HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-10-05, Page 34 )50 - ow_ iers ays, • ' her ►ore • . , •ent )nly and ey- rent" tory , oils'` of. fer- • tage: ctor ciiie rag.>'. eing • inty '' ;ing.• )•ber. at.' ple-• cen- and. rail• Co ut,r- ater • theme='. 3t';:• they,.. ions''';: agF� Biy-,, ie t- G1'n De sing rvel ` dis=. 'ken. ilae Y , stet! •eea sting;:,': id a • the iffee. ober . fond:.' I, be'.`• ad THUESPI.. , OCTOBER 5 , 05O Mrs. Jessie McInnes is visiting in London and Komokka, Mr. WM. Johnston of Hamilton spent the 'week -end 'here, Mr, - and Mrs. ,Newton James of Windsor called' on- Lucknow • friends on Tuesday,. ,Mr, Albert `Alton ,sconualesc-, •ing from 'a • recent heart "seiztii'e. He is at the hone of his; . son, • .George Alton, • Bob MacF ay, who is cn the SS. .Renveyle, attended the fun!- 'eral. of his grandfather Mr. Peter. •Magi ay, 'o'n Saturday • ,. • Week -end .guests of Mrs,• Jes• sie Allin were :IVliss Phoebe, Pin ;nelh of Stratford, Miss Jean Al lin' and Joiin Kelly of `Toronto., •Mrs. David Hiistdn 1 eturned ,from • Wingham . • Hospital last week much improved in health.. Mrs. ,Million 'is. ,with her 'as a companion. Mrs. J., 'M. Jardine arid M' s, Frank, Hesse of Evanston; 11'1, are nisi ing. with their : sisters, Miss Mary MacKenzie and Mrs; Ross MacMillan and Mr..1VlacMillari: ��. G. h h.o —Aitc icon w. has �beeri stationed at Kingston for,,the past •'year at, the Vim", Signal' School, - isat present' on furlough, arid -be and Mrs. Aitchison have 'been. ‘• calling on friends here THELUCKNQW :SENTINEL, ' .UCKNOW, ONTARIO FAG*, TIMEX' The Women's • In'stitute meet- ing will be held, in the " Town Hall on Friday, October 6th. Host- •esses, Mrs. Andrew, Mrs. R. John- stone, Mrs, Jewitt, Mrs, Huston, Note change of, .date.. This will be "Grandmothers'' Day":, `k Mi•s, Chr istona McBurney " of Souris,' Manitoba, and Mrs, Geo; •C. Gayman of Pen. Mar, P.A.,'vis- iced with Mrs. ` Abbie Pritchard and 'family and; "with Mr, & Mrs J W..Swan of Bervie ancl other' ti iends :arid relatives ,in the vicin- ity. , Hugh MacDorialda.n•d his Mother, Mrs. 'Emma .MacDonald,• Who'is 82"years of ago, will Mgve• from,/ the residence :of the .late Mrs. •Donald • Ferguson,, to the Clark residence vacated by Wm. Bower, „The 'Ferguson home was Offered '.for sale last 'week, •but was not sold, -Visitors, at' ' Thomas ':Hill's • at Langside last .week .were:Mr. and Mrs.. Wilfred Harkness and. child- • ren' of 'Harr iston,' Mr. 'and Mrs; Wilfred Caslick and sons : of Wingham, •Mr, and M'rs. Earl Cas 11ek-of `Wff techurch,' Miss' Jenny' Reid of. Teeswater, Mr. •Mand • Mrs..: BertBertoffat,,, Donna . 'ands • Jirnmy,, M.r :••Dav�:e ,ScottToronto,; •Mr.:l Wm. Bushell 'and:' Mr. ,and Mrs. Gordon Se' Ripley BILL :.SCRIMGEOUR RETIRES FROM. RAILROAD,'SERVICE Wllia m scrim eour,: a former g r -knowite and *ell known• here, , • completed.' • 45'iiz . Years' ' railroad service: last .week, 'He ',:has. been s at the "head.end fcr; 'all but two years of his sei-yice,: and•for many years has been:On ,the, •H'amilton-. Palmerston run. friend' ', Relatives and.s.were, at Palmerston when he climb-' ••: F o d . the , uvn from :the:: cab for • e ,do. he.= im e last- week;,•and.took. some:•rgoo,CL-natured.• kidding, for ;being :a half •hour late. on his last •.'run.. ularl known, as he is p .o p y known, ,. went •tb.;Palmerston;' froth ;Luck- now ' to: work : in the :'shops and•: two. ye.a.rslater star ted nits loco;' ,'motive ,service. • vorl 1,s to ver- rker 1 of; ;Sian. : Imar, Bew loww•• dile;'• , ;1 lam, . ion- ' ong,.. eed- 'og, ;tart, n, J: • isap- nerds. •izes.' /era] • 'the 1—at, ruCe: • ,•lycl , ines, and d.zty. they. hull. pro �srt 1C'ih c'' • ENGAGEMENTS.. Mr- " and'' Mr 'JViili:�7 m J. Irvin. ; mo ent f their: • '�rnn,ounce the en -,agement i voun;er c?aug;it4:i.,: Mayme..lsobel to .Cha 1 rles .Will'►rirn . i?Vi11.in$, `Nie ' '. 'son- of Mr. '.ir.d •Mrs:, Ernest G. Wilkins. 'ibeil'i ;•arria.:g6 C�c.tob;r1, tl!•� i. ei.. 1 tlt.: 4 • �h e' n• zc • ' LU.CKNOW UNITED 'CH'URCH' Minister; Rev: W J.' Mumford, S:TtD. • • :.1 • SUNDAY, 'OCTOBER:8,,1950t •J. , 11 a.m: Thanksgiving' Service. I • Sunday' •School. i ••7 p.1m.: `The Battle of .the • Atlantic:., .We invite ypU to return thanks .to.. God for Tits -go(ic - o ness: By request of the Gen ernnlent we shrill, reiaie5mber' •th'e work' of. the' Navy at the evening service; • DUNGANNON:FAIR''TO , FEATURE RACE, EVENTS Dungannon ;`Fall Fair is'sche, duled°;' for Friday afternoon,; ow a one -day fair, :with'.indoor ex- hibits dispensed with; :the air: will :feature: several .track' ;even There "w o s peevents r are tw., 1? for o. $300 ,in .prize money; `rwith. thir-' .'teen,, horses entered, in. ' the' : two: events. If•-the:•track .is in. ,'proper shape, it is •exp'ected:;•that "Huron, xpres.' s will •13. p erforni - in an . ef- . 'fort _to lower thetrack record There wiLl_ be .hurdle „Jumping and chariot•racing, freak convey- :ance competition, etc.; "T•he • God= :er.ic}n Gi.r1s' Trumpet'Band will . be': in attendance and Secretary Mar -1 vtn''Durnin says. _every:thing. poss- 'ible .is. bei.ng;.done •to.'giye a full' aiterndon's ` enter, sin . t= -that •wilf :attract a 'record ,breaking'.'•at- t'endance.; , At night .there will be •a con- cert and dtmce on-cert.:and'dtmce.in the .:Agricultui- .al Hall. I•INVOLVED IN' .CRASH. 4,Ah :T TH;r'1,T ,• O T • ea r=o d: :68 z l '' Allen,. Wllrain. H. Lucknow resident, and father .ot;' Alex Allen: of town,. w.as•involy cc l in a motor 4�c�c�iden.t. neat" di;1k early Sunday, evening ;which :proved irate!! .to.two passengers in the 'other car ilio olv.ed . . The accident occurred at . an interiectiori• On, Highway •No. 10, •a .mile. east of •Dundalk, as. Mr.. •Allen turned onto, the highway.; 'Succtrmklirg later to injuries re= :' eeived trash .:w.ere Dr.. R;nbci t. e.low Ern, 85', '.of' Kingston; a retired . dentist and' his: wife, :age.' 78. Driver. of the ' Co\virn ar was, illc'ii sirri; 13cthert, `2 i, �i thircl,vea rneciictil',siudc int tit Q een's' ve.i.,:ity, Ile Sti,fier ed '.r1, compound' fraet lie of 1!rc�..'1c'.ft ..1'eg ;Vti Alicia escaped with it: shak ilii; Li!.'Ile �w'tas ac� taripanied C,by anihlieli" of .Gueiph•. who HE -LD' SHOWER FOR SALADA SPONSORS PLOWING: MATCHES SATURDAY BRIDE On. Monday evening, September, 25th, friends and neighbors gath- ered at the home of Mrs. Archie MacIntyre.' at a m scellaneous shower in yliQnor ,of Ruby Irwin,- Ibride-eiledt. Rulby was u"shered into a decorated chair while Mrs. Jessie , Aliin played the bridal :march. Marian, Graham took Charge of the program which, be- gan with •a reading by Miss An- nie MacKay.. Mrs. Donald Ma'e= .Donald played •a 'medley of Scotch tunes. A humorous rea ing was given by Mrs: ,; Stewa •Lavis; :Mrs. Jessie Allin played a.piano solo an'd Mrs. Harry Lavis gave a reading. A mock wedding ' was' presented by Phyllis . 'Chad wick; Mary...: Belle McQuillin, Mary. MacMillaMary ary Anna'[; Maclntyre, Shirley Colwell and Donald, 1VIcQuillin.: 'Mrs. 'Clarence Irwin 'andMrs. Harold' Campbell` brought: ina basket overflowing with gifts., Marian Graham,Mary. Anna Mac .Intyre and, Wilda Irwin assisted the bride in opening the: gifts while Mrs.'Harold Campbell read. ,out the verses 'and xames. 'Ruby •fittingly: thanked all those pies-. ent-for :the many- lovely -gifts'. re- ceived; .A bountiful lunch', brought the enjoyable ;evening..to a close. HARVEST SERVICES HED, AT ST.. .PETER'S SUNDAY • • With •' the Church beautif'ully'• decorated' for the •odeasioi , ideal weather, and, the largest attend- ances,. for the 'day in many years,. 'St. Peter's ' Harvest Festival was a very.,happy day. ' 'The preacher',:' at both morning kind` evening/srvices was Rev, L. W: Owen, Rector .of Southamp ton, and • Rural Dean ' of ':Bruce. Both.'. messages were Very.inter- eating • d helpful f o g an p u1, o n the theme of the season. The 'morning Ser- vice. wasFestival Hol riimun-' yCo ion .arid the evening th.e. regular 'Ii'arvest Home.- During the even- ing service solos were ,,sung . by Wm. Pappas, who asiig a selection Orn Sibelius "Finlandia."' : • and Master Tom .Fowler, who sang ".There is a,•gladness everywhere". 'Mrs - :A1b6rt 'Ri:vett presidedat the organ. KINL.OUG: Ladies from. ;the' local Institute. were:guests of :the. Purple Grove -Institute oh Tuesday evening and' .enjoyed --h demonstration., "Frozen. ' Foods"; w showing•' the ei Method, "of . 're p aria • i�rol? m P g fruits, vegetables etc. ler the cold storage' " locker , •or home: `ejeep freezers,, An, all expense •tour • of conservation projects and other points of: g ricultural interest terestin the. eastern .-United States, w ill• be C.aw rded the four boys whQ finish highest inthisyears,Inter .nty Com eti .on at the Inter�ationalPlowing Matchesbeing , , . held• near :Alliston, October 11, 12 and• 13. This event, in addition • to $10 Prize' ;competitionsfor, boy plowmen at local' matches.. throughout the province, is sponsore •bthe' Salada tea Company. the time for the past year: (Intehded__for_Last_We • . Mr H. S. " Saunders will be at .the Presbyterian ,church here, on 'Friday,; ,Oetober 6th at 8.00 p.m., in _.aid of ' the.' Bible Society willgive an illustrated ,lecture. ,Everyone is' .cordially invited .to attend., ''With Mrs. John Colwell on' Sunday : *ere' Mr. , and . Mrs. Currie. Colwell, Mr.. and • Mrs. Wm� ' Bu`shell, •; Lucki ovtr. Other visitors with Mrs.' ;-Colwell° dur- ing ;the week •were: iVl'r.:and.:Mrs. David .Wardrop: of White Mouth;, Manitoba, tab , Dr: and..., Mrs. Donald•. Martin, Detroit, ;Mr. and Mrs. -W.• ;Leslie and family: gf;; Winnipeg; Mr. 'and, 'Mrs. Bert ;Nicholson' arid' family visited' Sunday! with A number of relatives: and friends attended the funeral of••�, the. late Christopher Hetherington on ••'Saturday. Mr. Hetherington lived for:'many.years at Westford' and': later moved to the Bluev'ale district'Mrs. • Duncar: •Thonipson' is a''daughter. We extend aym- pathy to the bereaved, family, •• The Girls' • Auxiliary met ori Saturday 'afternoon at the home of ,Mrs Howard , Thoinpson and Miss 'Mar le Thompson, • Mrs. Bert. Nicholson presided• and the open- ing hyrri;n. was. 'lie ,I.,oadeth'Me", followed ray-• the 'prayers Miss I-ele.n •-Nicholson'•,read the scrip- ture , lesson. Mrs. •Tom •Hodgins: gave the: thought for'the day; The roll call was ' answered . with a u••..4.•i,r_u_--,..,---.4 •-•—• —u,.a4. «°ri. trnitrirt -. , • ----:--• containing the' word "roi - verse • giver; The afternoon was ,spent �,.,wi,,„�i,....„i..rr�u n�.i ,..ire.riran n�...n...,,�.iwna,.u.ro aiwL ft •in sewing 'and fancy work. The i •U: ' hymn was ."When: Moth-- nder t e. Shadow of T he. "Red" FIag ens of Salem" aid the benedic closing hy i . • A ai ty it ton .� d n lunch •was .served.. by the hostess. I. REV.• . ANDREW GIH• :--' the Moody of .Ch><na . ' • will show. this • fjLi :and 'siteak at 1 1 Hanover 'Y�uth..f4r, Christ. •HANOVER; TOWN. HALL, 8' p:m. FRIDAY, OCTOB'E1. 6th •. •, .' ' featured tUusicllly with •two ' truiritets a"saxa1Hon and ill be Soprano ss, k,,ist w THE Mn RI;VUSO mrsic Ui i'ARRTY M • •Th ere care tic' reserved seats so%, conte' catiY.• • I 1 Mrs, Dorothy Thompson of Stratford spent' the 'week -end With Mr.. ' A. • E ' Haldenby and, Mr, and Mrs. Art Graham, Miss .Iay Gibson• spent the.ilreek-end at Brampton. • The Anglican•service'next Sun- day will be in • the' afternoon. Mrs Bert Nicholson accompan= red Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cuyler to;; London on Friday. We extend best„ wishes to Mr.m m ; , WilliaCongraori the occas- ion„ of his02nd birthday. A party was held at the home' of Mr. and Mrs;Malcolm Lane where he has. been 'confined to his bed iito of 4,aat,ettiittaii:i, 1t •41174r wow V uw„aar►.,aritrar . ,.44. ori, ,v, 7011111,- • ." 1 Mr. a)id. Mrs. '.Jim' Thompson' 'of Kin:gar .. and' Mrs.:,Clare Sparling of ` Walkerton :spent the week -end • with ;Mr.' and `:Mrs;.: George • Hal- denby. Mr, . Milton' Walsh. and. jack. •' � •: 'were to' Goderich' on' Sunday to visit . with Mr. and Mrs -William. Claytorm an• d Gary. • •DeeAest sy !pa'thy.., is extended. to: ;• :Mr , anid;. Mrs.. .Clayton in the' loss of their; infant 'daughter; ENDO Y Cerawo. 4ADE MARK 4EG. at the Bail Game I I I ILIl,J IIlIIIllllll Illu.11llllllll IIIIIIIIIlIIIIINIIIuillll Nllilllllll,llllllll 1111111 :r I I 1 III• I ! 1 llllilillllll • IIIIIIIIIlL! I i i t . _ (IIII�II Illlllllllllllllllldllrllllllllllillllllll, ltl IINIlIIN,tll�,lgl�q.,111�� , 1..U.CKNOW BOY SCOUT r oect+ t .4.00, p.m. today ctober • _:..� ..THIS'.FILL': BE .TE, LAST�_COhLELTYQ1 =_ FOR THIS YEAR Anyone having; waste paper li+i 'ridly have; it on the: ;curb bY.4 On. and the Scouts 'and, Cubs' will pick. it -u '' i:' � I I' I IiI 'II � rnl rU 1111111111111111111111111111!111,11!111111111�11111111111111111llllllll IIIilllllllGIIIIIIIIIIIIl1IIllliinio alpha o.1,! buil o uNll mllllmi mmittmOtifflimO LiilNfitlmitlnimm ., Ral vE NE CARLOAD.. ALL. 4' SHEETS; e -Quarter, Three -Eights, •One -Ha Thiree- arid uarter • Inch ' Thickness Hendersol' gum. `Ibex;: �i i�te 150 X L"C rO� ONT.utIU. • • '4 1'` • I,