HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-10-26, Page 10t
3,000 dans See WaIkertOfl edge
Lucknow 3=2 For sir' Championship
Vie largest crowd ever to wit- I pulled ,up at third, and. raced, in:
ness a game in thissec- with the winning x un', on L. Den -
tion ctf, Western 'Ontario, 'crammed tinger's, single- O'Hagan ground-
•Wingl axn Town Park4,last Wed- ed to 1st .and. Bradley struckout.
nesday evening `for the 7th and In the 7th_.. and 8th Walkerton
final game for the `W,O.A.A., "A" '.was retired• in, order. In. the 8th
. Chin nnade a valiant try,
cacownt ,which went'. to Walkerton George
y... and failing
u anowi Whisker, edged the to tie it up:. ata' In the 9th,
L, • this, the die was east.
There were 2,731 ; cash Gust Zink ended it by throwing' out
• omei s, who paid more than $1,300 Brooks ` and .Andrew at` first and
to ;witness this 'classic, but many 'took. MacDonald by the, strike-7
gf ; .them got • little more than out route °
• fleeting glrn pses of the horsehide, The statistics again ..Shoal:*
'and several huhdred more ° never. evenly ' snatched were these two
got inside the. park; ,The weather -,great teams. Thirty-four Walker;
was perfect. • Lucknow's share of ton batters faced Hall with . 33
the gate was well ; over. $500; .. " Lucknowites stepping up to Zuk's
••Twice Walkerton...came. from offerings. Kuk fanned 11,. walked
behind to take 'the ' lead. They, 1 and allowed 6 hits, three of
capitalized o,n. Lucknow's lapses; them triples; :and, had four .put
and what was generally ' agreed outs . in the outfield
a"bad.., decision at the, plate, to • Hall struck out nine, walked
win the final fixture in a series 'none, and gave up 8. hits, .includ-
,that was so close' that either team • ing •a triple and ' double by Zuk.
•1were �ck aanps, win or lose. - ' ' There was only one putout 'by
Lucknotv got off to a good start Lucknow outfield.
scoring '.a' gift run in. the first It was a series that will go
hiding; ` which in•. this writer's down in . history,• and will long
opinion didn't help the Lucknow be. relived. Lucknow. took .defeat
.cause. Coming from ;behind ::to' graciously and Walkerton, was
win two straiight:and tie the series quick to extend their ,congratula-
' at 3 -all, , this first Inning ' run was :tions: As Roy Lightfoot • of ; Port
so 'easy, : it left the, .subconscious ' Elgin summed it up, "it, was a
impression. that this one was : in ;tie= -nobody won it". It was just
the bag, and in Spots- the local . that . close.
nine didn't seem to be• on: their.
• toes' as they knight "have 'been;
To open 'the: inning • Hall struck
out •but . was 'safe, at first on : an
error by MacDonald' who .'substi-
Muted. .behind the plate' for Mills
-who was out, with, a finger • in-
jury. Hall. ;stole: second .• as R
-Dentinger bobbled the throw,: and
raced 'to third as 'George:, Chin
laid: one .dawn. It -was George's
e `ance in the s
'lone appar eilverware .
'series. Hall Scored`a rnoinent.later
on .a. passed, ball: '•
''In:, thea: third .Hall' laced 'otit a
'''triple,' one of three.' triples Luck
now collected, and all.; three. of
•. which would '.have 'been' homers
accept ;for the: snow '.fence corral
that circled the outfield 'in. a bid
to accomodate .the :crowd. There
was one away : at the time, 'and'
Hughie died on, third, ''as he fail-
ed to tag up' when George Chin
y ; hoisted . one back of second, that
looked like .a hit, 'but which Den-
tinger. speared, going away. Toby
Greer lined . one •for• the .hole be-
tween third . and short, . but - Seli
came . up with a neat . one -hand
stab. to retire the side. It was this
'same Wilf Seli, who •j,ist.finished.
'playing:. hardball for.' the.. Shallow
Lake 'Juniors,' who gets credit 'for
the • Walkerton victory.. ; .He got
three• of Walkerton's eight. hits,,
scored two runs, batted Zult• in
, with the 2-2 tying run and -played
'a brilliant game at third: His per-
fect relayed throw in the eighth
caught George Chin' trying. to.
score after lacing :out: a triple to
, Luckrjos . second : run' was'
bagged by • Morley Chinin. the
5th.,.He laced a triple, to the'fence'
along, the' -3rd -base: line,:' `and
scored as 1oviakdumped• a.single
backof first::
In the 4th with' one- away. Zuk•
tripled, and Seli got a break at
• first on an infield, 'roller with
the . base • urnp calling, him safe
f rota "a position on the. far side
of • the infield. Zuk was held at
3rd. L. fentinger hit to 'short
James; with her daughter,
t a
Mrs..Forster spec}
few weeks liter:, ;.
Mrs, Alex Robertson. of East
Mr. and Mrs. ' Jack Inglis and
family have moved -back to New-
bury after spending the sumrner
months at the former -Hutchison
place. Mr; and. Mrs. Robt. Adams
and family have: mdved in' from
Whitechurch and ,we welcome'
them to our community, P,
Billy Fisher ,and Don Arm
strong of Blyth, Douglas. News
man of Whitechurch " and..Mr. & ,
•Mrs. D, H.. Carruthers and 'J'anet
'spent Sunday with'.George .fish-
er; G .
Quite a number from this line
attended the big barn dance held.'
in Lucknow Saturday 'night
Mr. and, Nfrs. -Miller • AndI ew...:
of Calgary, Alberta',, were recent '..'
visitors .at 'Mr Frank Miller's.
- The - Whitechurch W.X.. cateredto 196 men and . women of • the.
Huron Federation on Wednesday
night. The Institute held . their
'October meeting in .the, form of
a .social evening with their hus
bands' and :families' present. Mr:
French,`who'with his wife, spent
.a few months in Europe . and the
•Britigh Isles; gave .a very inter
esting Falk an•"hili :trap and. il-
lustrated It by showing slides of
the. ictuses,, .he took 'oh his; trip.:
A • short ,program followed: Mrs.
George 'MoClenaghan • called Mrs.:
Lorne Johnston .to .'the platform
and .Mrs: • V. Emerson: presented.
her with • an Institute . pin.; Mrs.
Lucknow: Hall p, G.'• Chin 1st, Johnston "made • a fitting 'reply;
Greer cf,.' Brooks c,: MacDon-
•Mrs. Dan Tiffin sang Memories,
with .accompaniment Eby .-Mrs.. E.
,Scholltz.•'1VIrs Alex Robertson
Played a piano :• solo. Then,' Mr.:.
James . Wilson/'asked',Mr. and. Mrs:'
Lorne: Johnston ; to the •front and
:rnade an%'. address while Mrs.
Scholtz presented them with'• a
ald, ss; Andrew, if, • Cuming 2nd,
M. Chin .rf ' Koviak 3rd. .
• 'Walkerton: R. Dentiriger
;N. Dentinger rf, Craig ss, Zuz p,
Set , 3rd," L: ` .Dentinger. 1st,"
Q'Hagan. if, Bradley ef, MacDon-
ald c.
Umpires Schef$ and ".Chris, of .urse' of money.• After singing
"Far -they are jolly good follows",
Lorne replied, and invited all : to
their - new' home in Lucknow.
Lunch was served and. brought
an enjoyable evening to . a close.:
Lucknow •
100 0.10.000 •2 ..6 2 •
..000 102.00x-3'8'2
• Next season. •' is likely to. see
,in, the
night- ,. 1VI
also. �w
oters het
ds •:that
class of
to be
get' out
op: ,
s, which
m to bring
use ‘Of
d so, cu,
stance` from
e, `perm
lly tend
abase stealing,.
fastball p'la' ,"A" 'series ,
at the' Leg: banquet here on•.
Monday. ni L. "Tory":
Gregg;. president�t.O.A.A.
said...he pe red- the:
• idea, ': which as„favored
sport `prom' _e.
"Tory"' pointedto thetremen-
dous 'crow the innport-
sitrengthene • teams °• had
drawn :this which is proof
enough that:fans like and
want this ball.'. "Tory,"
„warned, h that there
would' have:limitations.:• to.
the: importing,it ” was neces-
sary to be. careful" lest
the;' thing of hand and
ruin the to
• ' He.; suggests.ing 'imports, -to
two. 'player ' would per-
mit a team ng in' a . `good
battery around they .could
buildup `a own squad.
The adoptionfastball 'wou'ld
permit the'gloves by all
players,. an t down on er-
rors:.It would.lgnger bases,
a. longer distance' the mound,
to the .plat it leading off
And . genera toward more
hitting and ealing, •
Its a •,q that will no
doubt be on'annual meeting
• 4. .
agenda., • .
press box is. non -ex Stant` and
anyone covering" the game
'takes his own chances :;on squeez\
in in with the, rest of :.the ;fans. i,.
and..MacDonald •.,.,threw:...Zuk,,_oiit.
at the plate,. with . Sell"pulling; up
• • at third to score on a passecliball.
• In the 6th with one away, Hall's
intentiori .was to'. walk Zuk, With
two balls on him Hughie threw
a•: side arm pitch that ,the tulips
all season had termed illegal and
:called' them balls, Zuk popped''
. -'this easy one for •a ' double and
away ` went the ball .game:. Sell
dropped one he"tween seconds
centre and right fieid'for a single.
On the throw in Brooks recover-
ed off to the side and 'Hall`coV-
ered the plate. To all appearances
they had Zuk tagged by plenty,
but 'the ump didn't, see it that
'way, (The report has since been
circulated here that Zukmakes
no bones about it that he never
got to the plate). Seli, meantime,
Jack Gould of Kintail Will - line
up this winter with the Kincar-
dine'. hockey • team as playing
coach, manager Hammy Walsh
has announced.'
Jack has 'performed for the•past
few seasons' with the. Lucknow
Sepoys, playing at. centre •ice and
at times serving. on • the defense.
Jack decided to sign with ' Kin-
cardine as •intermediatehockey
plans and prospects in Lucknow,
have, beelf quite indefinite.
Impravernentsnbeing made in
the Kincardine Arena this, fall
include the enlargement' of the
press .box. in the local .arena.
THURS., OCTOBER 26th, 1,950
With The New.
n EIec.trIc
Simple To Operate'
To :Ever Purchaser of a Machine.
'11 Display At
Phone', 64-r-.1/1,, Lucknow
HA PION -CANADIAN PLOWMEN, :winners. in the Esso•Trans Atlantic
d1'asses at the 37th. International' Plowing Match and their': team manager..
They will take' part In., plowing matches in England, Scotland: and : Northern
Ireland. L. to R. -Hugh Leslie, 28, Georgetown, Ont., gold' medai• winner in'',
` the tractor: class, V C. Porteous of Owen Sound, former'. member of parlia
meat for North Grey, and past' president-of,the Ontario Plowmen's;,Associa-
tion;• Herbert Jarvis, 27. Agincourt, Ont., gold •medal winner in .the4:hor.se.
ti drawn plow class., The trio will spend six weeks.in the United :'K•ingdom":with
:all 'zxpenses paid as the guests of Imperial'0�1:.9,4
HN .fl30:
Look; LEFT ... Look RIGHT ... before you
step into the road. A little extra care
will often save a lot of grief and suffering.