HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-10-19, Page 3l•NURS., QCTQ> ER 19th, 1950. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LT NOW, ONTARIO' • Mr, aid Mrs . F. Freers of Of Erle, Pa,, are visiting with Mr... and Mrs. •J, W. Joyr7:t. - Mrs, Stanley 'Hall frdta, Ilill burg is visiting this dye 1 vi°itkr Mr. and'. Mrs; 3, 1;1. flail, r'aul and Mrs W0t..11ey 'of 1)( 1troit, called list Vednem.1 ry ,hist Ashfield. Parsonage, the :home{ •rr' raul's,utcle, Rev. C.• 13. W.ruJ1ey.i • Mi. and 1V)i.sr J:irn Bowden c,.•t': b,etrort :and Mr, arid, Mrs., 1 sur ti.ce 1V1 Guir•e and 'Shirley of .l,oncic)n a11ed on',iclativus he a ca ,:on,.„Sat- urday; Sa - ur day• Weekae.nd, vrsitc>rs1V11and Mrs Sana Gibson, weir 1+;i1g'rrr and Jean Ritchie, Huntsville; Mr. 'and. • Mrs., Clifford -Eastman and faun , ily:of' Burlington; Mrs. .Margaret, Grant of Qrkiwy :'anc1, her. dead.„.' ghter Edna' of 'Yorkton, Sick. LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH w Minister: Rev. W, J,:Mumford, 1 ' r. M.A.,. 8 D.,.: S.T.ID.: , •:.1. SS �Sunday, October 22nd, 1950'' : ANNLVIiARYSERYIGEs i I Cnest•'.Preacher.,, I REV.. HUGH• C. WILSON a.m.: Getting .the Most out of Life. 7 p m :,Dangerous,Days. You: are cordially ° invited to Worship with us ,as we ;cele-, orate`our Church Anniversary. Special "Music by the, Choir. ENTER, ' TO WORSHIP;,'. DEA PART TO S.RVE;� qq• •M,•M�w•Miler .,r� .. points; .The • nic etiri.g ..closed with. Mrs. A. E. 1VIcKin,, Provincial (.'r?ntnti5sioner of Camping, is.:at- t ncling the meetings of. the E?:e.- utiv,e of the. Ontario Counr il, which. rU'( beitig held in. Toronto, C)etola(it• 17, 18: and 10. Mr'. and Mr : A•vt1hut Ilulden.by arcs daughter filriiley cr4f• .'or.)nto and Mr, and MIs. George, •widen - by of Kinlut.ikil were recent :visi tors •witii,thee l'ornwr's sister, Mrs.,, M. ,I)ud1e ul;,l,ucl nov. 1V'lr.-arid M'rti. Carner'cin� ,,Mac- I)o:n,cld;"Misses Mtr.udia 'Fisher. & (iltacly� MrtcI)onalcl- aptai t tic`s c kzc%rl:cl in Flint, `and on threir i r'l;t.0 n Lore .ac'.(;ornpanied by M.r,• W.W. 11111 Who' had shent a w.e'ek ',here, •. • Mr. ••and Mrs Jack Data and .Mr. and Mt's•' brae Myers. of Sucl- bury vis't rd'.Mr's.' Neil l{e ir.ai . 1Vlr l tucKenri:e.•rctur'ncd. vitt, thein by w zi.y of Detroit arid :Northern •Mie•h'.igara,' and• spent a week in' Sudbury. Rev, J W.: and Mrs Stewvar.t.of Trrifalgai`; Una Melvin Stewart of. Guelph, vior'e up to: attend the Eastern•. Star; Meetrrig.at Wing, harn.•on Tuesday evening of last week and-., were accompanied: home to. Guelph by Mrs. Melvin Stewart. arid* daughters:. 'Deanna Dawn and Judith• Ann, 'who spent a :week visiting. with. her "par-' erits ;Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Oren- . natl. GIRL, GUIDES. The Girl, : •Gurdes: held :their regular iieetingg. on Friday even ing. at 7,30with Gladys .:Gibson and Winnie ',Stewart.. in -charge; W hid;: roll .call with 23 •in at- ten;darrce. e :ids s the leaders: G1,adyS•�Gibson shrived arid ex= plai'ned the • tises,of •1:ifferent fires. Slai, also .tave,'cjucstions .for patrol Product of'Mason &'nisch: • irsc oice for Value... e... A lovely new Clossic Piano will, be a joy to everyone in your home for .many. years-. :.to come Smartly 'designed. in exquisite Maho,gany,and Walnut Veneers , for those who wtinpa truly lite;` „piano at'a=mods rate, price.'. `fqr. 15 minutes of "PIANO MELODIES' Mune, to r: 'CKNX • MONDAY, O.CTOB;ER 23, at 9.00 p.m. Hear your favorite tunes Played on oiie of the many.. models of ' Winter & . Co., and Mason tiz nisch:pianos, which are displayed by your, neighborhood dealer, Garflet1E. Farrier WHI mentiRCH 'Phone 711J1 Wingharn A "slumber..if Reconditioned JSED 'PIANOS '. ON VIAND tis i:; Gui..dc5"t� ill hey: at: •,7:;;10 next ,Friday, unless. furthr r . notice ' is given. • WEDDING -BELLS: ARNOLD-QRR`. sic cl at the Preshvterian rnanse, .1 Wh'i;tr ch.urc lierrs Fridati October 6th,. '1950, ',when'Rev. R:. D A C or' tc ` uint'in in ii 1 age.:Isabel, youngest daughter of Mid. and M:rs. Wililam :Oi r,; Lan•gside, 'to ':hlson Arnold, :only :son• of Mr. ifenr y Arnold 'and •the late Mrs. Arnold' of $crvie ' 'I'hc bride . \A'iir e, a, f;r een� gab. ardi.ne'suit ���ith blank accessor- ies: She • Was attended by .Miss' Evelyn of Pine. Ri er,:wear ing; a, hrown peck'and pbck suit, with,'bTown •cac•cessoi'ies•.' • •'Eiaro1c1 'Fair acted :as, hest man,. 'Fr llriwin'g the'. wedding a.:dinner. .was se •red; sat . the•home•••of the :bride's siacr,;•'Nlrs. 'John . L:, C•ur- tie of Wingham, .'s• ....Mr. and Mrs,' Arnold then left On. a wedctih trip to Quebec •On. their 'return -,they. will .reside' on ,the bor„ s firer at •Bei:•' ie TI1E,•VOI('I' OE TlEMPERAN�CE Said a minis,te to.a beaten al 1. t'�ilyr,lie., "1larry,•iii: God's :name,. how diel a r,itcrl lil.c ;you i•iin,r tei this;'"..Thc r, i'u, �L;i: Ca t„t, Well i,•,a,.. eon ,isle ;that ijtic'sttcitl, I hid ca gond But L .Was. i)` young:. • fool; I kne y'‘..htit ligttor •herd done. to Atari • hut 1 •\i �s -5'urc it (mild net l,:apperi to 'mee, t• could. drink` ui d:irt ii rlrrrVr X oall;l t t 1�avtz lc hiV,VVii touter::th it :;no ,one can. • safely c4Xpr'.'iitr.rnt on,himself with alcohol, :One..thinf 1' corn- l>lote'ly m•r'rinnked • that alcohol • is a l•,abit forming' drug,.., I was •going• to be a moderate diitike , but before 1 knew 'Where, the habit• hiid. mc' ire its grip. Oh if I cot:ildonly start avoir. ,again,, 1d • ns•V'ddr;:� totioh. a' drop 'of ;,the infternal �tttff. In my, young: clay, 1 brought the teetotallers W EDD.ING. •BELLS. , WILKINS—IRWIN P6fore a background of baskets of autCuin flowers, Rev.' Charles :Wiasn performed the ceremony at I the home of .the bride's parents, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. John Irwin, Saturday afternoon, uniting, in marriage, Mayme Taipei Irwin and Charles 'William Wilkins, son. of Mr, and Mt s: Errie.at C, Wilkins. Mrs.. Harvey • Raw played, the, wedding music "arid Miss Florence' Hudson sang "IecauSe" • .during th'e:'signing ;of the• register. • ::The bride, given in arriage ley' 'her f ath.er, was m gowned white`., satin and. lace with.' gweet-; heart neckline' .and lily point' sleeves.. Her satin bound illusion. veil., fingertip,wash,, caught to '•a rhinestone 'studded . ' comb •o n which were arranged white satin, t'lo,wers:. 'She. carried "a. sheaf. ` of rose autu'htnn flowers and fern. •.:Mrs. Charles- Riach,• the' bride's sister,• as m'atroi •of honor wore a. gown 'of gold', satin with square,1 neckline and full. skirt. She car- ried a 'sheaf : of white 'autuimn flowers. Herb Wilkins, brotherof the, groom, .was 'hest man. The bricle's mother', wore a for- est' green : dress with matching' .accessories a.nd corsage of •!bronze mums 'while the groom's mother chose a blue.''dress• with black ac: eessorieS and corsage: of •. yellow snapdragons;'_: Following '. the reception' °-the coupleleft for• points north,,.the bride'•travelling in -.a Wine' gab-: ardine :suit, with :grey and• black accessories and navy ,top.:coat., On •their return they ' will reside ` on their farm on the 1,2th.4oricession. ,of . •Ashfield. '• Hackett's.., W M.S : H:ackett's W M S.. met Wednes day afternoon October ;lith ,:at the. home' of Mrs. ,Andrew .Ritchie with i4 ,present Iri the: absence of:.the •.president,:"'Mrs. Woolley led.. the devotional service,.assist- ed .assist. ed:.by Mrs, :Dynes •Campbell... Mrs, 'Wilfred Hackett ' was '.secretary, pro • tem:; . ,Readings' were ,given by Mrs: Lane and'.Mrs.:Cyril'Camp bell, • the -scripture' read by. ;Mrs. Thomas Hackett' and prayers of- fer•ed .by•, Mrs. Jah'nston. arid 'Mrs:' �1Voolle'`' ' 1Vfr's.: ._Woolle t o o:k charge: pof • the' meeting • .for the business session : As, ..they ' were • witho>t a president, owing • to Mrs... Wilkins; :removal, ,:a differ7:. ent one was'"a'ppointed; for each .remaining month .of they, year:. Mrs::-W:ifred Hackett for: the:•Oavt, ober .meeting at Mrs. Adam. John ston's, Mrs: Clifford Hackett for the November meeting at, Mrs. Thomas Hackett's and'Mrs. Dynes Campbell for the.:becember meet ing. at„Mrs.. Clifford Hackett's. Mrs , Geo, . Alton 'was appointed ,,s:ecretary to succeed Miss' Berna-• 'dean rAlton., The .talent money was ordered in for:the. N.ovem= her meeting, the losers to enter= twin: the winners. The ladies each agreed.. to • ,bring • a diaper, for Greek babies,•'to "the, Oct: meet- ing: After the closing prayer by Mr. 'Wooh'ey •, refreshments •were served by the • hostess' assisted by Mrs. Dynes,', Campbell, Blake's ,W.M.S. ' , _ Blake's V✓.M.S meta Tuesday af- ternoon., October; 10th iii Blake's Hall with. 16 present and the Pres- ident, Mrs, Irvine ,1-Tenry;' , in charge. Readings •were 'givers by Mrs. Jack Irwin and Mrs, Wool. ley, a,. solo by. Mrs. Livingstone' Menary and. , prayers offered' .'by Mrs. Isaac Cranston and • Mrs. Thomas Blake'ncItev; C H; Woolley. •Mrs. Russell' Johnston and Mrs. Jack Irwin gave a •mss: sionary dialogue A ;committee of 'three, Mrs. Isaac Cranston, Mrs. Geo; Twamley• and .Mrs.' Herbert Curran were appointed' to buy new' flatware fQr the .Society. The meeting Closed with refreshments 'served by, the hostesses, Mrs. Rus- sell sell Johnston and Mrs. -Jack 'Ir- win'. as we called ther,'ttere fanatics and foals. I l:,n'crw riow that they were ri ;lit " ..Ad�'t• , TIiERE WIt.L NOT BE' an open deerseason in Greenock • Town shit' this. year. A request. for ' an opet, season irrr ,,Township resi- dents Only,. Was denied... • • PAGE TBREZ V'A'S' U U M S E'A 11,..f t J PICK-UP AND DELIVERY: �Ve Are Now `Prepared To Offer A : PickUp and Delivery Service on Famil y Washing, or: ' /SERVICE and SATISFACTION 11� noww , to atm Phone '92 w,:. .ucknow • 1 i Q o lapt1 O.aroilmipm,t) 4) (4005 la6iU fl4EmO o l,amol, O amptt ' i—EUCC-I NGW—HIGH-SC-HOG Irom the Collection of The Art Gallery. of Toroi to' � �. o Contemporary .Canadian:'Water C.lours - Landscapes, portraits, abstractions, etc.; in this ; selecti•on `-o Original water` calours by. noted Canadian- artists 11IION. OCT. 23 to .MON., OCT. ;30, EARLY ` NTARIO ARCHITECTURE 22 Panels designed to 'show sornethrig of the character of pioneer, settlement in Ontario and to make people 'aware that good architecture: of '.the •pastis a heritage -to 1 'e :cher""-' fished. MON:, NOV. 6 to 'MON., NOV. 13 • On ,Display Nightly from..7:00:to 9.00 PIONEER . RELICS SOF LOCAL' ORIGIN • ALSO ON _DISPLAY tiv ;41.,i1111►OSI,46,O!i,wi)ifa,i t"iu41111i.nwii1.0.1.ilr 1. 1 'on .Guarantee `i. Trust ,Certificates ISSUED for any ritnount ::.. for a ,term of • five years , guaranteed both•as to.prittcipal, ' and interest -Interest ohcqu'es tha.iled:to reach holders • on .due datef or, at holder's option, may be allowed to accumulate at compound. interest ' An ideal' investment for: Executors • Individuals 'i Admin& trators. Committees Corporations • Trustees, Cemetery Boards • Hospital Boards • THE -STERLING TRUSTS• CORPORATION 372 Bay, Street,. Toronto 1 • rl x5 f11.