HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-09-21, Page 3.950 Inas for.,. ded n Of., row, • Yak - 1 a., was ' 110g S: Mrs; 3rd Il:ac= ;hoe`'. and . ken , gyred fine of p in re.• at • ren-' ediL • her'. viv two / 42'•:. • lURS.z SE 1'ENLl31 R 'ls't,: 1954 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, APPRAISAL,DAy AT KIN LOSS ° FAR iV1 The Bruce County' Farm. Ap- PERSONAL. XMAS CARDS;: Orders .placed " before October lst.for personal Christmascards and .Business cards, earn a prem- ium 9f extra free cards With each orde?t': Act at once, A. ,phone call to 33 or 35 will . bring "the per- sonal album to • your door,. • 'DONALD `ITIOMPSON.' Mr, . Jini Geddes; of Toronto called on friends here last. week. Mr. Walter E. Hunter of St. Cather.ines :rvisited with the Baird broth•ers last 'week. • Mr. and .Mrs, M. G Swack Kamer of. Detroit spent the week- end '.with Mr., and . Mrs. T: •W; Smith. Y Mrs, , Len . L,indsay 'and Mr; and Mrs. MerleJohnstone, and •Shan - on spent the week -end' with Mr. and Mrs. P. M. ,J ohnstone. • Mr. and Mrs. Rae • Myers turnedd. 'to Sudbury .after' spend-' ' 'the past week visiting her .rriother, Mrs.',Neil J. MacKenzie. Leet' 0 lers was•, the' , Ver - into rttle: • for 0; .ish two iuld lia- ar_y • Miss, Gwen:Treleaven attended the wedding ,reception for' Mr: .and • Mrs. ,Fred Gowan , alt the Wart -Worth rtWorth . Army Hotel in: . loam -. Ilton on Saturday. MI, •Wm, Rowers is moving, t the Anderson Apartments. . Mr. S. Reid' spent a few days, in . Goderich, with, his sisters a,nd brothers, and with .his ' brother Harvey who •is seriously sick in hospital, Mr,. and '••.Mrs.•., Lloyd Stewart;" Miss Gwen.Stewart' and. Mr, Jack: Wilson 'of Stratford; spent the week -end, with :Mr. and Mrs. Philip. Steuart. • . Mr:, and,'_Mrs:::'- Laurenee' Tye- main;...Kenn':.and hois':Ann,,•�Mr.• irJack 'Mai tin:,' Mrs: "Amelia Trelea-' v en and Gwen visited recent With Lucknow arid;'. Ashfiehd'JJ 'friends: �•i Mr. and 'Mrs.. Rus yell' . s Clipper- ton and Lynda of: London visited • recently- with her parents,' Mr... and Mrs. Sam. Reid.. M.rs,. 'Reid returned ;with them 'fora v_ isit and spe, t a few da s'a � Y . the Fair: • Mrs.. E. C, • Smith and': dau •lite. g r Jean. 'of Edmpnton - visited her e last •week with Mr_ and rs,: /Mrs: T, AW; Snii:th.. They were enroute borne •,after a two. months': 'Visi in Scotland,. having. made the :tri 'both Ways by ' air. ' ' t p ---Hunter.-Jones. Group W.A. The `Seltei''niber meeting was held at' the home' of" Mrs, Harvey : Webster;1Virs. 'Howard Robinson ;presided' for . t program. Mrs.. . ,Scott'.'led in: prayer.. The ;scrip- •ture 'reading'was;:given . by, Mrs..' Collins:,' Reports were'•;'given by. the, secretary ,and treasurer, also' b'y the :•Cherio' and sewbng 'mittee.'" It .was decided .to hold a !baking sale on Septenvber 23rd, ,Hymn :249. was then' sung follow ed• by .readings 'by Mfrs. Pharis. blathers and' Mrs. -Jack, Smith A. chorus Was' enjoyed by;:a num- ber of girls .aifter. which Joyce' -''Little .favored With'. an instru 'mental:At the close of the meet irig an :"interesting contest f ollow- "ed:and 'a vote.of thanks .was giv- en the hostess.' T ii E: NEW . MODERATOR : of. lIiaron-Maitland .Presbytery df the Presbyterian :.Church., is Rev.:. tell„ `Re, G. MacMillan of. Knox. church; Goflerich. nes, ; • ince lder yob son• - ngs ake LUCK NOW UNITED CHURCH Minister(Rev. W. J. Mumford, M.A., 'DM., SUNDAY, , ,SEPT: 24th, 1950 10 a.m. Sunray; : School. , 11 a M.: Rev. C B. ' Woolle Subject:: "Marked for Li 7 p.m.: Union '•.Community Service in . Presbyterian • Church. Repr esentative .of Bible Society: willgive an! illustrated addres•s- Please' note that the 'Set viees , on ,Sunday' will be •held‘Ob STANDARD. TIME , , 1. onuwen 'family, plot' should ' be gr iic'ed with ,the shrine like b'cauty 'of, a monument .which will be everlastingly -a .tribute:: iii those- 'at rest •W`e liive rna,f ,1 Classic styles to- suggest, and will:Work with you 'on 'eds- .. tom 'd'esigns. Exceptionally low • prices: No* canvassing, .:which elimin- ates sales com,lmissions. • Inscriptions Repairirig Sandblasting Memorials 25';Years' Experieri'ce 'The latest . in , Portable Sandblast Equiprrieht All • work .personally executed rownlie Memorial. AlfredhSt,,' WINGIItAM 'Phone 450 • ' . Or NEIL 1V1acLENNAN, htiplley, Ontario. OBITUARY•' ,.. MR;S J'. S ' MaeRENZIE' The .many friends of .'Mrs. J_ S MaeKenz;ie were: shoc:ked..:,:an ',saddened : upon 'Learning• Of he death'which.. occurred suddenly •at heir Kinloss"Township home on ':Saturday. • morning, .. ,Septembe' 'pith Although in .failing health for. a 't'irrie her ,death, came''un expectedly ,from' a.. hearts attack She 'Was, 79 .years of'age° on De- cember 28t11 ....Mr*. MacKenzie , vas:,'formeriy Christina•MacKay, a daughter' of •John ', 'MacKay a:n d ..C'atherine MacLeod o-:th.e._th-..Concession of Huron :Townsh.ip, where Mrs. MacKenzie .was.' bolsi: ,',She ,;was an only daughter in ,a :family :of nine. ,Her• eight. brothers, ha'v..all predeceased. her. ;In ;October 1900; Mr. and Mrs. MacKenzie '•.••were married 'and • tee*--up—€arrriing ori th of Kinloss, whe.re. they:resided• until Moving .to, Lucknow`a'hunt; b'er.:of years -ago: Following her ,husband's death, Mrs •MacKenzie returned tci the farm»to make her: horrre''with herson'.Edward. ONTARIO praisal 'Dar will be held this year on Monday,' Septein.ber. 25th at . Frank MacKenzie's_ farm, northeast 'of Lucknow; This day is being held for . men b'ers of Bruce' County Junior" Farther clubs and for men who..operate. farms=uinder ..the • Veterans'• Land Act 'i n .the, region supervised : by, .Herb 1A'rkell of ';Teeswate�r'iThe object' of .thee day is to work ottt` the ` statement: tkiat • balanced farming. requires planning, g, man agement and .kn.ow�•liow. To ,bring ,it down' to a ' dollars' and. cents -problem, the, question is asked ,"What' is the (value •of' a farm ••unif,'necessary. • to''•produce $.25001 net income under 'reason able farm : practises and manage'' inent". For the answer to this, be, at. *Frank MacKenzie's farm at ' 9.00 a.m: next Monday. There. the opportunity will be given to make an actual appraisal .of=;the farm :including 'laid,.,•.buildings, ''live .stock, machinery, feed and .supplies, .and the farm. woodlot. During the • course .of the day various ' s, of woodlot care and nanagerneri will ,be carried .'out' by the .Dept.' ,of .Lands. 'and Forests. The, after- noon will. be demoted. -'.to discus demonstrations -on. phase sign by -those present ot'the vari- ous appraisals ••made duringthe. day.: The ' co=operatiing. 'agencies this day • are- as 'folloltrs: Bruce d .County 'Junior Farmers, Ontario r ' Agricultural "College, .'Dept.' of Agricultural: Econornics, Dept;. of Veterans Affairs, Dept.'. of Lands r arid Forests, Ontario Dept of Ag. f icalture Walkerton.; ; ' After all' is- said and done, loan . •does it taste. in the cup.?. That iso avhat counts! . PAGE' T 1 R,Eir. yield the rtec lavour. bit KINGSBRIDGE • Mr. Austin McCarthy, Mr., and 'Mrs. Percy. McCarthy. and; •Mrs, Louis Dalton ' called ' on their friends arid ',relatives during the Mrs, T Redmond i ., s spending a while with Mr. and Mrs. `Louis' Hogan. ' iVlrs. J. Kasper • and family spent the ;week -end ;with her'bro- Ither, John O'Connor, •'Mr.' and 'Mrs.''Edwin' Myers at- tended London 'Faison-Tixrsd . ••.Mx; and Mrs.M .Law and fam- ly• were Sunday .visitors; ,;wit 1VIr .and Ntrs, W. ''Cannan: . ;.. 1l2i s. NlacKeniie possessed ,the' chat'acteristies that, won;'. het : a wide• circle of friends who mourn, ber passing She was . active' in. the Work of het .church 'while health..pernnitted and took a11:act=, ivc interest in other vv omen s of gan• iza.t'idds 'being:a Charter meni ber of : the,,. l.uck,itciw Women's, Institute artd 'a rtle.li -ber iii Jhe ;el Rebcknh Ltidge . The' fun(” ii 5c r v' ch Ft' is • cciii-: added; tin :Tuesday at the l oiti'L itf, Mr,. .hitt_ \Ii s . C'l err ":Agncty A:' .Winn 'of ..ti:ie Luc knot I 'i' ht trrt iii . ("htit, e'lr Inter muni.: vukis in'. S+iiuth .1tiu1°lo • C..'('nivte�r�' ,till'. 1r�i'iil'e.tttr' beyina Join the aid, '1'111)1 '1'1;'ni MUie'K& riff e': Kenzie; • LTi; M.,e I'eri irne Soft, J , k:tl t i.,tl.,\I rc:Kf ni' e l ,.ir1t.1 lig ttr'0 ni„ovt,ti, 1\1:•:•;, Ada C. . • Agtre;tt' . (if- • 1 „ib•r ,"...' "v+ Alin a: (4 J' bis < lit 11) t. vv lrc� 'e lreyiiiey''\ras' with h't, : front. the ,time 'Were, ft• Ut. t :r:'s •61d CREW Mr,•`and . Mrs.' John Blake and Bernice of . Winghain visited Sun day with Mr Lcfrne and Will. Hasty. Mr. and 'Mrs. Chester''Finnigan visited Sunday with(Mr. and, Mrs. Henry'Gardner of Zion, :Mr,: and Mrs. Jack:Curran and family 'visited Sunday ,,evening- : with '.Mr. and: Mrs.' Harold Web stet and sons, • of Auburn: TR.M ;- fieri •o.0d :Norma; spent; Wednesday at the Western. •Fair, 1 London. Miss . Norma 'Sherwood •;spent'•a week -end ' recently • ' with • Miss Jacquline Hedley at, Blackhorse arid sang: solos at. the 75th''church. an'ni,versany Mr.. Raymond • Finnigan spent the week -end in• Toronto.. • • We areglad' to report Mrs. Tom' Culbert'' has (.returned; from God-;. erich . Hospital: and 'improying, 'but' •Mr, Culbert' will remain for: 'a' ' While longer Mrs Harvey Ross of: Lucknow ..Spent the vv eekend .with •her par.: .: eats Mr: and Mrs JIM Sherwood and Nor.rna.,. • Ruth. Curran, Sylvia . C,tirrani.' Ruth Keane' and •Nornia Sher- wood.... her wood . are' attending:'„L.uckriow High 5ch01, this year.: ASHFIELD • 'Mrs; A. E. 'Munro of.Detroit. is 'visiting with-: relatives. • The missionary' meetingwas. held at Mrs., D. A. MacLean's 'o , ' n. •Wednesday. Mrs. Duncan McKar `had. charge of :the program: Held' Shower , Friends. .and neighbors' gather- ed ed at the home of Mr. '.and. Mrs.. Jack MacKenzie 'list 'Wednesday - for Wednesday for a 'misc'ellaneous. .shower' • ink' 'honor; of Mrs.. Rae Myes, former, Catherine M`acKenzie.•,A'pleas ana' soci evening was enjoyed, with a program, in charge' of Mrs, George• .Moncrief " Catherine re.... ceived ,Many Lovely gifts. • YOU REQUIRE STORM S 1 For The COMING WINTER' R;S-S14-O•UL•D-B J -Th1-S I. 51'cNi1yAkppatilck,,Group' `t1".1:' • • 11Ir ti J ,W .' J tv 1t vv a• 'hostess for'.thc'MoNiii Ki1patt ic,k Group ., Mrs, Cre'.ti. ' Andi etV ,lit e�'idcyd and I opened 'the ilii t tti1,g ..with ytfi a.•� 'and pi!ayer, The scripture lesson --uveas aive'n •.by Mi's J: K'ilpatvick. '1VTinutes :of list, meeting :were read ;l).t: Mrs, .Etv,1rt "Iaylnr arid ' report,; " of, o rirrittteeti gi'v'en, A. hu::morouS 1 twacti,n. ; : w i` "given Eau' Mrs. McInnlys' to 'eTht ,Hcittfiefly". Mts , Alex .M'cNay. g.tvo , a very', inter e ting bilk on her,. 1 e ceynt:, -trip out to, •tiie coast:',, She also • a' it bad ia'p .outlining'the and'' picture ,postcards • and :snaps of places' they 'visited. Lttne:h .wag ;served and a successful. baking .sale'v,as held at: the close of the mneoti11g. ' with. Mrs. 'Burt, : Roach 'as•,attctic nt+e!Y". • • Can . Oct. 01", TFor -You. : Of er. one 150, •• Lucknow, Ontario'. e,re•a oarain for 11 will.ruri•a dozen errands : ' .-'rna'e appointments, do your shopping` ..'.stand guard over your safety • tarry yuu ,tv, the side 6/ a sick. f riend ' you teorry, and eforlt, and hours : make,-Your--rtori-=easier,youur_ li fe..plensanter.: i ow <would vou,,*neasure.your telephone's true worth? Its, endless convenience. Its life-saving speed in time of need:. The steadily growing nt niber-of.peiiple it brings within your reach . '. All these things contribtute to"tire sYurn-total' of telephone` value. Yet in.do larsand-cents cost, your telephone;remains one of the smallest items in your farriily bu,4get even a• : Smaller ,part thanit was before the war. Today, as always; y otic telephone is big .value. • • THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY,OF CANADA E WA1TINO FOR A TELEPHONE, or fano' higher grade.,of you will haul if last as quiCklY as IFiics, ARE cal is to pro- wevcan provide host our eCesp .assurance oc ti is, Out tontinuino" ,g. want 0 vide he kind of service to alb who want' it, when and when theyit. • ti • . b" rw