HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-11-30, Page 11, 195Q ' ire's: P4 .*al 4 las taken ow It "is first, of nzie: will;'; nssis't`. Mr: and Mrs will:gc-: which is' al: noise ister o f. -,_••- d •_d'friends, 1st week,.. • • st district.; rty t'ears .: s present= clock k&Y owel.. Mr. fter sere;.. ger 'of the,. Listowel.. ,was held Lin honor:•.',. n >iien'det-,:' ;on... ES erect fur. $4,95' �r•.V $5.!a ...2.95 $2.50 Yearly Ln Advance 50c Extrato A • LLTCKNOW, ONTARIO, •THURS.', NOVEMBER .30th, 1950 Election dor Council In IEir���ss, Carru`thers'Reeve By Acclamation David # ; Carruthers was 'e1. .ected-.reeve of Kinloss, Township' by 'acclamation on: ' Friday, 'suc- ceeding peeve ' 'George Tiffin, Who Will retire' at the end. of .'tbe year after a two-year; reeveship term;•, The new. reeve 'has -,served four, years on the Council, hay - .' Ing been "elected in 'December of 1946, running second td George' T tifin;IwthO headed the poll, • There will be an election for . men►Ibers"'ofCouncil with six can- didates u .the field 'for the four, seats: on the Board. Voting will take place next Monday,: Decem.-,. ber, 4th, ' The :slate is as follows; • William, Evans >ttussell Gaunt Parish :'Moffat P. A, Murray ?San T. MacKinnon 'Harold Percy • ; • ' councillors , • MacKinnon::. and Percy are the, two of last year's Council: to again gtia)ify. Coun- chlor :Davis is re tiring and Couri Reeve WARDEN CECIL'; JOHNSTO11i, • of Ashfield Township •and chlor Carrtitheis: willstep: up` to Warden,Of the County of Hiltorn,•. will retire from municipal '• office o, face at the conclusion of the ,term. •''and New ,Year's: the reeveship, Two of :the candi dates, P. A'.. Murray and Russell Gaunt, haves previously: served on. the' Board and ..theother two,' • Wni: Evans and' Farish Moffatt., are newcomers to the municipal. arena. ; Mr :: Evans;. who voiced • disapproval at the manner . in' which, road.' grading is 'done,..Was, the first candidate to• qualify,„- Mi' Moffat raised the question of 'the ' Federation' of Agriculture.. levY, and there :seemed little opposi= ''tion to the two -fifth man:: levy;:; knit the' Meeting : was .incensed' over^the attack on Kinloss' Town- ship, which .appeared in the, Fed' ' eration Year' book: The •ratepayers meeting : was presided over;:by .Mr. ,Ernest'Ack ert 'after nominations. had 'been received by' 'clerk '•J R. :Lane, as follows • F•or .'Reeve Alexander: MacKenzie by Evans :and: G. G. Moffat. .Davi H'. Carruthers. by Harvey Houston' and William • MacDonald,• Harold' Percy by John E. Hodgins:,and A.:Murray, Richard 'Elliatt`'by • Russell Gaunt and., Wm. Stauffer, '•George"Tiffin by Wm, Smith::and 'Robert Orr. *' For Council Harvey Houston by F. H. iV1'aul den and Farish Moffat, William •sEv.ans by Farish Moffat andw,Rus sell Gaunt; ,P. A; Murray.. by Wm MacDonald and Harvey Houston, Daviel; H, Carruthers' by . Harvey Houston and P: A. Murray, Dan • T. MacKinnon' by P. A. Murray and ' Hiaarlvey Houston, Harold, Percy by P. A. Murray and John E Hodgins Farish Moffat by.•Wm. Stauffer and James' McEwan,• Jr., Russell Gaunt by Edward Mc •Clenaghan and Millan Moore,. Willia+tiri MacDonald ' by William .Smith and Wesley:'Young,, Harry •Lavis Ly .Wm. ,Sinrth-and. Thos. 'Mollfat. A Man 'is knbi, n, by. he com- pany he thinks nobody knows he is . keeping,. • STATUTC 'CHAN—di 'EN'DS MIDMONTH FINAL • MEETING .ucknow--.--.1Vlutiie'ipal Council Will . ,meet next. Monday, Dccern- bet 4:til , for' the 'final regular r'neetirig of the year: A/cha:nge 'iri the .statutes has •abolished,•the T e customary December, 5 th txret b ing'which previously 'was :regard ed as the final session. The Board rir.ay hold special 'sessions during the month if necessary .to 'drat with unfinished business.: All d dui account's are .requested to be in for ,next week's meeting '-in- order to •bring the y,c'at;`5 1'Iti' .,are Y 41n�,g asearly Li)) to date as • nn Possible) and to th tern -tint, .closely the Board' has • c•<)ri rri)I ,...:) ' • 1. its sl`Ierttiing to'thc'••bud e#t dtaw Up C,.,rry 1Y1' they` yr at' NEED MORE' DIRECTORS LIKE CALF CLUB:' MEMBERS Art. Friday night's Agricultural Society banquet' President Geo. Kennedy mentioned that when he bad asked Gladys; Gibson and .Murray Gaunt if they would re- spond to the 'toast to the calf club, the • answer he received :in each case was, "why sure",.•Com-` Tented Mr Kennedy, "If we ..had more directors like that we'd' have a better Agricultural ,Sac-' iety"; George gave credit: to •; the past presidents for. their . active help in the:' So:ciety. during his. term in', office NO :HALF HOLT IN DECEMBER Lucknow Business Men's _'As- soeiation hat, decided that . the weekly half holiday 'will be dis . pensed. with• during December. .As—weld, as-'-remaining-open-each- :Thursday .:afternoon,; •, business ,places, will also .be' open eveningsthe' . week preceding Christmas, for the convenience of 'shoppers.,, Tuesday; :December .' 26th : will b.e observed as Boxing: Day, .and stores 'will be,. open that • Thurs- •day afternoon, rbe'tvveeri- ,Chrism as• • • • un ay ause. inner OfSu . el tive :andfriends" R ,a s d . in 'tells' cornmuni•ty"',:were :shocked ',and saddened the first of the•'week to• .learn of ..the :sudden: death of NI'rs.. IIarry M. I ee •of .Toronto.; ' Mrs:• Lee:''was .':formerly Mar-' rgaret cRintoul,: daughter •of .Mrs.` Alex Rintoul arid the late' :Mr. Rin'toul, .formerly of the Fordyce. commn.iinity. i'n West • Wawanosh. Mrs Lee was 48. 'Hen •:death: occurred 'from-' food poisoning' about tvvo hours' after she . had..eaten' her Sunday din- ner. A, vegetable '.which police referred to -as. a 'wild: 'parsnip, was .cited ;•at .the :cause of ---her death,' Her husbandbecame' crit; ica11�;.. ill; from:the same cause, and was unconscious In St. '.Jos- eph's,'••Hospital• ' for many hours aftei. H e. rallied for a few mom- eats ,Monday evening. but again lapsed into ' a • coma. ' At a- late hour Tuesday night there ;was still little change in his 'condition. He. would rally- momentarily and. again lapse'into'& •Corria.. Mr::. Lee is believed to 'have ob-s, tained the ,vegetable while out ofY. P the cit and.police �-olice were wait "ing for h,ini't =-re in;conscious-- ness 'to ...obtain 'this information which will assist. them; .in 'their investig'atio'n...' 'Mrs. Lee's funeral • was held ;in • eetable'' M1 SA'NTA COMING D�CEMBE N••N. Luckiiow..Business •; Men's. 'As- sociation.met: ori; Monday "even - ink even-ing when theyreceived word; that "Old Santa Claus wdnld 'arrive here .on.his'official visit: on Sat urday, Decemlber .9th. : He's.:scheduled to Check inat t=:_ noon to head a big parade down tow n• and then .;back', to The. Playhouse Theatre. where there' will be a,` free': show -fgr -the :younsters and' a • :treat' for all: The ` Hi'gh " School:' Band Will be ;on 'hand for the •event • There will be three shows that day one at' .10:• a.m. for town Children ' and :afternoon., m.atinees'. at 2.00'.,and 4.00 o'clock for': rural children Due to•,,the' taxing of the accornodation gat' this timeit Would. ibe appreciated 'ifinfants in arms 'are not brought to the show: All ' other youngsters will :be ' under careful` , supervision, leaving'their.parents free to shop. or spend the afternoon; as. ,they' 'DRIVER- UNHURT AS. 'TRUCK • UPSETS Icy roads were responsible for an accident shortly before one o'clock. Monday ,'afternoon when 'a 1947 Dodge produce truckof vn-. ed by Silverwood's Creaanery,. Lucknow, and driven by. Harold Ritchie, turned : over„ Harold escaped uninjured;, ; The mishap 'occurred near the Agricultural ,Hall a't ,Dungannon; as • Harold was proceeding west on the' 4th Concession;', Icy roads caused the truck . to spin ' com- pletely around and as it struck; the roadside flipped • over in 'the' ditch. with', 'the four wheels' in ' TEN PAGES :ELMER dRAHAM ASHFI LD 'REEVE Elmer Graham of Port Albert was elected reeve of ,Ashfield Township by acclamation at Fri-- • day's nomination meeting, He will . succeed Reeve . Cecil• John- ston, , who is retiring' .after? ' five y, ears as, reeve, a: .period ofser vice Which he climaxed by bring ing the..'Huron County Warden,' ship td. Ashfield'for only the 3rd time .in the history of the.Town ship. :' Councillor . Graham was elect- ed at the" head .of the poll in the Deoember election n. 1945 and has: been returned each' year by' the: air, Harold 'Managed to ex- acclamation to. his seat on 'the tricate himself- from the •cab, ante. Council which be has held for was little the worse for' the shak- '•five years: ":'A year ago ;he, did ink top. After the; truck,; had been not enter the reeveship race' be - righted he' drove :it• home under .ruse' of Reeve Johnston's inter•= its own . power, ; Damages to the ':rack,:cab and a fender :iwili run' to $200': or better i �is`esiimated. Korold: was pick- ing up cream,'' and eggs at:•:the time.: His. load of.'. eggs. was. practically a : complete •wreck, but very little •'cream waslost as mbst of it was in "self:' Seal' cans. BORN A:NDERSOICI=Tom', and' Dorothy Anderson are happy 'to announce the birth of 'a; son ' in ''Winghar n: •Hos ital i' Nov,.Generalp Friday y eater • 24th, 1950 WEIRSMVIA=in . Kincardine: 'Hospi- tal on Thursday,. November 23rd ItofMr•. and Mrs.Renxe Wiersma,'; , a son; Hibbe. Arthur. • FOURTH TERM tion' •" of • contesting . the Wardern-- • shiin., Bathes Mr; Johnston and' 'Mr. Graham were':. noninated'.for the reeveship on Friday, and . 'the first intimation Mr.Grahani had 'that he was oto receive an accla- • , Y' 'nation' was when `Reeve John- ston caine forward after. : the.' meeting "to congratulate the . new reeve" The 'three ` sr e other ' merribers . of. the Board, John. Bradley, Andrew.'. ;Ritchie: and; Kenneth. MacKenzie • each'' qualified and Cecil Blake, the. only, 'other. 'n inee; signed. up to make the foursome for an .all round acclamation / , is • ' Walter,Tigert and Marvin Dur- nin, the two retiring school' trus- tees, • were the only two- nominat ; 'ed and' (both again : qualified. to fill this Board. ::Clerk C. ,E.;:McDonagh presided - ' for the ,well, attended norninatiori meeting, that passed off very quietly:° ' T ii. e following'' nominations' ..re received: :F+ e REEVE EVERETT FINNIGAN has: been re-elected reeve of West Wawanosh : for a .• fourth' Wish: tem '..at Fridays nomination '• and complimented `.for ., .'meeting. his: handling of the High School Acclamation rn Huron Twp question , .. ...Huron Township', reeve and; -Toronto •on 'Wednesday. Children' 64' .Grandmother 'Escape •The Lee' .Children, Bill; •1G, '.and Nancy 14, and their grandmother, Mrs. Alex, l:intot•ul,`tvlio is, sliend v�• ing the winter nth•tliern in' Tor'; onto ,e c.iped 'a similar fate, when they disliked the he .ttehess , of the \•.e> i.,feta?)'.- and de6lined•to eat Mr;. anq Mrs.,. tee both becanie. Violentlyill:sI)')n' diter eating 'the 'eCsM.s4Cd.,..to. ,' ............. roll '•saki 'Mrs, Lee was. the '• first to collapse- Mr. Lee, who hadn't...•�y -. council has been returned:by; •ac- :clamation. ' Pers'onnel of t h.e- Boardis as ":follows:..E eve Her- bert Farrell a n d' ,Councillors Richard Martin, Thomas Farrell, Chester.. Erimerton and Claude Dore: • :ea ien 'ttittc•J1-,ut it, Colin psc'd.fi,ve minutes latc'.1 Clc'.h:id'been ,given :i 'gltr: s ,)f water t)v his 'son a '-tow tii,Ynrc nt' oet'ore which nmade hire gliat ill, c;nd • is regiit ded: as int hint l,tc.)rir•:detat3r' r al:•n :. �ltr •ri 1:11:ttI)r ;;c:440.11i1gave .first, aid• to hey- before.she.'' and ho:h. Tithes.) llttt'44cT1:e` rush d jto Yihe hospital.. o' ital.. wa' deaddeadvvrr,tlt- tvv 'Lt I ciur•-•.'An notal)' v..r.',d sho : in ie tri rr., vhf. \i'rt icer ' 'from' n death :�s ct. fr 1 y i ) rutile' ill titi'C)�' , -food i l.c r. , r 1-i'Ilt�irc'rt 11X1, moth pp ) ()k'L,"e'' .fa'i'r i'' i.`+Lrly' rte entr rile; L SI •."'•, to 0�rr��'. �Y. . rY' k' •'1.11')�lrY'i>.,i'► t' �,.�,'lt r .•..�\:0. \ .\�: \ 4.�Q� 14.•:•4 Z • Elmer Graham by' , • E d gar : Dougherty . Walter M:- ert Cecil"• Johnston ' by Frank Ham- ilton and • fIenry' MacKenzie. For Coundillora. John 'A.'Bradley •by N. G. Mac-' • Kenize and Henry MacKenzie: Andrew . `Ritchie by" -D y n e s.. Caanplbell and • Elmer . Alton, Kenneth, MacKenzie by N.G. M'aPI(erizie, and John .MacIntosh: Elmer. Graham. ' by Carman Hayden and ' Elmer' Alton ' Cecil Blake by Wilmer 'Robb. and Lha les Wiley • For , School Trustees :Walter! , 1Vt: Tigert' by Elmer '. Graham and Walter Alton. Martin Durnin ..by R. T. Kit- patrick and Marshall Gibson. eh evements of Baby Beef Club; Recognized At Banquet Friday • . The' outstanding ach•ieverrients by .members of'• the Lucknow' Baby Beef Calf . Club, were ap- •pr.opriat recognized., at, a ban-- quet 4in.. the Recreational .Centre on Friday . evening • sponsored ':by the Luckrf ow Agricultural Sop:, fray'. There- roere°-125-sat w n.an eXcellent turkey banquet, se. trt,- i. tired by „the Lucknow • Women's and :followed by toasts, 14nstitute . presentations.' -and Musical num- iers• which': all 'added up .to a f most enjoyable eveninc: Preside'n't George Kennedy presided Gordon Kirkland piiouosed the. toast to the Calf Club, and in a neat speech revievyeel'the ,act- ivities of the Club Members. "It , is not. every Club' that • wins the distinction and. glory 'that has come to theLttckno.w Cliib• mem- bers-throttf,th, their where four 'calves from the:Luck- ; n'ow.Club owned .by Murray: Gaunt, Ann` Todd, ;Yvan McQuil- lin and Gladys Gibstn, 'tapped everything in Bruce County: At Teeswater Murray; Gaunt added to -the honors= by winning •first.. for'::.:$hbWn�•arishi. and �t1soG_;-re-:, - 7�, ceived the Alex B. McKague tto, phy for the ,highest score; of any Bruce_ Club member., • Then; with, three ,of the better calves left at home to ,go to Tor- onto: 'another oronto:'another three "calves; own: - ed by Gladys Gibson,• Ralph Dickson. and. 'Carolyn Gibson, ,swept the group comptfitio,ri at • the Walkerton Christmas .Fair, with Gladys' ' Calf ''�valk)ng. 'off - With •the •Gr°arid'Champitni hhi of all classed.. This marked, the first time a• calf club animal .has won y},v y� • g.. of-.• 'tiv'i a.�v<7rd. Gnod •br�eeciii'e.. c'7z°c•� lorts:�•,., he 'rr a .1. Early ,,•}. i'.i ..' tit:•`. .fLti ie'I"tFxT •i'rr:C2 - gr'crc?.iiina were' r •i 't11, • r =i. tc,r:� in the F:d1ric,�trE`�. .. _ I ing r ,l, vM1 Kr. (VC 'clW.r t ti.. lk c end.) the main f c . ''•`' y � � 1'•t .' hi t)th- "1'i..c., !s r Fcfr✓. �ay.�r�,••t11c' `f.l 11», taxi Y,�3iC,z.•t,• /, •.'r. P•. I(4tC Yfc 4��M, . '41(1:. • ,; I"t�'l�;►;.,,c•l,IL4•j, I I I,r, tI ! t• , r Yt r �:.Y^ , r r r'Y j I v . C r n Y. • r„ {.: ,.� �rYya 'gr.n . 6} 1 •d'•t)lr-'T. �'�•i?I•)rt�: ant T.. Ertrr�.l'�) +l:r•� fif i r,':rrrc l`c .y�°, I r."'1 i. r" :C �a� t ,..: ', ;‘ ,. w rtv'1 cL, .i)v. tirna.t • y• y ., , ,Yla� 1 ' � ', s~.,t, x • Mrs, J• r1i °l I a, r�la7 rrrc r.,1) l , had '.i • .,, •