HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-09-07, Page 7• ''r , • son ago, rned; ken )phy in a.• .' . ping/4,. ,cep-. aved bus- bro- sed 'I' 1V S ,.- 4 ?TEMBER. 7th, 195a COMMENTSON 'LUCKNOW'S. WEEKLY "SALE DAX" "Canadian Business", published .by the. Canadian Chamber of ''Commerce, comments as follows on.•the weekly Sale Day in Luck- . now, of 'which Jack Macintosh is the chief promoter; ', . • "If • you drive, .into 'tl e Bruce CountY:, Ontario, 'town ;of Luck-' if ow on ••a : Wednesdayafternoon, you'll ,find int diffie'Ult 'to discover' parking space on • the main streets; In rnost of the neighbor ing .communities, Wednesday' means °'a half .holiday,; but. in• uckripw it's'Sale •Day,when the. :farmers come to' tawta • "The : local : Chamber . of Corm imerce 'took'`; the, lead, 'Some'. tirrie' . ago, in'Organizing 'the Wednesday. sales. The farmers bring in ' live- stock, : farm 'equiprnent, .rniscel-; ' laneous ;f urniturev etc., all to be sold at- auction. ' The Chamber : emphasizes that this "Sale Day" serves a, double 'purpose: it saves. the `fanner the trouble. and -ex= penseof taking his stock to the dockyards, and provides: a med. iuxn of exchange among residents in the area. And Lucknow'citizens'. (about 1,000) find. it stimulates retail business". • At least: 60 percent • of•thiang' Kai Shek's •troops,: or about 1,$00,000 men, were lost: 'during 1948 THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE' You• have to go to the''Ontario •Liquor': Act, territory ,to hear this one. It is ;a common: saying. ainong hostesses there; The cynics 'word. that is. , ;going g the roundsis ' i this- •i,f : you :.a give' you guests'`lots •: of drinks' it` doesn't...matter :what ,00d you offer them. That seems to be one way to; accomplish " the degredation of hospitality: The: reflection is :not on 'the hostesses, that they, want 'to,tur n their table • into a bar. The reflection is.. On the 'guests.- After several ; drinks their taste for foo.has deterior ated, , so ,have their eating man ners. There '.is 'no telling •ho'w ,of- fensitv'e her •drinking guests: may be 'to the sensitive hostess This is the risk she takes, if she ;serves cocktails`--Avt. THE, LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKAIow,, (NIARIo• BORN FORRESTER--in Win gham Gen oral ` Hospital on' Thursday, Aug- ust 17th, to Mr, and` Mrs. •Ronald Forster, a daughter, Donna Marr garet. MacKINNON ,at Win gh.am Hos, pital on Wednesdsy,'August 16th, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs: Fraser •Mac-, Kinnon, 'a son, Jarries Donald e, a ADAI S In Winghart+i Gen • Hospital. on Tuesday„,Au. t~ era; to" Mr, an.d:lVir gust 22; s.• Robert Adams of Wh'itechurch;' a 'son . NUPTIAL. EVENTS.. IN, BRIDE'S HONOR On Monday evening prior to her-rparri:age, Miss Shirley ;Sher- wood. her-wood• was guest' at a miscellan— eous shower in her honor at the home of, Mrs, Raymond Finnigan. Shirley Was led to a: pink and White•decorated chair over which was suspended:, a.nwhite '-wedding bell and stre'amers..-.Mrs. : Jack Curraiii .read , an address. after, which two large -baskets of, gifts' Were ' cried in;' Mrs:: 'Chester Finnigan ,assisted in the opening f the: parcels. Shirley, ',thanked of, for the, beautiful and. seful gifts and invited all 'to' corne and visit her in her futiire hone: ' A .short pro ram; was en_ o ed•,after. Whi' h''a . Y c a dainty lunch NLacINTYRE-•-in,;W • e n h l.g„am,Gen 'e eral Hospital':on Wednesda ,.Au u tut 16th; t'o, Mr. 'and r Mrs y l , Donald MacIntyre, R.: 5,° Lucknow a dau --ghter. • 9 '"G , 1 WALKER -in. Kincardine tal on.August 12; 1950, to. Mr, and Mrs; Ward Wa]ker, Kincardine, a son, 'Paul Alexander,• FARRLSH--7in Kincardine Hospi,,. tat On August -15, 1950, to:Mr,; ' and Mrs :Alex Farrish,:R. 7; Lucknow, a son, Williairi Alexa:nd'er: Olivet • At . their August ' meetin ' the Ol.ivet....W.M:S....: g : ,entertained ."the Missio'n. Band, and the,•Baby Band. J, , MacTavis'h presided' over the business ,part, 'when it was decided;` to •:use, the new study -book on • Japan.. The 'convener, Mrs W: S;' McGuire; .took charge of the ;,meeting, :Choi ses were sung, by the.children: The scrip - :Jure - crlp Jure • and devotional were taken by; Ruth Black and Mary ,Rout-; ston.' The ;topic,'taken: b .Y . the: . •children,.• was in the form',Qf an. •'interview on,' .japan. . Soloswere sung by 1VI'arilyn- Finlayson •and Ruth Black anda .duets by 'Marian' .. �. and: Margaret Mac7avi.h ,' The • meeting closed ;.withprayer: bY Mrs. Alex MacTayish Gaines and lunch were -enjoyed A lean horse fora' long race is 'a Wise 'expression. A lean 'body for a .long life . is equally 'wise, because' the death rate from, heart disease is 50 .perces t greater , for ght and M'ss M . • •A' was: served ' by -.the hostess, 4 THE "PIPES" AT LVCKNOW (by; Leroy F Stingel;) 1' have heard theibroch.' it P sk. ling. In ''.the village : of Lucknow, Where.I saw the dr lmpier twirl Both his sticks in valiant 'show, There I - saw t'he tartans swa • `n In' a rhythmical design” g To the tune . the "pipes"' were playing Not, an error.' could you find,. Now, 'that wild, enchantin „piping„ g . • Was he and by friendly ears . Not by duysk.Sepoys;. 'sniping, •passing sandwiches,. cookies;; T tea '. a. • PAGE SEVEN And filling hearts with fears;., The sun so brightly shining From the tblue Ontario sky • Does not hear ••the ,bullets' whirr; ing . From the ground,where ,snipers lie. • The street was lined with .neigh hors a. a. .: Froni the peaceful •f;arins ,around,• Who were; resting from their. • labors On therich and• fruitf9ul .ground.: Tln• as`,-.tkrough they: Were senting T: t.'" ,.• .. h exrLble deed •af old, • The; pipers were reseiiti The' ` pipers p rig; f r, os t "tragie story told, And, changing from a 'martial air and "Te one of mournful 'p eadin ' 'Till -th - g' ere' .was not `a� true , there A:, wedding receptionhonor of Mr. and' Mrs.. Harvey Rosaas held. in Dtngannori .agricultur" • A miscellaneous shower. was, ' hall, , Thursday night; ' August 2 eld •,at the home of Mayme Ir•- Dancing was enjoyed to theruSi win on August ,:5th• •in ,honor of of McDowell's • orchestra. •''Miss Miss Sherwood A'. short program Norma Sherwood . sang "I',11 -walk. was enjoyed: Miss Annie McKay beside you", • After ' lunch , the ,gave a reading.' , Grace Hudson ' young ,couple were ; cali'ect.to the played :a piano solo and a mock stage where Lorne Hastyread an 'wedding was presented by Ph.1- : address , sand -Chester..,Finnigan , Y' . , �,,,; 'lis:Chadwick, Mary. Belle McQuil- ',presented them, with a'.purse• 'of ,.. `Mary Anna, 1Vlachntyre,:Mary' money.: The groom made a. ver' lin Y' 1VIaeMillan Shi>^ley� nLn�vell-rand fitting .re�ply—&nd �a11-son Don�aldarg '"For- Qu>,lln, The program they „arejolly- goodfellows"; . . closed With a. contest held by Who did 'not do' somerievin • g g.. al 4. c Marion Graham. A -well lilted .basket :, of , gifts was brought in by two former High School class- rnates • Wilda Irwin .and iVirs. Bofb' -Reid,--Shirley—thanked everyone; - in:: a few well chosen words,.af-.:.. ter which lunch was served and a social:. hour •,enjoyed. The "'School Section Of the' 9th Con..'Of 'of 'Ashfield. Township Miss'Sherwood has' been.•teaching` :school presented her with; a •very beautiful table lam p .On Wednesday afternoon,'Aug ust•,.16th and Thursdayafternoon August- 17th-,- 'Mrs. James Sher- wood entertained at 'trousseat'. teas in honor of her daughter, Shirley.... The :dining. , room table was centred with a bowl of asters. arid' 'candies placed on a hand: crocheted table •`cloth. ..Frorri "a silver. tea service Mrs Jack Brem- ner Of Sudbury poured tea and 'Miss D. ' Caesar, Miss G Stewart $kIIIIlyfllefl,WOIfleII gan5,51,1v; Get, flew Pep, t_im, tiger What a Lony lInibs rdlout; ugiy'-Lollowa fill.up; body,ioses its sickly, bean -pole" look. Thousands praise Ostrex, weight -building 'tonic. . Enriches' blood: a.•ids appetite,. digiatioa, so food gives you more «ep, nourishment,, puts Cash oa •: bare bones.Don't fear getting we fat. Stop when you reach erghtyou_desire lntroduetory-eixe-only 6Q¢. Tidy Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new pounds. •new pep. vim and vitality, today. At all druggists. It'Ki Designed for light trucks . ..Good year's Truck'. Airwheel . Tire with wider, thicker tread .':: heavier sidewalls does rugged. truck service gives long, money -saving Mileage with: passenger tire .comfort Remember: Lig ht trucksshould' have'` truck tires for maxim'u::m .service.: •Drive ip' today! NTGOMERY MOTO PHONE '40 FORD',SALES: AND . •SERVICE' MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODS . 'TIRES THAN. ON ANY OTHER KIND• A16 • A R • 1 N' , R ►IN AS 1=AIR.CRAFT::GUNN'ERS A major requirement of Canada's'.•defenslve systeln today is men 'trained for anti-aircraft operations; .Charged with , the. defence of vital areas, the men, of the ,anti=aircraft 'units are a u'i ed' and trained in the use of, rhodern.'.scientifie 9 pp' • equipsment-,electronics, radar, radio and telephone. • ' ., • • There are; very few more important jobs than service in an .anti-aircraft'tinit for young menwho want to make sure that G{anada is well defended against any eventuality. 4 To einlist, you must 1. Be a Canadian citizen or British subject. 2. Be between 17 and 29 years of age. 3. Be 'single:. 4. Meet Amy nest requirements. -. Volunteer .for seivice anywhere... •.N .. ' Nol 5 Perionnel Depot, Artillery,Purk. Bagat St., KINGSTON, Ont.'. No. 6 Personnel Depot, Chotley Pink, D tiglas Driye, TORON,TO; Ont. No. 7 Personnel Depot, Walseley,Barracks, Elizabeth Street, LONDON, Ont. Sri»? certificates of age arid educatiOn will; you • owl t