HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-10-05, Page 6tHURSDA'Y", 0003,E1V5th,1 950,
T O" ' . TTATt 0
"CLAIM - R V 1RA_ • .•
SHARE. HIE..H'EMr• and. Mrs,. Charles, Daltgn
The Septen'per meeting of the
''Whitechurch W.I., met in the..
• Community Hall with. Mrs. H.
Laidlaw and Mrs, R;Ross as hos-
tesses. it was•grandmribthers day.
cOnutunity, singing "When,. you
4and T- were young,' Maggie"• Mrs.
T. H: Moore had the motto,; "Look.
gt 'the past, help- us . to live in
the present"; , Mrs. E Sholtz.
played- The Bells 'of St. Marys
gas -an' instrwt ental. .A reading,
"Grandmothers Day or Daughters
Day" was read by Mrs.. McInnes.
Mrs. D. Craig and Mrs. J. Mc
Ilraith' 'sang the t duet "Love's old,
sweet song..".. Mrs, Coulter gave
a, reading; on "GrandtnQthers of
today's, The "roll call .'was answer-
ed by wearifig:.an old: hat and
telling its story, Prizes: were giv=
esi to Mrs.'tonn for grandmother
and' Child; to Mrs. A. Walters dor
coming . the farthest; . to Mrs. T.
Ryan for the grandmother wear-
ing the smallest shoe; and to. Mrs.
T. H. Moore for• giving the. weight.
at birth and ,name of:.grandchild
first,, The October meeting will
feature a' :guest • speaker, Duron
Ai: Rep.,;• and will be held at
8.30 p.m. Hostesses are Mrs. Rdbt.
ur_don=and: aMrs.: W.4. „Coulter.,:
• IR'oll call, Advantages of country
life. *Everyone. is to briing • :lunch.
- Mr:=: and. aVIrs Alex' Inglis. have
: •ecently returned from • Nova
.Scotia and Mrs ' Inglis is spend-
ing a few ;weeks 'waith. Mr... and
Mrs. T. Inglis •
We' wish to extend the sym'-
pathy of this comanunity . to Mr.
• Franke Miller in mourning the loss
.of his brother.
- : Mr and. Mrs Lloyd: Raeburn
• rand.' Bobby and Miss Isobel Hud
sort, • :all of,,, Detroit, spent the,
week -end With Miss G r e t t. a
Hudson, and attended' the Riaeh
Irwin wedding .on . Saturday.
• visited his parents Mr. and Mrs.
RuralAreas Claim They` Are
Paying More Than,. Just Skirt.
Of Cost ". Of Education. • •• •
At 'a meeting of the Bruce Co
:Executive of the Federation of.'
Agriculture plans Were made to
contact Huron 'and Grey Federa=
tion ;and havethe three execut
Ives meet in: the 'near future .:tq,
,prepare a brief wto present to the
Government through the Ontario
'Feder. ation • of ` Agriculture, The
brief will outline the insecurity
of agriculture withrespect to the
coming• years markets along with
the increased costs . of everything.
the farmer :buys, It •is. presumed
the' Federation. will demand equal
rights • with other groups who
have five year contracts, yearly
pay boosts along with additional
pay. boosts according to . the cost
of living index;' Farmers feel. that
it Xs both • unfair. and an. Made-.
du'ate 'system as at present, as the,
farmer caring 'plan 'a productive
and prosperous .agriculture with
little`or no government announce
,ments 'Made .'to gauge the Market.
ossibilrtues until .the Jast few
days .of the year.. Agriculture
Minister Gardiner ha's announc-
ed .that the Dominion -Provincial
conference. on agriculture will be
held Decemeber.' 4th to view/the
possi1bilities• of 1951, This date ' is
not early enough, for the farmers
•:to ,plan a sound; hog production
:program :dor the coining :year. •
• The''fieldman, Jirn Powers, was
employed• by the Federation, for.
another :year, and reported on'the
rural..; assessment meeting held in
Toronto at Which.: Lloyd. JasPer,
president .and lie 'attended. The
'inequalities' in i the : rural assess_.
ment in eomparson to urban, ass-
essments . werediscussed, at; the
meeting: _byalmost every county:
in th a :Province.: It was suggested
that the same: methods be used
in `assessing :town property as., in
,the ,rural areas:' If a half or. 'three-
quarter tvalue is to 'be used ink
assessing property; rt.` sliou1d ibe
standard throughout the .' county
It was. proven at": the Toronto
Meeting . in: exact figures, that
rural -areas. were payin.ore
than .their . just share of the cost
of education and (social :benefits.
The .Municipal; Board was rep-
resented by: Mr.: M ax ; Sloan.
Provincial committee was set up
to m=ake .a further . study -on the
problem andmake reconimenda
tions to, the- ,government. Bruce
County is preparing' to ,set up a
committee as well to 'air county
T=he 'many .friends of Mrs. Geo:
of Bluevale' were ,shocked
and • 'saddened' upon; .'learning of
;her death which.occurred sud-,
denly in Wingham ,'Hospital on
Thursday; September ••28th
deceased . was ' ',formerly,
Vera Lenore Morrison, daughter:
of Mr. and.: Mrs. `Isaac: Morrison
of Lucknow. 'Mrs. Fell possessed
the characteristics. that ` won her
a wide circle of friends. ' who
.mourn her. `passing. She:. was very
active: in church work in the
United. Church in. Wingham and
'also in. the United .Church in
'..Bluevale where she lived• the last
:fe:* years of her. life. •
Mrs. •Fell. ,,is survived' by her;
husband, George;•. ;'one brother,.
Lance 'of, Goderich; and three. sis
tern; Mrs. 'Norval Martin (Eden');
London; Mrs. Violet Mintz, 'Burks
Falls; Mrs; Arnold'. Thompson.
(June) •'of. Wingham. ,
.' the. •funeral service was con
ducted in Bluevale United church'
by Rev Beecroft and' Rev..Brook
with' interment in Wroxeter cexn-
.etery.• The' pallbearers, were Lin
Coln Morrison, Clive Mintz, Glen.
Mintz, Jack Fell; Keith Fell and
Alvin'; Smith
'A family plot should be
graced with the shrine=like
beauty of a Monument Which
Will; be everlastingly a. tribute
tothose at rest:We have many'
classic -styles: to- •-suggest;-and
will work with *you on cus-
torn designs.: • •
Exceptionally low • prices..
No canvassing,. which 'elirnin
ates sales cohimis ions,: •
Inscriptions Repairing
Sandblasting' Meinorials' •
25 Years'. Experience
The latest in Portable .
Sandblast Equipment
All :work pe isonally executed
rownl�+e Memorial
• 'Alfred St, WINGHAM
.'Phone 450
. Epley,' Ontario. '
Jerry Dalton overSunday..
• Mr, • and Mrs. Dan Doyle and
family spent the ,week -end with
her 'another, Mrs. ' Ed Foley.
We welcome Fr,•McMartin ,as
our. .new pastor,. .-
Congratulations' to Mr. &: Mrs._
John Austin on the arrival
their son. in „Goderich Hospital.,
• Mrs. Ursula 'Hebert ,& George,
sAnd Mrs. Nick Perry. and, Teresa
'Motored. '-from Detroit' on; :friday;
'IVIrs. Florence.. JvlcCarthy visited,
here". on . Sunday. ••
Mr. and. ivlrs. •Mitred Dalton -
spent. , the ; weep .end?, .with 'his
father,• Mr.';"John C Dalton.
. Sales and Service
The trouble vlrith" the alcoholic
that- he involves others ii .his
plight. �f':;he, is a•. curler he , lets'
the other.: three members .' of thea
.rink :down. If he is "a: bowlexk he
can be -the ' same sort of•: a.'nuis-
ance..In company he humiliates
his family by his 'loudness. At• a
banquet he is:. apt to be disgust_
ing. In +a.street car . he •-imposes ori
the good nature of the other, pas-
sengers. The "alcoholic just does
not fit' into the respectable com-
inunity., • We may : ;have under-
standing. 'and sympathy. for his
plight 'btu it is, tithe that :it.
was .generallyacknowledged that
a .anan has. no right to encroach
on the forbearance of others just
because he is intokie{aced Iritoxi
cation is no (valid excuse for any
anti -social- conduct:—Advt. `
r. and'' Mrs. Dick Kilpatrick
and, family visited 'NIT% • and Mrs.
:Bi11' .Hunter on Sunday. ,
Mr.' •and Mrs Bert Alton and
Kenneth visited 1VIr.: and Mrs,
Gordona Kirkland on Sunday:
Mr:' and Mrs. Jack McLean and
Son . visited With '1Vir. and Mrs.
Harvey Ritchie -on Sunday,'
Mr. and Mrs, Walter' Alton,.
.Arnold and Prank; and Mr; and
Mrs. Russell Irvin and. Miss, Dore
othY Ra.ynard visited Mr. and
I Mrs. Nerson R;aynt rd on Sunday.
Mr• and Mrs, Alfred. Andrew of
.and,Dave Andrew of Cal-
i. gary visited his mother, Mrs An.
:drew and also Mr. and Mrs.. dor-
don Kirkland,
Sunday School at 104; church
at night.
Entertain economicallq
Gilson ' Refrigerators and, Washers
Woods Combination Frigidaire and Freezers,
Grinders, etc.
Huron Road 'Phone .1132. , Goderich.( Ont.
Sub. Agent:'
'Phone 87-r-4; Lucknow
Armed .:A : :ression' must .be• mef4 with' 1 rot nod U.nste: Strengtia
� • . �. r.• .r..r � � w � ...�' r. �. � fir, � �. � e� •` .
At once the RC A.F needs good men to,
warn foto important •jobs. as •ero-Engiane; Air;
frame, and Radio -Radar technicians...
Previous ex riencc not•.es.
sental, Which-
hich ever 'branch:•you chose, you will be given ,a
thorough and valuable 'training .'on modern
equipmrient, under skilled ,instructors.
You will be wellpaid, and at the end of your
serviceeJou will be .entitled to a pension • or
substantial gratuity.
Act at"once You owe it to yourself to:,find
Out about this op iortunity-in Canada's ex-
panding Mr. ,Force: , ` :� •� =
�o • your' part l'eAlielP .Canada ,do her part!
�'i�% r�� it % rr{i'/yF{!%•i`ir tr r v r' / r ,� rr F;>ner.,.:4� 1
`ilrrr.//,:.Gi..: ari�rr//.:•/.r.n:%x.al,..:�::::....//...r%�:�Ss"..:r; 5:•:;+.
cpNSOcr riff "cARFFR 6900E110
ammo o tENTR `
or moil this toupprl_
Please mail me, without ohligalio»,'Jell partituldrs regarding orb's!.
meat sequtreme►rfs alfd openings now available rr the R.CA.P.
NAME (Plissehunt).,•..w.• c•s.t�iy�r•.Y+� �F.'ir�i .iF,�'%�I/
STTtEEt ADDRESS..•��• r•F'rFrrtr.rrc.•.F•�Ft1�:r�F.r���..•' .
CITY.., + Pg°)VINC,1`
• £Dt7CATION'(by+grade anti otovifccj+•6F•.444•• IC0•9•.tttit !C
• Y+ t W••:f ••'lt'1{' 0 4•W'Y'Y'F•W44,4,4U0N446••44441•4144 I P.f...1MF ?Al' l••+•••+• , v