HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-07-20, Page 6SAGE. ix . . � THE, LTJC.K,NOW, SE. NTINEi *fLacrCic,NOWg ONTARIO LO:�KI N"G.ACK.WAR•DS. • THROUGH • .THE ' SIEIeiTtNEL FILES. Sixty Years •Ago'. ....At a meeting. of the Board .:of • ,Corn'Ynissioners for South .Bruce' -the '':following` -tavern ' licenses 'Were . issued in. Kinloss, Cather- i.enMorrion, Grey, • . Ox' Hotel; James 'D.. Baker, blblyrood Hotel; Cornell, Black Horse Hotel ., John ' V Corrigan, Commercial Hotel. Village: of 'Lucknow: ' W. M. NLohring, Luckno r Hotel T. F. Cain, Cain's 'Hotel;;. John Mc Garry,t Whiteley' House; Jeremiah Flinn, Tarttiers:.:I-Iote1; A. Mac- Pherson 'shop. license. • he• death in his 23r second son o d.q#Wes d°w<in 'Ga h sold a Wm. 'MacLean xseas, and e price o Adam :to be used. etwcen Kin n. ' • Topcurred..at St; Hel.-, ens: d year of Toon f Todd, f 'Cain' Thomas' Tod t Wawanosh E unt ,of',West Wawa, rios 1500 pound fat• heifer` to • • for.. shipment overeceived `sthe : hand-' som f '$.100", A. eo Meted mp. +co of a "fine covered rig": ed. as 'a stage. coach. Ib cardine ' and , Walk :erten— Thirty-Five este ' Thirty Five Years Ago Airs. ' Ewen. MacKenzie '.sold her residence•. to'Aitsti i Solomon. Three 'snore Lucknow •.boys re- : ported :•for 'military training' -in late .March, .They were Evan Ged- des, .Arnold •Rathwell. and .John. McDonald,. .the latter a brother of; Dan ,McDonald, : who' had .'ell - ...listed preViously. en,:.;listedpreviously; The: Sentinel published : ,an in-, teresting : letter from; Major Alex. J MacKenzie, • w•ho ': had .been practising Medicine iri'Toronto .at. :the :outbreak • of •the` war and `went overseas, :with.• the, 48th:' :Iiig. hlanclers: He ; was, near the Belgium 1Llorder. 'in France wheri 'the letter Vas written :on -Feb ruary '20th, to his father, ;Mr H:'.: MacKenzie • At the start ' of his letter he said, "we have: ed up to the • front for. a taste 'of real War" Twe; rt,y Years Ago. Wingham . Radio. Station' IOBP was off . the air because ,of lack Of.funds to make necessary. im-' provements ' A. :membership club' .with .a.. fee 'of $1.04 was: being establishedyin the district to help; keep . thie. Ration oper fing; Efforts wereIbeing',made to fill the Langside sink hole on; the 4tli Concession.. The timbers of .an, old house ,bought from, Jghnsori,:Conn' we're used ,to build a causeway in an ,effort, to keep 'the .road , from sinling, • Ten Years Ago W. I. Paterson, who was: scout- ing ,'for oil in 'thisdistrict; claim- ed definite signs of its presence. in 'the Holyrood district. • "Gone With The Wind" was :playing, at the Lyceum Theatre.' Porteous was, elected. .grand superintendent. of Huron' District •Royal Arch Masons, J. M. Mel). Byran died in Van couver, He vezais 54 and 'was •'a member of the 15:C. Legislature;, •• The, secondary, welli was being• given a 30 day puinlping. ,test. It 'was being ,pumpedytp waste 24 hours a day at,'approxiMately:.15. ga'llo'ns la•. minute .:toy see.. if the turbidity could be cleared up:, C;UT-UP ` CHICKEN 15 BIG'BUSINESS.: Like • a .',fairy tale .reads . the growth offthe processing of oven- ready broilers ;and cut-up chick- seven ' sari 11 beginning. eri•. Froari .a a.; iyears Ago it, has reached a quart- er of uarter.of a million dollar. business• to_t day.,., . • While :gut -up chicken ,is':sti11 a Stranger ' in, the sariallcentres, . its popularity' ' in the., large' urban centres ;has grown. "in ' leaps and bounds: The .story of the develop ment. of this ,enterprise is. : of special . interest. to. Sentinel read- ers, as 'one of''•'the• "pioneers" in this, `• lousiness is + 'Frank' J; King "of `Toronto, ..and iweU • known *in this connnunity. Frank is a son-: in-law of Mrs,` Jaanes • Macfonald of. town, .Mrs: King �being-.forrner- ly .Rachel'.1VfacI3onald. The' Toronto Star 'recently, car- ried '.a feature :story, by • Austin Winch on,the• development, of this busiziess' It read • in part' as fat to This' new cut-up chickenbus! ness is;.only now cracking out ,of its: shell. Arid from :'its sales •vol uans %of ' 750,000. in Ontario °.last• year,,; it locks' 'like it's, going' to atae' a- • d n' erou ' co etitor' ,to the g: s � whole chicken'; 'yeti ordinarily buy, The pew Goodyear Detuxe is designed to give:,. you 34/0 ,more 'miles ofcarefree' motoring. Stronger cord construction ,huskier, Inore• flexible shoulders .•. wider•,• flatter•tread; ..; '. all t • hese features;e'contri'bute to. the biggest ; value';;; • for your tire dollar. Drive in today: ONTGOCdERY PHONE•':40' FORD SALES AND, SERVICE MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON o0iE IRS THAN ON ANY. OTHER KIND fact, ,spokesmen for :the .re. tail ,trade'' say within . five years cut-up chicken will outsell dress- ed poultry two to one.- And in an- other five years after that, dress- edpoultry • as a ;consumer , food. w'u be,. aianost .a museum pieee on the d' - inner'.. table, * Thhat's the opinion also of over 15 poultry farmers north of Ter - Onto. Fors'a'king egg production, they have set,' up their farms to xrieet the. increasing' demand for sectioned chickens, Raising' broilers is now their business. 'Led.. by the K -G farm located between Holland:.Land- ing ., and.,',Bradford, these farmers are now producing: 12 -week old chickens: . Over Half -Million ' . ; The K -G farm, owned by Frank 'King and William Garfat, pro- duced over: 100 000' !broilers last year, andthis 'swelled'. the 'total chickens , produced 'and marketed 'through .' their own` processing, plant toA e.11 ` over' the •half-mi.1-` lion' !nark: New .. •,a rkets are. , . . . ixi r e opening up, . however, and 'total,'output ..this year is ' expected ; to leap, `almost. that much again.. Mr King and Mr.. Garfat were stung, with the cut-up chicken.. bug ' seven . years : a � o: Renting '�a. g c farm and :re-arranging:a .broken' dawn •:batn, ;they: marketed 6,000 birds.in thew :fist 12 weeks: They ail the! rr'y - iU4 JJ me, chickens,.::and sold the '•parts to depa rtment: :sto•res, ` Today 'the one farm alone prig duce,the. same numn,her of bird in ' half the 'tune,. Two `broodier' houses..accomodate: uo too t5,000' chickens :at one time, and ensure a • steady, supply allyear ` round•: •. 1. The farm buys a fresh batch of� 6,000 day-old °chicks ; eve! y six weeks ,Us'ually. New : Hampshires, . ` ' which are, known; to be"me°a.ty 7. u. type" thickens, these are kept in:: doors'fortheir lifetime, then si ip- Ped ' off to the processing plant "•at •Aurora, a few miles 'south. . Kill ' 15,000 '•A Week ' Here, with those received from the other15-poultry :raisers; u'p:lto 15,090 birds, are •killed weekly., Attached t� a conveyor belt, :ihe birds are :first '"stuuck", bled and scalded. ,'.T°he' feathers are., then removed 'by. `'`coughers",' and th W head and•:•feet trimmed•; off. The' chicken isimmediately. drawn to • ensure the meat IS not tainted. After beinginspected.. ,,a n dwashed the: broiler' is graded and then cut ui in four parts;. breast,' °legs; wings,•:neck and: back. Pack- ed in flatted' ice', the 'toed is• •truck? ed to the retail outlets Three oft 'the Taro o outlets are owned. by the. firrn, • : W}'lat makes retailers so sure consumers will be.bitying cut-up chicken, as a : steady . diet. in the coming ' years', is •'the . price. you .pay. , For• an .average,,farnil,y ;of five, the housewife would buy a five lb, „chicken. This would' ;amount to $2.75 for a, heavy :chicken, that. is with the head, feet and insides.: .The 'modern way is' .cheaper, .the retailers .claim By buying legs to 'serve five, they ' claim • the • cost would 'be 51, cents .less. 'They, es- timate one lege weighs, "one-half ppund,. •and *at • 07 eents a pound, this 'would.Cost $2.18,,, f ,'THURSDAY, JULY 20th; 1950 • l 1101111111101illi►IIII011111110/01111111/1111/111111111/1,/1111111111/1/1il/1111011111/1hillII111114llllllllllltiNm.IIIIOIIIIIIIIIOI,IIIIIIUPtlI/M11111111/1111.IpIlllul0111llflll!!p(IIU. . N ALL YEAR 'ROIJJND • • . E-1 • _,. EVERY FRIDAY 'MCAT Commencing' July 2l st, 1950 Located.,. or* '°Goderich Airport': Elliott Carruthers and his Orchestra';'' yancing 9,x30-1• i iissio �.. , 50 _ . Ad n . .c �, Person..._�:, of reshinents Good.: Parking :Large .8iIiikOO,tli .Facilities Dance ' Floor gayy .. T' II I II I I I III In IllllllfllllllunlllllUIIIBIIIIIIINIIIIII Illlllllllllllllllllpllllllllllllllllll 11111111 Ililll/1Ililllll I. Illlllll mlll/1111►II 1111IIIIIi11111111111ulllllllllllllllll Ill illl I r �;°dlllllli�illill(I nl III I I I, 111 III. i�rToi��q��>lq�r�io�r���fii�o�o�i ��°�•)'. :". MONSTER LIONS CASH; • $400.00. .IN CASH; MEMORIAL ARENA TEESWATER, 16 Regular + Games . SPECIAL Free ... $25 Spee :; ial::: . $100 Admission $100. t$ 10.00 Prize, Each : Game TWO $50 SPECIALS I S Free Mystery " Game. Extra and Special' Cards '25c All Proceeds For Swimming Pool. Fund .° .> (moil o;01.114‘0A1�1 4..I1UMQl11GNO/.IMOi°ii.(14.41+ o gii•w.w i T°f•)r • ONTARIO • DE'PA.RTMEN°T OF HIGHWAYS C;EO H, DOUCETT, 1I`rlislel ltk for it either way booth trade -marks mean the same thing. *at4eri:iii bottler. el Coes-Cels midst'NNtrnt tiNk Coos—eLN. GOTRICH BOTTLING GODERICH WORKS 'PHONE 480