HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-08-03, Page 4THE .JUCKNOW SENTINE1,4, ' LU'CKNOW,, ,;ONTARIO 0.4 • / "WANT AD" ..RATES--lst. insertion 2.. centsa; word,, subsequent, insertions 1 cent a word, Minimum charge 25 cents. Replies care of The Sentinel 10 cents. extra, Legal advertising 10 cents per count' line first 'insertion,, 5 cents per -line subsequent insertions, MUSIC LESSONS for piano: 'Mrs:. • Shaddi:ck, Lucknow. STOVE' FOR SALE ---Clare Jewel range, wood' or coal Alfred E. • • l ,itchie;'Outram St,, Lucknow. rubber tele one hand b tiro •set; ,.'black, with 'tw.o :coeds: ; and test clips.. Finder • please ;ease at Bell. •Telephone •O.f fice, Lucknow; 'C EN'`TR WORK o`f' all types,, sup ' Per, cotta es, garages. Built- g in ciipiboards' our specialty., R. A; -Turnerphone 70-J, . Lucknow. CHESTERFIELD and Davenport suites at the Mildmay * Furniture Store. Also inlaid linoleuan, chrome'. furniture, etc HOUSE • FOR. SALE= -eight -room house,. n por, lrrdn, lot, .gavagesu. Apply to aMge rs.gaThose H. Alton, Lucknow.. FOR . SALE new modern, 'one- storey. :home, immediate possess- ion.. Apply ; to': Geo, Orvis,• Luck •HOUSE •FOR ' SALE—eightroom ' :frame .house in Lucknow, hard wood ,floors;: hard and soft 'water; modern ; conveniences. •..:Apply' 'to Wm. Fisher, ,Lucknow. FOR SALE `"-" Lumber, timber's, posts,' slabs, .Wood,' etc.,' reason- :able' prices. See us• and 'save P. Money.. Kennedy & Gaunt, phone 466 • or 401W2` •Winghain:. , r PIANOS bought and 'sold at the “Mildmay Furniture Store, Select tom 5..new' pianos, (also .:good= used:'onesL,' J. F. Sohtzett & :Sons, MildrnayFree delivery. , SMALL, TRACTOR -;OWNERS We; pow' ear; get: you :a Moody • :Thresher. .for.: the small. !tractor Comes' corriplete 'with'shr"edder •&: thrower., Rubber 'o •tional.:..Ed 2, .:.in� Kca dine ..hone' Wilson; li.; �, Phone 110-17, ",Bell °& Moody agent. NOTICE: ' RE CUTTING OF ,WEEDS All: citizens of the Village of Lucknow. ;are Jier.eby notified to cut ' all weeds on' their property before,;the 5th day. , of, August, A.950.: ifsuch .weeds .are not cut` '' before the. said date the cost. of. cutting the, same; will be charged as '.taxes 'ori the property. BY Order Of. • MR. 'PETER, GRANT, : ' Bruce Conirity-WeedIns1?ector. • TE,LNDERS WANTED -The , West Tawrisiiiiip 'Sclool,:Ar :tenders for. the: o1s No 17 and. N to specifications e•`De�partment;' of Tenders-. to be in the secretary not ECONOMY -A': Timk Save you:25' pence ordinary ENIENCE--N ndlirig ashes�s ,a. `TH=By ` main iriperature,�� cold reduced. Doc '�`Y�Tmlten .guard ;the Operation aims# any emergency., NDABILYTY-On self lubricated,' automatic h Silent Automatic TENDERS. Wawariosh ea Board want war- ing: of ,Serio o.' 2, according laid '.'down by th Ed- 'ucatiori. Te : the ' l ands,of' . later 1950. FOR SALE -1938' Dodge sedan, cleiari, and in •;perfect- 'running. order;:' '1.937 Plymouth seta+an,( 'priced 10 sell, N,' W. Wini,erstern). Lucknow. • • ,a; 'ROOFING;, EAVETRoUGHING FlatAropfs•.:reii ;•red;; new 'roofs, eavetroughing, .spray • painting, etc Satisfaction. guaranteed; :Work done anywhere :: Sylvester`". Fort ney, R;"" 2; Mildmay; phone 604=1.5; • LIVESTOCK WANTED.. Alp ,ta' $5,00 each for Dead or Disabled Horses, Cows, Hags; at your farm. Ptornpt'service. Phone collect Winghasn 561-J,: William' Stone ::Sbns, Limited, Ingersoll,. NOTICE. Legion AuxiliaryMeeting •The; Ladies Auxiliary to .`the. Carnadian Legion will- meet ' on. Tuesday, August 8th,, at '8.00 p.m. in the ,Auxiliary Roomsn Every one 'is''asked•to' .attend as there is important -business to discuss,. ,Committee'.' for August: • :Com rades : M. Hall;' : N. ;Johnston, Fisher. TENDERS A.SHFIELD: TOWNSHIP • Road Construction Tender Sealed '.'enders:' plairvly ,•mark- 'ed "Road Construction Tender..". ` will ibe , received' by 'the under_ Signed ;Until 12 o'clock noon, •Day 'light Saving Trine, Tuesday,' 8th' •August, 1950, for,:the construction of approximately::. one mile.of road on lots • 43; :.44,: ':45 of -the I ake' Range; Ashfield; .Township. "Plan 'and •''speciification- orf• the work which consists Of, clearing,' grufbb' :ing, ,,grading, ditching, iiTstalling ;culverts and surface treating with,. clay and ` gravel, may be seen by appointment at the resi- ;'dence-of . H. ` C Curran, Township Road Sunerinterident; Lot 9,.Con- cession '+, 9, Ashfield::' Township, telephone Dunigarinon 77 r-15 •Sgd.; • H. C.' Curran, ` Township Road • Superintendent '.. COM1N EVENT, • DANCE In the •Community Memorial Hall, Whitechurch, on Friday, August 4th, to" music of Jack Henderson's 5 -piece orchestra. Admission 50c.. Lunch counter. FIRST: TIMEIN BRUCE This Sunday, .August 6th from 2.00 to 5.00 Dan., . The Palace. Gardens, Formosa; wYi11• feature SSnoky 'Hazelgrove, the- singing comedian and star. of .the gold rd i • and Jimmy Embro with his 4'organtone. .ac'cor.dian "in popular 'styling of Sweet •and bSwing.4.A*. great hit •and'first time in• Bruce Couoy t C, R:.E Miss Lorena ,Crozier of Lond• on' is spending a few holidays with her brother Clifford -" and • Mrs. Crozier. and family, Mr. and Mrs, Dan: Paquette, Terry'and•:Donald•Evisited Sunday. with. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley, Ac- Grattan ' and: Rickey, near Car-. THURSDAY,,'AX•TOUST..3rd',1950' 'D'UNGANNON, • Mr. and 'Mrs, A1141n'Reed held a family reunion recently at their home in honor' of members of 'Mrs,' Reed's. .family. About 25 guests • were ` present", ,including Mrs. Dave, Flight, Mrs. Wm. Fit zell of Los. Angeles, Mr. and Mrs.' Duncan Munn and Marion Munn, Mr, and Mrs: Thos. Harris of Rip- ley; Mr, and ,Mrs,. W; J. rCollins. of Preston.:' Others present were Mrs., Reed's mother, Mrs; , W. Montgomery, and her four sisters, Mrs; ,Neil MacDonald, Mrs: Rod. MacKenzie, Mrs, John Cowan 8' Mrs.pan Wylds; all of Ashfield,; ^witth their families. 'm' AppoiiiitIm igrration' fier. . .,.. Jadk• Tiefenbach has been ap-` pointed :immigration settiement ,officer' for the'',Walkerton ..dis- trict, and will shortly establish' an ;office •in. the .County ,Town: Mr; Tiefenibach_ is one of nine settlement. officers • (appointed to, Western 'Ontario centr es :in pre- paration for handling next spring What is expected to be the 'larg- :e'st. ,flow' of, immigrants the -area •low. Yet seen ' Mr, and Mrs, •Cecil.. Blake • and family 'arid . Mr. Harold Blake of Dungannon ,• iVlr.' Thomas Haanil- ,ton of Listowel and Mr and Mrs. ArthurHaiii•iltob: "of Atwood vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs, S. J. Kit-: pattick on';Sunday: Mr, and 'Mrs. 'Clifford' Waunch and Kenneth of ' Kapuskasing` spent Part. • of their= i , lidaY•s te centiy /With • her • 'mother, Mrs;- Goldring ,and sister,;. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Berger. ;Mr. and Mrs . S J.::Kil;patrick P s pent•: • a 'few days :, last week at Midland: • Mi. ;and Mrs:.Jack Curran and. SEALED:, TENDERS FOR SCHOOL BUS CONTRACT The;�iundersigr ed. will receive sealed. tenders 'for .school' -'bus transportation ::of,' pupils ...;.c ri •. ex- isting. 'school bus.' ,route . noW ; in operation • <bettween. S. S. No.1;.' Kinloss , ,and L u c k n o w High: School, for° the, year starting Sept: 1st,' 4950 ; and ending: June '30th 1951, 'T'ender that is accepted must'' ;provide- a new 49•-pasisenger bus, and Meet all ' the •requirerrierits 'laid •down' by the .'Department of Education in regards to . school bus license,• insurance, etc: 'Ten- der to Tenderto state price, that he 'will pay n47...1,44:41 i4z,r1,11;riii;,yelti ECON en. 'Silent ' Automatic will • nt,'On your fuel b,11 against • an burner.. CONV o• more shovelling coal ani handlingoot and grime; are . eliminat ed' :,HEAL' taining ' a: constant, even to s and respiratory illnesses- are ll ;Messes- aretor's bills are. minimized.. SAFE- Silent Automatic. Controls tion of 'your ; heating . plant ag gen'cy... DE?E Iy one moving'•part, and, it is,' insures maximum opel t- ing backed by ,the ' leader in. the home heating field, Timken ,Sil Service Electrto (Stewart,' Knight'). 'Phone 808 Godes ch, Ont.. ry; ark. es• , ity rho i11- lso sly To Nur f arnily ' !visited Sunday 'evening; With ' Mt..and, Mrs. Vernon Hurl- ter unter and family' in Lucknow. The., monthly Meeting of the W:M..S. -will be held:at the home: Of Mrs, Lloyd Saundeis,on Thurs-" :day of this week. It being the Children's. :meeting, .everybody with . ehildren' are,. cordially in rited; Rev.. Bright being'' away on holidays there will be no service here 'next Sunday: Misses.' Jessica and Edna' Boak ;from Western ',Canada .:have been spending a ' fpw lay �.: with thein brother, •Jim Boak and Mrs. Boak arid Jammie: ish. aks ily my all IN' SPITE OF a 64 mill; tax. rate Chesley Council anticipates a .yearend.. deficit of $4,600:: NOTICE: CLERK'S NOTICE. ;OF" FIRST POSTING 'OF' VOTERS' ;LIST: Voters' Lists, :1950,' Municipality Of ~ Ashfield, County of Huron.: Notice' is hereby given that'.; I: have ..complied with Section 8 of The Voters'Aet and that' I. have posted up,•at S•ny.Office at R..4. 3, Lucknow, ,on.`the 29th day. 1950,' the list of all ken sons entitled 'to. vote' in the said• Municipality at Municipal Elec- tions; and'.that -'such list remains there; for 'inspection. And T: hererby. call upon all Vot- ers to•• take immediate proceed- 'Ings• to have ariy'.errors or 'omis- sions corrected 'according' thelast day for appeal being the 19th day' of August,' 19501 . "-Dated .this 29th ,day • of July,: .1950. •C'. E. McDONAGH; Clerk, • Service and Satisfaction i Pl�ubing and • Heating Deep Well 'and Shallow: Well • Pumps sold! and.' installed. EAVETROUGHING AIR CONDITIONING Art Gilmore ;phone, liZ.• 3, LIJ'CKNOW 'Phone G1 -r-13, Dungannon !news gency coward Agnew --7‘Jos; Agnew ' . ►ME'MBER;' OF Ontario Insurance:' Agents' Association •' R.. T. B., CLELAN,D VETERINARIAN Havelock .St., south of .SUpertest ,Garage ia;VCKNOW • ' Telephone 175. BUSINESS and • TAX SERVICE 'MONTHLY, AUDITS FO r' The. Sm 11 a Merchant, .Profession'al • man and the, Farmer, • S J. PYMM P,O.. Box 74 Lucknow, Ont. Office, iri Kilpatrick • Block 'Phone 23-w GENERAL INSURANCE '' Established Over 30. Years Ago'. Telephones: Business 39 ; ; Residence -138 ROBERT E. IRVIN' "GARAGE Repairs'. t o: all" snakes, of cars P Also agents for COCKSH UTT• FARM IMPLEMENTS and Repairs ' Phone. 53;;•Dungannon' ' NSl1'� RANCE ,.. �:• Co -Operative .`Life' Insurance Co -Operative ;Autosnobile. Insur`ance Mercantile. & . Farm: Fire' Insurance • Economical and Reliable See CAMERON LIJCKNOW: 'Phone 70-r-10' Dungannon 111%.`rlib. o'lb.:444.®gib. .44. tate Farm Mutual;:: �utonobzie. Insurance Company ASSURES -YOU :LOW' RATES withprotection in'a high ry category. . Investigate •Before' 11,6u'',Invest 'ALEX T. MacNAY Agent,hone..-177 Lucknow' • NOW, IS,THE 'TIME To Order Threshing Machine sizes -22x32; 22x38, 28x48 Roller Retiring `Complete T EARL H. HODGINS R, R. ',1,• % olyrood, Ont: 'phone 381-13 Teeswater ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST IN IUCKNOW FIRST WEDNESDAY OF `• EACH MONTH from.' 10' a.m. to k at WM. S'CrHMID'S: STORE nsure In• 'Sure Insurance.... WIND Western Farmers".. Weather • :FIRE Howick `:Farmers' 'Mutual:. Car,': Accident, Sickness Consult •. .: JOHN FARRISH ,hon•. P e 1694, :; Lucknow INStJRANC.E FIRE, , CA S UJALTY AND LIFE To; ,Protect' 'Your, Jack, . '. Insure With Jack 'Today. .1 A. McDONAGH R. R. 3,, .Lucknow, Ont. 'Phonel61=5, Dungannon ANDREW' Barrister and 'Solicitor LUCKNOW, ONTARIO !Office in "the Joynt Block Telephone Office 135, • • . Residence 31-J' ' Stuart MacKenzie: Barrister. and Solicitor WALKETON, `ONTAitIO% IN : LUCKNOW . Eaeii' : Wedn'esdt[y:. '� OFFICE ' HENDERSON BLOCK R:,S Hetherington. ' Barrister, Etc. _ Wingham and, Lucicuow. : IN LUCKNOW :Each Monday • • and: Wednesday' Located. on 'the -ground. floor. in the front of ;. John •Kilpatrick's B'tuildiff;' 'Phone 'i'Vio'ghant> Office 48 • Residence• if7 A'.