ` g, . � into healthful,;, entertaining. sports: A Comfortable reading 'room . where• friends • might gatherto pass' an' evening reading or, talking would be readily.'accepted. As -well as a recreational.. -prograrrr, there should' ibe also 'an .educational Program such .as a musicrout' g P, • and various hobby, and .handi- craft roue s. Howe g p ver, ,: these and other activities .re a , • only if':you help. out. ••No" matter. liow 'Much ;ground: work•migh't be. laid by ththe'e' v1? g,aro rariousm :. groups . iii charge;• can not function without •the co=operation: of the public. 'Interested and cap able ;citizens are ,needed for, lead''- ership "and. supervii roil. Legs •see if 'wee can't' get.; the ball rolling arid • make :•int ;an : in - es ing, e• ca lona an'•. enjoy-. able -,winter' with 'a. full program of healthful r,eereation. •.;for young• and, old•:in .our ."Recrea— tional. Centre". • Yours truly; • • "BE .A BOOSTER"., he built it, in 1917 loft, in those d'rvs i f. ''yet!. were a big farmer you ,haci'icy' n o'� role '1 of it g1 for 1 five .,to six/:.hired 'mer.. ,Sam and Mrs, •'IV1 r l l c i. s ?r '"tl r tuck' for \� c. r c, t � e moil • even at harvest time. vhon bitten by the purebred hug, Rich-, the nig; thr'eshin c•r e\vs had to be P aid, .Kilpatrick probably won't looked after; . r p. • • YOUR, LAST CHANCE TO.ORDER �rsona Accepted For "Fersblhll. No CJrde� s Can BeAc p 1st a •Cards' After Sats. rday Chr m December 2nd, es701 A b .o..00 WE ALSO HAVE A NICE ._SF:LECTJON OF Family Box Cards, Plastics,, criptur'e 'Text •, Comic, Christmas Gift E>r:clo.&flies, Gift' •e vela Ca�'ds. • Wrapping,Seals and v.�. Y .• hoD Dlohl ite.>h� �naid 'Phone 33'' or 35, Ltickt'w. '���ry„"�icji �'✓VFa!V .f'a .(10."��Vf+14 IrY W1i et :f roily of .threeboys and two. girls. All have gone away:from home• now except • Chester, the yotingest..w•ho is carrying .on .at th'e old he'liiestead since the, old folks left in June:this year., to liv.c' rn'Mayniont; just a few miles away,- "I•gave each of the li'oys and f ir].s a, hKrlr section and "I'M not qtr tc' sure; but I ;think 't still haN. e ,Olnktr 30 chlor tt'rs left" Quito nn: all hte t:'llierrt for- a Man, who left his \\pore in l ttirre COratity in 1903 with' $74) in bis pnc'let. . • T Yi\ 11a time gam •rc'achi'd' lea.t.4i11 there ' `w,isn'tinttc'h of, i T1 $70 left, but .he still had. the $10 homestead Tiling fee He and four. others walked the 70.' miles from' Saskatoon' to his homestead: •Sam'. admits '.a certain. •'amount; of •. luck through the:years, like :the tiin'e.he 'bought out his 'n igh- bpi's : quarter. The', neighbor let it b.e::known 'that ,he. wanted 'to :ell 'at; $20, an acre. "You: then $20 ' an' acrewith the crop on it", .asked •$ani. Thetwo men went'te R•adison.. Where. Sam 'borrowed '$2:50 frorri. the bank for the down 'payment., • The rest .vas to be paid off in easy installments.:'' ' •"IDo you' know why I sold you. that gtarter with the crop on, it? Well the, Indians say there is not going. to be .anv 'Crop" this year', ,the neighbor confided ' " ,That, fall Sam threshed .a .$.5 , bushel' to the acre crop of wheat and tile outs went' 100 bushels td. the acre. "I paid for that, quarter the first year;", he reminisces; Troth lie and 1‘71-"a, Miller have ,been-- active= in con-nlunitY..work..- •For- 20: ,years °Sam was the reeve of Mayfield . municipality 'and 1VIrs. Millen was ,president of the Ladies' `Aid at. 'Fielding for 20 •years. Asked if he had to live his life over again if hey still would go fernfarming, Sane now 08, was, emphatic in his reply. `,Yes, that's. the only. life.' You're not .going around. ptinch.'ing • a. clock and having other people tell you what 'to :de",•• . . Nov reaching the twilight• c'f their lives, neither' Sr1, nor Mrs. Miller plan to leave the ter ;ries they havcelearned to lode, oytbee• away' from the neighbors. 'they •1tave lived. and • w-rt'l;t;', \v,•ztl the years. . • pAG'E: NINE To The Electors Of Kinlg s Township: Ladies ;and Gentlemen:• A vote for' 'Bill Evans for Councillor will 'be sincerely appreciated -and 'if elected I Will endeavour to merit your confidence in : me, ' :by giving careful attention to all, Town ship , afifairs. Season's' Greetings. to. All. •p Wm. Evans. To ,The Electors Of Kinloss Township ,.. Ladies and Gentlemen: • Being unable to mialie aer- sonal..canvass;,, I . take ".this means of asking for your, sup- port at the polls. . on , Monda I have . had. y . previous:: experi- •ence on the Council Board and I assure-yyed -that' - -f 'eiected:rn will .do my'. utmost to see that ,Township' affairs arecarefully ully: "and economically administer- ed: Season. Greetings to All. use • 1 •Csa»nt, To : The Electors Of Kinloss.' Township: Ladies. and Gentlemen- • As :a 'c.,rididate for Council ,lor, forthe. Townshi of Iain p,• loss lr respect:ullysolicit 'your . ,vote.. and' . influence and • :if elected, I; •assur e . You ; F will.:. endeavour to promote the '.best ,• interests of the Township. C*-ipliments of :the Season. q3 a. c�. arish. Moffat. To .T.6. EleC tors Kinloss 'Township Ladies and Gentlemen: , . A's• a .�oandidate for' re el elecc tion':to •the'-•Coixicil•;Board, I` .submit • My record' of nine years'.` service to the mu'rri- ,ci ality as assurance: that if, re-elected;. I. will, �as; in` the past, ,be.- ;untiring in...pronlot ing the Township's : best inter - esti as I.see them. Sincerely and: with The Season's Greetings, Dan T. McKinnon.• `'.. To. The Electors: Of Kinloss Township: Ladies' and Gentlemen As•'a candidate for Coifncil at the. coming elecfion.I re: `spectfi� 11 ' ~1i it -supper ., .,.. ? Yeo c '.our -suppert and if elected will;. endeavour to ...Serve "you' to the best of; my ability. Wishing you • all the eortlplirnents' of the season..` Respectfully ,yours • P. A. Murray. ,,REFRESH' 1.-!D •