HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-09-28, Page 4AGE roug •`WANT AD” RATES-4St insertion '2 cents a, Word, subsequent insertions 1 cent a :word,' Minimum charge 25 cents,, 'replies care of The, .Sentinel 10 cents extra, Legal advertising 10 .cents per countline first .insertion, 5• cents per line subsequent insertions,: • F•OR SALE -18 pig$,, 8 wee1 s o1d';, George .Fisher; telephgzie '43-r73, Lu►ekno'w. SCAR FOR SALE --•- 1946 Dodge sedan.. Apply to Stuart Jamieson, i ucknow; CAa FORT sAJ E 1929. 'up- • xrio ile, . 4 good .tires andbattery, Vfn?, Humphrey,' Lucknow, • HOUSE 'FOR SALE -4 room cot- tage . in . Lucknow, . available mediately. 'Phone 157-w,. FARM 'FOR, SALE 100 acres, FOR SALE—number of cOwS and . heifers supPosed t6 be in calf. Dan T. Me.I.Cinnon, Holy - Phone; 46;•r-3 Lucknow.. tractor ploW . and :one .32 -blade • FOR SALE -L -two young milking. LleoWs, Apply to ,Mrs. RenteNelsen,, ,PAISLEY CIDER MILL ,Will..run every. Thursday.and Friday,. start - September 28th."Williarn FOR, 'SALE `'.=.• Lumber, timbers, pests, slabs, WeOcl; 'etc., reasoriL. :money...Kennedy 4: Gaunt, phone' FURNITURE FOR'.SALE---Lthree-, piece chesterfield SUite, re-uphol-.: piece dining room:suite. Apply, at sitieco finith, op Main St. .of Dungannon. Apply to Wm. S; russe s,, or d.art, four Cylinder,. goo nning condition, 5' good 'tire $125:00. AtibUrn, phone. Dungannon 18-t-4. • LIVESTOCK WANTED Vi3 to $5•Q 0 .each.` for Dead or Disabled l iorses,• Cows, Dogs, 'at Your farm: Prompt Phone, collect WinghanL 5614. William" Stone, Sort's, 'Limited,, Ingersoll, Flat. roofs rePaired,.new roQfs, eavetrOughing, spray ..p eth.-Satisfactidn guaranteed. Work done anywhere. •SylveSter Fort - AUCTION SALE EXECUTOR'S `SALE. of. , house- hold 'effects and Village property of the late Rebecca Ferguson, at the residence, Outram' Luck - now, on 'Saturday,. September 30 at 2.00 p.m. See bills. Well; Hen, 4.. SEMINEL,;; 1.UCKNO.W„: ONTARIO. .• ITECHURCH week-ena at Port Huron and at-. tended the 'wedding of his a son of Mr; and: Mrs: Noble Steele. fliS rnOther*as formerly Miss Edna 'Thompsebn of White - Mr. ancl.Mrs. '.Ifictor Emerson, and :Miss Margaret Taylor visit7, Charlie 'Tiffin of Langsicie, " Mr, and Mrs.. Harry TichbOrne .of Goderich visited -on 'SundaY Mr. Ezra Wel.wood-ancl son Mr., .Gordon. WelWood 'Spent IVIonday of this . week :at, LOridon. CongratulationS to' Mr., 8r Mrs. Jaines McInnes, Whir Celebrated viiitect Sunday at the home of her sister, Mi.% and Mrs. 'George „and family of, Wingham visited on Sunday with his. Mother, Mr. and Mri..Ezra :Welwood. Mr. and. Mrs. Clifford Heiffer :and farnily of Wingliam visited -on Monday with ,.her ,parents; Mr. end, Mrs. AUCTION. SALE CLEARING SALE 'oft household effects, etc. at Lot 31', Con, .6; Kin= less, 3. miles nOrtheast 9f Lang,: side dn. Thursday, Octoher 5th at Hill, .prop; Well.$enciersen, atic. TENDERS. WANTED — by: West Board, for the ',Chien School No. nybrook. This' itheol. to be re- moved.. The highest' or. any. tender not ..neeeSsarily. accepted. Apply CARD 'OF TIAANKS many, wayLs .-Waterlo6 standard. -tractor.' one used WS Allis '.Chalmers, tractor. .beorge Wraith,,PhOne 131, Luck, and 'bloodtesthd 'free of charge. Goad guaranteed premium paid. On."some breeds "Can take: eggs the' year around. 'Apply Tweddle Chick Hatcheries' 'Limited, .:"Fer7 NOTICE Ladies' Auxiliary Meeting . The regular meeting ,of the Ladies Auxiliary, to the Legion Branch ISid,:',309, :war ve hold 'in° the' Auxiliary itOOMS TueSday, October 3rd 'at 8.00 p.m. . sharp. All members requested, to be present, Guest sPeafter,,,Zene 1-foYle. "Committee for' October: Tenders will be 'receiVed . by October 10,' 1950, for: four trtieks with snowplow. and wing, hy- draulic controlled, .with h'elper. 'Quote price•per hour: ders for the sale of one.eight-footi Six-inch ,plow'apd ten -foot., wing.% Highest. or atly tender not nee-, . Herbert C. CUrran, Road Supt. C. E. McDonagh, TOwnship while in :the '.hospital and since - *Who. gathered at Blake's' hall on Friday:16 entertain' us with.:Such an enjoyable evening and tcyfpre-, sent •us with.Scrmany•loVely gifts. Mr.' and Mrs.'Rusael We Wish..to gra,tefully: acknow- ledge and mast sinCerely 'thank Many kind acts and expresSions SYMPathy extended ug. in 'Our Agnew, .Mrs. .Alma Johns: -.IN MEMORIAM . Of a dear huShand and father, ;1:14gh.kergiuson, who' passed awaY Septethher 20th,' 1949. •You're .not forgotten father dear, long as life.and.rneniory last —Ever rerriembered by The NOTICE 'TO CREDITORS : In The Matter. Of !Jibe 'Estate Of, Laughlin MacKenzle, Deceased. 'Noticu 'giVen that -ail persons haying cialros'against the estate iof Laughlin MacKenzie,. whO died at the Township of Kiri- loss on. the Secbnd day of May; their etaitn's duly verifie0i`to the undersigned be f re the Four- teenth day Of October, 1950; after ,which date. the,. estate will be -distributed aniOngst the part- ,ies ,entitled therete haying regard only. to such claims as are then DATED at "Walkerton 'th is Eleventh day, Of September, . Annie Mackenzie, A. 1, P. Stuart IVfac.Keitzle, Walker - daughter, :Miss Hazel. Bagg sperit Sunday .with- 'the- fortner's ing a few days .here this Week.' . • wedding .took ..pla'e7e at the. horne of •Mri. .‘Nmes McInnes, When their ..eldest -daughter, Miss Janie; \,i:As, Married. to Mr. Orval :was, • served, at the I3rtinswick: Hotel' Wiiigliarn when 25 Sat Miss' Mar:Y. Caution) ,rand farrilly Church °was held. last Wednesday ance. The ladies who. had 'birth-' .sat clown.at the special table.ancl terian..Church ,was held,. at the lioree of 'Mr.: and Mrs, Ezra' Wel-. wood,- with' a fair atteedance and .derit; 'as leader. 'The. reiponsive scriPture lesson was led by Mrs. Lott, prayer by -Mrs; Welwo9d, rneditatiOn by James, Laid..., law, and the topic rby,Mrs. John:. Stow Conn..The meeting was Clos- ed by prayer by Mis..Mowbray, after which lunch was serVed and a :social time enjoyed. .. We held our regular Girl Guide meeting on FridaY in the ; creational .Centre.. Mrs. McKfin wa.S present.: tO.. give Mrs. Jean Rutherford her Lieutenant War - Miss Munro, the, health nurse, taught "Health". to' sOme of the second class Guides, other Guides took tests for their see.7 Guide's cloied by singing Taps. Guides will be at 7.30 next week. Service raid Satisfaction HELENS guest at the liart-Edighoffer Wed- ding in Main St. United Church, Mitchell, last Wednesday.. Barry Mequillin, yoUnger son of Mr. and' Mrs, 'Fred Meguillin, is...making a favorable recovery' after an einegency operatiOn for, aPPenciieitis in the WirighaM.Hos- pital on Thursday evening. Mr, and Mrs, JOhn Cameron and Don attended the ,rnarriage of the formers!. niece„ Mies Wanda DOuglas to :Mr David wBart at MAtehell',Ons.. Saturday: Detroit Were .reent guests Of Mr. The OdlOber . meeting. of : the Wornen's Institute WM be held, at -the fierne.", Of.-.,MrsefJarries Cur, 'ran ,:on. ThUrsday'•afternoori,. Oct - :ober 5th at 2.30..Roll call, "What the Wornen's means to. : watd.' will be the guest speaker. Program comnlittee .and .hostess-• es,, Mrs. Fred McQuillin. and Mrs. The :Sacrament of.. the Lord's SuPper will be observed in Abe her sister, Mrs.•Berndi of'Detrait Who retUrned lag. 'Monday frorn spent. a few 'days, With. and. a.te at SA. Peter's Church, has re.. 'signed ,aS .reetor of the donee ;Par'isli,. and is leaving at the end of, the month 'for the .ChurCh.,Of gnew enc Agents' Assoeiation ,Esiablishecit.)ver 30. Years Ago • Business .39 Residence ,138 NSURANCE ,Co -Operative Life Insurance • Co-OPerative Automobile „ Insurance Insurance EconomiCal;and Reliable ,`'Phone 10-00 Dungannon . GENERAL FAMILY 'HOSPITALIZATION Investigate BefOre. You Invest: ittatrotig '• Deep Well and Shallnw Well Pumps ,sold and installed. . EAVETROVGHINO MR CONDITIONING Giltitore .R. R. 3, tlICKNOW 'Phone ,61-r-13; Dungannon THTT S.,_ SEP EMBER_ 28thh.05Q,, Havelock' St.,. south of Supertest Garage ,L c4NOW Telephone 0'5 TAX S,ERVICE 1VIONTIIIIII AUDITS Small Merchant,'ProfesSional Office in Kilpatrick Block l'Phone 23-w 'FIRST WEDNESDAY OF • WM. SCHMIVS STORE' InSure In Sure Insurance Car, Accident, Sickness 'Phone 169-I; LueknOW • AUTOMOBILE • AND LIFE. • 'Instire With Jack 'Today, 'Phone 61L5, :Dungannon ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Office in the Joynt.Block Offiee 135 Residence 31-J *UMW 416, NOW IS. THE TIME. Threshing Michine 3. sizes -22x32, '22x38, 28/03 -EARL: 1.1: HODGI14 'phone: '36443 iees*ater tuarl MacKenzie LOCKNO .-Each Wednesday R. S. Hetherington, Barrister, Etc. Located .on the ground flo91: m the. front 'of oal?Kitplitrias Building 'Phone Winghain lice 48 Residenee