HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-10-19, Page 4AGE' FOUR R7 TIT ..4TCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO THURS., OCTOBER 19th, 1050 1' • q 11 A 7 Aril, i • sj 1, • "WANT AD" RATES'=. ,1st insertion 2 .cents a word, ,subsequent insertions -1. cent a word; . Minimum charge 25- cent's. • Replies..care of The Sentinel 10 'cents* extra: Legal advertising; 10 'cents per count line first insertion,, 5,• cents er'line subsequent insertions. JUST, 'ARRIVED -- shipment of .r all bulbs, Solomon's Greenhouse, 'ptone 88, • Lucnkow. . F C,R SALE—Yorkshire sow due 71n 'Nover her:'Apply :to Clarence Riteliie,' R. • 3,. Luclnow: ' FOR. SALE=194i• -Chet'.coach, 1940• .Hudson sedan N. W. Winter= .stein,, Lucknow: CAR . FOR SALE=19.38 Plymouth coach, new Motor,. new tires. Ken Jardine,' 'phone, 68-w . Lucknow'. HOUSE FOR ` SALE — in Luck- , ndwv, 7 rooms, .hot .water heated. Apply., at Sentinel, Office. CA11 'BARGAIN—$75 for quick :sale,' • 1931 :Willis coupe, 5 good, tires; good motor. Charles Lorenz,' Ludgard St., Lucknow. FOR 'SAcE=-Girl's CCM bicycle. two years''old; As good .as new. 'Phone Wm: Campbell, •: Amber- Iey,, 30-r-4 Ripley.' .' .FOR SALE -green . ;winter , coat " and. ; dress • ibrown. skirt, : all -_ size , 14. • Apply to, Mrs. Melvin Mor- rison, or-rison, R. 1, Lucknow ;*OR SALE.—kiitchen • stove,' : good. condition; .• winter..- coat, :, size .14, 'hardly ':worn; Apply •1VIrs,, • L. • L. Taylor,' Lucknaw • .FOR 'SALE small each 'range. and Renfrew seperator, both like .new: Miles McMilla•n; R. 5,°Luck- noW.: . HORSES WANTED at once,. 'large number of ' meat horsse, will pay 2c lb Earn Whitehead, R 2, :Eden- Grove: CLOTHING .WANTED —'second-. . hand clothing' :'needed for grow. ing' 16 -year-old boy, tall fox his age.. Anything will ' ;be apprecia- ted: Please .leave at..Seitinel • Of - lice. .: FOR SALE:—used •Case corn pick er, 'used, No,. 30 M. -H: tractor ;one year old, ..used W4 %McCormick Deering tractor,. new Model.: U Waterloo standard ,,tractor:- . Geo Wraith,:',phone' 131, Lucknow. LIVESTOCK WANTED Up to :$5:00 a ,ch for Dead: or Disabled ' Horses; • C6ws, ' Dogs,` at your farm Prompt service; Phone collect Wingliaan 5614. William 'Stone ..Sons,. Limited, Ingersoll, ROOFING- l YIETROUGHING roofs'ri e ared anew 'roofs' Flat , p . , eavetrpughing, spray painting, etc, Satisfaction .guaranteed.:. Work .' -- done: anywhere. :' Sylvester. Fo t racy; R. 2, Mildmay, phone 60-t-1.5.• 1 -OUSE ,FOR. ;SALE-7=room red ' brick, home'of the, • late James ,-StoakleyCatherine St.,. Wing- hair: Newly decorated; complete ,with storm windows and doors, garage and barn..•If interested call at•house after '3 .o'clock ori ,October .21st,. 1950. NOTICE,' , •'CLERIC'S :NOTIC OF' k IRST ' . POSTING OF VOTER'S LIST �--•• Voters'---ListSi�•y1950r ,M•uncpalityf.- • Of West Wawanosh, : County of Huron. Notice.'is' hereby given, that' 1 have complied with Section'. 8' of The 'Voters' Lists Act and that I ,,,have posted up , at my' office at -Dungannon, on the 14th day of October, 1950, .the list of all ;per- sons' entitled to vete ' ins the, said ,Municipality.. at, Municipal El"ect- tioris, and that such list' ;remains :there for inspection � , And. I -h"erehy� .call upoi' all vot- eras to- 'take.. immediate "proceed- ings to .have any. errors or omis- sions' . corrected according to 'law,' the last day for appeal being the 4th day of November, 1950. Dated this 14th day. of October, 1950, .• ' DURNIN PHILLIPS,' Clerk, PERSONAL SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain .5 to 15 Lbs.. New, pep,. too. Try fam ous, Ostrex Tonic ' .Tablets for double results ; new, healthy flesh; new vigor.. New ."get acquainted'? size orily,'60c; All druggists. '.',AUCTION SALE `''Of' cattle :at the 'farm of Nor' • man' McMaster, Lot 19, Durham:` Road Kinloss Twp;, a' mile .west of Blackhorse, on. Tuesday, 'Oct- Ober. 24th, -at 2:00 p.rn. 8' cows, 2• bulls°, 4 two• -year-olds; 8 yearl- ings; 10 . spring 'calves, 8 ' ;chunks pigs, 5 Weaning pigs.' Terms cash. Norman; McMaster, ;Prop.; Donald= B. Blue, Auc,. NOTICE'. The Lucknow Wonrien's Insti- tute will „sponsor• ;the .annual. Ta$ Day for the Blind.in Luicknow on 'Saturday, Oetober 21st. Please stippoit.the staggers,generously;... • IN MEMORIAM'; -GARDNER;in•loving memory: of Mrs. •, Ernest 'Gardner, who passed 'away on October 18th,. 1949: She was •taken without ;any. warn- ing,„ 1!� Her • going left hearts filled with. pain; . B.ut thou h. she is gone: frorn • pat g In' our. ''hearts she will always remain. • Ever;' remembered . by Hus- band and '.Family. DONNYBROOK• Q1.Oltlll, q1<N„lU1►„ o1imHpai'b •. COMING EVENT (Intended for. Last .Week) : Miss Gladys Jefferson, Reg.N.; BAZAAR AND TE,A, of I.,ondon Was ,home over the The ladies of Zion W.A. will k hold a bazaar and tea, sewing and wee-.eI'd' ' .homemade baking sale , on ,Sat4 Mr.. and Mrs. Stuart 'Cham.ney. • urday', October 28th in the' Leg and Diane were . Sunday visitors ion. Rooms, laucknow. ,with Mr. and Mrs: George Web ” PLAY: AND ;DANCE sten . : Mr. and :.Mrs. ,i: C. Robinson The Junior Fanners. 'and .Junior moved to, their ., new home. in Institute of Teeswater will pre-• Wingharn° Mr and Mrs. Robinson sent their play "Cracked Nuts in the Township 'Hall, Holyrood, Friday, October 20th at.8.30'under auspices of. Holyrood'W.I, .Dance following. •Ti f f in's Orchestra. ". MASQUERADE'. . QAS UERADE DANCI' BINGO.. In • the R.ecfeatio.n'al Centre, Luc ow,. Tues.day,r,October 31st.,' Bingo 8 to 10, free` .admission,. D ancing after to "Carruthers or = chestra. ,Admission 50c.' Auspices 'Ladies Auxiliary to ' Canadian Legion. Lunch counter, Everyone welcome. Support the Auxiliary and have a ..good time. for, •your- se1.f ` on: 'Hallowe'en, „Costume prizes for fancy lady, fancy gent, comic lady, comic gent, fancy and comic dressed • couples. • ' CARD OF THANKS The Ritchie 'Family 'wish to express their sincere thanks and "appreciation to the Zion Orange Lodge:' for ,the:, use; of their hall on Saturday evening Mrs Rebecca Gardner Wishes to" thank her. many friends for the kin dness shown . her ,'during her' 'recent' illness in'' Goderich Hospital. : The " gifts,. cards and flowers Sent:' her were :;all very iiiii;ich; appreciated f I wish to; extend my Sincere 1.thanks;..to ' all .my :friends neighbors who so'..kindly<remern bered:. me : with..cards, fruit, and flowers While I Was in .the 11. - OS -NOTICE TO CREDITORS ; pital: Thanks also'. to - Mrs. .C: :All .p'e r s o n s having claims Crawford and' Mrs .C.' Gardner against ' the estate • .of • Bertha for their .kind'ness•ran caring for' Louisa Reed,' late 'of the'' Village Roddy of Dungannon in the County of : 'Noll -11a • McDonagh. Huron,;'; Widow, deceased, Who died on,. or about:the Seventh day of July; 1950, are notified to ,or • 1 • 0 • •.I about 'the Nineteenth .day: of Oct-. ober, -1950, • full particulars of their' claims 'in:writing.. Irrimedi ate'ly. after. the: Nineteenth day of October; the. assets of -:the :•. said Testatrix will b e : distributed 'amongst the 'p a r ti e s .r entitled Youn Peoples meeting on: Sun= '. thereto, `having •regard:'only` to. g day night :at the. home of W. S. claims of which', the' Executors Mact onald: : 'shall then ',;have", notice. • • . • f A nunvber ' of' ladies;'gathered` ' Dated • this .29th day : of. Sep-•, at the home of '. Mr. ,Albert a • • • Har-; rington`noon fo ' Saturday afterr..''tY, •• Lever shower for Miss. Pas whose :marriage . .:will take place in Detroit in the .•near future. `' •FOURTH CONES:ION ` .Miss Jewel Hamilton . of 'Ter- mite. came: up recently for,',a-,Visit. 'withher root.irer .;who has - been. staying, at :the home•. of Gilbert Hamilton. • A.. nice crowd attended` the will be greatly. Missed inthis conimi.inity. Miss Lucy Thompson of Onon- dago ' was 'home . over the Week - Mrs. Mrs. "Arnold Craig and• NIrs.. R. Charnney :.attended the, sect.i'onal conventio,n' of the W,MS.. at Nile, on Thursday,., . `Mr.' andMrs, H. ' Jefferson,: Mr.' and Mrs.. Wm. Hardy and Mr, Ed. 'Robinson' attended the . plowing, match at Alliston. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Chamney anA daughters Dorothy and. MVIari lyra ' were •Sunday visitors with 1VIr: arid Mrs. R, Chamney. • Mrs.. 'Elizabeth Naylor of, .Ben - Miller' , is, spending. a 'few days. with Mr. and Ms Gordon Nay= 'for arid family: ' Mr. and Mrs. John R. Thpmp ,son and: Howard were recent:' week -end visitors with hersis_' ter .•:Mrs. •'.Mina • Sherridan' . and., family, Oshawa:: Wheelsman Rinald Taylor spending his vacation with -:.•his. parents, Mr. and Mrs:...Bert. Tay- lor, before . going; south for' the wiynter.. , Mr: and, 'Mrs Jghn Freerrian &' Kathleen 'of ,.Brantford visited over the holiday at the home of'.'. her mother, Mrs., A: E.: Johnston:•, DR, TB CLELAND VETERINARIAN. , Havelock St., • sout;h :of Supertest Garage LUCK1\1Q'W Telephone '175 timber, A D. ,•1950. Crawford and .Hetherington, Barristers •&, C., . Wingham, ' ;Ontario, Solicitors for .Executors.; e • NOTICE TO :CREDITORS , ,• IN. THE MATTER of the Estate of Mary A. Hamilton, late of'. the Township of Huron :in the County of Bruce, :Widow, deceased, ' NOTICE•,,is hereby given, •pus, suant to 'the Statute in that be- half, that :all .Creditors, and others having claims or demands against the estate of the said Mary,;,A. Hamilton, whe 'died on . or about th'e Fourth day of September 1950. are 'r.eg tired •, ori':or �b.efore, the Twenty-fifth:' :day. of October 1950,, to', send by,. post ';prepaid, .'or de,, liver ' to '• the,Undersigned, ',Exe- cutor ,Executor of ,the .last Will and Test: amerit of•The. said deceased, -their names, addresses "and,descrip- dons, the fi t1 _par cuiars tirtlieit claims,' aa• statement ,of their ac- counts, and, . the 'nature: of .the securities, if :any; Weld 'by them•, AND take notice ` that • after such, last mentioned. date, the Said Executor will proceed to distrib ute°the assets of the said''deceased•• among the :persons entitled there to, having- regard only to ' the claims,' of which he shall then have notice, and that the said Executor. will .`not •he liable for the said assets, or' any part there- of ;to any person or persons of whose claims 'notice shall' not then' have been: received; Dated the . 29th day of Septem- ber A,O. 1951' . Andrew L. Hamilton, R.R. No: 6, Lucknow, Ont, Executor; . ` We are ;`sorry, to. 'report,: that • •Mrs. Fraser' MacKinnon is receiy= ing Medical: care .in • London.: Bertie.Johnson .is . in Loridon'at: present 'as he. had an operation on his""nose., _ , Mr. .and Mrs .'••Maulden: and son. of ,.Kinlough'':were recent 'visitors e home of Dori MacIver. A number of ladies %fr•,oth ' the. Fourth. .attended, , the: sectional. meeting o f the W.M.S..'Which' was' • `held in' .Ripley Saturday after- , . Mr. Austin Martini. attended. 'the wedding of a. 'friends in. :Kitch- ener K•it'ch-ener last Saturda : ` `Service`: ui d"Sati"gfa t div • umbin f and He:ating 'Deep Well and Shallow Well. Pumps sold and installed.. EAVETROUGHING 'AIR 'CONDITIONING. Art Gilmore ore R. It,: 3, LUCKNOW 'Phone 61-r-13, Dungannon a.; news enc Howard Agnew ..-= Jo's. Agnew • MEMBER .OF • Ontario. Insurance • Agents' Association GENERAL INSI7RANCE• . BUSINESS. and" TAX. SSE VIC • MONTHLY AUDITS, .For The Small Merchant; i%.ofessiona1` :Mar • and the Farmer,. S� J Iyh .. , PY� 1� P;0. Box 74 •- Lucknow, Ont. Office in. Kilpatrick „Block' • 'Phone • 23-w T. ARMSTRONG. OPTOMETRIST IN LUCKNOW FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH !' • from 10:.a.m: to — at WM. 'SCHIVI•ID',S STORE • Insure `In Sure, insurance. Western 'Farmers' .Weather .' FLR�• , Howick Farmers'' Mutual, Car, Accident, Sickness Consult ., JOHN' FARRISH S '.'Phone1.69-J, . Lucknoiv I•NSURANCE. Established Over 30 Years Ago Telephones: Business' 39 Residence 13 SU•RANCE' „. Co -0 erative:Life Insurance Co Operative Automobile, • Insurance Mercantile & Farm Fire Insurance Economical and Reliable See A. CAMERON LUCKNOW ''Phone 70-r-10' Dun Bannon GENERAL INSURANCE ` ,' 0 AUTOMOBILE' ' • l )FAMILY HOSPITALILATI.ON SICK, and .ACCIDENT Irivestigate .. Before You Invest cNAX .ALEX. T� . Ma 0 'Phone. 177, Lucknow I NOW IS THE TIME To . Order A ION Threshing Machines 3 sizes -22x32, .22x38;• 28x48 Roller' 'Bearing Complete -ARL I=X.' HODC INS E ° R.R. 1, Holyrood', Oint. •'phone. 36-r-13 Tees►aiter; FIRE,:lCASUALTY; AUTOMOBILE AND, :LIFE • To Protect Your Jack, Insure •:With Jack Toiay,. J:. A. McDONAGH R. R.'•3; ' Lucknow :Ont. 7 -hone .61~ .-5,Dun annon eDungannon ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO Office 'in 'the Joynt Block. Tele•1? hgne: Office.135` ' •i Residence 31-J P e Stu rt MacKenzi Barristers and .Solicitor WALKERTUN : ONTARIO:. . I LU:.0-NOW-J1 Each "'Wednesday . OFFICE 'IN HENDEItSON BLOCK . S. Hetherington, .Barrister, Etc: Wingham and Eucknow IN'. LUCKNOW Each.' Monday, and Wednesday ,Located on the ground floor' in the front of John ' Kilpatrick's Building ' , Phone '(JVingham. Otfice '48 Residenee.97