HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-07-13, Page 4PAGE FOUR r' ,,.iU'CK.NDW SENTINEI,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIQ THURSDAY, JULY 13th, 1950' ."WANT 'AD RATES -1st' insertion 2 cents a amid„' subsequent insertions 1 cent a "word.. Minimum charge. 25 ' cents-Rephies: care. of. The Sentinel 10 cents: extra, Legal advertising 10 cents per count line first,• insertion,; 5 . cents, .per line .Subsequent insertions.. APAR.111VIiENT FOR :RENT ,Aug- LOST : a lame pigeon, blueish- ust, lst Garnnnie•, Apartments grey. Anyone knowing of its whereabouts notify John Dahmer, •• • FOR. SALE -+good Massey -Harris ' Littickn�ow. ' • -' mower.. Apply at Sent nel .Office.^ *CAR FOR SA.:14E-1938 ,Plymouth (Coupe,* neW motor. .George . Ken - FOR SALE',,one high grade. van.: ity in •excellent condition., Apply FOR SALE, — :Lumber, ,timbere, Posts, Slabs; wood, .etc.; reason.... .able firice.s. See us and' save 'SAVE $30.00 on a Beatty, electr:ie washer. Conie in. and see' it. WM. • CARPENTRY WORK of all types, manlier cottages, garages. „Built- in cupboards our specialty. R. A. Thrner, phone ,70-J, Lucknow. ROOFING, EAVETROUGHING Flat roofs repaired, new roofs, .eavetrolighing, spray ' Painting,' etc. Satisfaction guaranteed, Work done'. anywhere. Sylvester Fort- ney R. 2, Mildrnay phone 60-r-15.' , LAWN MOWERS REPAIRER AND SIIARPENED ,For prompt and efficient service see or call L N • HOUSE FOR SALE--eight7rgan house, Sun' porch.;• large garden hit, garage. APply tro Thos. ILL Alton, "Luckriow. FOR SALE — new modern. one - storey •home, immediate .possess - don. Apply to Geo.'•Orvis, Luck - • SCRAP .WANTED — scrap iron, old sacks, horse hair and car,„bat- phone 56-r-5 Luckncm. HOUSE 'FOR SALE--Leight-room wood floors, hard and soft water, mOdern -conveniences: Apply to 'FOR. SALE -2 new 1VICCormick ihayloaders;•ipAced.• at $184.001 1 new MaCi;mtnick W4 Iractor and a. -new McCormick7.Deerfng tor ;spreader: W. G. ANDREW '8E SON. You're:, crazy!. Thousands '...peppy at 170. Ostrei -Tonic Tablets .peP up, bodies lacking. ken. For' rtiri down •feeling Many -men,, Wom'err NeW "get acquainted” • COMI NG . EVENTS I DANCE AT, HOLYROOD HAIL Monday, July 17th, under aus- pices of the Club Girls, Good'. pro - grain starting at 9.00 p,m.. Novel - 'dancing, Lunch' counter. Good orchestra.. Admission50..c • KINLOUG.H Mr. and' Mrs'. Chester Robb of Hainilton are holidaying with his parents; :I tr:, and Mrs. John Robb. '• 'Archdeacon Wm. A; Townshend and °Mrs;. Townshend, Bdbiy and Nancy of. London spent the weelt. and with Mr -.',,and Mrs; Karl ',Boyle.• :Reception For .Newlyweds Mrs. and • Mrs: Clare Sparling• (nee ' :Ethel I]aldenby), were. guests at the Township' Hall. on Friday' evening.. at • a,: reception held in their .honor. A ,most `en joyable `'tiine '°Was•• spent in , dame, ing. after Which refreshments. were served. ' and the , young, couple took • their. places ..on the. Special 'W: 1..Meeting, s•A special Meeting' of the •Wo - mens: Institute will be held in the Town Hall .9h Friday -after-. iiess..411,metribers are requested._ to attend: ' BRAY 'HAS , some dayold and started chicks,' prem.* shipment. yOu want August -September CARD ,OF` -.THANKS now open. in 'the shOp -adjoining . prompt .efficient Seryice in Set-. tees; chairs, :couches,' car seati,, Disabled HOrses;,. COws, Hogs 'at yotit farm Prompt service. Plione collect ;Wingham 61.-J. William :Stone Limited,, Ingersoll, AppliCations for the. pOsitibli of ,aSiesior 'for the Township of Ash7 field Wilt' be received ' by' the: -Undersigned Prior to the evening' Saturday', July 2,2nd, 1950; at 4,11„ 3, LuCknovi. comniunitY Who So kindlY Con- tributed t� the Substantial Purge of Money. which: theY presented •usi to. please aCcept our, sincere :Gloria. and Weis :PearsOn: would like ,to thank all, guise .who rekembered me .M so many 'Ways during my Illness at •home and in the hospital. Such thotight • fuhiess and good wishes 'certain- ly are appreciated and help Mitch. Signed en behalf of the ethn- Sincerely, Mrs. Fred McQuillin., Mr. 'and Mrs. Harold ;Ritchie to sincerely thank all those., ,who .,Were sb.. kind, considerate '.their three little girls of Dayton, and ..iyinPathetie 'at the • time .qf ,Mr. and Mrs. P.:4. Murray and Mrs. 'Catharine Hewitt is with thanks to Mr. and Mrs. 'Stuart.. her daughter, Mrs,. George Gra- leollyer for their .helpfulriess. ham.' •Mrs. 'Hewitt has not been enjoying the best of' health 9f late, but we. all.',jOin in,. Wishing her irnproved health.. • happy birthdays, Miss Mary MacMillan visited, during the week with Miss Mar- garet Murray.. The 5r.. Women's Auxiliary will. meet on Thursday afternOOrr at the home of Mrs. Karl •Boyle. The word for :.the roll call is "Faith". ,Scripture, ' Mrs. • Tom Hodgins„ This will be a work meeting.,,Con- •veners; • Mr -s, Ed ,Schaeffer _and Mrs. 'Wm Wall. 1\41:. and Mrs; W. Lloyd, Doris arid Ivan of „..ondon spent the week -end With relatives.hisre., , Mr, and Mrs. Walter Nicholson, Nbrrnan:. and Helen visited on Sunday . with Mr: and Mrs. Bert. Nicholson , ,` Mx Dick "Neil of:: Clandeboye, Mr, . and: Mrs. Irlvring Neil and: daughter; Marguerite oaf `Chauvin, A1bertht.,y'iSited on. Monday • with Misses..Edna .and : May` There will be no . service 'or Sunday School . iri: the , Anglican Church " for • the next two :Sun days • as the Rev. 'Ralph Blight will be on holidays.. The service on . July 36th Will be as usual, at : 9.30 a.m: THE• TAX RATE in Listowel has j untyped .6 . mills to a 58='mill, levy.. B. CLELAND yETERIN'ARIAN:' Havelock St;, south of Supertest••Garage LJ•.CK'NO•W Telephone 175 'TAX ,4,,ERVICE all arrictii; P.F. raorfmeti n a 1 For The., .Office in Kilpatrick BloCk "'Phone 23-w F..:6T% ARMSTRONG • 'IN' LUCKNOW WM. SCIIMID'S:•STOItE gnews' Agency IloWard Agnew Jos. Agnew MEMBER ,OF 'Ontario' Insurance, Agents' Association' Established OVer 30 Years Ago Business 39 Residence 138 Insure In 'Sure Insurance' . Western Fartners' Weather FIRE RoBERT Repair§ tO, all makes Of cars - COCKSH UTT FARM IMPLEMENTS • . and` Repairs' 'Phone 53,.Dungannon fr NOTICE TO CREDITORS • IN THE MATTER, Of the Estate Village of litickfioW in the Coun- ty of Bruce, ,Retired ,Fa de-• ceased. ' • NOTICE IS HER „GIVEN 'that all Persons' haVing any claim ` against the tEState of , the said Donald, `-Finlaysonwhol- Lucknow, Ont:, on er .about the' third day of June, A.D. 1950. arp required to tile them; dulY .ver1- istrator .befOre. the 22nd AND NOTICE •IS FURTHER' giyeti that ,after the Said date the adinfnistrator will proceed. to. distribute the said estate afnong the 'persona entitled therete and he will not 'be responsible for the said assets br any.Part there- of to, anyone of whose claini he shall not then have reeeived 'not - Dated at Lucknow, Ont., •this P. • munity, Alex Percy, Grant Eck- INSURAIKE FIRE, CASUALTyi... Insure With. jack 'Today.. • McDONAGH 'Phone' 614, Dungannon]: I.NSURANC Co-operative Life Insurance CoOperative Automobile Insurance Mercantile :& Farm Fire Insurance ' Economical and • Reliable 5'ee CAMERON'. against the, estate of RUSSELL C. ROBERTSON, late 'of ,the Vill- -,Of Brucerwho--4ied-on or about are notified to •send to the .under- signed on or before the fifteenth day of Suly, AJD. 1950; lull par- ticulars of their claims., in ',writ-, Mg. Immedidtely after the said lptivrday of July..the,assets-of the Said .testator will! be .distributecl amongst the' -.parties' , entitled thereto, having, regird only, to* claims • of whiCh . the „executor . Dated this 24th day of June, . „Crawford & Hetherington, •• : Solicitors fOr the Executors; to. Mrs.' John Cox Who on Sunday last,. July '9th, celebrated her 96th birthday. Mrs,.. Cox is wonderful - years, .EVeryone joinS in Wishing?. the grand old Jady, Many' ,rnore LUCKNOW 'Phone 70-r-10 Dungannon ' BarriSter .and Solicitor, •,LUCKNOWr ONTARIO Stat mutoat Atitciimiobile Office in the Joynt Block ASSURES, YOU,' • LOW RATES with ••protectionwin,a,'high . category. Inyeitigate Before You Invest Office 135 Residence11 . tat acKenzie BArrister, and Solicitor EXT. maim/est-7 Each Wednesday NOW.IS THE TIME SucceSsful Music Students • 'Ilwo Grade IV piano students of Mrs. _C. Shacldick have,,suc- cessfulli passed their Toronto Norma- 1V4urray with a , Mark of 80 obtained first class, honors and Carol Gardner obtained' honors DeeP Well and Shallow', Weil Fillips' sold and installed:, ', AIR CONDITIONING • Art Gilmore R. S. Hethirington, IN LUCKNOW . Each Monday and Wednesday Offiee 48 Residence 97 .-Threih'ing Machine Roller Bearing. CoMplete ' 'phone. 364713 Teeswater 'Phone 61-r-13, bungannon