HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-09-14, Page 4a 1.'i"; • fl r)} Fa I�A • Y ',a,�F•AGrE� • FOUL .i CKNOW SENTINEL, . LUCKNOW, 'ONTARrO THURS., SEPTEMBER lAth,. 1950 AD"• insertion . 2 cents .a • word, subseq ent "WANT RATES -=1st. insertions 1 cent a word. Minimum charge 25 'cents. Replies care Of 'The Sentinel, IQ .'cents extra. Legal: advertising .10 cents per count; line first insertion, .5 cents per line •subsequent inser"tions.'. FOR SALE—baby • carriage, like new, $20.00; Apply 'to Mrs., Ern- ' berlir , Lucknow. • FOR' .SALE "—' 1932 Plrymoiath sedan,, in good. condition. Apply to P . M'ac •1VIacLertnan, Li;cknow.. HOUSE FOR SALE; -4 -room cot-. tage: in y �Luckno*,', available •'im- mediatel 'Pho �'e. 157-w. Y. FOR ' SALE cook stove just . two years old.: Apply to Elmer; Sohn- , Ston,, Lucknow. • .• FOR SALE --a baby frig, as good as new, Harvey Treleaven, Luck- • pow. • .FOR. SALE ---19.41 • iChev, :coach;•• Model A• Coach. . cash,- trade . or terms:' N. W.''Winters:tein, Luck-' :now, FDR-.�� 'h�re oi n . bpi the. Cob ; cucumbers and ' dill.. Apply to Mrs. Frances . •Cowan, Luck.. 'now. , — . FOR SALE• 4 steers and .a'heifer • . between 800 and 1,000'. pounds. Frank• Miller, - R. ,R: 5, Lucknow phone 46-r-5. :WANTED quiet general purpose: mare; Must be sound ' and one. •not requiring ''shoeing., Informa- tion at Sentinel'Office: FOR.. SALE --1930 Chevrolet::'se-' dan, steel top, sealed • bean• lights,: :,good condition. John Hutchison, R. 1, • Lucknow, phone Wingham 628w3. 'OR''. SALE Lumber,_ timbers, posts, slabs;' wood, etc;; 'reason- -.able prices.. See usand save • unoneyKennedy & Gaunt,- phone 466 or 401W2 Wingham. • FOR '' SALE—one' new Model U Waterloo standard tractor, one used`M. H:,.tractor, No. 30; one useeWS�l� .. 1 1`31 '.Luck` George' Wraith, Ph., �e n , • .now. • . •` OIL,.'I EA'1',Ekt• FOR SALE= -mad= tum': size . ' oil heater in perfect operating. ''condition. :With; • or; without 200. 'gallon • tank:: Apply to L."C -Thompson, phone 33 . or 35, Lucknow LIVESTOCK WANTED Up to- $5.00 each for Dead' or Disabled Horses, Cows,, Hogs, at your:farm.;Prompt service. Phone. collect • Wingharrt .561-J. William Stone- • Sons, Limited,. ' Inger'soll, , Ont. '• ROOFING, EAYETROUGHING -Fiat. roofs repaired,, new, roofs,` t• eavetr, ougling ` ".spray : painting, etc. Satisfagtion`guaranteed.•Work done anywhere' ,Sylvester••Fort- riey;.aMildznay, phone 60-r-15'...• 'NOTICE TO REDITORS ' :• In The Matter Of, testate Of Laughli eKenzie,`Deceased. "" Notie is hereby given that all, persons haying' claims: against the estate of •' Laughlin MacKenzie, who: died•at'the,Township ,of :Kin- loss on the Second day of May, AID, 1950, are notified to ' send their :claims dilly verified to. the• undersigned 'b e'f.o r e the Four- teenth" our- ee 'i -i• Of October, A.D. 1950, • t nt day , after which date tifie . estate will • he distributed am•oza:gst the part- ies entitled thereto 'having regard •• only to such claims as are ;then • received . . . • • • :.. DATED:" at Walkerton . t,h i s: 'Eleventh day of September, A.D. 1950, . . Annie', MacKenzie., R. R. 17 Holyrood Ont.,' Administratrix. .. • • P,` `Stuart 'MacKenzie, Walker- • tori, "'Ontario; Her Solicitor. A C N SALE. T-1 -. O '• CLEARING AUCTION SALE 'of household effects - of'; the Maud Murdoch .Estate, at the residence, Lucknow, on Saturday,'.Septem- ber 23r'd at 2.00' o'clock. Terms cash. Gordon Fisher, Adm. Well Henderson, Auc.; • A4'. PERSONAL ' "`OLD AT 40, 50, ' 60?" MAN!' You're crazy! `Thousands, peppy at, 70. • Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep up bodies lacking iron. For min - down :feeling many men, worrien call. <<old11._1Le `.get aequaii ted". size only .60c. All druggists; . T E N'.D ER S WOOD. TENDERS' WANTED Tenders will be received; by the undersigned until September 16, 1950, for 25 'cords. of .elm `wood. ls' :inches lotig,, and 'not less than 6 inches .or more than 10. inches in• diameter, tat. •be delivered to.. the Town Hall, Lucknow,''by.•'Oct- ober''' .15th; :1950.. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.' JOSEPH AGNEW' Clerk, Municipality of the ;Village of Lucknow. AUCTION SALE KITCHENER' STOCK ' YARDS Sell by public 'auction every Thursday at 1 p.m. a large offer- they -in -lave, Mr.; •Courtenay of', in of cows; market cattle, a Yh g dairy � . Beltivood' and ;his son and�'da g feeders, `stockers, : calves, hogs, ,ter "were calling in ; the village !COMING, EVENTS 'RECEPTION AT DUNGANNON1 A reception •will: be •held in Dungannon Agricultural Hall; on :friday, Selitemiber• 15th in 'honor of • -Mr.. and Mrs. Russell IrWxn; Good music. 'Everybody welcome. •DANCE In the C0.441unity Memorial Hail, • W hitecreb, on. •Friday, September. 15th, to the music`' of Jack Henderson's 5 -piece arches-,. tra Adt nissnon' :50c. Lunch;', count- er, everybody. Welt, me. • M. United Church W.M.S. The S.eptenyber Meeting .a 'the,', United Church' was held at the home of Mrs! J.. Wesley Joynt. The president Mrs, W. B. Ander- son conducted the meeting. .Mrs. E., Hodgins gave the scripture reading arid ,VIrs, Harold Trelea- ven sang, accompanied by Mrs.. Kilpatrick. The Study book "The .Urited Church Re-enters .Jap- an"' by Sybil Couttice was intro- duced by Mrs. Rae and the -chap, ter was. reviewed .by 1Vliss Hazel Webster., 1Vliss •Courtice is amiss- ionary from. Japan and • gives a ivid picture , of post-war•,r'Japan With. its many problems, espec rally that of.. repatriates. The `doors are wide open now:-for.'tle�.: Japanese •are filled'. with grafi:;. til'Japan ��today m eri ts earnest "stud:y, and'• utmost ;sup - ,port. Letters 'were `read by'• the seer-etar.y„ Mrs,p*,4g;' f rom. form- et .W.M:S. presidents- --Mrs: Craw; Mrs Tucker and _ Mrs' Stewart, acknowledging 'greetings ',sent : to• them on"the' 25th annivey oft church unioli. The: � •program was under, the',convener-ship .. of Mrs. Taylor,,, Mrs: Ttae and Mrs, ,Hod ins. •A:social t tile, yv-as spent` g and Karen attended the wedding a the close of , the..' meeting.` !of her brother at 'Unionville on Saturday: — We are-41aci-404ePort-that4/11- Joe Tiffin., ;Sr., is irnproving after his serious illness. • Mr,' Sri -rah; a student • from Knex College, Toronto; took- the services, •ih ,Chalmers • Church, as Rev. Mr,.. • -Currie conducted anni- versary services at 'Molesworth; • The marriage took place at the, manse' at St. Helens, on 'Saturday. of: Mr. 'Wilbert Russel Purdon; son`of 'Mr' and Mrs. John: Pur - don : and Joan • 1VI'ary,. daughter '• of Mr. ' - and Mrs: Fred Wells ' of Furness•,- Sask. Rev .Mr.. Hayward conducted the. cererhonyi We wish thein many happy years A very;successful sale was held last 'Wednesday at1}a home ".of Mrs.;. Fox. A large ti6Wd: attend- •ed arid. Prides' were`, good. • Mr.. John Allen Wand' his bro •WHITECHURCH Mr, and. M Wm. Eglesto ,. from C'algar'y 'spent. a• day last ,week with 'Mr:,: arid; • Mrs Giibso:n' Gillespie. ' 11(Iiss Margaret, Taylor' ;attended: the, wedding of her niece in Luck- • now on Saturday. ' Mr, and 'Mrs. Lorne Johnston are spending :a few day's?: in Tor- onto: Miss Winpifred, • Farz•r, re- turned with• 'then to ',Toronto.. ' Mx. and: Mrs; Groskorth, Patti sheep, ;horses. .Ship: - your live-, stick .to the largest:Atction Mar- ket, in ar.=ket•_in ,Ontario .with room: for 25 car : ,loads. ---Three , auction :: rings era.•t-e--at-o e -time -The-m''de,rn- way to market livestock. Accur ate accounting. Lunch ' counter.. Ten acres.parking area:'. For .a big: day ;come to . Kitchener n e x t. Thursday: F:' J. Steffler, manager.; Phone 2-9671 FOR SALE • •.Reconditioned Sewing Machines- gne 'second.• Singer , Electric Portable (like new); Del. $69.50, 3• y,rs. Gruar;;. 2 Singer 'Drop` Head Treadle '`machines (With .attach- ments)Del. $49.+00.' Guar;; 1•. Drap Head White Sewing machine .Del.. $35,50, 3 yrs. guar. All makes of sewing machines. repaired (giiar- anteed • workmanship). Write or 1 • phone..,. .. •; SMITTY'S SEWING MACHINES'1 Phone' 467-J, Hanover ( Our service... truck will be in Lueknow. and District Tuesday and Thursday. of 'each week). CARD Q. THANKS The 'family of the late • Mrs. Mary • Hamilton. • wish to thank their many:friends for4heir co sideration • and kindness 'dur the period of 'their i ecerit be-. reavement, • • ••. M.rs., Will Irvin',wishes to -take this : opportuhity to thar),c._ her manylIriends.and neighbbrs,:,also' thew:B11ke;'s W M S. for, the- many- kt idly remernbrances during her illness in. •Goderich • Hospital, also many, thanks to those who aS- sisted in her home.. on',Sunday and visiting with old friends in the, community. It is sixty years since :Mr. Allen left here. • :s �! spent a; day'. last weekwith her niotherr.• Mrs.: Kennedy s9 Ie • Wellington',. McCoy:' and '• W. Miller'_ carried. 'off. .'.the Purity 'Flour ' trophy. • at ' .the doubles tournament in Goderich last•Wed- : nesdaY PARAMOUNT, The Paramount Institute will hold. its 'Monthly meeting 'at the home of Mrs,. 'Robert Reid on Fri- ' day, Seprtember ri-'day,•Seprtem'ber 15th. Note change • of. date as ‚the president will be 'absent 'on , the regular meeting day. Mr. and Mrs.' ,George- S•tock- tram of Detroit , visited with Mr. and,1Vrrsr' Grant .Macbiarrnid. t • Mr, and •lufrs, Win. Fleming of Toronto'. with Mt., and' Wingharrm. Mrs,' Chris Shelton. Mr:' and 'Mrs. Oliver 1V cCha•rles and. soil spent ;a day -at, London Fair,' �... . A ' '$25;000 ADDITION, is being .built "to` Howson' and. 'iowson Flour and. Feed Mixing Mill at. , 13,1yth. The plant now has a flour milling capacity of. 3,000. barrels a day, The.liewson. mill at Wing:- ham. waa destroyed ivy. fire, this spring and it it the, intention to. maintain only a• warehouse at • NNN • •. FEEDINGG Carload of Pure WEST4NDIES MOLASSES .•�' To • Arrive Shortly • 1 SPECIAL. , PRICE OFF CAR Leave Orders At. Store 'Phone Finlayson 1-w,, • • 9 Lticknow, 1 • i • • Service and Satisfaction ui.:: nbin IU . P u g. and Ieating Deep Well and Sh llow Weil Pumps sold and installed. EAVETROUGHING AIR CONDITIONING rt Gilmore Rr its 3, LUCKNOW 'Phone 61-r-.13, Dungannon new A +enc oward Agnew.— Jos: Agnew MEMBER QF Ontario l.nsurance. Agents' Association. GENERAL INSURANCE .Established Over;30 Years Ago Telephones Business ,39 . • •• .Residence 138 DR*T.B.CII-ELAND VETERIN;ARIANST Hanyelock St., south of, Super..test Garage LUCKNOW ,Telephone 175 • BUSIN SS and :TAX. SERVICE. MONTHLY';AXTDITS For The Small Merchant, .Professio:nal:' man arid -the Farmer.: . S. J.:PYNI:M P.O. Box 74. - I.ucknow,. Ont. . Office in Kilpatrick Block • 'Phone 23-w • F. T. A.RMSTRON( OPTOMETRIST - LUCKNOW • • FIRST WEDNESDAY EACH MONTH. 'from 1.0 am.."to•6 p,m :WM SCHMID'S .STORE .. ROBERT E. IRVI'N: RAGE Repairs' to all makes of cars iso '. agents, for. H 'K UTT FARM' . ' IMPXEMEhTTS and Repairs: 'Phone 53; Dungannon INSURANCE RA C Co -Operative', Life'Insurance C0 Operative, . Automobile •Insurance Mercantile' & Farm Fire Insurance Econoinioal, arid Reliable: , See T A. '' CAMERON . • LUCKNOW .• 'Phone 70-r-10 ` 3ungagnon, 'State: Farni Mutual 0. utomob le nsurance Company • • • •ASSUItEs YOU. wz'th protection.' in a high. category'. • Investigate'' : Before You Invest ALEX T. MacNAY. lAgerit; Phone. '177 -Lucknow l 1 1 1 1 ' NOW IS • THE TIME To ' Order .A Threshing Machine I 3 sizes -22x32, :22x38., 28x48 Roller Beaking_ Complete 'EARL 'H. HODG'INS R. B. 1; ,Holyrood, Ont. 'phone '36-r-13 Teeswater insure' In Sure Insurance • WIND Western : Farmers' Weather. FIRE Howick Farmers' Mutual :`. .!Car, Accident, Sickness Consult `. . JOHN: FARRiISH • 'Phone 1694,• Lucknow , i INSURANCE P ,E 'A AUTOMOBILE' AND LIFE To :Protect Your . Jailr Insure With Jack ,Today. J A. '.McDONAGH R. 3t.; 3, Lucknow, ' Ont.; 'Phoine •:61 5,:- Dungannon • R W ANDREW Barrister • and Solicitor, LUCI(NOW, . ONTARIO Office .in, the Joynt• Block Telephone: 'Office 135 • Residence 31-J P: Stuart. �IIa�iCenz re' ti: Bart'ister and SOIrcitor • WALKERTON,,• ONTARIO. -..IN' LUCKNOW Each.' Wednesda ..y•' OFFICE' IN • HE•NDERSON BLOCK. .S •Hetherington,. K. Barrister, Etc. • Wingham and Lucknow • :IN LUCKNOW EachMonday and Wednesday • Located on the . ground fidor in the front of John •Kilpatrick`s, Etiildn'g 'Phone Wingham Office 48 . ` Residence 97 t•