HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-10-12, Page 41 4: tt 1 4 r PAGE. FOUR �UGKN(JW SENTINF.E, . LUCKNOW, ONTARIQ 'WANT ;--1st insertion 2' cents. a word, subseqtient "WA ,. AD" RATE. S . insertions 1 cent a word, Minimum' charge 25 cents, Replies care of The Sentinel:i10 cents extra: Legal advertising 10 cents per ' Count line first insertion, 5 cents. per line subsequent .:insertions. TOR SAT -Leicester ram; one year old. Kelso MacNay, R. R 3, x . Lucknow. FOR SALE -L.1948, Pontiac sedan in good. condition.. Apply to Mrs.. Herb Miller; R. 5, Lucknow. , n FOR SALE • — blue winter coat, size 16, good condition.; Apply to Mary, Murdoch, R; 3, . Lucknow. FOR ' SA:LE . small beach .range and Renfrew seperator, both 'like new. Miles, .McMillan,• R. 5, Luck- now. • iT•ipRSiES , WANTED at. once, lange .number of meat, horsse, will pay 2c 'lb. Earl' Whitehead, R. 2, Eden' Grove.• �, FARM FOR .•SALE' 100 acres,' :Lot 28,' Con. 2,, Kinloss. Apply to B• : J. Laidlaw,. R; R. 3, .Winghain,. phone 614-J=3. • 'FOR SALE—number of :cows and heifers supposed .,'to ,:be : in ;calf. Dan ' T. McKinnon, ' R.` 3; 'I oly-{ ' rood phone 46-i.-3 Lucknow: FOR SALE= -used Case cord pick- er, used No. 30 M: -H tractor one year old,, used' W4 McCormick - Deering;; tractor,. anew`Model.:" XJ Waterloo standard' tractor.. deo 1/Vraith, 'phone ' 131 • .Lucknow.' TOR' SALE --32=40 . Winchester re :peating , rifle; 22 ;Browning rifle, and an International ,` one -ton truck, 1940; Alex .I Hackett, R: 7, L cknow, 'phone 67-r-12 Dungan- atop NOTICE TO' CREDITORS• All persons' .haying claims;against the estate, of. Bertha Louisa Reed; late' of the Village: of Dungannon in the County . of Huron,; : Widow• deceased, who. died.. `on. • or about' "Ake, • Seventh day, of July, 1950,, aree ,notified d 'to send to the undersigned . on or" about .the Nineteenth day of Oct- ober, ..1.950,, ' full particulars ...of their claims in writing.; Immedi- ately after the Nineteenth, day of October, • the. assets. ,ofthe .said Testatrix • : will 'b e ' distributed amongst the . p a r t'i e:'s ' entitled• thereto, having regard only to claims of . 'which the Executors 'shall '•then ' have notice; .• • •Dated this 29th day -.:of Sep- Crawford and : Hetherington, Barristers &' C., Wingham; Ontario, • -.Solicitors far -Executors. - 41.11;04104?..1/41, 111114941111111444111114P41.11141411414041100401.4./412.41 N. CO l NG EVENTS' DANCE'''. In Langside Forester's Hall on Friday, October 13+th. Music by. Tiffin's orchestra:.. Admission. 50c, Ladies with lunch, free: •BARN DANCE COMING • The CKNX Barn Dance.will be 'held' in Lucknow 'Town Hall on Saturday, October 21st, under• aitspic'es of the Agricultural , Soc iety. • .CARD.. OF THANKS, Duncan "Cameron wishes' to sincerely thank' his man •friends xy.Y. .and neighbors w'ho so kindly .re-' •membered ' him ,with . flowers,, cards and in other. ''ways, while in Wingham Hospital.t The ' fa'nily of, the. rate ' Mrs.' James Gaunt are deeply 'grateful to .friends and'." neighbors' who, were. so kind, helpfuland:"sym pathetic during' ' the long,, illness 'and at the 'time of the death. of their dear mother. ::.Administrator's ' Sale Administrator's: Sale of ` Real. and Personal: ' Property. The undersigned auctioneer: had' received instructions 'to sell by public' auction at the home' of the late Laughlin McKenzie,, at :Con. 10, Township of .Kinloss, on Sat- urday,' October 14th,_.1950, at. the hour of 2.00 :in the: afternoon, the 'valuable real estate of the 'Late Laughlin McKenzie as ,;follows•: - • Mr's, . Herbert Miller and fam-' "ilk. wish ,•to' Acknowledge. 'with sincere gratitute ' the, 'kindness: ,a nd_syrnpathy._extencledI. them in_ their,; 'bereavementand to espec-' ially. thank Dr. • Corrin' and the Bell Telephone night -.operator. The 'Family` sof 'the • late Mrs. .Samuel . Treleaven desire to .'ex-, press' their sincere; 'thanks" and appreciation ,.to .all " those 'who were so, faithful, -kind.' and ,.syrn- pathetic during. 'their , mother's long.' illness and at, the time 'of her death. . . Mrs, Neil . Gillies wishes to thank all'; ler friends: in Luck Lot No :20 i the • 9th 'Con. of o tnow and :'Wingham who sokindly the Towvnship ::of 'Kinloss; ' con- taining' 100 acres' more or :less.. On :the said' .land is said- to be erected a stone house, and 'large' bank barn. Lot .No ' 20' and the' easterly '25, 'remembered her with fruit, flow-• ern' and :cards while ,she was • in ,the hospital. These , „kind and_. SALE -7712 ua a .:hammer= thou ' fitful acts were ...much a FOR g g � g ..P less shotgun, Coleman;;gas. lamp;' predated. tor,'e .'fork; . also'. a 1931. Willis nacres of: '.Lot .No. 19 ,, in ..the 7th • Mrs. Charles: _ Lorenz •has • 're- coupe,� five; goad. tires' and :good 'quick':sale.' Ap- ply cheap. for , P ply ,'to, Charles: Lorenz, : Ludgard ;St:, • Litcknow. • LIVESTOCK .WANTED • "UP.to $5.00 .ach for bead, or' Disah er orses,' own,: a- o. at` your: farrn..Prompt;•service. Phone` collect: Wingham 561-J. 'William' •Stone Sons •Limited, 'Ingersoll, O}Yt • ROOFING,, EAYETROUCxSI. , „NG// Flat : roofs 'repaired, new roofs, e g � avetrotx hin ,: spray, 'painting, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. Work.. 'done anywhere.. Sylvester Fort-. ' •ney, .R, 2, Mildmay, .phone 60-r-15. AUCTION SALE : CLEARING 'AUCTION SALE 'of farm, • farm stock and implements ',.at EH of WE Lot 14, 'Con.' 3, West Wawanosh ' on Thursday, . October .12th , at 1.30 o'clock. 'See bills, berms'. cash. Thee 50 -acre farm with ., good barn : and good house- will be :offered ,subject to. „ reserved" bid, Well. Henderson, Auc.; Mrs.. Win. R. Nivins, Prop. AUCTION, SALE '.At; Lochalsh- on Saturday, Oct- ober 14th at 5 p.m. sharp. Frame building With 'loft 18x26x16 feet to,' plate, lower. storey . double: boarded inside; • also open ' horse and ` "buggy ' shed, ' roof. ,approxi-;. mately 17x28. Both buildings in good cohdition,'.ipurchaser to move same before ;November 8. Terms, :_cash .30 days. Emile.> -MacLennan,. Auc.; D. A. MacLennan, Prop. IN MEMORIAM LITTLE—In .loving memory of Mrs. John•. •Little, who passed' away five years 'age's on, October 15th • Her, ntemory is as dear today, • ssed' awa 'As in, the hour she pa y --Ever rexnembered'' by Hus- band, Family, and Grandchildren: CARD .OF 'THANKS It is with sincere thanks ,and apptethation that ':I wish to ack- nowledge the kindness of friends and neighbors and the gifts of ' i � 'fruit, ‘flowers andcards' .. ,,,wh le I Was in the 'hospital.' • ' Mrs. David Huston. Con. 'of 'the:Township of Kinloss.turned 'from ..the hospital :, and containing 125 acres, more :or,`less. 1 wishes .to'.thnk friends ' a n d '..Terms -the •said property will: neighbors . for their kindness to. them,: •and especially to the Hen.' •derson .' S.isters for. . the.: interest they took in, and the care of, their;. ,cats. be subject to' a reserve : bid and' conditions , of. sale to .be 'Wade known» on _the. day of sale. .Ten, percent of. purchase• money to-" paid ondayof sale and. the. bal• :once. 'within 30' days: ,Also: the •.: following:.' valuable personal property:- 'kitchen stove, kitchen chairs and table,, side= aboard, cupboard, ' tables, chest' of drawers, beds and 'bedroom furn- iture, couches, organ, buggy, wheelbarrow ''and . various other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS= -CASH ; ,P . S. .MacKenzie, Walkerton, solicitor • for . the administratrix; Well. ,:Henderson, . Auc: NOTICE' TO CREDITORS: THE Township OTl,C h t eq of t• tt AND having tO e x IN MA'rl'J R of the Estate of Ma A'.; Hami•1ton,• late ,of 'the Tow i'p of Huron in' the County of B e,' Widow, 'deceased: ' N E is hereby, given, Pur- suant to the' Statute .in that be- half, that all"Creditors and others. .having claims or demands against' the estate' of the said Mary .,A. 1• aniil n; who died on or • about the Fourth day of Septemiber.1950'' are r uired on or before the Twenty-fifth day 'of October' 1950, •t� sendby `post pre laid,• or de- ' liver to the undersigned, Exe- cutor xe- cutor` the last 'Will and Test- arnent, of the said deceased, their names, addresses and descrip- tiofas,�, he..iu11_parti�culars' of their claims ,a• stateitie'n�t " of 'their ac- counts and the nature of the Securities, if: any, held by them: • 'take notice that. after such l 't mentioned date. the .said Eitecu "r will proceed to distrib= ute theassets of the Said deceased among the persons entitled there- to, h ing . regard only' to' • :the • claims of which'he shall then have, : ice, and that the said Execu r ' will not be ' liable for the said .assets, or any. part there - Of to any person or .persons . of whose '. claims .notice shall \riot then have been` received. • ' Dated, the 29th day'' of Se`ptem giber A.11 •1950 , • Andrew L.Hamilton, R.R No, 6, 'Lucknow, Ont. E ecutor. WHITECHURCH: Y THU1,S, , CtCTOBER. 12th, 195q Olive, Miss .1Vargaret. Taylor spent the week -end with her ':brother, Mr. Ewart Taylor of Lucknow, Mr. & Mrs. J. F, McLean spent a'° few, days- with their ;son, 'Mr, Ira•. McLean And other' relatives.. We are sorry .to report Mrs. Aldin' Pardon to be in Winghamn, Hospital:. ' Communion' service will ' be held next. Sunday in the Presby terian church at ,ll a,m, and pre paratory' service on Thursday ev- ening. • E, 'Mr., and Mrs. Palmer Kilpat- rick, Cheryl•.and Bryan spent the •.week -end with • Mr: and. -J. Kilpatrick. `s Mr.. and, Mrs. Clifford .Crozier and Joanne spent the week -end With his brother Colin and Mrs. Crozier . at Blenheim' .and also with his mother,. Mrs:. L. Crozier and sister Lorena . in. London- 'Master ondon, ., Master:Bobby McCardy, of God erich spent the week -end with his great uncle, Orville Durnin.. Mr. and 'Mrs. Jim Bock and Jamie spent Sunday' ' With her Mather, Mrs.• Cook_at Blyth Mr. and ,Mrs; Jack Curran and family • spent • Sunday evening. with Mr. and .Mrs. Herb Curran. •Mr:; and Mrs. Aubrey. Higgins. of Detroit spent: the past' week ,,at .Herb ' Curran"s' ;and Mr. and Mrs., Will Begley • spent Thanksgiving. 'week -end there also. • , Mr. and Mrs... Allan Corbett. unda recently with spenta S . , Y, n Yth Mr. . and Mrs._ Jack Curran & •family. Mrs.. r Gordon Congram, who has `spe'nt ' the last •month in the west'as far' as the West coast, re- turned 'hoxne the .beginning of'the Mrs. Allan Turner &'-son "visited laat ` Wednesday .with, Mrs:'. Mac. Ross and. 'Olive. ' Mr,.' Bob,'' Adams is moving to' the house .on the. Boundary. for merly occupied by Robt. Hutch- :ison.: .,• .. . , • Mr. and .Mrs.: Lorne Johnston are. 'Moving : 'to their; home Lucknow which they purchased. some time ago.:, • Beth Gaunt ' of .Preston spent 'the week -end , at the -home, of Mr. :and Mrs.:. Victor Emmet:. son • and attended they, funeral;of. Mrs. James .Gaunt on. Monday; , Mr., and Mrs. John Craig spent. the week -end .in ' Toronto. .Many,:'from here •attended :the. funeral of Mrs. James Gaunt on Monday: Symipathy isextended to the, bereaved • Mrs: Jean Brayford spent' the week -end 'with her. sisters, ,Mrs. Torn. Moore:and 1VIrs. Mac.. Ross. TMr. 'arid Mrs. Graydon Cox/ and family of Fonthill spent Thanks- giving day • with • Mrs. Ross and ervice and Satisfaction lin P l mbn u g and H�aiflg Deep Well' and Shallow Well Pumps sold and installed. • EAVETROUGIHNG ' AIR CONDITIONING . 1A Art..Gilmore R: R. 3, LUCKNOW. ''Phone 61-r-13, Dungannon fl �ws e. Howard ; Agnew: MEIVIBER OF Ontario Insurance Agents' 'Association; • GENERAL INSURANCE Estabs hed-OOr.--3o- .va'. ,.e T. B.•CLELAND VETER'IN4RIAN Havelock St.,south of. Supertest Garage.. LUCK:NOW.' Te'iephone, ; j 75 BUSINESS and TAX; 'SERVICE S r. 11tONTIiLY, AUDIT 'Far The Small Merchant,' Profen io.nal man and the:Farmer.. P.O. •• Box .74 .T Lucknow, Ont. Office, in: Kilpatrick Block 'P„hone. 23-w • T. AR. MSTRONG OPTOMETRIST IN LUCKNOW FIRST WEDNESDAY OF.' :. EACH. MONTH,;'. from 10 a.m. to,:.6 p.m. ,. WM: SCHM D'S . STORE • Insure IIn, Sure Insurance• WIND' Western Farmers' Weather FIRE ,'Rowick Farmers' Mutual Cary Accident, Sickness . Coinsutt JOHN': FARRISH 'Phone `;169-J, .Lucknow . Telephones: ' 'Business 39 ; • Residence 138 1 NSU RAN.CE Co -Operative life :.Insurance Co -Operative Automobile Insurance ' Mercantile ° 8: Farm ` Fire • Insurance Economical' and Reliable AMERON LUCKNOW Thone 70-r-10 Dungannon 1 1 1NSURANCE. • AUTOMOBILE FAMILY HOSPITALIZATION SICK and ACCIDENT. Ihves ig ate . Before You Invest. ALEX T. MacNAY Phone�i7'I- ti Lu' 'now :NOW IS TELE •TIME.' To Order . �1 DION Threshing Machine •, .3 sizes --22x32, 22x38, 28x48' 'Roller Bearin . "C9Mplete'. H. • � . ODGINS: EARS. H l dOnto' .'phone .$.r-13 Teeswater .ww INSURANCE FTRF, CA.SUAT;Tv, AUTOMOBILE ::' ;AND 'LIFE To .protect,. Your Jack, Insure With. Jack 'Today. • J. A. 'McDONAG H R: R.. 3, Lueknow,. , Ont 'Phone ,8'1=5;' Dungannon. .ANDREW, • Barrister and Solicitor' LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • Office in the. Joynt ,Block •Telephoner Office 135 • Residence 31-J Stuart MacKen% e Barrister and Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO .:. IN. LUCK .N�_.O_,..».,� acf- Wednesday._ OFFICE IN HENDERSON BLOCK Y R.S.: Hetherington, Barrister, Etc. Wingham and .Lucknow INpLUCKNOW Each Monday and Wednesday. Located an the ground' floor ., in the front of + ,.. .'.t . �. , ,John. iliatrick s Building °P n ha m• One S Office 48. ,. Residence` 97