HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-10-05, Page 1;950
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$2.501 Yearly In Advance .-- 50c Extra to U.S.A.
Among Lucknow Higly Schcaol;
Strongest .:boosters :is Pr., H . R
Kingston of Western University
London,., :This fact hei ,�
rn his opening :aernark,s •oh Firi
day. night, as.. he addressed .:
pareri>' pupil ,'
e1 .
wi w 1.fi ,,
llod th� Towra. •Hal
in spite of counter -attractions.
It -was Dr. ,Kingston' ween
visit 'here in two years ,and h
stressed i : pleasure it 'bein
:back,• as:'he the thrill ,of hi
r]ife ,on his initia 'visit, frorri the
reception he received, and from
. the enthusiasrn and 'school' spiri
that., was, evident here.
.The. Band' "and Glee Clu
b does
much . to tie: parents: .and pupil.
together ,an.d. he; said. he ; person
ally'knew.the parental thrill that
• cornes from having c.hildren,:tak-
--:ing.part.-in--such:'school activitie
He sensed 'that ''here was as "real
teaching staff", and had- been
generally impressed•' ;by- ,t :h e
Dr. ' Kingston outlined ' ..t h e
courses . ibeing'ta;ught' at •. Western
,.and the, rapid.grow•th• 'and '0(.7 pansion of, this:u.niversity centre.
He •said he was. not'``'. wedded. 'to'.
the. idea that a . University ; educa
tion was absolutely necessary,:but.
that •education can •and does en-
rich our, `lives to: make• more use-
ful: citizens: over and beyond
the ;dollars 'one . ill, receive for
Will, e
IIER1!" `WITi1<' A ,G•US:, McLEQD•
Mr; J, A. Miller of London was.
as week .attending . the
funeral of his nephew, Mr. Her--
ber't. Miller
.horn, in .Ltxcknow
71. years ago; on Jaxl� 4th
•. k ...., y ,..1879;
I•ie .was the 11th of.:„r ,farhily • of
12. ehildr•en. of ,.Mr..and' Mrs, .Th o
Mil1w:;ofLcucknow .hips:.father;be
rag a` lamb buyer. J. A. and one
d. sister; Mrs. K' Spindler of London'
e :aa e .the ':sore'.- remaining Members.
g, of that :family. •
hi NIr. Miller• learn'ed'' th.e''mer
'chant tailoring..business in Luck-
now' with 'Angus . McLeod and
t went to •London•43 years ago to
practise his trade;•'and .at .which'
'he is.'still .engaged "as : the spirit
s• moves' •hi.m",
Mr: Miller is the: father of Orlo
Miller,well known. 'free. lance
Writer 'and radio 'dr'amatist:, He.
hamtwo •daughters:.
his or her services
The 'su�bject ; of Dr. Kingston's
`lecture demonstration Was "Ridgy
ing the Sky with the Sun and
the • Moon".' Follo•wing : an inter-,
estirg . address on the:- subject he
;supplemented • his remarks with
lantern slides of the solar system.
To 'the lay-mind.'the distances re-
ferred' to' .in. our .'universe are
:fantastic. They are not, spoken. of
in miles but in light years. Light
travels at the rate of -II-million
miles a minute, and in 'trh c s e
;terms ;it would 'take four and,' one-
third 'years to reach' the nearest.
star (with; the. exception of the
sun.which,s one. of .the stars).
' Dr.: ,Kingston ...dealt specifically
With the: eclipseof the moon
is = i
.prelvious Monday, `evening,` and
gave explicit information on the'
various': Phases cifrthe; .moon.'
Mr. Gerald R` thwell,, chairman
-a a
of :the • Board of: Education,': pre-
sided' at, this:.• gathering;' which
opened with nunibers ::by Y. ,
School Band under :the direction.
of Mr., P, W. Hoag.. This, was, fol=
-lowed by three, selections by the:.
Glee Club, with 'Mr .'.Everett West`:
presiding at theField day•
champions, who are listed. ;else=
,• where, were Called. to 'the 'plat
form and congratulated. ' Mr., PAG ITY
by TEST CA . .
Mr. W. B. Anderson.. expressed
'appreciation to • Dr: .Kingston :for
his excellent • address. Miss Joyce
Baulch then favored with a piano
solo, • and presided at the piano'
:for "The�.'Kintg'�
Refreshments were then serv-
ed and an' hour's dancing enjoyed
to piano music provided by some
;"of the students;
wh' h had been w tnessed' the_
Residents of this :community
were ., shocked :: last Thursday
morning 'to learnOf the' sudden
'deaths •of Mr. Herbert Miller .and •
'gr. Peter R, MacNay. -
Mi Miller,' who was 62 years ,:
Of. age,. suffered a h`eart',ettack.
Wednesday evening; and a see-
and`sei urea about :Midnight "Prov-'
ed „fatal.' A ,private funeral' sex•
vice was held . at his, lete'., res
'deuce on';.Fri,day; afternoon a with
interment in South Kinloss •.Cern.=
etery;; •
Mr, . MacNay passed • away
.peacefully, at ,.his , home at'•Para-
mount late, Wednesday'. afternoon
While Mr;.`'and `,Mrs.:Kelso—;Mac=
Nay were'', at Lucknow' Fair, Mr.
,MeeNay. • having expressed :..sthe
wish' that 'they ,attend it.' He "was
in his; apparent usual;' health, ''• and
succumbed ':.where 'he `.'Sal, while-
listening Cu the radio. ',He" waw S`3'
years:of age, and had 'been' ljlind'
for 'several years. `'•
/, The funeral servi'ce. •was . held_:
at his; late residence on Saturday.
afternoon.' Burial Was. 'in South•
Kinloss' Cemetery:
• Mr. WM. McCrostie received a:
telegram •this. week'. .a informing
him that :.his• brother,a •Dr.•John
1V1' crostie. of''' `'Vancouver •: