HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-10-19, Page 2i'. i• 4Yy ' a ti PAGE TWO », _ dp .• THURS- 1J O� k�TIIsTEE4 , + CKNOW ONTARIO .. The Group. 'Committee OF First Lucknow Cubs: and Scouts Wish to thankmost sincerely the people of Lucknow ' for their kindly 'reception and generous assistance to the boys on Apple Day, and all who assisted in • carry lug out the Apple ' . Day program. In particular " we express our thanks to—Mr. . MacMillan for the use of his . vacant store. e . ►UR OPPORTUNITY !. r ev formerly; of •Halifax, Nova Scotia: 'A dynamic preacher of the old-fashioned gospel:' God's Man. with. Gods 's Message, FAIL• DON'T: TO HEAR- HIM AT Win ham Orange Services' Inclusive, SUNDAY, OCT. Z2 NOVEMBER 5tl Each Evening (Except: 'Monday and : Satutday4`. at 8 pm. Sundays at 3. p,m. The Entire `'Community:, is extended, an invitation to attend e• Z'.'IO N% , 1VYr. and MrsKeith Ritchie and: • Gayle. "'.of Petrolia . visited with. Mr and' Mrs. Cecil Gardner for the 'Vreek-end. Mr., and 'Mrs.. Clifford 'Eastman and,. family of Burlington and Mr, Edgar Ritchie of'Htintsville,vist= ed ,Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Cecil Gardner. , Mr' and 'Mrs. Bert Wylie . and. M . .. ' A.SHFIE•LD xis, 'P'. ' Hamilton spent last week in London. Miss, Sadie Johnston, . R.N., will be hostess for•.the October meet-'' ing• of the Presbyterian W,M.S. Mr., and Mrs, F, • MaceBnnan; Mr. and. Mrs. Henry MacKenzie, and Mr, and Mrs. R. Bissett •were 'in 'Toronto on Saturday ... attend ing the Geary-MacKendr.ick wed- ding. . Mrs, MacLean and.. Mrs. Cromp- ton. of Yale, Michigan, ,called on relativeshere ori'.Satur,day • • !OCTOBER 19th, 1950 LHS Field Day Winners p • ' 'S'enior' Girls 100' yard; dash (14 see.): Mary belle , McQuillui, 'Shirley :Hamil- ton, Hamil-ton, Ruth Anderson, Joyce. Little, Betty ,Hamilton.; 220 yard (38 sec.) : Shirley Hamilton, W}'nnie' Stewart, Ruth Anderson, belle McQuillin, Marie Campb 1; 3 -legged .*race (14 sec)Ruth i. Anderson', ,arid' ..Gail McMillan, • Shirley' Hamilton &' Donna 'Ham- ilton, Winnie Stewart and Mary Jo Anderson,' Freda Hackett and Marie ' Percy, Marybelle McQuil "lin and Mary MacMillan, '• ' . Skipping; race (12 sec.')' : ' Mary,: belle McQuillin, Winnie Stewart, Joyce Baulch, Mary Jo Anderson; M•arlene. • MacLennan. Bicycle race (50 sec,)„: Mary Jo Anderson, Edna Reid,, Winnie Stewart, Marybelle • McQuillin, Joan. Johnson: Hurdles (l8sec.) : Audrey Ross,. Marybelle :'McQuillin,. • • D o nfn3 Hamilton, Shirley. Hamilton, Mnry., Jo Anderson. (1.'1"):;Standing''broad �urri . ' Ruth, Anderson; Margaret Chin, .Edna Reid;` • ' Runni'ng`'broad' jump. (12'11/2'") Marybelle McQuillin, • Ruth Arid- erson, ';Margaret ''Chin Mari F.,ercy, Winnie.` Stewart. • ;Standing : hop, •,step:and jiirnp , (19' 3":) :• RuthAnderson' & :Mary ;'belle• •McQuillin; Margaret Chin, Edna Reid, 'Joyce ;Little: 'Running. hop,' step:and jum p (27' 9") : :Ruth Anderson, Mary, belle •McQuillin, ''' Joyce Little ria 'Rei.., , ` I- i.gh ;jump (3' 11"): Ruth •AA-: Berson,, ,Marybelle IVrcQuilIin; Edna Reid •Mary MacMillan: and Marie,:P'ercy.. ' • Softball distance.throw:;(1'S6 W'mnie .Stewart :Margaret ' Chin,. ,Freda Hackett; Shirley •Hamilton, Joyce .' Baulch: Junior' Girls • :100, yard dash' (15 sec.): 'Bever- ley 1Stanley Carolyn Gi'bson,,'Val- ma F owald, Janet Campbell, Audrey Stanley. 20a yards (35 sec) Carolyn •:Gibson'; Beverley' 'Stanley; Valrna,, Howald,; Janet CarriPbell, Audrey Stanley: . 3 -legged .race . (15 sec.J : Betty Johnston, and 'Carolyn Gibson,'' Janet Carnpbel, and .Gladys :Kil- patrick,' Beverley:: Stanley and •AudreY Stanley. , Skipping race (14 •sqc,) Aud' rey' Stanley,`' Ruth Keane, 'Vilma' Howald;' Ruth. Johnston, Carol Gibson. ' • ' ."Bicycle race (52 sec):' Laurine McNain, Charlene Smith, Audrey Stanley, V•alma' Howald. • �.. Hurdle ' ,(13 sec. ):' Beverley Stanley, Ruth Curran,' Betty .C.on- ley, Betty' Johnston, Ruth Keane.' Standing •broad jump' (7,'ft );'•+ 'Carolyn Gibson, 'Beverley Stan- ley,' Valrna , 'Hbwald, . Margaret -=Stears--and ---A-udrey=5tanlert:: ; •Rtinnirig broad jump' (12' '6;p):. Carolyn Gibson, Beverley Stan'- ley, Audrey 'Stanley, 'Gladys Kil- patrick, Janet :Campbell, • , Standing hoop, step' .and jump t• i Marlene of .Rochester visited: Mr, and:• Mrs:` Harvey Ritchie on. Sun day. ' Mr and Mrs'. Nelson 'RaY y pard . and:.family visited Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wall on Sunday., Mr.. and Mrs.• Bill Hunter visit - eel Sundaf with.M : an J ' .Y r dMxs. oe Freeman. Sunday' School at 10.15; . chtir'ch at 7:39.. ' ��.�o�O�o�U�r>•tili>�►ilk!�<i�Ir�►i>�te�oit»obi>�n�iflu�q�o�t.�� e Entire i1UtUre. to or Cowern at the ATE J.. R.: WHEELER'S .STORE on Hamilton : Street, SALE•' NOW ,IN FULL SWING. Every article will be GREATLY REDUCED IN PRICE .,,.:, Occasional .`' Chairs, Doll Prams, Table Lamp's • 1 and . Mattresses are a ' few examples_that- are T offered at 'half price. A : large ` stock of floor coverings in two and three yard widths, and rugs, are specially /reduced. Shop Early and Avoid Disappointment. r. 1950 CHEV SEDAN, seal covers, les.. than 5000 miles: 1949 CIHEV. DELUXE COACH, •white wall' tire's and, seat . . . covers; ' 1949 CHEV.•.FLEETLINE SEDAN , 1948 CHEV., FLEETLINE COACH,'. two 1948 CHEV,.SEDAN ' 1948 CHEV.-.COACH 1947, CHEV..COACH 1940 CHEV. SEDAN in excellent, condition 19}0 • PONTIAC :COACH:: • 1937 NASH' SEDAN 1936 CHEV; COACH . • one green :'' TRUCKS 1950 G.M.C. 1 -ton ' Stake, equipped"with racks 1942 CHEV:'%-ton' PICKUP USSR 'The Home o Cities Service Dealer Better Used' Cars" 'Phone 73x..Brussels Mathers, Doug Halderby, Charlie Chin, Arta Baker: 220 yards - A. Hackett, W Mathers, C: 'Chin; 'Lorne Cooke; D, Haldenb'y: Shot' bu't Jim Hackett; W. Mather's, ./6,L Hackett„ C. 'Chin,. D Haldenby • RunningD aldenby, Mathers, , C. Chrn.;' A. ' Huck Sett, A:, Baker.., Pole. 'vault• -•C. Chin' A. Baker, A. ,Hackett,. D: Hal'denhy; W.' Mathers Running 'broad—W. Mathers, L: Cooke,:'A. Hackett,'' C. Chin, A;'' .100 yard' dash -W: Mathers, Hackett,. C. Chin, L. ` Ccoke; Haldenby. • Standing broad -L-A; Hackett, Nlatliers, , C. Chin, D:' Haldenby, A Baker: 11..unning;hop,: step and jump,L. C Chin,D.• Hald'enby, ,W.••Math ers, J.. Graham., Bicycle race A Hackett, C:' Chin, A. Bak'er,, W. Mathers,-.L. Collins. Pole vault—D. Haldenby, '.1'ohn'ston C Hodgin• s' C ' Stan] Artron xm s; g• ''- • 220 ' yards — ' W. ;'Johnsto:n, C: Stanley; =D;' MacInt re I3: McNay ::.I7 .Ha'lderlby: ' • W' , hri .Highyu.rrLp—.... Jo stop, •D: MacliitYre, D. �Raldenby, D, Mc- Nay,- B: Armst•rdng ... '' • i "' nrin r' —W titin., �K,u . g •.�b oad ,J stun, D. -Haldenb ,D'. 1VIa:cintyr`e. C: Hgd.gins, ' Stanley: " Shot put - A. Macl, tyre, ;M, Chin, D.. 1\''Iaclntyrc, •D, -Rose, 1). McNay. 100 yards H. Howald,. • ,Sta'ndini 'broad jump.D: 1Vl;i•c.4 Intyi.e,:H. Howald, vV: J'olintiton, D. McNay, D. ''Haldenliy. Running hop, estep .a'nd, jump W.'• Johnston, • D.• Maclntyre, :Howald;, D..•McNay, D. Hal:denby, (19' 81/2"): Beverley .Stanley, Car- olyn Gibson,' Betty Conley, Valnia Hld owa ' and Janet Campbell, ' ' • • 1 Running hop,' step and jump ;Open Evenings. r e ' a - Whim .. Store on'amiltonr Street"'also g (26 2) Carolyn: Gibson Bever- ley ever l y Stanley; Vilma Howald, Joan Hamilton Laurine McNain..• .�� �'��'• s High jum!P ,'(8'+ 9"): . Carolyn Furn*ture Successor to '1, 'R, v Wheeler. 4 1 +'*veil,4m►efduiNl.m.e101►teMw►Y14uwIN�r(1•i►Yiirlrl,lN>•e>iM►Hasailif411.tr.•mtrou►1141►U 411.10 Gibson, .Betty Conley' Beverley StanleX'.RuthCurran and Valrna Howald, 'Softball l throw- (110' '3"): 'Car- olyn Gibson, Lauxrne McNain, Ruth Johnston, Betty Johnston,. Betty Conley, , y " .lunior Boys' • '4140 yards—Alvin • Hackett; Bill • -Senior Boys • 440 :yards ' Wayne' Johnston, 'Bob Arrnstrong, .'!Don Haldeniby,`. .Doth McNay;. Harold..,Howald. • ;Jolt t>t on. .�. _ •y 11, G Daily Reminder ® 4