HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-11-09, Page 21' • 4F• • t • '1 E .••• 1),t •.. tv 4h, • • • PGE TWO ' • - "", ••••• •rdo ;Pr" • . ,•'. VICK X.A.,TC.KN OW SET1N4, 41./C1cliOW, ONTARIO • LEST WE FORGET! M. D rommormmiorrintiamorier• 3 . • . 10.00, Lm.: Service In" Presbyterian hurch WELCOME: by 'Minister, Rev. Chas, A Wirm.." • . ANNOUNCEMENTS:Rev. A: E. Tavener, Legion. Chaplain. "‘O. VALIANT HEARTS". . , 0 valiant hearts, who to your glOrY came • • • .•• • Through dust' of conflict and through battle 'flame; Tranquil you 'lie, your knightly virtue proved. • ,Your memory hallowed in the land you loved. • Proudly you gathered; rank,on rank to war, , • As who had heard God's message :from afar; , All you had hoped for,•all you. had you gave, To save mankind --yourselves you scorned to 'Save. Splendid you passed, the great surrender made, Into the 'light that navertnore 'shall fade; • Deep, your contentment M. that (t)lest abode, Who wait the last clear trumpet -call of God •. • (Choir Only) Long years ago, as .earth lay .dark arid "still, Rose a Loud cry upon 'a lonely hill, • , While in the frailty of our human clay , Christ, our Redeemer, passed the self -sane way. (Choir ' • 1 • . • . • Still stands His Crossfrom that dread hour to this • Like sortie bright star above the dark abyss; Still, through the veil, the Victor's pitying eyes Look down to bless our lesser .Calvaries. • . , 0 'risen Lord, 0 Shepherd of our Dead,' Whose Cross has bought them and Whose Staff has led; , 'In glorieus,,hope their proud and sorrowing land Conunits her 'children to .Thy gracious hand 'Amen. PRAYER: Rev.. G. S. Baulch. ' • ' ". ' • SCRIPTURE Rev. S., E.., Hayward. • . . • ADDRESS:, Bev. Chas.' A. Winn- HYMN . .• "0 pop- 0R, HP". I - • 0 God our help in /ages Oast, Our hope for years to come; Or shelter from the,••stoiTny. blast, • .And our eternal home.. • Beneath the shadow of thy throne ; , Thy saints have dwelt secure• .: • •• Sufficient is thine arm alone; • • And our•defense is sure. • Before the hills in 'order stood, Or earth. received her frame; ' • From" everlasting Thou art God, To 'endless' years the same ' , • 0 God ,Our, help in ages -past, ' • , Our hope for years to come; . • Be Thou our guard while troubles last, And our eternal 'home! , • Amen. • T. • 10.55 a.m.: Service' M Cenotaph „ REV: A. E. TAVENER, 'Legion Chaplain. PRAYER: Rev. Chas. A. Winn. • OBSERVING TWO MINUTE • SILENCE • at 11.00' a.m. 'PLACING' coi wWREATHS.• ' LAMENT: ' • LAST POST — REVEILLE: 14A'TIONAL ANTHEM. BENEDICTION: • ReV. S. , Parade returns to:Comnumity Centre for Dismissal. . 9rIIIINWitWrn-111VMPlorr,rmoriftrati..ritorrer.rert".*,.. .. • tr, KAIRSHEA GIVES TO AID CHILDREN' The October. meeting Of the Kairshqt Institute met at the home of • Mrs.: Allister -Hughes when a large iMinber of members Sentinel.A very good idea, HOP - and visitors met. A number of 1'41 hints for H911-sewiVe4 aid letters of thanks were read and' a donation of $26.00 14,a,s. roa4e to On. The particular Prohlein at the the "Canadian Save the Chi•ld- lime °f the suggestion w'sas' the • removal Of lime° from' tea -kettles. What housewife' doesn't know all gaabtoh.tietisthuantt?iiItyojuuswt wonder which and would, actually weigh the accuMulathd lime or the ket- tle itself I've, been keePing an • • " THUM, IOVIVAMI. 9th, 1950 the WOMEN'S COLUMN "RoSEiviARy Sorrie time ago someone sug- stored, The family 'have keen ap„ gested a woman'S column for the petites this time of year, or should have, ;and come to table with a good zest for food. If you have •a child •who is a "picky" eater, and always greets his plate with "Oh, that's too much, I ren Fund". The roll call was well can't eat all .`thatr .try 'giving responded to with "One thing I him the biggest dinner plate you would like to do better this year",'have, and put his' helpings close The topic was taken by' Mrs, A. together on. one side„, leaving a ' McIntyre, "Duties •of a good•Vast. expanse of bare plate. He . .cit- izen", and the current events 'just won't have the nerve to pro - were given by. Mrs. L.' MaciVer; and 'Mies Olive •Blake and Mrs. eye' open B. ScOtt entertained therri .with tomatoes • • this, •*and have read that one could .. - 'for suggestions ,heut teat • . or juice or sodatlien4 orWdeer-in cur kitchen .this fair to have established a new pro - Solos were given. by Mrs. Steer it. I've dime it without 'Mich give variety to Meals, EVery Tuesday we mut have a 'Main' dish for supper that is quite new • to•us, and on Thursdays :we • a new- dessert. We may eipand this idea, new salad on Friday; etc.., etc. . . keeps the- cook on her, toes: Our new dessert . was 'cherry dumplings, and Was a sue:, .:t cess. Here it js . ,:fOr a•family of 116, pour a quart of red cher-. -ries into a sauce pan with a tight -lid. I use my aluininulti top -stove, baker.. If , the cherries are 'not'. canned With sugar • you. will, 'of course, haVe to add it, Sufficient to sweeten: it. Bring cherries to. boil. DroP dourn:plingS from a • tablespoon into 'boiling' fruit Cover and cook.", gently for 20 minutes. Serve at once. Dumpling'. batter . 1..cup sifted cake fioUr, ,cutr, sugar :tsp.baking powd- er, 1/4. tsp.. Salt, grated rind of one orangei one7thirdrcup •twa, thirds tsp. Tnelted margarene:: a piano, 7insm truental. A reading. ' wa.s gilven by Mrs. C, • Rbulsten and a ' recitation.by Grace • Mae - ,Dougall., Mrs, MacFarlane .gave a • very ' interesting travel . talk -.on • her trip home to 'Scotland: The doiing .ternarks 'were 'given by Mrs: Lavit, arid . this, interesting, Meeting -closed with the National Anthem and. lunch. . '• ' . The. September meeting was held in .the llolyrOod }tall with • • ••• the roll, call "Something.we could do to beautify our'comtriunity". Two Minutes :illence Was. held as a tribute to. the late Mrs. John MacKenzie ,who was .our ' first preSident. The topic was giVen by Mrs: •Ira Dickie, "What 'good does the Institute d� in our . Commun.-. ity". arid th.e TriOtto "It is all right • • • cess,' Arl. oyster; shell . does help to' prevent it accumulating;ng, but they are not toe easy to come by, ,and they don't •do anything abeput what has already gatlAred. How, ever . . there is a commercial prepration which will remove it from' electric tea -kettles, and I don't.see 'why it wouldn't work on ilia any kettle. I'd suggest you ask your electrical • dealer about Now maybe as my initial household hint 'it's net so very helpful, but when, • we get roll:- ing, as it were, and. I don't have the answers, sonieone ,else will. ,Nevember.. And the figst is oii the :pumpkin,. 13tit r hope you have yours all' safely stored for to use . friendships. as a •drawing the winter where the frost hasn't card but do not forget Your de- got on it. Pumpkins mean pies, ' posits" was given by .. .. .. IVliss D. don't they. And pumpkin pies and MacLeodA very and Whipped ,cream .go. together just , . • ' ° like bacon and eggs, bread and butter, Eddie:Bergen .and Charlie , • members of Legion proceed at once to Greenhill and ,Kinloss Cemeteries for ,Decoration Services ' . NOTE—Members of Legion;Auxiliary Cadets, Girl Guide Association'Boy Scout Association, etc., are asked to form in The Arena ready to maid' off at 9.40 a.m. • Parade .Marshall Ken Canterort.. • • All Remembrance Day Observances are under .the.•direction ' . of Canadian Legion Branch t • Rev, A. E. Tavener, Chaplain. Clip this Program for Use at the Services. 'WEAR A POPPY GOD SAVE TIIE KING, amusing travel,talk.was •given by. Mrs Ted Collyer, and Mrs. Ira. Dickie gave, the closing reMarks. “wEAR. A POPPY FOR ,, • REMEMBRANCE!" •'• • Once again this year The Can- adian Legion is asking the people of Lucknow and district to Wear a poppy for T rernentranceon SatUrday, November ilth. This ." • MacCarthy. Ever trY_sweetening, the whipped cream,. With -honeY, liquid honey?' It gives the cream body, and keeps it nice. and stiff even when it is whipped, in ad- vance, and you have no ,frig. The flavors blend 'well too. • The.te's something about meal • o , • e Good luck See younext week., Same time. Same station. (If the Publisher so wills.) • • • * • • * • • have just been reading this aloud to myself, to get he. feelof. it...Sznall.fry lin 'the back •;• ground aPParently had ears open is an.. excellent appeal, and . one for when L.finished,,fie asked, "Is that sho'uld• not „be overloOked. , ter that. la A, challenge to'a cook's, that, ,fOr ,,Margaret BrophY?". It Jrs have a ivariety of :Vegetables a :woman's column.. , • • r . • • . • planning in the autumn and win - During the years since Col. imagination. Most cOuntry Cel- must bear some resemblance to John MOCrae,wrote thechalleng- ing poem, "In Flanders' Fields", the poppy. has taken on a peculiar Si• • nificance„Itims-cometoiy4a._ , • • , • , • • • ••• . • . . • THOMAS .HARRIS PASSES Thomas Harris, 85 -year-old res- ify in many codn.tries of the,ident'Of the Holyrood district died I World the debt which we who last Friday. The • funeral service was held at the •family' reside on Monday conducted, by Rev. G, S. Baulch. Interment; was in Greenhill Cemetery. • live owe to ' those /who died in battle • • Ong day in the year the peo- ple •of Canada are ':asked to wear a poppy to show • that they re -member. One day in theyear they are asked to :pause briefly To honor the. ,dead. That is- little enough. While remembrance of .the de,ad of tyro 'wars is the spirit - tial aspect of the poppy, there is the 'other Practical •,purpose, of assisting the living, for' the.money raised. through the fund -is Used for emergency assistance , to Vet- erans and to families of veterans. :While, it is. true that veterans under certain circumstances have the' advantage of specific legis- lation, such as war veterans' al- lowance, "it should be remember- ed that when ari•emergericy crops up' in • any family, speed is the esSeritial•reqUirement in provid- ing assistance. ,• •, ,• • There , are many caseson re cord with the Poppy. Fund where the necessaryqassistance ha been forthcoming in a matter ofhOurs. It should be remembered also to' that there are many worthy vet- erans who hesitate to ,apPly any 6f the organized 'charities. Many of them have twice "gbrie into .unitbrin, and have given ten.. years .fremt ,their productive life to the service of their country:. Through the comradeship of the Canadian Legion their needs are learned and the assistance is forthcoming. It should, be re, meMbered too, that while the Poppy 'Fund is a national appeal, 'the money ,raited locally, is used locally' to assiat veterans and 'their families.. • The. Legion slogan. "Wear a Poppy , for Retrieinbrance" is ,a good 'slogan. It is ' one that de- serves the support of, every citi- zen. • „ Mrs, *Dr, R White . of Chicago is the guest lig, another, Mrs, • MacLennan,- Miss l'Oreta`,Cainpbell has re,,, turned to her' home in ,Lucknow 'after cor4valescing at the home of'. Miss Sadie Johnston, RR.N.,fol- lowing an operation, Mr; And Mrs, Willis MadMUrcli, ie and family spent the w;eek4nd with Mr, and Mrs, D. 1VIad/fur; 1(.._„Vtqyta ICE COLD 7' The sabranient ,of the • Lord's Supper was obserVed in.the Pres-, byterian Church .on Sunday when [ seven marries were added to the chie. They motored from -Alberta, church roil, • . , . • • • . ,. . . • . , . , r . . . • I . • • . • . • , „ . . . • . . . I . • • , . I • s.Now AVAILABLE IN ..LOcicNcoykr • Loeitea At The Alton .."Aesideuce on Stauffer St.. 'PHONE 181, LOCKNOW,'. ONTARIO •:: ... • :Hereby'Declare RemeMbrance Day aturday,- Novernhet 11 A.,,CIVIC 'HALF 'HOLIDAY . .. for the .VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW ... ' T 'until 1.00 p.m:. , . . • , and •Call,ppOir aiigoo citizens ,tO. ObSerVe.; the smile. A SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE Will be held in the Presbyterian. Church commencing at 10 a.m., followed by the Cenotaph Ceremony and a Memorial Decoration,Service at Greenhill and South , Kinloss Cetheteries, conducted by the Lueknow • • Branch of the Canadian Legion. •. Ce McNab Reeve. •