HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-07-27, Page 2i tt t. yf tt r'7 • PAGE -TWO • THE LUCKNOW ' SENTINEL, LUCKNQWW ONTARIO THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL Luckriow, Ontario. A ttorizect as •Second -Class 'Mail,. Post Office Department, Ottawa e Membof-1 The. C. W, N. A: ti Established 1873 — Published Each • Thursday Mgrning; 5ubscrt 'ption Rate $2.5U ,S,A Year 'in AdVanee—To UA. $3.00 --' L. C. Thompson, Publisher and Proprietor! THURSDAY,. JUDY' 27th, • 1.950 sCQUT CAMP 1. 111,1GHLIGHTS •Lucke .. o.• Smut tro. 'firs occupants of : the new campat Inverhuron,,'are ,looking: back, at successful and pleasant. outing,' ,' arld . looking , forward`' to next :Wars c"amtP .. seas ned Scout ars' The, leaders•. : ere- hampered *ornewh'at • by,:'shad Ovate::tenta 'e sand equipanent, but: these• prop • lerns should.,riot lbe .encountered anOther year. The camp 'Was irl • charge Of • iRev. A, E. Tavener, assisted iby Ken Chester and Jack' Treleaven,' , Troop , Comi lander was Russell Swan, . '. In the; miter -patrol competitions• the :Lionspatrol was 'first with 386 points; Bi1rl alp, 3.18 .points :'& Wolves; 317 'points.. Pattrol per- son yell, ,waist as follows; •Lions— , Art Baker, !Patrol' leader;,'Ernie. Gibson, 2nd; :. Alvin. Baker, Geo: Webster, ,od , Wraith; : Ralph:' ,Af- flick' of Dutton' and Kin,' Carpen ter of Dutton: ,Buffalo—Charles 'Chun, patrol,°, leader; Kerit..IHed-. ley,' 2rid; Keri Hodgkinson, Bill ' 'Ritchie, Jack `Mowbray ' Ron Tay,:ever,;-Torn- Fowler of .Dungannon: Woivtes=Dennis : Feinberlin; pat-. ,rol' leader;; Jack Chin; 2nd;. Geo. ,Habkirk,, Bob: Gardner, Ian Mar-. shall; Doug 'McCaig, Dutton°. - :,. Members .of the Lions: Patrol h , 'Will :receive' ' prizes 'and 'a trophy engraved by -'Win. Schmid, . in re cognition of their competition, aChievemit arts: ' • �Visitors o the Cam were Di -' tnct7Cax m ssr her •.. • cS eeen' :who was .` an overnight uest;. n' a5 8 t a d assistan �' '.D ��tri t rs, ct. Cosxiraiissi'oner,, Gowanlock and ,Stewart Coll •er whowere week -end :campers. Qarnp conditions wereraised b' p, Y. both District Scout officials and by the Health -Inspector.. The three jaatrol' :leaders each did fine 'work; Ken : Hodgkinson'. gascwii the n cat. ('rtS''of the Scouts during the week. One of the highlights was the 'invest- ' 'i'ture`. : of B ab. Gardner,,. -. R o.d Wraith, Bill .Ritchie and .' Ken Hodgkinson, Other 'highlights, of the week's outing included an all - FINLAY` RELATIVES. HELD. GATHERING , Visitors .with 'M . and. Mrs. Pal- mer •Kilpatrick last weekwere Mr. and: Mrs. Allan Finlay and their .:sori Anson, and,' daughter, Elizabeth,. of ' Saskatoon,: Sask. Mr.. Finlay;; native': of.• Ashf `gel Y,•,a� n- d, is .a ,S.on, ,,of the late Anson'Fin- lay, and. MrS,, F inlay,.the: former. Janie -Anderson, ;w ' ho, lived on 'the far now:owned by',•Ho*a•rd• Blake, ' on Con. 9; Ashfield.. The ,Finlay ifaniily moved to' Hanley, Sask., in 1918: Allan is a high -school teacher' in Saskatoon„ and ,When school '.closed, in June they . Left" on a' motor trip tw.rhich .had taken them through Chicago, Detroit,: St. Thomas (where :his`ibr•other 'Fred 'arid family live), Niagara' Falls Buffalo and • NeW York ', City,. re- ' turning through ,Quebec,', Mon- treal,,. Ottawa, Toronto . Owen Sound,. -hey left–on Mondayon their return hone. '. : As their time, here: was limited a ',family gathering ,;'wa"s• rran!ged at -Harbor Park, - Goderich . ,' on Sunday afternoon,,: where' over 70 aunts, uncles:. and cousins of Al law's gathered. LL to meet and visit. with hind acid his wife and fam- ily:;: Relatives were there from. Lucknow,, Ashfield,. Wawanosh,, rand Dung •annon .as well as ,Mr.' :and Mrs; 'Fred Finlay, ,St:: Thomas ' and Mr, and .Mrs T, H. Anderson and familY of` :London. • "Always say your prayers and eats ani, apple • at. belt mer., -advises an following this advice it is as wined•one'can keep,. both the devil • and ,the 'doct'or away... fire randprogr�amY on Friday night, 'the Scouts own::ervices on.�Sun- daY, and :not tq be overlooked;- a 1.00 a.in tentraid .,by- outside: boys. 4 iJ A and Gordon'.Brooks for transport= rng'.the troop and .to .Ken Chos7ter and: Jack. T•releraven for;' Services rendered. Tdtal' cost of the'-Canzg was, • •$200.00. of 'rhich the boys' .fees. day hike to. Gun 'Point, Council :covered .$114.00. • ERE : ARE''5 REASONS WHY est Oita' iS YOUR: BURNER Value ECONOMY—A .Timken Silent 'Autofnatic will. save you, 25 percent on your fuel ;bill, against an ordinary burner. , CONVENIENCE—No more, shovelling coal an handling ashes—.soot and grimeare eliminat- ed. HEAL'T'H; -By.• maintaining g a .constant, ' 'even, . temperature, colds 'an'd respiratory illnesses• . .. .–'...�.,. ...-. are a�}S oc or'_s bsils ate inimiz SAFETY' Timken Silent: Automatic Controls guar • e . operation, ' of, your heating plant • #gainst any emergency.. DEPENDABILITY—Only one one moving part; .and. it is self lubrltated insures maximum operat- , . ing , dependability—backed by, the leader in the. automatic home heating field,' Timken'' Silent AutomAtic. rvice Electric. (Stewart. Knight) 'Phone 808 Ooderich, Ont. • • R LOOKING BACKWARDS THROUGH THE ' SENTINEL . FILES • Sixt:'. Years Ago • Fires, believed of incendiary origin, broke out in a vacant barn awned by John Boyd, .and in the Stable back of the new Preaby terian • Church: The Lucknow Council bought ;a • two -wheel. '.hose reel "from a ' firm in New. York. -State. It car•- .r. rie'd 800 feet -of hose and cost the ' cgrporation' $90; " A ..Court ;afK the independent Order':of Foresters was organized here .With the .following, officers:. J. C Grundy; D., M. Hayes, A, B.' Cnngram, H.' . Wilson, ..M. Camp rbeli, ",Jr.; Thus. Reid, J, Wallace, W • J. Lyons, A,''MeKinnon, McCead, `H. Young, Dr. 'Gordon :and R. Graham: The • Liberal Government• of Hon, Oliver' Mowatwas, returned. to power; in. Ontario. In ' South :Bruce Dr, J.'S. Tennant of •Lucia-. now unsuccessfully contested' the riding as the Conservvativecan- didate. His Liberal; opponent, Mr. O'Connor, . had .a majority of 900 votes.: Dr. .Tennant:had :'a major- ity of 27 in Lucknow';which was "a surprise + to his most ardent supporters", in these 'da'ys of.,nn- wavering political faiths. 'Thirty,:I' five Years' Ago -John. .:Jo• n 1defeated ,George ACrderson; in a Spring election:` for the :reeveship of , Lucknow, ..as suJccessor : to the late J. G. 1Vltir doeh. TYe. 'vote ; was • 172. to '132.: death 'occurred • The �Celia '9-months-oldau h.e -.'a d g,t rof M r. and Mrs. W. G. Armstrong: ' Reeve .: Joynt •bought. the 'rest dence of the late, J.. G. Murdoch on Ross St. Archibald Harper of 3]Vest :Wawanosh";died iii, his. 72nd year. 1V.iiss :I,: G..Sherriff was teach- ..ing ithe'fallowin s udents: ;in g Fourth:.`. Room .. •`of th \ , Pu:blic. School: Evan ' Arlin, -• W, Andrew, S. • Gough, ::It.: Murdie, .J. Mac- Clore; N. •Raeiburn, B. MacLeod, 5; Burns, J:' Na xon:F.' McGregor, N. , •R. Thomlxson, . H. McKenzie; 'G. Meg all,- Mitchell, A. 'Alton; _.C: 1 gus, for. Dr., Helen Craw',: who was leaving for Honany China, ,as a. medical missionary„, .• Silvlernwbod employees , made the',presentation of a gift, to Dlavr'd' Scobie who :was being transferred to - London from, the local branch. • Harry Lem had returned after 18".months spent 'in China, .and located in Toronto. Miss 'Jean .D.urnin wasa ;mem- ber of 'the Toronto General '3'os pita class,'of graduates, Ma Donal s cottage at.- Wassa ar. Beach was destroYed b ,fire. "Talkie equipment was being in talle .n °. e Win .ham. theatre., s. d,..th g ,.e. Ten. Years':Ago' ',Let's . Get . Married” ,, . a .. lol' . ca talent . pilary,; was presented, by:; Doris Ritchie,' Arnetta Whiner, Greg, Leith, :Clarence Greer, Har- old Thompson,.. Jack Leith, Mrs. E. G. . Sherriff, Mrs, Campbell Thorripso* Mrs. Morgan liener-' son. "[. . . majority' vote Kinloss. Counci moved to ''invest game, the possibility of•-reseinding'•the Arch- ibald by -laity on ,the Ackert Drain. 1VLalcolffn, ;A:. MacDonald, 'a• riat- ive of. ,Lochalsh,,: was' 'appointed Chief Justice .of British 'Colum-' rbia The .death of: :Mrs. ,John, J. n M oy.:rt occurred on. May 21st. • Wolves.. •were:' a seep h menace , �o in Kinloss. :In ,a ;short :space.' of tithe ;Harvey, Scott of Langside bagged seven of them. • Levi' Hodgkinson; 32, lost his left hand- in a prernature'. dyna- mite':explosi;on while,•blasting a. rock, , Hrs. `$fight was art'fi,_z^st,:fea ed 'for also. Garr Mc-Dotgal,l • received his A: !degree at Guelph., The�eseritation` •of. • :. ur •e 1�,.• a p s. of money' :was ' Made to • G'eoige'. H,r Douglas, who for •49 , years. had been: ;a• •member. of the' ,Lucltnow Presbyterian •Church Most V. Hledley, G:; 'I ughes;'T. Smith, •H. McKinley E.: . Johnston,'"`13 Blair, G. Mcf)onald, H. Durnirr ;At . S.S. 'No. 7, Jtinloss; L:` V. Armstrong • was teaching .,envie .McDonald; Sadie .McDonald: Pet- er �. McLeod; .Mae 'M . cInnes Pert McLeod: Allan-McConnell,Katie McDougall, Martin Mclnnes, Law rence. Finlayson„ Verna McLeod, Isabelle Stewart,. Ar..chie.,Gvhaln, Ross McDonald; . Gordon: 'McIn- nes, Alda ; 11,feDonald, . Bessie Schoen; ' Malcolm McInnes, Rose. Stewart,' ;Etta 'McDougall Marion McDougall,''Charlie.Pinner, Kit ie, Chisholm; : Angus , McD'owgall ' Murdoch Stewart, • Cecilia'. Pira-; ner; . ' 'In a 'shotgun accident; Wilfred: MoCarthy, 8 -year-old son., of Williamt McCarthy;of 'Kingsbridge uiffered': (wounds that : required. he ;arnrputation,.'of a portion.' of is left 'arm.. The "death' occurred .at •Kings- bridge oft Patrick Long.:' He was 8. and •had' been ill only: a. few 4 days With 'pneumonia Twenty'Years Ago 'The marriage was solemnized in London bf Miss Rena Gordan and Mr::Frani C�'.Hrien::of De.: s Is 5 ltroit. ._ The death of Mrs.'Geor- ge Webb' occurred at St. Helens. W: H.• Cook died at his home north of Lucknow ' in his 76th. year. ' The Village Council was again, stalbmrttirig the waterworks by- law ti.o. a vote of the ratepayers; 'It had' 'previously' been defeated,' Edwin; Srnith and Mary Doug:-; last; were., students ;.at Stratford Nem -nal 'School. r Mr. 'Mac Grant resigned from the tueknow teaching staff, Miss Olive Alton, who Was teaching at St: Helens, was engaged .to, fill the' V eancy. ' A .special service of des `gnation•,, was held. at Melvili� Church, Fer- pray to. say. "Thy .Will'. 8e. bone" instead''. of - My Will Be ;Done . 'Denmark has a pig population of :3,120;000 according to the' cen- sus taken.at;the end of January,• an 'increase of 120,000 pigs .over' the figure six; weeks eiarlier. It :is ,e'stiM1 ated.that .pig killings in 1950 will be :300,000 . tons, . of - which about .One-third will be for dom- estic consumption and 200,000 tons: for export Exports in 1949 *ere .approximately 100,000 tons:: TfIV DAY; JULY 279' ASHFJELD. NATIVE DIES OF .INJURIES, The funeral ',service for WO - J, McWhinney'was held; at" - the :11roPhey t"- the:Broph.ey funeral : homer God erreh, on, .Mondray, conducted by , the Rev.' B.. K Farr, of St. George's Anglican • church. ' Inter- m. nter•• merit was • in lborner y Mr^,: McWhinney CodiedeCerrretin }iis. .77rth. year .dri Alexandra 'Hospital ',froth'injuries 'received last Wcxd.. nesday wWhen he fell,•off a' truck loaded ^with lumber :for the God- erich Manufacturing Compa'ny;• • He suffered , severe .head,', chest and: back:Injur'ies as^lie fell back: . wards , on: his; back. and' 'right shoulder, Bo i : r� Ashfel n. •.kie • i' n wa d a: a : S SUKl• • Of the late Andrew', and• ,Sarai Morrow'Xviow.'hinraey, He .fanned .•'•'. .Ashfield • .until .,he•.rnoyed 45 years ago to, .Gdderich, where he. was employed. by the Goderirii„' 1VirriufactuCo. •H waa men vber. ofString...George's An't;],sican' ' Church. Surviving are ;his wife, fot sr- errly Florence Haskell; a: son.. Richard,;' . two • daughters, • . Mrs:' David Har'naon, Godericli, arid Mrs: Robert Turner, of Auburn:. also by two brothers r David Mr= Whinney .of Ashfield; John, •dff: Echcf l3ay; and two ,sisters MTs. F. •A.',Collinson of Kirit ....ail, and. 1Mrs.. Be1ra..Taylor•,'of Celtorr,' Cal li;fornia, and ten grandchildren, . THOSE "NEWS RELEASES Weo.recen l'y rec t eived ,: "news . relei e'rfrom ^:a large co� ancer re gar.din'g an, amazing;,:(the Y• `newt, product:" whicht e: have' . 1}Y naw on the market: This' firm •: incidentally, is. an extensive ;ad- vertiser:'. dvertiser : through ..almost . .every medium 'but the' al'" r ' stn . le weekly papers: .•Gerierall:'such •Y ”news releasc,, go 'directly., to''the `.waste P -.: a Bei,' Y l baishet: This. one, however,.:` ''returned . with a ..notation to, the effect that of all the.'•free 'adver.-: tising schemes we encounter' t} i 'one ':took : the cake for. col,,,1 nert e. In: reply we recei •c,d ,i .•' ;flowery 1.etrter.. expressing"su;', uprise"'gat our reaction; .but- en•c hoti- ing:'a'generous•.sample of t)1e.':ne'v praduct. It is amazing how many concerns" spend ';la'rge' sums i>» "public relations - ex e -r • devote . no little , lr tle•. art':of thei�_l.f forts to '.Preying" " preyinrg`on weekly ' uu- P. 1ishers for,, -free.. .consigned adver i i ' Al- though lthou h • a greatdeal of. it rs hur- riedly - riedly :co si ned to,`� the there are ` always the •. "suckei s" • who swill use it':as filler. SER VE &affrre5Z/ �GAOE McartARK PFG 6 bottle on 25' tents _.t PICK-UP AND .DELIVERY EACH Tuesday and Friday ro p Efficient Service • • 'Phone 82, Lucknow.