HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-11-30, Page 6•
Get Its ame•oOD! AarMr, and Mrsdurm.g the week
way troit visited
that far back. and I have no with. Mr. and Mrs,: Harvey Hod-
(The following 'letter w a s
maria' for publication two weeks
o but had to ..be held over due.
tolack of space>.
Ingersoll, Ontario,
November 4th, 1950.
:: Editor i ueknoW '$entinel;
I. finished work ' at 8.00 • a.m.
yesterday and :as is .my custom en
Fridays, •I called for my copY •of
. ''The • Sentinel. ori the way home
dor Brea1 fast;: Before • I , had got-
'ten nicely away . from t1.e Post
• Office, my fingers were anxiously
ripping, away thewrapper. What
(di the' well worded little paper
including; Campbel s,
.whose type as more:puniform than ,clans, g ' . f. the
the la daily .papers,.. hold in which is;shown*the n m„es o,
large hes y e Cif are
store for critics and • information many family' branc.
seekers. By the;time I: reached direct inem�beis .of •that' elan' Ye'.
it contents. were: half' de- 'there were • Campb�•s- in the
; ours. a manner. la _ but. .there seem-
�oured, . in, a vulture-like , Cancihlbell C n, ne else..
At. =lbreakfast my wife.said, 111 ed to : be more of every; . ,,
we had Sentinel on There 'was quite . likely a ,G.en
'take half' �, so those days. Dots.
, toast. eral Campbell iii h
t take long, to make f h raced help vitas' available
the discovery. It was the item-bY'about that time. lz •
-of .checking up at -present, Upon
she gins 'and other relatives here.
asking my wife (in English) ` .
ds that language, com- . A •number from
the date t Aubert'
understands ised the funeral o.
ing from 'England, I was. adv rood on Thurs..
we who 'went to school. ° iri Tho afternat of y ood en is ex-,
Lucknow should be able to re- nydod to the bereaved ones;
member ifs.- Miss, Margaret Anne
er the 'Indian. Mutiny, e Murray of
oricall ; `because of its sign
t y�
• the serge, "The R'e Toronto. was. •a .,recent.: visitor._ at
Cance during t
I, did a her home here,
lief of � Lucknovv, n
were the clan that WAS. Mrs, F,�d, Schaeffer. spent a few
If t w „r., and .Mrs.. At?•wy:
referred to possibly' there bras•,
days . 'v�rith :
.not a Camplbell in the whole clan, Scott' near •Tiverton•
cairn in the heart, Mr, - and Mrs.:td • Hedley and.
There is a large ,
e Scotland, or waS it, family •of'' near:�;,Armaw ,spent
of Aberdeen,
'which' is. inscribed: Sunday 'with. Mr. and 1VIrs, Bert
Edinburgh; :on , . Su y. ; •
• the, Haines of. the. arious Sc • Nicholson vie
after l , W I held
�'h H
It 'did •'nq a e. o i p
' re ardiiig the,
the L.1 -1,S• Student, g . ' fi th t
many ways :Lucknow may i
tor. Wonderful -work; -.that that was . the g Y
. '� .viss was
was! However'on thinking it over
.1 decided *e iii ;Canada stress
foo •greatly the .fact we have a
!back round of other lands Ara-'
g .
�ditions. Should • we not throw
awa : the wo tradition, and try
Y .. i es --
to sell' Canada to ether. coUntr
he is now. She 'is cer=,
for what s
has -beep, eri as Compared
tainly no . be . .
with other .nations:
This is ' I believe : the: attitude
of newsmen, .and those skilled'.
-news. commentators ,of' the CBC,
They seem -;;to get, results: If we.
:wish e can' tell each "other: we •
e , well arran Nome". at � the.Hall
ed "At
Friday evening. 'Mr: P. A Murray:
was . chairman and the program
opened with 'the. Ode and "The
More 'we: get:Together" With
Miss Edna Boyle at .the piano fol-
M fol
. -
lowed by a reading by 1Vtiss• May
Boy1e; • solo with, guitar accom-
paniment,, ;Miss Shirley' Hodgins;
duet Misses Eleanor Murray and,
Joyce ..„ au c � ' 'with
solo, .,
.Bell Thompson" w
Ronnie' at t e piano;
I., ;
wg '.� '. • ' a
�... d, Gig: i
r.; W to U A . .
,,,, :.,,,, 385 1i6 72 : 88 ' 85 96 100, 912 $8.
• Murray DicksonGaunt, r. � 95; 100 , 898'. 7‘.09.• •
78.. 87 85.
Ralph D ,. P,.•.,.,,, 85..85 ' 95 gp 882. , 6,00;
383. 70
;Gibson ,,..,,,,,,, 380.„ 71 78 ..
.Carolyn...._... 72 82 85 92' 100. 030,-1'5,00- ;
Ivan McQuillin . ,:,.r,,., . • 382 • 87:
. 378 •61: 7?; ::79. 85 91 100. 8t18 •� 4,50 :
Feena Lagtenbe g'
3726.6• .72 79 85 91R, 100' 866.•. P 4,00:
Derek Log�tenbe:g _ 60 83 85 8q 10..648, 4.OQ
Helen' Little „ , 370 70 4.00..
'66' 83 85 79. ' '' 9q 8'42
Little 69
Joyce •< ;: 85 96 • 10.0. • 1
376 66 7
'90.... 738. , :3,00
11 . 370 808 4 0��
374 P 72.. 81 , , •
Charles Me;Boriagh .;..:.., � . ' ' 90 • .790 •� ;'3:00
,1 85. 9.4 .
Lorne Cook 96' ..g5'. 91..90 740 3;00 ,.
.. 384
Anne, Todd
90 ''72
An —_,: 87'85 9.3
Gibson 383
Gladys r son . $0 ;Sr .80
Irwin "'372
George :.--
reading -Mrs Prank. Maui -
son, •
den. Two contests •(grape-
and iroverbs)' also a .ogee
fruit), Ti . (proverbs) .
graphy ',match .were'conducted by
Frank Thompson.. This was
Mrs. .
followed by an auction' sale of
e o rticles• made and'donated .'by the
What' I. want to know is ,w o' B 1 h• little aDonald, 'MacPher
possibly h her brother men'bers;' Mr,
po . it I _
s 'this. Man ' Campbell, . a i et Solo ; on. ':was . a very capable auction -
s Chrslti n h clan n s_
,' recita ion, •eer.7and• a...gco-'sum--of: m.
name; °Could it be that ' heMiss Shirley hodglns, from this sale:
What!: Gerald'' Murray; piano was realized
ottr, .Editor,: vtrha , '; Master
Boyle. 'andLunch Vas 'served •and a very
g: Bairns �' Misses " Edna,•Boy. ., t Yo
d; duet, M
M ssrs.:. ''1 asant' evening' was brought, ;
Eleanor Murray, ,duet, . e . , p e
` ,tot's Note) .
Ed • . The theory ,E
• i ank:.Thompson, and Raypard a close.
Fr p
v its'. here. that.' the. 'Mrs. . • Don lVIc,Cosh and
r erally,' re aariied ..by. M Mr• and M
g rt • accoMp n
street•s of Luckiaow werte. named Ackert •
after, British generals in ,•. the
' Mutiny.,.'and :certainly the
Sepoy •is,'derived from .the:
name. ' of the native :troops fight:
ingWith' , the Imperial, Army::
However. there : are, those,• who
don't accept this explanation,' se
far at least •.as the ;naming. of the
was ; e 8 Greek. '. ,Hain•• street—Campbell Stree t—i'
ed roncerned.-
change of Christmas' gifts; 'con=
vener •Mrs: Tam Hodgins.;t assist: -
ant,,M`rs. Frank:'Mlaulden., Christ-
mas meeting: Lunch, .Mrs. Eddie'
Thompson . and . •,Mrs. Or»Ville _11-
Mrs; Tom' . ;Barris and' '
lion (s):..
s. R; Elliott .(c),
Now Perry�
A• Week!
-Sven-::Days ..._
Fellow \the' thrili'ing ;exploits •
- Fol eek -da
of'•••Per, y .Mason each w y
its 'Daily•.• Detroit Tithes comic
pages: For an, extra treat, sea:
Erle •'Stanley •.Gardner's-: famous
law yer-detective hero in. hrilling
Gib it . ,th,. M •s John
• Ackert; solo , Miss 1CaY: fam y for every w
are :French or . British or
But let us. not tellthe Unit.
Nations for example If we••were Miss Gertrudriatirebri vehement-
selling any • Sort of a .commodity, bunks; this' exp
we would - riot ,'say. This is the ly;, ' and' ;. has the :'Word of her
sort of 'material .you would find mother,
Mrs M A. Treleaven,::;
in Central 'Europe .or.• America, who , `is • Lucknow's, oldest resit
• They would either turn. use down dentto tiesUpPort declares er° contentio ori : .
flat, because: they ,had already
, Gerll
tried some : of • it or wouldgpa=t4. St. • was named after Malcolm
Central Europe nor America d in` Chantell, and first now's, first mer -
postmaster, and
the material could 'be .secured
in' 'view'' of the lack of any men=
Coneerrii:ng that part: 'of a ion • neral Campbell" this
.article Where. the Gerieralsen ion- explan tiO other The Streets. st f 1 sible.the
lock and Campbell were m
ed, ,was there a General Camp -;,village such'• as Havelock, •Ross;
': bell? I' can't seem to remember Outram,: Willoughby; etc:, are un-
1' 1
i ti:,,a•
• rj"y�ia''
Lucknow-loll ason's ,Blue Sunoco Station
Dungannon—Dungannon Bakery
Belfast—General Store.
hlolyrood—Service Station
Kinlough-General Store and Service Station
Kinloss—Genera : Store
Riversdale--General Store
•�����P,�:n�orr,.�ru.�+r�s►nar4�Y�Dwray.irre+�k �, #
questionably namedafter British Generals of that momentous per_
rod in 'British' history; •
elk -End Service Between
BARRIE and GODERICH, via Angus (Camp
'� h ,re,,
Borden),: Creemo Flesherton, Durham, Han-
:over, Walkerton, 'Riversdale, Kinloss, a�, rnlou
Lucknow, Belfast, Dungannon, Nile,Carlow and d
inte�'meliate'. points.
visited . wi i ,: week in: Puck, , the,
Sunday. ..c eta Coit'
Colwell : ;on , 'Weekly, 'with • The D
t . _ meet on, 'Comc'•We y�
The :I-I,W.I. ,w�ll,�m e ' .Times, starting ,with, ,'this .;:
cer ber 7th at ;the home Sunday ..
day, De undo s (Dec, 3) issue.
Roll call :ex=S Y
of. •Mrs, ;Jinn Sim%th,. ,
Though•tubercelosis liar been pushed from first
to.eighth as a'mese of .death in Canada, it still
kills more Canadians thane influenzd, poliomy
Atli,. typhoid, paratyphoid and scarlet fever,
cerebral. spinal meningitis, diphtheria, erysipe-
1as, iyphilis, whooping cough, purulent infection
and septicemia, and measles: These diseases cau
sed -2,41,6 `eler thr•sit-1-'949,-whoreas-taberculosis
Was respon$Ible for,•4,010 deaths.. .•
. •
Space contributed in the service' of the�� community