HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-07-20, Page 5_. `n111i"�wrrr' •sem THURSDAY, JULY20th, 1950 amilimme LyceumTheatre WI NGHAM Two Shoals• Each Night . • FIRST SHOW AT 745 IONIGHI THURSDAY ast Side; West' Side (Adult Entertainment). • FRIDAY, ;SATURDAY: JULY '21, .22..a GEORGE i ONTGOMERX, , ROD. ,CAMERON '•. in DAKOTA. ;1I L Saturday ' Matinee ,Cancelled For , The Summer Months • MONDAY;. TUESDAY. • JULY4, 25 JOHN . PAYNE, GAiL • RUSSELL — in PTAIN N CHI ► WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY; IULY 26, 27 MARGARET :O'BRiEN,'. HERBERT. `•MARSHAL•L, • DEAN ST:OCKWELL'. in. ecret ;Garden • S. T • q • THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, .1.•ti4C NOW, ONTARIO'. ENS • Miss. Beatrice McQuil.lin • and Mi and. Mrs. Robert McQuillin and children ,of Hamilton are en- joying a•holiday at. Point Clark. The annual, social' meeting .of, ;the. W.M.S of the United Church. was' held in the chu rch.on Thurs- day afternoon with • the White- church, ',As} field. 'Circuit ` and. .Brick' United Church ladies: as guests. Mr's: W, L Miller, presid- ed and the scripture lesson,. was ,rid. by Mrs, •Sc A..Todd and Mrs. "Jahn"• Cameron, pled • in prayer. Readings •were given by Mrs. Snell of,.Brick. Mrs, Bert,' Alton. csl` Ashfield and., M•rs. Falconer of Whitechurch' Mrs: .George loin- son •gf' 'Wingham•" was the'...„ guest speaker •';and ; in, h.er charming ,manner ..carried :.the, ladies ,right• along with her asshe, told• of 'her trip last sunvner to England; Ire land, Scotland .and .:France.. Later Mrs; Howson showed souvenirs of her strip, At ; the., canclusion a pleasant social hour•. was spent :Over. the tea cups Mr, , and: Mrs. Lawrence and 'daughter..Joan' of '`Fort William. •are visitors .:with 'Mrs. •Lavin rence's .b.rother,'Mr. •Harvey. Webb and ' Mrs; Webb. ' ,Mrs :James Gaunt, who has• been a patient in • Victoria • Hors pital, • London, is' a Qiisitor with her -daughter;. Mrs.,. Ward :Shuck= Bina at• Lindsay.. Mrs Gordon' McIntyre..& Don-• ald' of ',Ottawa,:are holiday visitors With her': parents,.- Mr and 'Mrs. W, I Miller Mrs. •B.ert Tysont. and David of .Geraldton are.: holidaying Iw'ith" her mother,,„ rs R.•; J Woods:: ' The $uaday`Scho.ol is sponsor- ing: a'..Weinex:.•:" roast'.at , Lorne Woods''. on :Friday evening. Every, orae in. the comirunfty • is invited. YOUR FLOCK` Worming is : a 'must • for successful - ,flock -raising.:± TRY R. A. FINNS poui TRY f'ONDITTIONER DR. HESS WORM POWDER OR CAIPSULES: • :'FREE MIXING 'LESS COST. Any tonic mixed in a. 'ton (of. possibly less) 'of New* Life Feed: You ply ibulk pi ice foi the tonic, no cha ge for mixing ARE PROFIT FROM:.H.OGS • When, you use our ' e*r , and "Cheaper ' Flog: Ration :Enquire at. 'PHONE.` 165 RD'S f[ED LUCKNOW, ` ONT. eels, ' 'Fertilizer Phone 71 . Groceries Phone .2 7 utknow District Co -Operative: GEHL FORAGE HARVESTER Lealds the; way' to ,solving• your hay and,c orrb.problems. S:ee the coriiigete `1ineYOrt th'CTiirrige i +-' l ixrluipri nt also Gehl Harrimei Mills; at .tho C0 -Op.: Here� i .».illi •the .fac�il•i.ti 'for handiin. ;vow; .grass ��t' 'LCl'Y'e "� r .. t.tdYsc.Mx�'Raw�"..r. .: .c: ..e+.ww.+w.g. insilage, hay;.,Combined straw, and coni of ess Money than a hay baler. y • OUR COAL HAS' ALWAYS BEEN GOOD;.. Order. soon to 'be sure o! having your, wi'nt'er supply. A car, of chestnut and a car of stove coal on the t'ay. ` eats .: berta Brick latet •. anal SHOP THE CO-OPWAY • R.,TOP QUALITY UALITY USE. F'O CO-OP QUALITY,' TWINE' ,No, Price' Inerease This cYear. The Anglify 'of FOURTI-I, CONCESSJON Miss Grace 'Macintosh ' ,of Tor- onto visited' last Friday at the home of her. uncle, gr. Rod 'Mac- Dougall,' ,Mr. D:a�n`Thompson is: assisting Mr.• Ardell Mason to put an •ad dition to his house. 'Mr: and 'Mrs. L.. C, Maciver and, son. Donald, Motored to Hai risville, Michigan, last ; Wednes day to attend the funeral of `Mrs.. 'MaeIver's:. sister; Mrs. Kate Noble.. Mr. and Mrs. Dick,1VI'alleck of Kitchener spent the week -end:, at the home of Ira Pickle, . fi , And Mrs Netterfield .and daughter, •,Myrtle o f; Toronto' Spent , lasts week-end..at *the. home of • Mrs. Netterfield's brother; John, Mac- Donald:. ,: " • Critically' Ill' In .London Messrs.. Fraser • and john •Mac_ Kinnon and sisters Jean ,and Mrs. Orville Elliott' motored to London Sunday to visit their father +w`ho' is very ill. Mrs. Mac- Kinnon is_ with him • in ' London., DICKSON—ARMSTRONG. CLAN GATHERED AT FORMOSA The 17th annual reuxiion of the Dickson :Armstrong clan was.held* on Wednesday,. July, .5th 'fat the Palace Gardens, 'Formosa. About 125 ' were in attendance' to; •enjoy the` :get-together and'the programa of .baseball, races and boat rid- ing, •After sumptuous. picnic supper '. a short'. business Meeting was held. Mr. Jack Farrish • 'pre- sided. for the election of ;,officers Which. resulted: as follows: George H. Armstrong, •Avonton;, 1st, • vice,'.:. Wilfred Farrish;' 2nd vice, ''Mel Dickson sec.-treas.,r •Grace Richardson; sports:';Mrs. L: MclDougall, Allan Halliday, ; Hugh.:. Armstrong, . • Evan Smyth;; Mel Dickson, Jack • Westlake; : lunch;, Mrs.. Thos .Sandy;'' Mrs. Thomas Dickson, • Mrs.' 'Jack •Westlake, Mrs. " Pete Farrish,;Mrs .D Mc Dermid,'Mrs 'Lorne Fairish. . It u;as decided , ,to hold next . year's picnic at. Goderich. on • the first .Wednesday ItESERVE DECISION ON BEVERAGE ROOM LICENSE • • At a ;mee'ting or the :Liquor, License :Board. held :recently sin' Kitchener, decision .was reserved •on , the• application of was, Forwell . ,and "Kathleen Beatrice Forwell ,of Mildmay" for a: bever. age ;room'. license at ..the : Rivers- dale" Hotel ;Similar: applications' ..have .twice before been refused. SELLS BUTCHER BUSINESS • George. Gibbons: has• sold,; his butcher;., 'business in Ripley to. Lincoln: Lantz :of. •Mildmay; ▪ George', has `been plagued by ill-' ness. during ,the past two years • and of late 'recurring :attacks of sciatica ' decided' him to sell ...the business,,; Which' he has conducted in the Huron,',. Hub for the, past nine years. • •Mr: and Mrs. Gibbons formerly resided. here. ' IKINGSBRIDGE.; Mr. :Frank •O'Connor was a:- week-endvisitor to= the. burg. Mr. Dan Bass`. and Rose Marie.. ,Lannan, are on' two •weeks•.ho'li- days. Mr. and -Mrs. Mrs. Herb Span and farriily visited Mrs • and Mr . 'Louis. Hogan.. , • :,Congi�•atulati ohs to':1VIr . & Mrs Denis Dalton on the arrival of their baby daughter; -in Godericl ;Hvspital�a'n• Sunday my )th Trebles Winners- •• Winners. of ;the 'men's' trebles at. the 'local greens. last week were: Howard Agnew, lst;''Cur-' tis, Port Elgin; 2nd; ' Clark Fin- layschr, 3rd; Dr, Howson, Wing` ham, 4th, WHITECHURCH Mr. h'as purchased Mrs. Andrew 'Fox' home in the Village': Mrs, Fox is, ,making her bottle at ' Blyth with her daughy. ter . •I'sobel and Miss ,MoGill. • A number • of ladies. from the United .WIVES. Attended the W. PAGE FIVE. Presents USE z hursday, .Friday, Saturday, ' July 20, 21, 22 This is a wonderful movie, it astonished the country with' ower its p of •its drama. It 'has more -laughter ..and real ro-' mance any movie in • years ---,and what's .More,,,,. if you• • don't like it we refund your money.. --•,That's the ; ,. seen Starling that v tera .of-'Inaifi ood•movies`. .� y g , , Walter I3zennan . lovely,Marquerite •Cl apman, in a' suirprising ,newrole; Nat& Woods, a ' kid "anyone ' could ' love and Robert' Paige, as the 'Agricultural Representative, ,who' took a' lesson -in; love from the farmer's daughter.,' No 'Matinee Until ,September. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, July "24,• 25, 26 • . • The• best names in. Holl ytwood-- IJan;a Turner, , Gene Kelly; ' June Allyson,.' Van 'Heflin; Angela :Larislbury, in •one of the greatest: stories ever • filaned TITHE .THREE. •MUSKETEE,RS, •For, the ,first time . the ,�cornplete • romance, . the • full novel: • PLUS •an�'interestin • short, `: ". g"Those Good Old Days TENTION ! EACH pickupT� .URSDAY we. hogs s in the r: g trucked Lucknow District to be direct •reef d • to BURNS AND :. CO., KITCHENER: Let us know by. • Wednesday' night and you can have your hogs;. trucked; ,directly from your barn . to the : , Packing ; Plant on ; Thursday YOUR HOGS -ARE PICKED UP AND .DRESSED THE SAME ,DAY: "• Give us a try and avoid extra handling and shrinkage. ro :mpt and Satisfactory . Returns . Direct from ° Plant. FOR PARTICULARS CONTACT. ' Local Trucker — — 'Phone 137-J ' Lucknotw A Share of your Business will be Appreciated. l M. S. ' at St.:Helens last. 'Thurs day. • Mr.:and Mrs .Fred Thoi psori of. Toronto. are ,spending a few. days With, her sister,' •Mrs. :Joe. Tiffin; . Sr.. and Mr. Tiffin and -other relatives. Mr: and Mrs ; Ab 112cQuillin from P_bint' Clark visited with :tier ,aurit, Mrs. ;Kennedy, on' Sat- ' urday . i and . attended the. ' J'ohri ston sale: Mr., and Mrs. S. Foran.'•of',Tor- onto .are; visiting with: Mrs. Mac Ross and Olive this;week;. , . M' T. and Alrs.: J. G. Gillespie' were .at •-Seaforth attending .the •'road• picnic • Mr. .Beth. Gaunt4 of Preston: is. •spen.ding: two week$ holidays.. this comri'munity with friends. ; Rev Mr Shortt of Kincardine; tools the service '•in; • the Presby-:-.. terian • church last• Sunday: We understand Reiv'. M Connell •Of Lucknow will be the speaker- next Sunday. f • Mr.. and ' Mrs. •Groskorth , spent'` the<week-end at Unionville with her, parents, Mr. and Mxs. Bragg:.` QUALITY FARM `EQUIPMENT Sales' and Service ersa • Gilson 'Refrigerators and Washers. Woods' Combination ,Frigidaire and ,Freezers, • Grinders, .etc. FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. Huron, Road' 'Phone '1112 Goderich, Ont. ,.. ......, _..,,._.�sii�'1���'!�q�rr►Ar,`.T7�i':_�..�"�"'i+7��►4�F�.. ��*p..Msu_ay�!•n. . lir' ►;�.�= c.Ora • Aq • •