HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-10-19, Page 1,$2ig0 Yearly In Advance, — 50c Extra to U.S.A. PIONEER RELIC.,S AT -ART ART DISPLAY • •• The studentsand staff, of Luck- ; . now High School have been ,cwn- ,bining 'their efforts to assemble a local 'museurn •of .pioneer relics and to this end their effortshave been ,q e s ocessful; . The ollection to<date contains numeros articles „including a pioneer'''ox •yoke,••. cradle,.musket,. , spinning wheel, sword',: etc., etc., and almost daily. the, mtseuin' is in grow,,.g:aa others. unearth ,som e relic or .+curio to add: to, the col-- lection. ol-lection. Each article''has a brief histor- and ownership; card attached, :and makes for a .most interesting and Informative ' exhibit, which will be featured at: two art dis la '.s p . �' which"are to be 'held at the' High g School•carprnencing. next „week: The 'first art ••exhibi•tion will be held front Monday, October 23rd at •Monday, October '30th, inclus- ive. This will feature "Leven. original ' water, colors by • Canad lair artists of • .lanelscapes, •;por- traits, etc': • •The second exhibition: will b . a week later from . November '6th; to :;:November ;'13th and will be contprtsed. of Early Ontario Arch itecture nurrubering 22 'panels., The school • will be open , each even* from 7:90 .to 9.00 o'clock: There, will, be a small admission. '.fee to defray exile. uses • TO ASSIST IN OPERATING LUCKNOW LAUNDRY , Mr, and Mrs,: lfred .Arrnstrong •• and d 3- e = r o' "�iu h. a 1 , d� to • Ju, Y r l • have taken'.,up residence -here at ' the homeof il/lr. and Mrs. W:. G., Arinstrong, and will assist •cperation of Arm:stk•ong's Snow b White' h to La n r •f Iia n u d Alred d }aec Y • employed' in the Hurleirstone The local laundry, business has ,develops a : ' strop'•' "abilit� 'to kee ) n with' .gs v c .� the work, and :the additional ht+i;ls. was necessa'ry •and now permits them :to offer a': pick-up •and'•de livery service: an family Wash,: Ings. .A' LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, THURS., OCTOBER 19th, • 19.,a0 EIGHT PAGES TO HOLD BENEFIT DANCE I',UR INJURED BALL PLAYER A benefit dance is being held in the Agrit.ultural IiaJl, Dun- gannon. on :Friday of this week' for Allan, Hackett,,son, of Mr, and; Mrs. Tom Hackett; Con, 10, Ash- faeld, •who suffered a`severe facia 1:: injury this,,suminer::while • play- ing ball' for -t'he Dungannon of - +ball team: 'The aecident•happened at Dun- gannon n.a'game against Blyth'. Allan was pitching for'.the•'Dun- gannon nine when aline 'drive to' the mound. •caught,• hint- on the side 'of the "face • and "knocked 'him eold;r,The blow crushedAl- lams •, cheek. bone, ••,and • required surgieal..treatment 'and hospital- ization :;.'n London: •: He has made' 'a'good recovery from the :injury, but . not without much . distress, • lost time;, and expense, and it .is with ..this in mind that the ball players' and 'fans. of` the Dungan. non eommuni:ty.:.are 'planning an Allan' Hackett. night" ,on Friday,. As w.ell'.;is•:the •.dance, there will ,.be '.a Prizedra v.for aa Phil ^� Lea 'mantel radio: .OPENED cip'cR'N BOWLING' ALLE'1S :1ST .SAItNIA A r ecent issue'.o•f The ::Sarnia :Canadian ObSertier devo:ted.':two pages to the: anmn�t n�uncee, • and complimentary adver.•tisernents, in connection with the opening pf 1�o•nr wham's -.new bowlingalleys• in that.' city: 112r s:' Graharm• was .formerly Joy 'Henderson,. daught:er:'of. Mr ' and Mrs: Well Henderson • TheG,raba,na•' family .•.recently, .aiiovi.•c.1: [rein Sett at1b ;d tO., Sarnia where .: Dui hiis, cr e tetd; a c�om p:ietely; ileo build n housing 12 flawless. bo« 1 n alley: anda re-' t'i'e•: hmen•t bar. .'i he alley feature the. new ,automatic foul line an'd .the range- finder, two:. features it • Srr,i�r.•: lion s'no`notice in the howl: ing alley business. pre- Y'iously operated.:alle:'`s lir Strat- ford Sed oral` leagues have -,sign= rd' to plan in }ti» new, Sarnia aud' itoi>ium: Don's many: friends .here rt ih DAVIDTODD `PASSESwish him. the`':best.,of luck . ,.' , : w . , in his .'taew:.enter prise Todd TheM ° -David death• r. 0 f who had been • seriously ill in• • A PLE Wingham Hosptal'foi� a. time,: o.c- C (� BS BEST P tutted : early Tuesday morning He was 77 years. of•" age: •T will be held ,he funeral service. w ?t. his 1 a idence at' St. Helens te resi this afternoon (Thursday) at -L2,30•. o'cldck 'with, interment in Green.-' bill , Cemeter• Y• LA>1)NCH';TICKET SALES ON REMEMBRANCE DAY DRAW Lucknow, Legion is planning. for their 'annual Remembrance: , :Night dance and bingo, with Which ,is associated • a prize draw,. Tickets foE' this arc• now on stile. Four prizes. are being put up, a follows:. Ti ' Toy .suit and toll- coat or: overcoat, Sunbeam zrrri c- overc.�at, S � ; . ,;master,• bicycle arid a .parr. of woollen blankets. . ,A,S1'NIVERSARY MUSIC .' .LCKNOW UNITEll CIIL t,, • 11 a.rrr. i • , Organ Prelude: 'That Sheep Ma y Safely • Graze" (Bach). ' Anthem:,"Lift Up Your. licks" (tropkins) Anth . ._ .. e.lsis, "Mass em. Gloria in Bxc . , in F".—(Concone)'.. Organ Prelude Allegro, A minor Concerto (Grieg). 100 p.m. .t) Ox an _ lu ....,Monar g , Prelude: Allaa ( 1 , Anthem,: "HowLovel , " Are Thy y ' Dwellings" (Fagge),. Anthem ''The Sun. ;Shall Be •1\o More ,Thy Light • By D:ay"•--•. '('W. oodward) • , Mare, ,Quartette: Selected (Um- . bach, Henderson, Hodgins, McNay); • Organ Prelude: '"The Heavens are Telling"• (Haydn). DAY SALESMEN; ::Lucknow Cubs'.aiid Scouts held. a veleY :s iccessfu1 Apple r Day on Saturday. • Close to ,$170,00 had been • received by• Saturday night and s' ecial 'donations to the cam-. i r , . sill 'cumin ,-in, Fine, IT• cr1 still r7, ,pa ri, . �, F •. brisk i\boather,• and` coi:dial'recep- tion-by recep-tion"by the pub' c: +gave. encour- agiment to the 'boys, many' .of whom : i emained• on. the job.' all clay. The Cubs Were particularly energetic stilesrt en,: and were e..;, sponsibl(' for moit: •of„ the Apple sales. r"or•k •was.n nde easier,for• ri}1 enc('rncd } y the fact` that Joe lVloendl:.t1'. once again ga't'e use (,i' his' v. cant' ',tore in the Middle of .thY • main . sti'eet far use ofthe IVI.J' It/a'tt(rri, . Pr Pies i•1()r 11ii1'd nioneV collect_: Cub :Sizer• Hon Tat'ener'. c(1,.g(a to c>v CobI ri (.'0 - Baku, who and 1()tlght 'It tht: record °sures YOf lE�(. Rite' ' 1.1,2'1. and. a lttirrd. prize wfw ill 'go to Ted 'Collyer who collected . $9.18 the equal of last. -yeat•'s first ;prize, In the Troop; prize:; ior• tnc:••t money collected. �lad kinson, .first and •gta to, Ken I g Rod Wraith, second, , Awards' for best decorated pas .leets go to Cubs Jim. Brewer, 1st; Ron TaVener, 2nd; and 'ail s: were• John 1`Iall,• Mar- shall, 3rd.. ,, `r:i e clg r Kett Gair7r •ion and, Joe MacMil- lan. In the Troop 'be'st baskets` were Ken Hodgkinson; first 'and rel second. .In e urge* , at campaign head,.. quarters .sere,. Rev; A. 1 ,, Taven- er, clta}rcptn •. • , Floyd L.' Wilson ,,. secretin y, and committee` 'Man John • D, Ross. assisted by' other, member `of the Group. • • •TEST PUMPING FIFTH W• ELL . Optimistic results ' .have been obtained in the drilling of a fifth well .south of the, flax :mill. 'A strong .flow of .water. has• ben ob- tained and testing .i commencing at once _as to quantity sand qual- ity, The quantity appears satis- factor if it will stand tip to sus- tained, pumping; .'and a turbine pump was broughtfrom ;