HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-10-05, Page 9195Q 1 Till nst at • ren'. ses ols• int nd' at-' in ;en': Geo. other- ushers Lloyd.:: organ ion aS a:"and. it the Irwin. ' d•re'ss': `�� a :and • afi' baa-' 'lei•'iri points canned gre y 1 ne.ar f r'o•rn . e .THURSDAY", ' OCTOBER 5, 1050 VIVIDLY RECALLS FIRST DARK DAY Mrs. David 'Kennedy of ,.White•. ,church, .who 'celebrated her 88th birthday on Sunday; October 1st,' vividly • recalls • the "First'. Dark l}ay, ", and in her own "words. here is how •she describes" that fear- some incident si*ty -nine 'years ago. It began to get dark early in' the afternoon by by • three o'clock, lights "were. on.. There•'were only coal oil lamps and candles in those• days = -no telephones,"`no_ flasl lighti, no 'radios.; My 'father • rad .gone to Lucktow with the wagon and , a load of grain; ,He started 'home :,about ..four o'clk and . just east Of the .village the horses wouldn't go- a step fur t'her..He had to turn around and ,.stay rni Lucknow all night" We at home' had .no• way of finding out what' h'a.d:happened until the • next day. `It was so dense and dark, if you, went .outside' you :coraTein't see the•liglit to find your, way' in again No cows were milk ed .:that night as you co.uldn t• . go • to the field for' therm :: You .'could riot. -see. a neighbor's light. Next coning " we were very thankful • KNOW .THE L' � . , a SENTINEL, LT,ICKNOW, ONTARIO. PAGE ' NINE: WVH,ITECHURCH Mr. and 'Mrs.' Frank Coulter have purchased the Bib. Adams h'ouse in the village. • We are sorry to report that Mm,. Spencer fell front an , apple tree• • while picking apples' on Monday; and 'received; a bad shaking up: • This community 'was shocked tohear of the sudden passing of Mr.. Herb Miller of Lucknow. Mr. and. Mrs. Walter •, 3afnes •sent . Friday eYenrng with Mrs,. 1- erbMiler,. Lueknow,, r. We are. sorry to ' r.epori. that Mrs, QLbsQn Gillespie is., not as well as her many, friends 'would. 'wish to see •her Word was received here of. the • death x cuelph .of ' 1Vlr.. Frank McClosk e: 11r1'rs, McClosk•ie•is the former Agnes °TCennedy and will be r•eme'Mbered by . many, of. the older pecipie of the village,. Mrs.' Kennedy. and Peter`s also•Mrs.' : • Mar'garet.'`Purves, ' Kenny Pm-ves and Mrs. Bolt spent Thursday • in Guelph at the" .MeCloskie home, •Quite a 'number of relatives •at tended .the funeral' on "Friday. which. was held. in Guelph Mi. ,and..Mrs', .Donald Murray ot',Detrout spent i Saturday with ..ONTAIZIOH FARM PRODUCTS MARKEtINGISOARDL,-- Mr and .1�Irs u;: Emer-son:.. to see daylight: .Ashes and ' bits ef. burnt' leaves. could be :.seers lying .around •:but,;t1_7ere Was'''no way of ;finding ''out j \vhiit v a5 '".'wrong.. until .it came out in the . Tapers. ' I went to : White<church- : oney �Producersin Southern Ontario .: The. Ontario Farm Products Marketing Board has received , a request for the approvalof a proposed marketing scheme under:. e•. . provisions of the Farm Products Marketing Act,1946 to re a ° g gelate the. marketing • :of honey' sold' in Southern Ontario. - ° _- mail' vote by ballot of producers /of honey` has'been, arranged Yn g so .that ;the Board- may, determine'' whethera fairly representative resentati... number. '.Of ,producers are in ' favour 'of the :scheme: The ballot : with return envelope_has ljcen sent to all producers.._ ` If you are producing honey in Ontario from • ten or more colonies �. of *bees, and are over 21 years of age, 'you are urgently requested to mark your ballot for or against the scheme and . mail it at . once in the return envelope provided: Congratulations• to. NIr.F. Ken _ .. - ncdy on . celebrating tier' 88th h,irthd.ay on ;October ', lst..'• Her ;.. family silent 'the day with hre.• • The death df,Mrs!. Samuel Tre- leleaven, formerlyEilzabet.} . Shep-' :pard, occurred in Wingharn Hos •pital on`Nlondak.: She• `was. ••87., years cif . age • and has been ill' for long time The funeral is being held ' today (Thu day) irk: Durr gannon wit4 rri- ter•ment: in Dungannon •,Ce•.metery. • thenext for r4,00n a:;bd 1V1 ,, Hen- ' derson •.(who • then .kept the post.' office) :was talking: about that, trine there was a• :..taveri , acr•o'ss thme street .frothe poli. •office - l e said it was a quiet place • that. 'nightas they thought the). :end . of the: world 'had carne. L1 guess More, t:lian.'. them thought,. MRS. TRELE,(11,VEN 'DIES LO:QKI Thirty -Five Years: ;Ago Vtm Freeman; son of • Mr: • and Mrs:. F. Freeman 'of ••town, •passed :;his final examinations. at ''the . College . of •Physicians 'an Surgeon. 1VI,rs:; M. Mitchell, . Mr:s. W E. MacDonald and; IyIrs. R, T. Ph'iI• rp -- er.e L eknov del-ega.Ws—at Ithe.: ,annual:, meeting of .i .:South. Bruce Women's ,Institute at::Walk • ' Herb Grahain enlisted with 'the .4.Mberley ball team 'pulled ..a B A C K W: A R,D .S lineups wcie. Amborley-G Blue, c•, ':Ill. • MLNain 1st, W Bradiey 2nd, S. .Wiley. rf, •.J;` 131ue' 1f, J J:' .Shiell 3rd,' W: Bron • Cf,,: his; final, year at Wingham High Schr�p.l. Alice Shackleton •w•as teaching. school at B =rgrave, Finlay Shack- leton hack_ leton..at',Prr�eville,' Olive Ander. s.on :at'Cherry. Grove; Glace •Blake at , • Nile, .01ive • Kilpatrick •• at Crewe, Palmer Kilpatrick' at Dungannon, ,Margaret Finlay, at Con. 4;..�Ashfield .Mary:Hamilton, Katherine• Mc Kenzie, Malcolm .Watson ' and Will'lam• Henderson `'were attend- • ,ing .Stratford .Normal •A. Courtney ' ss, H. Walker p.• Lochalsh: G, ,McKay c. H Mc- KKenzie 'lst, y D.. •Finlayson 2nd,. •R. 'McKenzie:;rf, .D: •Matheson lf, p.: Duncan and Donald McKay of Kintail rescued a young Toronto the lake on a raft: trophy for °ring the greatest .nUmbe'r of •pOiraS Ashfield the public speaking 'and Verna entered .the OAC ;at dUeli.1.-4.:114‘•77 ing .wbil the Massey -Harris schol- 'Dr. •IVIary .:JohnSten.; -7-daughter of :Wm...,Johnston, forrnerly of en Years Ago ' etts 'Marked, the 71st:.,anniversar the building Of the.first chUFCh 'in that, 92-year,;-Olcl settlefnent: Keith Passmore,. 7-year-oid Of Mr., and' Mrs,. Fred PassmOre Of ,Holyropd; was seriously/hurt When he catapUlted down, a hay shoot in. Richard Elliott'.S! 13.arn. In late. AUgust a national reg- istration .plan was carried out 'Archie. Mason, 20 -year-old son Was . riding, and driven...by 17- ',Mrs- Elizabeth. „died- in Queenie, -all. underwent appen- ;Alvin Hamilton took over Bob Gibbons prodUce business • OT 50t. :.],and left ...for • training; at I Agnew: reached the' firials Globe. and Mail cldubles,' 'cigarettes..were the sole ,••loot SCHOOL . Arrangements have been Made. 'art :exhibits this Tall 'Of pictures 1..ovember 6th to 17.th. .OntariO Architecture. '•• ' TheSe ;exhibitions will ,be* held 4. • and Students of the High School Any' 'such relics. "lying arOund" in homes :*in this connnimity Would be 'welcorried cOntribu- ;Doug Clark Joined the RCMP tions to the:High School museum. • 'SPECIAL. FEEDING? .1 If a' sow fart:ows pigse she Must built:,L45 'pounds of young Pigs — as well 43.siber own body—in the a la'si-wf14 !days'. Only • specially 'balanced sow • s you want • strong, Jorge, 1 ICEEP THEM GROWING • • I the NATIONAL I • • To build: pigs befbre they're born -- to put weight ton the. • 'ing period and to improve' the milk flow:after she farroWs sow ration made with•National Sow 'and Pig Concentrate. • ..1124 National is rich in Apinial Protein for building healthy muscles ,and tiisues. and stimulating. milk prOduction, AAA 'National •,5ow- attd–Pig Concentrate pro- vides extroninerals for building bones and vitaiiiins for fast growth. It's the:most prp- fitable way to feed your next litter in the sow. • FOR* POUCTRY: TURKEYS, FEED MIX HOGS and CATTLE Fe;:iii4e Your Crops with NATIONAL'. well-cure4 properly -blended FERTILIZER IA