HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-10-26, Page 2PAGE' TWO ,THE LITCKNOW SENTINEL.,. • LUCKNOW, ONTARIO . • LO'OKI NG 'BACKWR0'S • THROUGH THE SENTINEL . FILES Sixty Years Ago Dr. J. '-H,, •Garnier, secretary of the School Board,• was advertis ing 'for a . teacher for the ' first •class. Founded in 1874, .,the 15th an-: nual Caledonian Day in 1890•'was another big success: Tuesday saw huge crowds gather' as special . trains arrived, ..and some of the prelifiinary events were run off prior to 'Wednesday's' main coin- petitions. Officers of the Associa- tion 'were: Chief, Dr. D. A. Mc- Crixninon;, 1st' Chieftain, A. , Mc- Pherson; 2nd Chieftain, John Scott; 3rd chieftain, D. 'Mc1V1i1- lan 4th Chieftain,Win,' Mein- tosh; treasurer;`, John Murchison; •cor.' sec., D. D.Yule; fin..sec., G. E. Kerr; 'standard bearers,• •Dug- a1dE .McMillan; James • . Purves; 'marshals,. P. McIntosh; A. L. Mc- y,p Ka pipers, D. MVlcKay,tD. B. Mc- Kay, C. McKenzie, A. Anderson, Jr., A. Stewart.. ' The town was • gay with flags, bunting' and evergreens and • at night Chinese :lantern enhanced the. scene, A. lo'�ely street: arch, the. was built •at the Postoffice .by W. J. Brumpton'and Malcolm Camp- bell and. `gat . the McGarry House, the proprietor ofthis hostelry built a : similar' arch, ., o :of 'Sault ..Ste.• John:,MePhers n , Marie,' self• •acclairned world's ion: shot': utter.; was defeat - .ed P •ed by. C. .Currie of Parkhill. Cur-. rie' broke the local record.:for .the light.stone b.hurling it' 52, feet, y 3 • inches. " The Caledonian cadets under : Capt.' , G • :Kerr, :gave::. a ing, called a . draw. •'Dr NcCri'm- mon captained the • Bruce -team Made up as follows: Hugh .Tay- lor, Kinloss;_Alex Nicholson, Kin - Principal H ,A., Doupe under- went an appendectomy •in Wing- ham Hospital„ ;loss; M. McClure, .Glamis; John Murray, Huron Twp.; A. McIn— tyre, cIn -tyre, J. Gillies, W, McSwain; Bruce Twp, W. McKenzie,*R. 'Mc- Kenzie, : J. Stringer,' , Kincardine,, The• Huron team captained lay Dr..; -McDonald,: of Kinlail,,-..was. composed; With one exception.. of ••Ashfieldites, J.- D. Mathiesen, R. McKenzie, ,W, Johnston, John, McKay,. Alex, McDc nald,'. T. Hen- derson, J N. McKenzie, M; Mc Donald, - John ,McKenzie "Ind. V. Vanonrman of Bel 'grave. • fancy drill.:. '.But the 's'.ensation.• of the' day •was the Huron -Bruce tug, o' war: `After. two false starts, the third ' draw lasted 11/a. hours `before be - ,The Sentinel published a let- 1 ter from Gerald Holnbeck, whO � was'in hospital at Le Havre with a shrapnel wound 'in the leg, Ser ving with the 9th Batter -of . the Canadian Field. Artillery he de= scribed at some length the action in, which he:. was wounded, • Thirty -Five Years Ago. The death'occurred at '.her home on Havelock, St. •of' Chris- tina : McLeod, widow of the late Malcolm . MacDonald.' Mr. McDon-• ald met: a tragic death about' 35 years .before, ' when ' a: well 'lie Vas digging: south , of town `caved' in . aeavin ' him • unlder , several g. feet of earth,; The. deaths'. Occurred, ' of; Mrs,: r Lees in her.78th:year:.and'"Bob.. Stoddart was ;featured, in. Rabe tB 'of 'Peter Tori ance' hi his 73rd a pole vaulting exhibition.. at the Miss Mabelle. Allin, ;a pupil of Mrs. George H. Sinith, . received her `A.T.C,1VY'. at . the college ex= amination, Mrs, Roderick Cameron died at Lochalsh' in her', 76th: year. a SUFFERED•LEG FRACTURE' IN':': ACCIDENT AT AMBERLEX George Hobbs, London, is in Kincardine Hospital suffering . from injuries received in an•_ac- cident at 5.30 p.m. Sunday, when a truck driven by Mrs, George Hobbs went • out of control one mile south; o f Am,berley on High,- way 21. * . Mr, -Hobbs suffered a broken left leg, and °his wife, faee and, .head injuries Shp was released after'. ,treatment•., Provincial Constable.' J. Finne gan of. Goderich investigated and e",reported ' that • the light truck. Mr. and ' Mrs. Hobbs were driv=' Wing -went' out of *control on . a slight, grade -and. rolled over a number: of times.. The , truclt waS, etel demolished; according compl , y tq . police. •'s Ago: o. Year g Twenty `Miss. ;Mary'' Cook of Paramount. was second 'out of 278 contest - ',ants taking part in the ' Junior Institute judging competition' at the C.N.E.,.: Richard ; Vanstone, K.0 , .•died. at his home in'. Winghan, Collyer had` his left ,. Josephy hand badly mangled when ;caciglt in the rollers at Treleaven's Flour. Mill Rev, and MVlrs.: R. W. ' Cra.w re- ceived a cable . from China an- iii the' arrival there o`f', ri�otinc g their daughter, Dr. Helen Craw. '4 g• year Lucknow Fall Fair, claimed,tobe the history of the the best � . .i Cain r and W � A,, ,�� , Klass 'Annie Kearney were married at St.; Au .Society. Y gustine on' June 30th:, g• • 'r teller at the D : C. Towers, Bank of • Hamilton,..was trans- ort Wiliam: As lead- (erred to Tort 1,. .Mrs.. Alex MacKenzie of -Tees. water ' and .. a 'sister of , Richard Elliott of"Holyrood, ':died '.in` St. Michael's .Hospital, 'Toronto, -.in her 37th year. er of the Pipe Band he did much . .to establish: a1"14". .maintain,, the Gordon•' Johnston was appoint..- Band's- reputation. Ernie Millson ed Scout , master :as. the 'troop •was succeeded,. hixn • as teller; .Brown, reorganized. Mallough took Mr. Millsoti's:place and Evan Geddes joined the bank A ' farew.ell dinner was tender staff 'as. junior. member, ed Miss Marithi: 1VtacPherson as • ' she retired from the'nitisirig staff !egister& tometrist Has .opened an office for the practise .of Optometry in. the office-'forrrier.,ly oc cupied by• Dr. R.' C. Redmond, on; PATRICK`. ST. Payment " for social. security measures such. as baby . bonuses, unemployiiwnt insurance, etc. are expected to •cost Canadian tax- payers' 'about half a laillion ` d'ol- tars, • in thea present .fiscal year.' This sum' will exceed by $22;000,- 000" the total of all Dominion goy-, ernment expenditures .for; the fis cal: year ended in March 1935. el the :National 1V1ilitary Hoi'rie Kansas, and*returned to Luck- now to reside. 13'n•�e�ieh Listowel .•.Hospital ,at a• student: J •'Elgin. Tom, former •'' West' Huron school .inspector died in 3. Professional Eye E camnation OPTICAL SERVICES 'Phone 770: arbage c�uectkn Service T� End "The Municipal Garbage Collection, System is to be terminated for , the winter months. THE LAST COLLECTION OF THE FALL . will Be Th-IURSDAY and FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, All Householders are requested to take: 'note: of these dates. • • LUCKNOW MUNICIPAL.:CQUNCIL • 'THilltS., OCTOBER' '26th, 1950'. FOSTER. HEWITT, earlier this month, began: his. 20th, -;season o.f network broadcast commentaries on National. Hockey League games. ' 'ain thia' year,•. every A' ht • at 9.05,his` fam= Saturdayhight ous voice goes, out over the.CBC Trans -Canada network introduc- ing another of :the play-by-play • 'broadcasts which ' have 'become ;a, tradition:: Now in. his: middle fort-. ies.'he has few equals anywhe:°e: ' in sports broadcasting With his estimated` _five 'million..'listeners, he shares a, wealth of knowledge; for -''it was he Who handled. Cain 'ada's :first ; hockey b : oadcast back in, 1922,:' and he has 'been. at. it almost:. without, a _break,::evei• since. As in past seasons, Foster.. Hewitt also. presents ,' i .report on sports` scene'every the Canadian' Fiiday p45' at '7 ' p:zn, .an Dominion RADISH WEIGHS. 5 POUNDS This T�i week a' 5 pounel radish. •• sort ;of belittles:: -that; 17 -pound cabbage .we were , talking' about last week.. This :monSter radish. wasg rown, by :Dan • .M, .Innes o,f, Holyrood.,• :From. the tip; ;o : •the rootto the tope of . the • foliage it measured three *feet,'" Viand• looked. m,00re like• a mangel than a rad- ish so faras size • Was coricer ned:: It was a • common. ' white radish and had 'a root :forrnation. that resembled' the : hind, .:quarters,; Viscount ;A ex.a ,:• ndel,: •is. the "l7th• . iyoung Governor-General :of C a`n Ltd L complete ;with .tal,.f a o y g pig; WITH 1428 qualified voters on" the :'assessment 'roll,' ,Wingham taking•the ! ;ne c£a7ry . 'ste,p to select a deputyrreevc ., at .the D:ee(mber elections. since Federation. 'Goderich." • At; S S ,No. 3, West Wawanosh, Miss Lena Hackett: ;was teaching Robert McAllister,.. Jean Purdon, Ila Fowler,' Elwood Fowler, Ern- est Durnin, Joe' Helen elen Durnin, Helen Fowler,• . Harold, : Irwin, • Elmer Foran, . Roy Fowl- er, Leo: Foran, . Norman Foran. _ ' Ten Years Ago'" ,Fire. destroyed: the barn' of Ste - •'wart' McGillivray, Con.:10,' Ash- field. A barni full of hay, 1100` bushels., of grain and 16 pigs were included in the loss, On which there ,was ho insurance, . Jim Murray's. barn was dei stroyed • by : fire., at Paramount. Mike Ilogan's'threshing separator went, tip in the conflagration , anal Art Cook "lost a quantity of hay and grainwhich he had .stored • in the Murray. barn,, where•., :it was being threshed. Isaae,Ensign 'died after a. weeks 111: * ' iwitti, pnettnionia..-.,, . Harold Allin won the "Volum Cup" awarded by,'Beattie..Bros. to the salesman having the high- est ..volume' of business• 'in the .year. , Malcolm McLeod died ' in Chi- cago. A native of Ashf ield'he 'op- erated the first' •steam powered threshing Machine in this dis- tric: I' ,,,e4tre. itoro too trim% ‘r 401 11111 I? 14 rte: • MR JONES "REFUSES 70 LET 60 OFH/S CANADA SAV/NGS BONDS/ ONDS ". �ins travel faster on lri 1,948:*the 'savings of 'Can:- adians through- 'life• , insurance savings;was mire than $800 ,for every mans Woman and:child• . Montreal ,is „;the second alargest, Frt:nch -'spe'aking city in the world. k r • F r fi%riif J/rsi•� J '�ir 4ai 'fr