HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-07-13, Page 64.
THURSDAY, ,JULY ,13th, 1950 •
1 ucknow Legionnaires, in their
second class `sA" . softball en-
counter with• Winghar. Orosset
Mercui ys, -Chalked-141p- ;a 4 . to 1
victory an;dd a ran their Win streak
°bo six straight ,glames
T1ere was close to 1,000 fans
--a record ext•Wd-on, hand for
` thin .fixture in the. Caledonian
Park last Friday.,night. A l0 -cent
boost= „in the `admi:ssiere price,
• Reade it cheap entertainment at
.-that for ,the Lucknow followrers
w'l o• hooted'. and tooted' the Leg=
: ionnaires, to their impressive Vic-
overthe'_° crack • Winghar
.• team, '„and' long . the . No.. 1 rivals
orf e sptheortSepoy 1: Village, 7whaterv'er
Hughie 'Hall -arid his • battery
• mate Luke Brooks, put on . a
spectacular r,.show ,that .thrilled
the .crowd rand` added. a bit of
burlesque at .tunes, las if t* rub it.
in :the more.
Huhie, struck ' out 18, allowed
four • hits,: • two `of :thein infield.
ibunts, and' devoted ,the
riling. to free. epasses ..when he
which resulted in Wingham's
lone—:run.lughie' walked.. 'three
:men in row row .to; fill ' the bases
with two away,: and then Proceed-
ed to'whiff the next• batter.
The Legionnaires,, infield gave
Hughie good, Support,'and. the
outfield didn't halve'. a putout•.to
.make. At 'bat they found.. Jardine
plenty 'len tou' ,;. but- knicked
•'� �.
for 8 hits. Tommy struck: out 7•
-and issued only : one; ,Walk..,
Trap Oaks betWeen first and..
second'that the Legionnaires pull
ed, earned :them two runs as the
Crossets eff its booineraniged On
the, first one in :the second in -
:ping :Brooks scored while ,Koviak
was being- run downand in the;
'4th:•George Chin ' pulled the same,
play and advat iced to third when
Westlake:` missed the.`throv from
the • plate, • ' Brooks having raced
home orf the play. George scored'.
a minute later on a ,past ,ball.
Jack Cook With the only. extra-.
: base clout of the night, „scored
from . • < • nd. ':on Art. Andrew's
single,. in. the 8th.
• Wi g'hain didn't •follow "Tory's"
-Signing-off . admonition and re
•mained after ,the. game to argue
loud and long -wi h: the-:' umpire
axld players.
Lucknow: An rew if Trelea-
ven 2nd, McDonald
Brooks e, :Chinn • of, oviak. 3rd;
Gould rif,
Cooke lst.
Win dine', ' len;an..cf Gard-,
mP a •
'ner :3rd,: 'Crewson ;ss, Graves • c,
.: J,ardine 'p, Westlake 2nd,: Aitchi-
son 1st,: .Stokes lf," Boyd rf, .:
Wingham , • 000 001. 000-1
Lucknow' •: - 010 200 •01x-
Umpires:. Tl orndyke, •Clinton;,
Finlayson; Lucknow,
Games 'Next Week
July 17--Lucknow -at Clinton •.
July .22--Cliinton' at': Lucknow.
The Legionnaires were'slated
for . Goderich • last slight and on
Friday .were scheduled' . to' play.
'ins•' S.eaforth. This game' can't be
played due to a . Lion's; ,Club .car- •
---niwal 'rn Seaiortli; an {-an-effort4,
;'is. being made to 'h the game':
played iri Lucknow.
�• makes good food
taste better
.. Lucknow Legiornaires, spotted
Clinton Airmen .3 runs; in the
first inning. of Monday• night's.
game in. the Caledonian. Park,. but
finished strong, to blast the visi-
tors off the beam: Final score
Was 13-5. The game . lacked 'the
zip and "Speed of .the Wingha n
tussle, but was ,closely ceontested,
until the 7th' inning lowup '
.";Goin into the 9th with. oan
ga c
Portable lead;-.^Lucknow's . colored
t•attery.„,wanted &-to clovcrn a bit..
• The nine, and a- good..
bunch of Clintonr . orts '.,did'd't seem' .
sp � o
r d 'they:f .. '
ns , were•
but Umpire Thompson of Clin-
tong put his...foot down ibefore the
fun gotr"ightly started.' '
,Hall struck, out 17; sand al-
lowed. only four 'hits; but a •couple
of', walks, .three errors and four
past ;balls added 'up, for all 'the.
visitors' runs. Hughie' ;gave up 4
base on ;balls 'altogether. • . •
Singles by 'Treleaven. and Hall
with' a 'passed ball in between.
gave Lucknow their first run.:A
wally to 'Art Andrew, a :passed
ball, rani infield out and -wild --pitch A
gave the -Legionnaires their sec
and run.:. In, :the' ,6th' Andrew
singled, , Zlrelearven •.walked. and,
MacDonald: beat outan infield hit
to fill .the sacks. Art seored.. on '.a
Wild,pitch. With b'tvo away ' Brooks•.
rolled in•: front of the 'plate' and
Was :safe When throw'to' -first
*as missed..” .Two '°run scored.
Olin on`, claimed t interference and.
the utn s' had a rbook
P ride e peps'
that 'didn't -Bch a matters.
In n the 6th ' with: two out 'And -
Few and Treleavensingled'-in Sue,'
cessie .an" .and 'th slacks were ' lo:ad-
ed •'as. MacDonald 'walked.: Hall
drove gone r through' the first .base=
mean's legs. and Andrew and Tre-.
,leaven scor .` ..
In 'the 7th . ithe(Legioinnairels
blasted. Madson, .Clinton's ,south.:
,praiw- • ace; , from the mound and
Pratt, took' over. When the inning
ended --ten 'batters, later, Luck.
now had' added ' six ''ruins to their
total, ••and salted the game. •away:•
• George,. Chin singled. ' Clarence
Greer, baatting, for Morley Chin;.
part out ' a neat bunt. Koviak
Walked, 'Chin scor' g''meanwhile
on another . passed ball:' Cook
walked to:reload the' -sacks. And-.
r:ew singled scoring' Greer : and
kovi'aik, 'and ,went to second on
the: throw-in.m..Treleaven ' went
out' second •to',first,- Cooke • scor-
ing.MacDonald slashed a; double
scoring Andrew. Hall . grounded
out third' to :'first and 'MacDon=
ald scored When the • , shortstop
missed Brooks hot grounder.G.
Chin hoisted. 'to 3rd- to. end' the
Clinto' • .300.100 010. -5 4.3
Luckriew . 101 ° 032 ,60,x-13 11 4
•, x•
There. were some plays in Mon-
day , ;'night's: garrie. that :had the
fans, who aren't. too:•fatniliar' with
the rules, somewhat puzzled ' .: •
1n:the .4th F,ean raced all. the
way ;home- when a ;throws to first
rolled to deep right .alter 'hitting.
the fence' enclosure.'. The ground
rule is that ,the fence is "alive"
:and you. can"•,�get all you can
make. • A ball into the player's'
ibenches or -fan's• along the line is
good' for only=:one base.
Another incident 'arose, When
Clinton claireed 'interference by
Brook ', on a' peg from the catch,
er '' firs trying 'to 'throw him
out. The rule' is that the runner
''must ran t6 the outside. of',the
line `on such ,a Play so . as, not.to
block the throw;•', or interfere'
with the players' making the,play. �:.
,Some 200. ' members of West
Huron 'District ..Women's Insti-
tutes 'attendecd a; picnic art- Bar-
bor Park, Goderich, last Thurs.
day, which marked the 50th an-
niversary, of the district organ -
tion. The .event was under the
le rship of Mrs, L. A. Scrim -
4e ur of BIyrth, district president.
MA'S, Otto Popp of Dungannon
w'as registrar; •
,Charter member .present were:
:lVll ss . Margaret . King, Auburn.;
Mrs. George ' Sturdy, Auburn;
Mrs. Robert A.MeKenxie;.' Dun
gannan;,, Mrs,, Neil _McDonald,' of
Kintai'l; Mrs. 'Roderick McKenzie,
Kintail •.. Mrs'. h. Ricard, lYlcDpnaldl
:Kintail; Mrs,. Jaynes Michie,.Brut
• seis; ,Mrs, A. 'V. ,Henderson, Got -
•borne. township •Mrs 'J. S. How-
- rie, Goderich;NLary Salk
eld; Goderich.
Mrs. E. Purvis of Strathroy is
'visiting her daughter, • Mrs, Cliff
Roulston. • • ' '
Mrs. Jack. Needham: of .Corunna
motored • up .Tuesday to see.; her
father, Mr. Rod MacDougall, who
has,' been confined to bed as the
a;esult of a=fall -
Mr., Don•'•Macler and son Ron-
ald were,•in, V London last Monday.'
'Mr. George Lockhart.:is driving
a new car
Miss Margaret : MacDonald•'and
brother Graharn came • up from:
London , or the week -end.
Mr Dan .L..MacKinnon'•return-
ed to 'Victo Hospital, . Landon,
last >Mo • - y. ..' e, are •all: hoping
oper•. ion' will•.:be. successful.,
rs. acKinnon• is in "London o
be near`him ..
• Mrs.' 111VfacKa ••-and son An gus
Y g
of : Detroit •spent ` the "'week -end'
with Mr. and.. Mrs 'Ted: Collyer.
r - : and Mrs. '• Fred, „Gilchrist.
and; Mrs. George` Gilchrist atten
dedrthe funeral of a cousin, Mr.
G Gilchrist, in: Owen Sound last'
The Ir ti'tute Meeting; was..' held:,
last W' dnesday at the/ home .of
W. extend' d:our sympathy to'the
family Of ;the late:. George. e Emer
son,. Sr,
Miss Marvi'lle Scott of Toronto
ds' here.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen.; Emerson;
Glenda and: Sharon •o'.
(Alphabetic order)
Grade 8 to Grade 9
Honors: Chirlie Chin, Dennis
I rnberlin, . Helen Irwin, Gladys
Kilpatrick, Marlene MacLennan.
Pass: Arthur "Baker, Lloyd Col-
tins, John' Gammie, Valma How-
ald, Ruth Johnston, Billie -Math-
ers, Kenneth Nicholsori, Bowen
Ross, Clarke Stanley.
Grade, 7 to Grade .8
Honors.. Marjorie Armstrong,
Beverley Ashton, 'Ernie Gibson,
Dale Haldenby, Kenneth ,IVIcN.ay,
B.'db • Mowbray; ` Ronald Nodal,
Jun loss Carolyn Tadkrler; Geo.'
. e s r ' � :a s; Nisar aret Baulch
Valerie Carnegie, ,.Margaret Go.l.;
,lan, Kent Hedley,: Joe . Hawald,
Donna Belle 'Irwin, Edith ;Marsh ,
all Jack Mowbray; ' Jeari Stanley;
Roy Stanley. 'Recommended .con
ditionally; Lloyd .Barkvuell. '.
.John D. Boss;
Grade ,66 to, Grade 7
Honors: Jack Chin; Ann •Craw,
ford,Bob. Gardner,Bruce 'Ham-
iltonKenneth Hodgkinson,.Nancy
Johnston, Marilyn • Kilpatrick,.
Joyce'Little, Ann Petersen, Wilda
.,Reid, • Ruth Treleaven,' Pass: A1-
vin : Baker,. Eunice.: Button; Ruth
_&o ' Ltozella..Ilo ald ,Emb ri r. � .. , yse-
Mowbray, Billie Ritchie,• - Irene:
Roulston,''Roddy Wraith:
Grade 5 .to ' Grade 6
:Honors Steve Carnegie; -Billie
Fisher, Donna Johnston, Billie:
Kennedy, TorniinyPritchard. Pass:
Reyta Collins, : Teddy' Collyer*,:
Roy - •Emberlin, : Bobby Gilchrist,
George Rabkirk; ' Dick . Murdie,
Mabel. Stanley; ' ;Ronald,, Tavener,
Elizabeth- ' Webster; Jiinrmne:- Wil
son (*—passed Grades '14 tod 5
this year). •
Ruby'M, 'Webb:'`
Grade �oGrade
t 5`. .
Honors: 'Betty Joan. Armstron .
•y.. €,
Bobbie Irwin, Shirley Irwin; .Ian
Mars•ha11,•Junior •Marshall,. < Jim,
Petersen, • Donald. Reid, 1Vlari'on
Ross, Eldon Wraith; Pass: Eugene
Gardner, Alvin- Hodgins,' Melvin
Hodgins, .Shirley McClure
aid Mowbray:
Grade 3 to Grade 4
.Honors: Alan Chin, Joan, Craw
ford, Jean,, -Mullin, Pauline Rider,
.Douglas:'Schmid, 'Nancy'Webster.
:ass: raser. :Ashton; -.Ere da
Brewer, Betty .If abkirk Arthur
:Ilowald, Jeanne Hunter ;Jack
Kennedy, ' Margaret Re e ' •Lyons.
Passed :} conditionally for, one
Month: Billiel.Rebirisbriv ,Marlene
Stanley,: -Bobbie Struthers, -`Boni.=
aid Valad.
-Helen., M. Hamilton.
spent the -(week -end with ,the for- 4
r•ner's parents, Mr. , and Mrs Sam Grade 1 to Grade 2 ' •
Emerson x : Honors:: Robert : Andrew Karen
Mr.. ' and ` Mrs.' 'Don McCo s h .Carnegie Thorn; Coll er, Denver.
. y
Mary: and . bi•ckie visited 'at :Mr° Dickie, ,Elizabeth. ,Finlayson„
Y ,
Lynn;. Geddes' on the ,Durham on '°
• Forster, James Gardner:
Mrs. Culbert, Eva '."and Lorne
and Mrs.. ` J. : •Colwell ivisited : at
Mr:•,Currie Colweli's on Sunday.
Mr: 'and Mrs: Wilfred Teraleer
ar'ci 'Lowry and Alan 'of :London
spent . last week at, 'Mr. Milton y
• • •,
Mr. and. Mrs, • :Jim` Gossel and
Agnes:' of 'Calif 9 rnia are: visiting
with Mr.' Victor` Cawley,
Donald: Hamilton, Nancy Irwin;.
Allan .,McDougall, June . Purdon,
Patricia'•''•Thovpson: •Pass Paul
Emberlin,Keith Gardner,,.George
Gibson, Lorna: Howald, George
Humphrey, Murray' Hunter, Ken-
Jones, 'Garr MacDonald
Kenneth. MacDonald, A.11an1yloti+v.=
bray,, Margaret Anne' MulT'in,
'Grade 2 • to • Grade .3' .
Honors: Evan Ag.. . Agnew; . James
Mr and Mis. Clifford -Crozier
Joanna, Billie and Roy Maize
visited :Sunday with friends* in
Master Lorne Henry of Pine •
River spent a week with his uncle
and aunt, Mr: and Mrs. Chester'
Finnigan. -
and. -Mrs. Ronald Treleaven
land Linda spent. Sunday evening,
with Mr, and Mrs, Jack' Curran:,
and ' a+mi y. . •
, Congratulations to; ;Sylvia Cur-:
ran and Ruth: Keane ori having
. g:
successfuly paased their entrance
exams: •
Miss Ruth, Curran has return-
eturn-ied •from assisting Mrs. Jim Hun. -
ter • of 'Zion for -three week and
is • now assisting • Mrs. Edwin
;Myers at ° Kingabridge.. •
• Mrs,: Allan•' Pattison and .Dor-
othy of Wingham and ,Mr. Leslie
Deacon of ,Coronach,; Sask,, visit-
ed Monday with Mr. and Mrs,;'
Raymond Finnigan and Mr. and
Mrs.' Chester Finnigan.
Miss Ruth Cook of • Belgrave'
spent a.few, clays the first of the. '
week with. her , sister, Mrs; Jinn.:
-((Intended for Last :Week)
Mr. Cralin Crozier s ent. a• few
days with' his brother Clifford
and -Mrs Crozier and-fam'iT -here
before going' to Cainp Ipperwash.
as an •instruotor for. the .sun-imer,_
1Vir. Jack Curran s; eir' ' last -
.•Monday in' Toronto..
The Crewe W:M.S held a very:
successful • 'special ; . meeting to "
which. other societies. *ere 'irlvit
• ed . 'o :�celeJbrate tle : 25 y, ears of
union.,, Mrs. Raymond Finnigan•
gave the'.., address:' of Welcome and:
Mrs..,.Matt;;,•Shackleton of •: Dun
gannon replied, -Mrs Arnelia Tre
leaiven "gave. a review :of •the
Crewe:W.M.S. since it ewas"organ,
ized 37 e
ze years ago,. 'she being' the
:only : original :and' ;' continuous'
member since' the .Society ` as '
formed 37 years age.: ;Mrs: J. Ben
nett •,rof 'Dungannon gave +a_'. read
i Readin s 'Were re ;
?fig..:.• 8' e: .:also given �:...
by :- Mrs Cecil 'Blake' of °Dungan,
;non and', Mrs. Isaac Cranston of...
• B1akes.: Mrs. Trewartha of ;•Clan
:ton was -:guest'. speaker, giving a.•
;report, on • her ' daughter's :mission'
work in 'the West: Her daughter
;•a•. deaconess; .She also told'
oil.. a
Youn _ People .
g e p and: C G.I:T..:'in: an.i.
around Clinton.and West'er-z On
trio A •daarit .lunch was served
Y, d,
Mrs, ..S J, Kilpatrick•' and Mrs:`
Rev •'bright 'pouring; tea frmn •
silver- tea-• senvnces :
Miss Sylvia Curran spent . the
week -end with he'r.'gran'dmother• '. •f
Mrs.' A Treleaven' wen
Lucknow ' , They: went. .to
Springvale .oto the horne� : of her
daughter, ,'Mrs. Trerrrain, for. the
'summer, •
Miss dwell. Treleaven • and=Bob ;'
b• Hunter `. of ' Lucknow s' en
y p t
Thursday .afternoon at Jack,Cur.
Brewer, 'Franklin 1VTurdie, Ruth
-Ann: NosalGene Powell Gar
Ritchie: Pass: Bruce Baker, Jack •
Button, Marguerite. • MacKenzie,
Caroline Ma"thers Promoted -con-
dition'ally: Laura Breckles, Leona
'Collins, Robert Habkirk .
'Phone 181
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