HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-07-20, Page 3'rHURS ' X, ,JTILY 24th,, la;>p•
MiniSter; Rey. W,. J. Mumford,,
IV .A., B.D. S.T.D. • '
'-.SUNDAY, JULY 23rd, .1950.
10 a.m,.Siinday School:
11 ami:: Faith that Coveredomes.;'
Evening Service .
The Sacrament of, 'Infant Bap-
tism t will dbe' administered at.
mRing Service.
On of. the (beatways parents
can .lielp their :children is':byl
regular' attendance at Church
Service'. —= — -�
7.00 to 10.0'0'.p.m.
for the':
esterfields. And
Repaired and 1tecovered:'
Factory' Guarantee • .
Free Pick -Up and Delivery
.12 Brurnsick: St: . Stra'tford
Fo'r further.. information. •
enquire at.'
`• Furniture Store
'Phone 6, LueknoW
Locaiand. .Generali
•..• '........, ' .
Miss, AAdria Treleaven Of Tor -1 Ca.rnerori Finlayson of Toronto
lusbrit!)w visited. with r'eclativcos here; is spending at his. home;tw,o weeks vacation
• Mrs. •.•Johrn'Fraser of l�T laei�urin `, Mrs lVfargaret Sproul attended
Sask ,..visited last wt>ek with her' the wedding • on ,Saturday . in
twin kit'other; M1.'_'Russc,ll' Mid-: Wingham' of Irene King 'and Mr,
Mrs. t t . ,the' bride's home: �.. •
dieton and Mrs, Middleton.' . Fred :Ohm, which took place
M (la nett Millet Fend dad
ghter lit veil' y Anna of liihn;ilton • Mr. ` and. Mrs,. Wm. Brown of
spent' a da'y' lately Ann.,
the MV,iae- Fielding, ..Sask., visilted, at' the
Gregor. ht>Int'. 1 homes • of Mr. and.Mrs Frank
Mr. George •'Gt Greer: who ' was a`I. Miller and Mr: and Mrs. '.Herb
patient. in •Kinear dine•llt�spital for I. Miller, She' vitas for�m.erly. Reta
the 'second' time this spr'i'ng, is Miller, • .eldest` daughter of Mr..`'
'home again, " " a'n'd ,Mrs"Saar` 1Vhller of .Fielding.
. 1311'1 limn Jack Kentiedy• return-lg ..Lorne MacKenzie„ ,son 'of 1�2r
' ed "'•1..ome tuday. aiit,r ten •:claysat ' arid ' M,s..Roy NLacKenzi'e': of Rips.
:t}: e crhildren's, ,'camel at ,Carrip.
pintail; "
Mr. and Mrs J. R. Clipperton
and• Lynda at Londcin spent the
week -end' with her parents, Mr,
arid Mr's, S.am:• Reid. '
•Mr s and Mrs, Stewart Burris, of
Detroit spent the,weekend with
his Talents,Mr: and Mrs Thos.
• Burns,
Miss '.' Ielen, • Thompson and
Donald. Tho.mpson..are .• visiting
this week in 'Elmira' with Mr. and
Mrs, Bill 'Hewat ::'
gr.! land ars W,- Crt,' ;Fenety,
Judy and .Shirley'of Toronto are
,Spending- two -weeks with• her.
father, Mr 'John •MacRae:/.
„ley, obtained' first'. class honors
iri 'Grade.. 2` .their} at the :;Toronto'.
Conservatory `of' Music examina'
tion. Lorne is a pupil, of 'Mfr. C.
Cook of Blyth.
•Mrs...John MaeLe'an; Dr, John
Frarer MacLean, Miss Saf'ah Jane1Vlr..and '.M.rs. iVI. •B .. . ,.• ry o
MacLc;.ari rind Jirnm•y MacLe.an.;�f Stacktori=bn=Tees;` :En�glarid, arrd�I
•E:� antitfj.i�, I11., :spent they week hoi,. sis"ter,•. Mrs', Wedell, of Chi-,•
i end �vitla •Mz': 'licit -141d MacLean,fcago :have '!been..visiting at ':the
I. .
M.iind ;\Tri Frank, Johnston, .Stothers :cottage ',• at Kintail: ;Mr:
Margaret, t etta told '(:.lana of and 'Mrs. Bradbury,. are` the par=
'ITot•ne_paynit ..\ ihited..last• .week ents in-law of : the 'former. Agne�
'tth ;hi, ci,u in Mr.; Noble John -t, Stothers,, daughterof Mr .and
stein 'and,' WS.; Jti}irstt,n..:Mrs /•5•.. •' B: Stothers: _ I
MY. QUIET II;OLIDAY were the possibilities of;.this pro
gram developing '.Ito • is very..
•l bought a:cottale, dust to spend worthwhile business that sixteen'
l : advertising agencies in : Canada:.
A ciuiet 17aliday,•
1 rni ht as•vell have bought thlit are striving fo.a he 3ob'f of
' ducting'; • .
i � }iti.rsc� corning•.year: •,
nn New Xor'1. s great wYiite vcay
We ha.�.e a` •l umpei crop ,of' TThere.is •a, need to increase our'
con.suMititign of Milk by'the hoe
friends. , :market 'of '41/2 pints .'per' family
� And a;elatrvt?s galtsre
per months' eat eight ounces' Of
�r,ht v like lints liospltalrty bu •..., , :_ .. e ore and': More
And our', meals, ; even' more: e Cheese,:':and concentrrated Milk.
,Instrr'alr(e ,itr rats and na it niers This would ,elimtnlate .'the small
Arid ftt1k from•'our home .tt vim, surplus.,�that causes so much
Juw1, 1'.t .,ts ,drt,h rn . fill a week 1 viol ry ::to . our' producers..'If each'
I And gobble c)ui' gr..U1) down T family spernt 'one dollar, . per.
�' :good wholesome
A • clu iet pl :c: a House ti;at VO fists -mon 1. more
sig h. as milk, •lamp`
A nR•se \\4ejeum( •pot ch ,light. , ally products
)itSt ' It ;',ts trl)ict36rly' . �‘Itndei I plus'Cheese
t at builds up' in entire'
Prr: hrti� Y '.of high. pr:oducti•ori 'wo•u'ld vanish,.:
To iiiii" }lune oY r i • night As' release
cco ding.: to 'a, . • les .
from tyre„ Dair y Farmers of .Can-
ada sent . out'.:,July , 13th,,.. our .ad
vertising campaign 'has lust been
started in :the nick .of time. Ac=
co•rding to •NLr: Gilbert'MoMiltari.
Visitors with aVLr.. Thornas Ross
and Miss, Mary Ross •at'their Sum
rrrer home at Langside were Mrs:'
A...J. Murray ''arid Ross Murray,
Mr:�and: Mrs. Sandy:Murray, Mr.
and,Mrs. Fell, Master Ral5ert •and
Patricia Fell .and,Stan Smith andl,
.Norm Briley.
Mr. and. Mrs.' Malcolm Arm.-
strong 'and two; boys, James. and.
John of Port Arthur are holiday
ing':aat the •Murdie cottage at Point•
their. son ,Bill is -spend-
ing the summer .with •the. Forestry:
Department ' and in ,September
Will 'enter Queen's University, `
You_ihav��t `be ° de�cglte.�l:
is'' f ragrant. tet
•o.••••.) ') • ....,.,..•••„.••010•••011ioMt1a..811)D4504lOiQmi,•im, (
liild ,and`' Ani>r al ,Photograp
Special y
Films Developed and t.Printed
.24 -Hour • Service
e •..hone 199,�Vingham
ameras Repaired �. `Tel p ..
a' 'little., pressure. from ,both con
sumer and producer, to :clear ;,up:
this situation that is working 'a
hardship on, both .of us.
. We . have :,Royal coa'nmis$ions.•
investigating :almost every' other
racket.; .. how about about the 'present
racket' •on. feed" igrains?.;Lets have
Ytrir •nhigi t as \\'•ell dr't,p In Sc)me
. tlii�
t r c � ht 1'. good i f r rc ncis meet;.
And. lirin'.4.„0.10 fig , i I�asl:r.t'lurt .h,.
W.c.VC nothing .left• to, scat,
ii r along your camp. cot.
And, •hl r tf„
l rh' , sleeping on'some hay,:
O`.h-,wrhat a' ,lover, quiet.. spot:
And; .what” ,� :holiday;• '
W1 : awl. B� ckingharn:"
1 never, kiit�t•,a.elan so good:
But'.•1• •coul:d•' fititl.. flows,' if •
l:rit��E 'rt n1Un so'bid
T nctt�i,
{ .t• li l`It1'ill piiti7ts,he
t j(aS 11 L
the ;presidefit of :the Dairy Farm=
-ers -of Canada, 'who. has 'just . re
turned ' .from ' Great Britain/' and
Western Europe, .we •Will. find .no'
'Market for; our surplus 'dairy
products; ,over .there..'.. Britain' has
now reached the point • in, ;pro.:
duction, where she .has over five
Million. gallons : of'milk, surplus
over :fluid .:requirements Because
Of this lank of export r 'arket, we
Must strive to r ease 'our home
f If the •cost• of Our `•dairy�� -
Arci liritc r 1 :,i T' t'trnnc)t find
ducts' was reduced there would
trrc�tlit,cl 1 t rt;rPrt !11• my r)ithe 1
be a better chance of 'irfcrcasing