HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-07-20, Page 8THE LUCKNOW • SENTINEL; L:UCKNO,W, ' ONTARIQ. Thrifty Housewives Are Now Buying COTTONS, ARE GOING. UP! SHEETING -.Bleached, even thread,good weight, 81" wide. SHEETING—Bleached, special price,, 72" wide. PILLOW CASES=—Ready. made, 2 Wide plain hem arid:hemstitched: FhETTE' BLANKETS-Ibex,70 x 9Q 'y: ';. FLETTE BLANKETS etho00lar TO • CONTROL flies, lice, fleas,. On dairy ' cattle and other farm• anini'als. SAFE., 'TO. "tJSE-nomilk • eontamination,'•fast depend- able actibn, • : long- lasting, easy to use-ecoriounical: ' ONE POUND . MAKES • 12 gals ;fly spray or :8- gals.. barn spray. . $1.35 PER .POUND '1 Phone 82We Deliver Finlayson.: ''Phone 91-w, Luck now our Week -Eris oppin Lyons Quaffy 4: oz. jar _.o•£iee,pg• Notice the low price.; ui `Swifts ' . • . Premium :Corned Beef 12 oz. tin Christies, Midget Ginger Snaps 1 Maple Leaf Soap Flakes -I' 1 lb. box A . " s , pure •as soap can .bei e 9c:. 5c 22c York Peanut- Butter. • Special! Jar .. 40c' packed ;in .a. pint size Mason jar Heinz •Sweet Mixed Pickles 12 oz. ja•.a::', •33c .Fancy Pack in handy re- 'usa(ble 'Jar; Burns . Weiners . 8x". Beans . •• 15 .oz,, tin 32c . Try ' this tasty supper suggestion •.tonight , HOMPSON'S "The Store of Friendly. Service" 80 x 90,'N6te theea1ra.-width, on ° BORN CRAWFORD—in. . W inghain Hos- pital ,; ori Tueslay, .July . 11th, . to Mr:: and: Mrs: Ernie Crawford, Lucknow, a son, 'Douglas Wayne,; HENR -at • .A 'exandra Hos itah X' 1. Goderich, on July 7th, '1950, .' to. :Mr. and Mrs,.Ross Henry, R R. 2,. Lucknow, a daughter, Mary Lou: CHURCII PICNIC LUCKNOW:Sr. DUNGANNON The annual, Presbyterian Sun- day School and congregati nal picnic' was held at U ambor.: Park, 'Goderich, on. • July 13th . Iii spite of 'the iriclernent weather a ;large crowd Was in. attendance' :anti -a, good tfrrie' enjoyed 'by ,all. Wrn ners in the: various ,races` were as: ,follows : 5'.&• under, Dianne Jam-• ieson.'. girls 6 .'and .under Nancy.. THE Irwin; boys 6 and ung er, •.Tommy Walney; :,girls 8,.and.under,•:Mar-, .lene Stanley; ,boys 8 and under, • .Wayne Stewart; 'girls 10 and un- der, Dor-is `Mitchell; boys ,10 and' under, Donnie. Reid; 'girls 12 and:. under, Betty Armstrong;.. boys • 12 and under;.Bab, Martin; girls ;14' and under, Jean Stanley; .:boys• 14 and u SEE .13Y"HE SENTfNEL , (Continued. from page 1) THAT "GreEn• Pi`orni.se" at T Playhouse' this` week is a `money back" picture if y ,don't like it, With an agile auralsetting it � will be par- ticularly appreciated locally, TIAT'Allar ,MacCharles, son, of 'Mr. and. Mrs.. . Oliver McCharles, ,passed his entrance examina- ions.with honors:• Another suc- : cessful pupil at Paramount school :Wag 'Catherine ° Ketchja- baw, :daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jim Itetchabaw. . TH ;T -M4 ' and Mrs., Bill .Alton .of. . Toronto Are :spending. the •,,sumer, as;"; is their" custom at. ,Scotia:.Orlt THAT, Mr:and Mrs.. Robert Gay of IVLgntreal Were callers in town last' week;: Mr,. Gay is .a' son of the late Jim Gay. „of Luckno'w; and wlio .was .the. builder of the . old Lorne Rink,: ' The a Ot ul-- ar- Olivet W, M,'S. IThe July meeting of'the Olivet W M,S.: was 'held in the church with the president, Mrs. J. Mac= Tav!sh,, in charge.' The meeting opdrred with a hymn ",and 'the Lord's prayer followed with re- sponsilve reading of a psalm. Mrs, Daisy McCharles .. read an �aek-• nowledgemen.t • of 'the bale sent to Church Relief Abroad in Tor. 'onto It was decided to entertain, Ithe Baby Band •andMission Band ' in, August, Mrs:' E. Osborne had the devotional reading with com- ments. and prayer. Mrs. D. Mc Charles` gave a reading on Korea and . Mrs. M. . Coiling on Jack Miner's ` Ibii•d missionaries; The reports: of. the leadership 'school • held in• NficMastei University yin Hamilton were' ` very ably,' given Iby' Mrs: J.. McTavish and Mrs Brydon,; The meetir g'closed' with a .hyr�hra and praye y Mrs, r 1V1k,Tav h, o: THAT . in ,. renewiru , .her"Sentinel I g. 'subscription Miss; Josie • Mac- donald 'of Calgary .Says,. `I wouldn't want • to miss the old home paper" .<z v young women's race, Winnie Ste= rwart;': young men's race, Kenneth McAllister;'married ladies a 'ace, Mrs. Jack' Fisher; married 'men's race,' Camerlin.`MacDonald, slip- . see : thts:ew Uxi'rE..' er • kick,. Winnie Stewart; ball BRIEF sheern, GalfoRnta cut,. hrnng wil ( S $ill seamless front, and back, :' Iboy ), y Mothers; . Nylon elastic waistband. South Kinloss W.M.S... The. July meeting ,Of the South. Kinloss W,M..S.' «Vvas held at the home of Mrs. Lloyd 1VIacDoupall 'with a large .crowd of.' members and, visitors present. Thte meeting opened by singing . hymn 666 fol- .1owed by: the: Lord's, Prayer in unison,; The . moll-. call .was .ans- wered .by a verse' of scripture with:the word "trust", in ;it..The scripture and"Lmeditation was T t . SDA A.. JULY 20th, 1.9&0 ' • • taken by Mrs W'. F. MacDonald'. The topic from 'the study book.• was given 'by Mrs., Gilbert H'am;- ilton followed by a reading by Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon. Miss Betty and ,Joan Hamilton favored. with a 'duet. Those taking ',part in the prayer circle were Mrs. L. C. Maclver, Mrs. Alex Suther, land,"Mrs: ,Allister Hughes, .Miss Martha Sutherland and ' : Mrs. Douglas Graham. Mrs. Ba.ulch closed, the meeting with prayer• after which a social time was en- joyed. THE. volcE, OF. TEMPERANCE The writer of this:• paragraph places .on record _his appreelatipn of ,the •• faithfulness and : persever ance of the Police in .apprehending. law ..breakers,. and in upholding , the authority of s'the; law. , Thezr.: ls`not 'an easy unddertaking ". Lav •• breakers, acq lire •ski'lt' not' only in breaking laws but also in.,avoid• ;ng• 'detection, It is -sometimes hard to: get adequate evidence :against the law :breaker even when. :it is 'common knowledge that he, ,is 'breaking ,the law. But sooner. or later. the law,. breaker is caught and convicted. Sooner' or later the police get ;their. man In, these parts .the public, is ng.,we11 served by an h'onest';auid, energetic police, Let every'.boot legger:. take warning-Advt. ' 'UNDERTHINGS and .SLEEPWEAR by. HO.LEPROOF LIN.GERIE':.::THAT WON THE, :A: 0jt:on cabtm' . tua h FOR "SUPERIOR SMARTNESS IN STYLING". hone 8 tie race (ladies: and men), Mrs. Jinn Wilson and,Dr. •Little, i�heel=' )baa row race ('boys), Donald', Mur- ray and Kenneth McAllister 2 - legged race (girls); Jean -Stanley and. • Wilda 'Reid ,arra-•look', ire, Ruth Johnston and Billy: Math- ers. Of special;. interest was the final race; 'the' leap 'frog relay, in. !which the' boy Fold ;and ' young .took part'.. Hurt In Haying Mishap Stanley., McNall • of Welland, who.'; is, holidaying" With bis moth- er, Mrs. Thomas; McNall at Au- burn, received. " painful ; injuries last' week while assisting. With haying operations en the .McNall farm -'-Three fingers on the right 'hand were severely cut When caught in a pulley. Further suf- fering was " caused by the: "fact. that all nails on the -injured hand; were torn ofi.' Stanley was a pat- 'ient in • Goderich Hospital for a 'few days. • LUXITE,'ERI K�•Sheer Nylon, boyish` cut, straight legs, fancy etas. tic waistband.. i FOR THE MEN 1�YLON SOCKS Wit a •guarantee for ,60 days. In severgl ' colors and styles ' and ,at reasourable ,prices: ebste Ladies' and Men's.' Wear 'PHONE, 85 . LUCKNOW' •s IDEAL , FSR • CGOL COMFORT, fox. BEACH,.: STREET or HOUSE `WEAR Variety.,of Color•Combinations :to choose from. THEY'tE WASHABLE. Priced'.from := $2.49 to13.4 ' • Rathwe •