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Anniversary services will :be
-held in the United Church next
Sunday, October 22nd at ll . a.m,
and 7,30 p.m,. Rev. T. C. Wilkin
son of Belmont, a former pastor,
will be the 'guest speaker.
• Mr.' and'Mrs, W. I. Miller were
honored .at • a fowl' dinner'on Fri-
' •day. evening 'on the occasion of.
their 40th wedding anniversary,
Mr. and Mrs, G. S. McIntyre .and
Donald of Ottaw- who were' un-
abl ' to' be resent, telephoned
their icon'gratulations and • good
wishes:.. • •,'
.rs, Charles ' McDonald was
hostess, for the getober meetings
of .the. W.NI.S, ;and the W.A. when.
20: ladies:were .Present, ;Mrs. W.
I; Miller presided for the meet-
ing of •the `W::M.S: The thence of
the :worship service was "Christ's.
disciples bririg:light" Mrs. Hay-
ward 'spoke, of Kagawa's 'part
:the Christian . council Of 'churches
held ,in Toronto recently and
then' •ledin prayer for Kaga'w.a
and the work in japan.' The ,treas-
• carer ' .reported: that, $71 had been
cfdr warded to :; :the . Pres�by'terial
treasurer, this year: It: was. de
.cided to . renew 'the • subscription
to the World Friend and all those
who wish. to 'subscribe ito' , the
1VMtssionary Monthly, do so before
...the end' of this month. The chap-
ter: frpm,the study book was "The
• United. Church -'re-enters .apart
through :re-enforcement`s". ' Mrs.
Lorne Woods was in .the chair
for the meeting of the WA. the
theme„ for which was Thanksgiv
ing: The meeting .:Was • opened
With the singing of the: theme
song and the repitition: of the
creed: Mrs. •Jas. Durnin read the
scripture lesson and Mrs. Lorne
Durnin the lesson' thotightsj/Mrs:
E. W.', Rice read; "Let was announced us, be •truly
an s that
�tii.ankful •.It
the Fall bazaar would be held In:
the Auxiliary Rooms Lucknow,.
o ' Saturday, November' 25th. At.
the :Conclusion lunch was; served. Lucknow fans got an early warm•
ing" up pa's •the Legionnaires teed
off,' on ' Zuk::right: atT the 'start,:
scoring'two:runs in ;the: first .and
sewing• it. up .solid in the second
:with .a . 4 -run explosion, Hall 'and,
Greer scored ,in the opening -in-
ning on .a'walk, hit ••and: two-•.er
Lucknow Turns Tib el s To Even'
��r�es ��illith Two Terrffic Wins
• Bye scores of 7-2 and 4-2, Luck •,
naw : Legionnaires did 'a sensa-
tional 'comeback to ties up the
W.O A.A, championship ser-
ies at three games each. The "big
o e" was . slated. for Wiz ghanz•,
Town Park last night '(Wedries ._
day):.. , •'
All but counted. out.by some of
the, •"experts", such., .as ' Hank
Smith •. of Port Elgin, Many A of
Lucknow Legionriaires faithful
fans held that Lucknow couldn't.
'have•''all the • bad breaks allthe:
ti;fne and. that they were'stil'1 very
'much a contender: fox . the silver-
Walkerton's ego seemed to.'have
crowded out such reasoning on
their part, and they came down
here last Friday with --(1) . ticket'
sellers t see -that they -got their
share •of the "final" game; : (2) a
.photogra her to take shots of the
"chain i ns" '• . and . 3 . •refres
meats to . celebrate ' the, victory
and to 'toast. , Lucknow for ;being
such good sports in defeat:.
They, went home: with, a humil
'eatin'g: 7-2 'defeat, and to prick
any "playT,ng for the gate" alibi,
Luicknow repeated'. ,the dose in
Walkerton on plonday night to:
.earn another .victory and tie' the
set:.,So far'as 'Lucknow, is con-
cerned' the outcome of the final
game will only be:,an anti -climax,`.
Friday : Night's Game ,
Postponed repeatedly'; last week
because of. continuous rain, .the
5th.. game' of the series'.: was run
on last • Friday evening: When the
weather cleared sufficiently, that.
day to •get the diamond 'dried up:
Therewas an immense`,crowd' on
hand despite Chilly weather, but
'by;the .ho'stesses,•`••Mrs. Lorne
E:'' W.'' Rice:
Woods . ��and Mrs,:
Ha ' .and, Mrs, W, .E.:..Gor
do* . ..y'w , . Rutherford
' ..M: -�C
' •Mrs. W: I.;'Mller attended : •the
meeting :� of "the. W'M:S: •
sectional m g
at Wroxeter on Friday
'E. W. rs.,. E:: Barbour,- ,Mrs.. -E.
Rice.' d Mrs.' C. McDonald at-
•" •tended the district :'rally ,,of , the
West • Huron '.Women's 'Institute
at' .Dungannon' on Friday :after-
noon. •
s. -Carl Johnston and
• 1Vir and grs.
' family of :Bluevale were recent:
centre, with.the outfield irr'.close,:
visitors' with Mr,.: and' Mrs. Frank.
'.: ' IVIcQur.11in,'• Lucknow ad
ded another in : t,
ThecornmunLtY, Was. saddened 6th when ;MorleY Chin lined out
on Tuesday' to learn of. the death a. triple and scored . on a • passed
b 11.af Mr:. `David, Todd. The•funeral a : •
: iri � ervice is.being held .at:his;Home :Walkerton dallied; •once of bo h
on Thursday afternoon
. S .
.. the 6,th: arid 8th innings; with an
error each frame aiding• their .lost
l�Tew Treatment for Baldness! • cause,
Science, at la, •
last, ' holds smile
e Basemen and base runners toss_
• .
hope : for'., men: affected. by pre ed. their ';bodies around freely at
ma4ture baldness! Learn how t'w-o times and feeling ran -high arid
Chicago `:psychiatrists accidentally • threatened .; to, break out into a
discovered that elimination of donnybrook on more than one .bc
"nervous' tension may encourage casion: In this regard as in the
,.regrowth. of.: hair, '''Read: "What statistics .department there was
'Causes •Baldness"' for this amaz- little; to ;choose between .either,
ing new • theory in The American team., ' They were equal in, '•hits.
. Weekly :with :Sunday..'s , (October and errors With Hall whiffing 14
22) issue of .The .•Detroit' Sunday to Zuk's 10,. with each. issuing 3
'Times. ; walks. „• '
hits, a :.walk 'and an error for .4
more. Harold Greer . drove: in
'Cook.•and Andrew ahead •of him
in: -this frarne?'When: he slashed a
clean drive ' -to- the fence in •Ieft,,
:/• 'Sales .and Service
ell "Im er a
hies ng Machines
Gilson Refrigerators and Washers
Grinders, etc :
Woods Combi.a nation F+ri idaire acid Freezers
Huron 'Road 'Phone 1132. Goderic
h (int.
Sub Agent:
'Phone 87-r-4, Lucknow
Amy Aft.
Koviak. was back in the line-up
for his second appearance in. the
Serres; but the.'Legionnaires- were
shy' Cumirug forthis one. Of
course,; George- Chin; who is 'go
ing to college in. Ann Arbor- miss-
ed them all to date "and: you can't'.
be short men like.these and - not
mill' them . in this high: teasion
series, ' . r ..
Walkerton u•.:;,. 000:001 010--.-2 7 3
Lu"cknowp 240 001'0.0x-7..7' 3
Monday. Night's Gancie
Topping everything 'to•' date in;
•this:. terrific series, from a local
standrioint,, was Lucknow's 4,2
victory in ' Walkerton on Monday
night, which knotted the series,.
and forced '. a seventh game. By
mutual agreement Wingham dia-
mond was decided upon. to settle.•
the issue:
The .climax on' Monday, that
sent .Lucknow; fans into hysteria
:w a. s Hughie. Hall's ; towering
homer.: in: the 7th.. It was a main
month clout to. right fieldwith
Hu' hie eori • standi g'' up' iri
g ng . n
spite of they outfiel'.d playing deep
for hire, and fast fielding by D'en-
tinger. Jack :Cook scored ahead 'of
teem; Jack had. worked .Zuk ` for
a • walk, and, 'gone to second on ;a.
.passed :ball: Lucky, he' was at. the
halfway. :mark or Hall would
,have ' run hien • down' *a5: ;he did
the Circuit 'likea 'seamedrabbit
in nothing flat
Onl,36m: . f
Yaced ! Hall all
.e.n. ..
night,to '38 who went .toy the p ate
for Lucknow. •Zak .allowed • but .'4'
hits and Hall . five two of. which
werer <
' infield •scratches. Zk fang'
ned 14 men,:•and.. walked 5. Hall
whiffed 12. -'rid walked
"$500 George;', . as :tlie., fansare
callin ,•:.liiin didn't irri rove'•: his
popularity ;.at home or abroad
by Monday":night's' performance...
In. the3rd` innin • with '1 a•w
g� ity,
Morley ' Chin drew one of three
Walks: which he .collected. in, four
trips: Cook laid:' down a': sacrifice
reller"down .the:. lst base
Zuk racing `over:` from the: mound
could easily have : made the play.
on ,Jack but- he chose" to give him
the ;works with his, body, • hurling.
Cook to the 'ground.' 'The base ;5s, 'Koviak 3rd,; Cuming.•2nd,, Chin
ook '' an Automatic .. f , • :Co ok .' ,
camp -.'gave : C c , P .. 1st•
safety. at first, and although B
' no Walkerton: •radley cf,• N. Den
tenger rf;. Craig ss, Zuk p,. H, Den-
tingei 3rd; 2nd; L. Dentinger lst,
Mills"c, O'Halgari lf, R,'�Dentin'ger
.2nd, :'3rd
MaxScleff�; ,,plate;
'iress ` ,
Ken_ Holmshawi , bases, ; Toronto:
THURS., OCTOBER 10th; 1050
Silent Autoinatic
Best OIL
ECONO MY— A Timken Silent' Automatic will
save :.:ou 25 percent on your fuel,bill against
y _.
ordinary r.
an burse
. mor shovelling ...coal an
handles •ashes—soot and 'grime are eliminat-
HEALTH—By . maintaining, aa. constant, even
temperature, colds and respiratory : illnesses
are reduced. Doctor's bills ,are minimized.
SAFETY—Timken k'en Silent " Automatic Controls
'guard the ' operation of. your :heating plant'
against any .:emergency.:
DEPENDABILITY—Only one movingpart, and
it r
is: Maximum o
; self: lubricated, insures m .era
p t .. ,
lin dependability—backed by:the leader• in
the automatichome heating field, Timken
Silent •.
Phone ;808 `
(Stewart Knight)
Goderich; Ont.`
sent Hall round. to third. Greer
sacrificed: neatly .to.; ..score :Hall.
Andrew advanced "from' second to
third; ..,Brooks hit' to ..Zuk,' who
ch'as,ed;•Art:'back.to the bag, then
whipped 'a high ;one over • lst: with,
Luke running to third,, where .he
died .as the :.riext=.two batters went
down; sw n`grng.'"
:In • the ; .7th, .as ,has previously.
been :described,- • Hall • won his
own ' `ball: game with a terrific:
stnash•that;'Would be along .drive
even :'in. lardball. •
Lucknow had', i unners ion 2nd
and third in the. 9th,... ut couldn't
them'- home as. Zi.ik was
•,again:,' e mas er, w
last. two 'men" •
Lucknow: Hall:: ri,.' Andrew l,f,
Greer' cf, Brooks c .MacDonald
thinng came "out: of the, inning. it
did"nit help the • County .' Town
.cause. one whit.. Never have: we
heard a vi,Sitin'g oteairilret he
vocal support that .,Lucknow; "got,
inWalkerton on .Monday,'
Walkerton. drew first blood' on
a gift rung in the 4th. D. Craig
singled :to left and went to 2nd'
on a juggled retrie.ve. He .corn-..`
pleted the circuiton a wild .pitch
and a past ball
'Walkerton was a threat again
in the 8th. ' R, . Dentinger dropped
. a :hit back of first,, and went Id
second. on a'., past ball. Bradley,
popped 'to, Koviak in attempting
to bunt: N. Dentinger grounded
to 'Cook'with R.' Dentinger tak
ing third.. It , looked as cif. Hall
walked Craig to get at Zuk and
witth. • runner on; 2nd and . 3rd,
George rolled . to Koviak: • Cook
snared his.'throw a .' aria's length
and Zuk . was retired:' and at the
•sare'tirne "rolled" off Cook and
carne up ready, for a fight,.which
was, prevented .from developing
qu.:lek action_ by tho_ uxnps
•`. Walkerton did 'add .anoth'er.,run
in the 9th. H. ,Dentinger got a
! life' on .MacDdnald's juggle at
short. L. Dentinger struck out.
Mills grounded out Koviak 'to
Cook with.' Dentinger taking ' 2nd;
O'Hagan • rolled to. Claming who
tossed cautiously to first for
what seemed a certain . out. He
was called safe and ilientinger
kept, on going. The ,play 'at' the
plate •was close,' but the runner
got the benefit' of the doubt: R.
Dentingerdropped one in front
of the plate 'and Brooks : threw
him; out to retire the' side,
Here's how Lucknow 'got theirs..
in. the sixth Hall:laid one down
between the mound and ,third
with both players going after it
for a fusible by Zuk Art 'An4reW
beat eut •a. well lad,'btlnt that
Lucknow r 000 002;200=.4.4.3
Walkerton '. .000.100-001 _,
.25. 2
A quiet• wedding,- took, place' on
Saturday,. October 14th, .1950,,-a'C
the. home' of -Mr,. and`•Mrs;: W. D.•
Simpson," 'Teeswater,:when their:
daughter Mary DOnalda, '.beca.me
the ibride"of..James: Robert Hen-
derson. ,son' of Mrs. J W'::,
derson cif'L'uckii.ow.'and the late
'Mr: Henderson;
W. • Ar' `H'ender:ion, ',W1k-
erton, assisted'by. Rev. R,.10. Cur
rie, ,•Whitechurch,, performed 'the
cerernony, _Mrs, W..A:. Hendert,n.
played :the -bridal• music;.'
Th -e• -•i' -id -e, giV an, vin rnair i iri,,
by.. her father,. was. lovely, in a
gown of blu.e,nylon: taffeta . She
carried' a cascade ,b'ouquetof car-
nations :anal fleur d'amour, iVlis.
' E eanor C:rawforth RN. of -3 inAI-
• • sol•, was' her only attendant: Drin
ald; H'ende •son, brother, of the
room w.a� best m
A.. wedding dinner :followed' the
cei•ee . g .
hiony. For their trip .throu'.ch.
Northern: Ontario the;" brid e c..a e
•a'black abardine• suit' )''ith tur-
quoise ',agccessories. Mr. :and Mr,
Henderson 'will reside. in Luck=
e Daily Reminder e
CTO'BER' 1'95'0: