HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-09-07, Page 5x,1050.
'7'HURS'4, SAPTEMBER 7th, 1950
(Intended. for. Last Week)
Misg• Josie Garbett' of •Calgary
visited: • her niece,, Mrs.- George
,Meelenaghall and other relatives
recently: •
Mr, John Mowbray. of Wing -
ham spent ,last • Friday in, the
•village calling on' his many; .011
. neighbors.
Mr, Sid 'Payne ahil son nay-'
mond, of Toronto spent .tile weak
„end •.'with • Mr. and ' Mr . „Victor
•Emerson and :are' spending a
week with,,the Tiffin, faintly with
whore he worked sotne years::ago..
A ';bus load 'went to Toronto
Fair din Monday.. Some of •those
making the. trip ; were 'Mr. and,'.
M^rs: Ezra ,Werwood and ' Gordoia
Mr:.and Mrs, Walter James, 'Shir-
ley Chapinan, Jane. Gaunt, :Islay,:
mond' Adams., 'Carl. McClenaghan
Rags McGregor, 1Vlr,'' :and . Mrs.
James McInnes and, Ira, Wall:, •
Miss Muriel :Watt, nurse. }n.1
training ...at • Victoria Hospital,
London,. is spending her holiday: ,`
with ' her parents,. Rev. and :Mrs.
We . are, sorry ''to reportthat
.Mrs.. James': Gaunt is in , Wi7ig
*THE LUCKNQ :: , SEN PJNEL';,." LUCKNOW; .:orr*0•'..
(Intended for Last Week) •
:Mr. and Mrs, Ted Collyer and
Archie MacInt'yre left last week
on a motor 'trip to the coast, They
will return . by the way 'of •Texas,
Neighbors and friends of Miss
Lilian Osborne held a shower for
her at her home Saturday after-
Mr.. 'Graham' 'MacDonald and
Mac and sister.-Margaret.a're at-
tending .Toronto exhibition.
/Mr. Murray, , Thompson.. arid
sister' Christine are sperdin s'
week with' their parents.
Townson: Motored down
from: Sudbury; Friday:.: On his
turn'•he •was% accompanied •by his.
wife and four. ,children ;who»have'meet at the,home' o M�s:
f Mrs ;Tom'
spent the ,past month w th xela- 'Hdg
o gins on :Thursday; :September
ttves on the •Fourth 7th•.'• roll `call, who l'wed'in thy
•`Vi,•itors, at the' home of''. Rod housq., . Grandmothers meeting:
.a M
'Mac ougall east week were Mr. Contest of '' g randmothers darn-
rs; Clare MacDougall and
two children .of Flesherton and.
Mrs.' Jack' Needham and: small`
daughter of Corunna.
' Mrs.'.:Fraser 'VLacKinnon • re=
turned•home from Wingham 'Hos-
pital last Tuesday' with her. bafby..
(Intended 'for Lash Week)
Mr, and Mrs, Neil MacKay of
Glamis visited during the week
with Mrs;. WM. Percy and other
relatives here. '
Mrs. Melvin Johnstone"of List-
owel° spent" a "few days with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. `H. A. Gra-
ham. •
Mrs. Catherine Hew' who
has been ill - ,at the'
,.. Mrs.
home o of her
daughter, Mrs. ° ,George' ,Graham,
has recovered sufficiently . to be
able to, return, • to Iinlass,'' N .
Mr..,- Chester. Boyle '.of 1VMoose
Javv,•.:Sask •visited � here . during
the •week :•with. his • aunt • . Mrs.
John Cox and.other his,.
'The•WoolenS• Institute`; Wili
lam Hospital, ': • .boy..
Strip titr rrlait tt us i•164tif d out hywiecii •orrn and rrtrlantr}d
1#Is yh 1.,� fri pied see�f �n rxlrit'r rl <a'crllent
increased yield 34 b:urSheas'
i ' y
ncreased` crop value
• ••
r -
"I tested.1 E.NESAN," Saws: Lorigilurst, Utterson ,•
On't ,"by plaritiilg tit*ated 'seed. in a•1 acre strip down: the''
centre n,f an 8-r'ere: field•.>f qa is..`che 'titnil: ni Or test acre
Wast'perf'ct with no wire%sorrn.damage, \sl►ile .the bili near of
thc..fielil was badly iiift stc d. ,131r,'N 1. tN iti'crea y rteb
Dar_ and •1VMrs: Arthur ;Phillips at ,
take off your•. • hat. to. • the•' past,
your coat : to the. present. Topic
will .be, in •charge• of Mrs. Wm;
Eadie. The guest speaker is Miss
;Margaret: Brophey ' of CKNX.
Lunch committee Mrs. E; :Ack-
•ret. (s), Mrs. Frank Thompson
(s) , Mrs, Perry.
Don Watson :.(c),
Miss Bambara •McArthur. : - has
een o r. aying•:•with ;her ' grand-
parents, Mr,'and Mrs,''Eldon
Mr.' and Mrs: Clark Needham,
•Nancy'; and, Helen; Mr. 'arid • Mrs:;
'•H'oward • :.Thompson 'and Marie,
motored ' Sa4turday to-. Ni-agara
Marie and Nancy remained there
.for their vacation. •
Little 'Misses Karen. and Don
na Nicholson. returned 'borne af-
ter; 'holidaying •with. .'relatives at
Anilberley and• :Con. 4; I�tiron:
.The Rev. G. Benson Cox, • .and•
his Sister, Mrs Ada'•Hodgins 'left
on.1.Saturday forDetroit where
Mrs Hodgins will return to: the
home., , of her., daughter:' Mr. Cox
also 'spent the. Week -end .' in De
troit, with : Mr and 'Mrs.- Rudy
Seiloff and •fa•mx'ly' returning then'
to his'; parish drl'ties at Va11ey
Stream, 1 ong Inland; •New. •York.
Mr. 'ECox.vacationed here: with. his,
,aged mother, Mrs: •Johrifroa• anI
with Mr and Mrs; 'Wm:.Cox,;and
�'isitec� at the T`om's • of other: rel
<:tires:.and friends. He also. en
'n: a ee:'oatt:'cruise
lea.ving' M�iitral and' through •to
•Capes Breton:,. docking;: at manv`
pi acos �,ot., interest,. The , Weather;
for theM
. Most part 'was favorable
•I'and it all • helped. to snake a well
`earned vacation more enjoyable.
,Mrs ':. Alex` , MacKenzie,�1Vlass
Ella:' 'Macintosh .and.- Mrs, `John r
Munro of Enlbro''e spent a `few Y :
clays With Mr and • Mrs:. H. A
Mrs; Maude Hall of Kinicardine•.
spent the'' eek -end .with • Mrs:
Dorothy Thompson
• 'Miss Helen' Malcolm' of Tor,
onto has - been' 'holidaying With
:Misses Nellie; and'. Margaret'' Mair
•calm:. t.:
Mrs: Frank 1Vtaulden and' Keith
returned home after visiting •with'.
Miss Helen` Malcolm ..'returned
to Toronto • after spending her
vacation,with Misses Nellie and:
Maargraret Malcolm. •
• Mr.. and Mrs..Cliff Armstrong
:of • Niagara visited during the
week . with. . Mr. arid Mrs. James
Miss 'Margaret Murray return=
ed • home from St, Marys where
she has .spent some time with
relatives. a
• DavidH�aldenby, little son 'of.
Mr,: and Mrs, Howard, Haldenby,
had the•niSisfortune on Thursday
.last to fall at this. •loom ' fracturing
his leg. The. little: fellow'w11 be
'in a' ;east ' Ifo ...some time' • and'
ever ., on x�wishes him
y,.. e. a cam' letee
Oh Friday afternoon, ..•o last
'week ,"The Clothes Closet, Col=
:leents", •live local .girl's ”Misses
Doris .Barr, Kathleen Lane, Trlma.
Jean Percy, Winni,fred McFarlan
and Joy_ee Baulch, under the
leadership of Mrs. Perry . Hodgins
and Mrs. Ether Jarnes, were. pre-'
sent at Walkerton town hall for
the ;South:'. Bruce Girls'' 'Achieve-
�ment Day; : Miss Winnifred Mc-
Farlari commented on' ' the: ex-
hibit :Clothes Closets UP4o-date.
A skit , on the well equipped
clothes closet was , introduced. by
Miss Joyce Baulch •and presented
by 'Misses':' Doris Barr, • Ir'lma
ercy . an. . ' a een• • • ane. This
completes three projects and each:
girl received a'• silver% spoon.' This.
has been a splendid training :for
these` young .people and' 'much
_credit is due Ahern .and. their in-
structors �.
'Miss Janet Brown . of Toronto`.
is holidaying with• Mr; . and ' M.t'f
Maurice Hodgins,;
• Mrs. James Murray of 'Tees-
•w'ater spent the .pat,: week - with
Mr, 'ajnd 'Mrs., P. 'A. 'Murray.
Mr. and .Mrs • Clare. Sparling of
Walkerton.;' spent, the week -end
With Mr, arid Mrs George ' Hal-:
Miss . ,Ellen McBride.' spent. • •a
day last'. week with Mr: and; `Mrs:;
Wm: Wall : and ; Called on friends.
here' before going.;Called.
to ,commence ;her `teaching',•duties
there: , '
Mr. Russell `.Walk'er, Mi . and',
Nlrs.' W J: Walker. of • Petrdlia,;l:
Mrs John Roberts` of Sai nia' :wrs i.
ited on Sunday, with .Mrs, John'
Barr. and famlYy..., . I
(Intended for Last Week) '
¥ Aldan Hasty and• Suzanne'
of Grimsby spent the week -end
With his father, Will Hasty and
brother: Lorne here. •:
Miss Lorena -Crozier of Lon-
don spent the week -end with her
;brother, Clifford and. Mrs. Crozier:..
and family here •
Congratulations to Mr, & Mrs,
Harvey...Ross, (nee Shirley Sher
wood) on their' recent ' mdrriage.
Miss,..Ruth', • Curran • returned. •
home Tueaday'.after spending.:tw
weeks `'with her aunt 'Mrs.,Lloyd
Hunter of Lu' kn
G ow.
Mr+ and Mrs.•Palmer
'Spent a. few ":da' „-
pes With ' 1VMr
Mrs.S • J Kilpatrick;
(Intended for Last !Week)
,Mrs. Denis' Balton 'arid Miss'
Toni Dalton o_, visited nnibh Mr,: and:
Lamibertus 'of Walkertext:
• Miss Donna Lannan is holiday-
ing at Wasaga::Beach,. - •
Ravi.. Fr: Donnellan i
. s away:
this, week. Rev. Edwin Garvey is'
supplying!. `during his absence.
Mr. and'. Mrs. Bert : Martin of
Hamilton :spent a week with, their
friend and relatives ,here.
Mr; and' Mrs: • T. J., Lannar •
spent the .week -end with Mr: and..•
'Mrs:::Lya1. Lannan,
Mr. and .Mrs.. Jim' White" and,
three 'tboys spent ..a week wltl .
Mr.: and Mrs. Earl Drennan.
'Mrs.. Sheridan; has returned :to
:Hamilton after spending a month
at the 'O'Neil cottage.':.
Mrs. Victor. ' Finnie:: /and ' little-
daughter, are 'Visiting her •,Par-
ents,: Mr, and :Mrs, :J.,,:.Wallace, •
• Mr. arid' Mrs. 'Gerry Hill and
family spent the- Week -end: With , k'
Mr and Mrs, W. Lannan ,On their'
return they were'ae'companied by";;
M>ss ,. Deliria Lannan: who is. `•
spending' aLfew days.. at Tororitrn,.
Ex. 1
Miss Mary T.'Martin was home::,.
for the week-epd
Mr. and Mrs. .Gilbert Frayne •s:'
were :.in Midland for a few '.days:
Miss Mary' Humphrey is . home
ford two w'eeks';.'holi'days
Maur ice'and 1VMiss: Frances ;Dal `
ton,•are•taking in'.the Torontoex.
31; bushels an lac re, .which ,ave ince a 60/6 irtcreast. in crop Vont 'Hill: •'
: Mr„ and .Mrs W, • .N.' Bushell of
Lucknow, Mr' an Mrs Roy Web--
Iseer and Wayne,•41,London, '1Vlrs.,
Sidney Weston of Toronto. visited.
I. during the week with Mrs. John`
Colwell. •
Mes rs. Dick Neil acid Downie
ne Yi ies of •Clandebdye Visited.
'Sunday :with Misses Edna and'
NLay Boyle;
Mr.' and Mrs. Art Haldenby: t3::
Shirley of ;Toronto visited on
Sunday` with Mr. .and •4Mis,. Geo:
vaIue,. BEN..SA•N is definitely on .my prograin ,ft is 19,5():
dor.. Cereal GrainsCorn-Beans
BENESAN' is applied liv orcl'inary seed treating nietlrotls:' Ari •
"eradication" treatrnetII of 2. oz,. per .acre .to seed grain "reduces ,
wircworni damage by .as inuch,a's`90t ), and nirclrurrns'are unlikely,
to cause' significant clatfage' for several ears:(.:o.Ls, only ,61,..1a;
per acre.
Will treat seed for entire •cro
Laat,lyear, Wilfred YShea, Utterson, Ont., tested ]3F.N'ES'AN, by
treating seed oats for a'']0%aere lief& Mr. Slit a.says: '°.1n ercasrtl
yield of`'26 bushels per acre .resulted frorn�''•treating n'iy seed oats..'
with,l3 + NESAN for warcivnrni control. `T_aix treating:seed 'for pry•
entire crop' in -1950." 1.. y
. - • * • * , *
CA1VADIA1ii,,Tikt)tistitrr;fi f,rrttiE0, i1gr. ietilIt1rrtr.I;lir+nrtcalc' 1)tt�t,;iota,.•
ltpronto,' CIratl.raru, .1.lalift� .• t�i�r.rtrt•al, fit; irrtri�rt1� : 'ver'.
• y � ;� rr. nt•oti
D. R.
'PHONE 91-w
Kalderiby. •
Miss •'Mar%Tyn ••'Boyltui ti'ett'
:hsrrie .after holidaying with rl'a
Lives at London..
Mr.'. and Mrs. •Bert *Nicholson;
• Donna, Karen arid. Evelyn visited •
oil' • Sunday, worth Mr. and • Mrs..
,Mac Nicholson, •
Mr. and Mrs. Wil*bert••lTalden,by
of Toronto visited, on 'Thursday'
With Mr. and Mrs. Art Graham.
Mrs. Maude Hall' retxrned to
her "home .k. at Kincardine. • after
visiting for the past Week with•
relatives here. ;
Mr. and ' Mrs. James Hodgins
spent Thursday 'at -London.
'Mr. and Mrs. ,Alex Percy and
fami'ly•tvisited reeent1y With" Lon-'
don friends.
Miss Jean ,Stanley of LuCknow
visited ,during"the Week. with her
cousin, Irirria Jean Percy:
�2.ti, Po�,:iia
'1sk for it 'Either ' way .'.:. Loth
trade marks mean, the' sane tl{ink.
Authorized bottler of'Coba•Cota under contract witti Coca-Cola Ltd.
GODERICH o •= • .. 'PHONE 489