HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-10-19, Page 5THT,TRS`,, OC'tQBER 'loth, 195q •.• x THE: LUCKNOW SENTIN -c , LUCE:NOW, ONTARIO VAGI MIX, .. ...� ROVE . PURPLE G„ • KINLOUGH Mr • ruin 'Alis.. am S` � hlr�xtarson and .Mrs Russell AitchiSgn• of • Ess- �I 'Lyceum . .h�eatr.e 11r • . l.t,!''.5' ltastESurrdati', ' W I NGHAN1 _ Mrs Win. Percy and other rel' Will Walsh sr.)(nt Friday. tives here: with her daughter, Mr.S, I•iarold Rev. 'and N1rs.. Wm, Lane:of Two Shows Each .Night li<rgrncarraran at 13tatrkherse• • Toronto' visited with Misses. Nei- - FIRST -SIiOW - AT 7.15 Mr". rind Mr's, Andrew Paterson lie and Margaret Malcolm, Mr, riatur'nrt>cl home from thei.rw tr ire to and Mrs. J. R. Lane and. Mr, and the Wt.st. iin - Thursday; Friday,Mrs, Maleolm Lane. • Y, Sat rrday. .M.rs, LYUr s anti Muriel f'rsh•er, ,uCTOBER 19, 20,. '?"'lland Mrs; Alex Percy visited O.hurs- Miss .Mrci•\'i11( :Scott .of Tor-• day with her sister, Mrs..Albert onto spent the week -end visiting'Trafford,. IDurha -r M-ARIE. WILSON',• . JOHN '1 UNI) • 1 t'i% nd5 Lit the (i o��c>'. A nuMbe'x• . from. here motored Mrs Edwin •'Whitley, Mrs Sin- to. ,Alliston„ to attend the •Inter, (•lair , Mt and'. Mrs: Wm, Pratt national :?lowing Match, ; ' r>f. Hamilton :visited -at the home .' The Women's. Institute enter of Mr,. John.`Emei•son last week::. tairi ed ; member: from the Para: T'r • • John •Flmer:son r•e(erved rnount.and Lu4knoW' Ins'titutes;on. 'the. 'new .of • .the. death -•of her.. Thursday - afternoon• in • the -town- ;i ni&Phe ,>l'r•ir r' Stother 5' .cif Gar- • ship hall'., Mrs,-: P, A. Murray; pre- i'iel.,.<<sk, sided and extended a cordial .wel- •M �Mr: 'and' M:rS, . Edbc.rt• 'Bushell come to the visitingladies. The y V and family'of (Linton aro sperm- .usual opening Ode was sung and • ing, two pwc,ek;s holidays at• their ,the ,Lord's .pr:ayer was repeated •in home cin the. 1•2thCon:, . unison, .The_ moll call was "What Mi'. • .trod .,•MrS. 'Clifford Scott. I ,like abQ.ut' the W. L". A humor - trod ft►ririly ofStl•a.tfc>r•d.'vi,5ited 06,/‘feature•, was' all the 'ladies friends, at rthe Grove.. on Sunday. telling '"Where acid haw I .met my. husband". The winner.was, '' • Mrs, Elmer Johnston, Judges, for ritatican gid cn by'the neighhas this contest were, :Mrs,. 'Wilon ••of• for Mt'. and. Mrs. do `Colwen Lueknow, Mars. Fred- Martin of, i Paramount and Mrs: P. A Mui at the h.or e .. f M r: and Mrs. F Thursday, Friday, Saturday Murray on • Satur;day„ night :as ray. A• cheque for $50 was receiv .00TOBER 28,.'27, 28Ms r Coiwell rs rrrovrng . •to Kin- .ed from the"•PrgAincral. Secretary.ary• of the .'Canadian Order :;:of For- -GREoORY:PECK; ' lough: stens, as .the•: Holyrood Foresters. HELEN WESCOTT . " •''Miss Jean'..Stothers 'spent the • hall had •been., purchased •by • M•r.• —.week=end,. with her aunt, Mrs ` •E:Ackert ' and'', the. 'above. sum' Crispin 'of Lucknow was forwar'.ded to :our local sec- retary,. Mrs:'Maulden .as the: In- :;stitute' had, paid the ;taxes on the ''sirninons_ of Pinkerton on Sunday :said 'hall, for• a number 'of years, ium. ■(alums■ta.fti..-.-I �atai,u■tara:.440.....a' The baby:bank book of...:il'. was ..I•I�•UUIu� ••. ■ • voted 'to •' little Bernice Ann ■••; r.. Thopson, infant : daughter: .of ■ 'S MING .SATURDAY! .�• m•M:r: and.; M•rs.• Frank. Thpinpson. ■▪ • a ' The arrnistiee•'se.rV ce 'will...ag'ain. ■ ' be' held in the • •Township .Hall• at N 10.45. on'. Satur^day;_. Noserrrbe.r, 11 • to ••honor the n).emory :: of those_ IL who,:paid the' supreme sacrifice • • in • the two world wars: An 'thin- g. 'invi'a' 'ta;tioti is .to be ekten:ded t.o•. Dr. a Mumford • .of -.. Lucknow United ■ Church,• to 'be. the •;guest speaker forthe occasion o Crr ittee in *� charge the, •Mrs. Jack .Act arid:, 2' • °Mrs. Raynar•d A.c15ert ' The. tea -2 ,. ■ $ROADCAST � cher s in' each,:. school with their;. ;m. ''.. : pupils are pried nto take:pa rt. A ' ser • •` committee, •Mrs.. Tom Hodgins, S-ponso e =y the Lucknow Agricultural Society — rn , FRIEND i WE .• MA.GO'ESWEST J • Monday, • Tuesday, 'Wednesday OCOBER 23, 24; 25 ,7EANNE,CRAIN, . `CLIFTON WEB13, ' r • MYRNA LOO S CHEAPER R B Y .r • 4� ss THE DOZEN Mr ; and Mrs • Don: , McCosh, Mary and Dickie attended• a prey • in • HE•: GUNFIGHTER .41/11111111111. Mr, and 'Mrs, Don Mt,Cosh ,and. family' visited.: with Mir.: Joe 'Fitz,. D OM -:THE TOWN:; HALL. at 8,pm.,. or" :■ Featuring STARS OF ` RADIO AND STAGE Admission.: 'Adults 75c, Children. 50c ■ ■ DANCE TO FOLLOW =-- 9.30 to 12. o'clock mommommum■or■tai,taamitimmomsoram rommeimmim■■a■ Burt are:. to •arrange• for the•.Tees- water` play and rri:ake' :all' nieces- sary plans:; ' A' most interesting', prograrn was much enjoyed, cpening With.; community Singing ■ accompanied .by Mrs'JOS. Web. 1 sten of Paramount on her auto • '.harp., , Miss ' Margaret • Rae of; Lucknow favor ed:with : a solo 'ac • companied.'by Mrs. Wesley.Joynt:'. in Readings were given by ,••Mrs:, R ▪ ' Reid; Paramount and ,Miss May 'i Boyle, Monologue `,`On' the ,Party. Line", ; Miss Dean :, MacLeod. a ■•spleridid . paper, on • "Food for r . • Thought" was ably given by Mrs. • ■ Orland Richards, Paramount, •An, •other interesting paper was giv- ■ en by Mrs: Alex ,Havens,, Luck,. now.' The visiting ladiesth ked the Holyrood branch • fothe. pleasantafternoon; and all join- ed iii'singin•g' "For .they _are' jo11y. good, fellows The meeting Clos- ed with .the `National anthem and •refreshrnents. •Wen;e served: The November trteeti.n, will :be at the honrie of Mrs' 'Perry , Hodgins:'. and all members. brin> • thei;r ' Blue Crass 'money- 'to this meeting. Mr. and .Mrs, Roy • Graham,' Ronnie,. Gary' and Madonna iron- ed this week. to•`'Cori. 10 to 'the fiirrri which they' have.purchased' from MI's, 'John Colwell, We re- gret, losing this y`oung: pfamily i`arn:t=}reillage� but aneglad= they will soil' remain only* . short 'distance away.iVlrs. Col- well moved; •to the former Gra- ham home which she purchased. and will make' her horrte here. .We all. welcome Mrs: Colwell' and hope she may long be 'Spared tiff enjoy her new home in the vill- •Mr, and Mrs.'•Cla.re •SSparling of Walkerton: spent. Sunday with relatives here. , 1-14. Presents,: Thursday, Friday,; Saturday, October 19; 20, 21 Toughest riding ---toughest action, A father, with, :three renegade sons who defied the , law until they, met up. With :a tough U.S. Marshal, - 7 %••• • • 4. '•111111 ars.hal— rjm stone with Rod .Cameron, 'Adrian Booth, Walter. Breiinan. Plus.y.:,: "In 'Walked Charlie, Charlie Chase < comedy: Plus -Universal •News. NO. MATINEE UNTIL PLRTHER 'NOTICE Monday,' Tuesday, Wednesday, October 23, 24; 2 Laughs-action—songs=in wonderful teohnicolor ear'.•that":melodious dittyBUTTONS & BOWS". in.. *with Jane (Outlaw) Russell and Bob (Dude) Hope. • r.� fey -Bruce`• ereford .Breeders' T.B. tested, accredited, calfhood vaccinated or blood tested. 10 MALES'. 12 .FE1Y1ALES Arena; , MARKDALE TUESDAY, OCTOBER .:`24th Catalogues, on request. • T. Stewart Cooper, • Secretary, Markdale. • J A Sibbald,. President. • ,' 3TTENThON FARMERS!:. re. Now :Ln The` Market To a Feeds, Fer illzer' 'Phone. 71 Groceries • Phone • 27 ISi t1'c Hive (fin 1I=incl ' Lum' Chesnut and Stove Coal Alberta +�, . , • . To Arrive ive Soon, A (.lar Or • ' WEST •INDIES CANE MOLASSES special lyric' ()5f Csir:• • FERTILIZED .PASTURE ANI)': It 1 ' ‘} 1,3',uDS i 4u our. • field froni.-being :Winte(' killed. We iigw(,t thre.y 'farmer fertilize- inp' and scr th(Y (its yortie1f .NOTE `• r ` Milted Co -Op Interest (".henries Cashed At :Nair • at heed and Feitiliv,er lliike. Lucknow District CoOperatiVe SER VE_ 6.0'm 6 bottle carton 36 F•ALL: KINDS or `Information .'Phone 80 Lucknow` • Calf At • The Mill: :r ` GLOOR, "Prop., ATTENTION EACH THURSDAY :we pick up hogs in the, Lucknow District.'to be •trucked direct to BURNS`. AND CO:, KITCHENER.. --Let us -know. by-Vednesday. nigbt_,ai.nd.-toi� ca i:,_have,your hogs trucked 'directly- from your barn -to- the- Packing .Plant on Thursday • YOUR t. HOGS ARE . PICKED UP AND • DRESSED THE SAME DAY. us a try and avoid extra handling and shrinkage, • nd Satisfactor.'Y Returns . .',. 'romp# .aDirect' A. from Pant.,• ' FOR ,PARTICULARS CONTACT:: DON BROOKSS.. ,ocal� Truclker A Share of" your Business wil be Appreciated 'Phone 137.3,. Lucknow •