HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-07-13, Page 1' $2,50 Yearly In Advance 50c Irq :' .. ,.....` � 1 fir'"•!A!! lS.t . 0 *••x • 4• Extra • t H,S:A,' BRIDE FETED AT NUPTIAL EVENTS . Prior to her marriage on Sat- • urday Miss. Louise Campbell was honored at a -number of pleasant, pre-nupti,a•1 .:gatherings, ' On June 10th, eleven eQuples: .. entertained at ,a surprise• party at "The •Highland , Galt,: Swher°e,the young couple..were presented with' a silver••�rose„4owl • On June 22nd 1frs' M: S , Sigh- erland land,' .Miss' Bessie Gorden entertained' at' ''a' ..,miscellaneous sito'wer, and' on 'June ,27th: Mrs Jack .Wendland : and 1Vlrs. Fred' Karinapin e'ntertained' at a s'i'n alar event. On. July; 5th friends and neigh- bors ei h-. bors gathered at the h • ghome of her parents,. Mr,. and Mrs. Cyril 'Campbell, rand presented.., the bride -elect ' with a • mirror, end table and vase. The following ad;- dress , was read; byMiss °Berna ^.dean Alton, .Lu :1E00W • nt., n O. ., July 5'S0, Dear 'Louise; We, voi)r friends and ' nei ;hors, having, 'heard, oft.your ap= preaching marriage, .have gath. ered here this: evening to meet you ;and to, ektend to you' and :your husband,, our. • very .:best. Wishes • for a; happy :married' life. We' have missed you; • the. past few .:'years during •w'hch; time your work : has taken you' : away. from : 'our:. .Y communit , but we. haven',,: forgotten 'you:. : .We:• hope.' that you `. andtour y husband will come ; back • •, froin. time to time and thatwe shall have, the opportunity'of meeting both of :you. We 'shall airway's rernernber You • as one of the,:?girl's •of' Hackett chinch h •.and. Sunda S y. Schaal,. and; hope that you .Will find' many true:' friends' in your new church ;home; May God's richest blessing rest upon You. both :throughout. ,your 'married `life: =•Signed on behalf of your • :Friends `:'here, Donalda•,: Ritchie, Bernadean'••Alton, 'Elmira Alton. • LUCKNOW, ONTARIO,• THURSDAY, JULY 13th; 1950.. ATTENDS: SISTERS, FUNERAL IN DETROIT ONNIONDyY The'death of Mrs. Alex Leitch occurred in Detroit on Saturday after° .a lengthy illness. She was, formerly' Agnes Thom, "daughter of -the late Wm, Thorn arid Mar=. ion Craig, pioneer. • residents of West ,"Wawanosh ,Township:.,*,: • Mrs. Leitch ' was.' one . of a;•faint ily of nine children, Her brother; Erwar"d Thom of St. Helens, ns is the.. only• ,,surviving-'�rnenmber • of thrs' family;• Mrs.Zreitch, s • husband puede ceasedn,; her.•.. •, , a timber � �of'-ygars• ago:, She” is• survived by one son William-' and a .daughter, • M<rs. James Bowden, both of Detroit. • The funeral service was held in Detroit ,on Monday. ` Mr, and 1Vrrs,' E, J: Thom and Mrs. Charles Cooke of ' tow *ere' in attend ance,: :RETIRES- AFTER 42 ' YEARS . , IN TEACHXIITG PROFESSION ... Members,: of, Kirkland.' Lake Hirg-h-rand Vocational achocr1-at: paid tribute to Miss W. Di Ruth, erford •who retired this termfol-, low:i-i 42% years in the teaching'' h g Y c ing• Profession,; the past. 20 spent in • Kirkland Lake., • • Born: at St Helens, Miss Ruth- erford :graduated :from, Goderich high School, an'd the. College -of Education in ,Toronto. Her teach ing ;career started, at Southam p I? ton High School., Her next move was .'westward. She sp ent two' years in Alberta teaching history • 'and :geography,,,. in _ an. Edmonton. , high•'school.. • Retur'ning east, she .;taught •at• high r schools in 'Fel gus Mitchell and Timmins before` . going Kirkland Lake. • KINLOUG H •.LAD N I N ETY=S I'X' 4 Mrs. ' John Cox, Kirilough's grand ,old .lady, was honored. on: Monday evening, it being the oc : a :.v •' IPPE' ` WASH;' CADET 'CAMP .' Seven. `students of Luckri•ow. High . School,taking'. . are :: takg '. a 'sax- Weeks' course ;at''the... cadet 'camp ' at • Ipperwfash, They left by 'train.. `last Thursday' Morning. The group includes Donald, 'Sten art, - Bruce: •e ;Johnston Geon Anderson,: Mur ray McDonagh, Carl • Stanley, Donald Smith and ClaY ton:. ;Hod- gins. THAT Mrs :.. Harvey . Ackert, of Tiverton and formerly of,Luck- _ •'now,. recently, suffereda frac; tured ankle, e members ,of.h r family and..rela..• tinesg ' athered -at . the home• of Mr. and Mrs... Maurice:Hodgins to -mark this memorable event. % A bi thdaYcake bearing 96 candles was' lightedd by. her .great grandchildren, • Billy ;and Bobby Scott, Ellwood 'Hodgins: and Elroy :and.' Calvin Sieloff, . and. • two nieces, ::Marilyn! and Carol •Boyle,,' after 'which • all joined in singing. 'liappyN ;Birthda•y to :You" Mrs. Cox received many gifts' and tokens : of good ' wishes . for which she made .a .fitting reply •. shment ' I�aint'y refre s..were served by the hostess„.assisted .by .Nies: 1' `SEE : BY THE SENTINEL'.. THAT the weather finally • settled the latter'' part of the week and since then -the farmers have really "been making ,hay".• ' THAT 'tenders 'tenders have been called for.'' the.grading of five :miles 'of Highway 86, east of Luck- ' now, to, prepare the road for a permanent surface: Survey- ing work, is.underway at, prey. ent. o THAT a reception was held in the • Recreational ',Centre :ori •. Friday evening -in honor-of"Mr: • and Mrs;, Gordon 1V1icQuillin: - - . • 0— THAT. San Durnin•"made" , the • front page in :last Wednesday's Free press: ,He • was pictured, • with ;a group of'. oldsters at the °•', Mitchell : reunion, =o— THAT Fred , u .Bur ton,; Who forrriei*� ly : was employed ' in the Cain. House,' called in town' Nast • Thursday Fred -lives• in Ham Iltori where heis employed in the .Westinghouse ': plant • M1 BROTHER OF MRS. 11 RITCHIE: LIED 1N.•HIS 25th: YEAR Mrs. Harold :Ritchie of,• town was sadly bereaved last, week by the death 'of her brother •Owen Fanson, Who _ passed away • in Victoria, • Hospital on 'Tuesday, July 4th. ' . ; • He was only 24 . years of age' but had• been "Seriously 411• for some time, ,and it, Was known that his re •cove y. was 'impossible. _His: illness, however, had not 'kept 'him, bedfast; .except when.: he suf .•%rel spells of 'unconsciousness.; He was removed.lo Victoria pital•last Week when. cone of these attacks, occurred and he passed. away within a feW. hours. He was .a youthful, veteran of World Wail', and 'was born and raised in London. He -.is survived :by., his young -widow and a two year -.old daughter •Jane, ;Surviv- °ing: also,are his parents,. Mr. and, Mrs. • W. F. Fansoii,` four, sisters,: Mrs.. Harold ,:Ritchie (Muriel) of; • Luckno�w; Mrs. Arthur 'Brighton (Jean). of London, ,Frances' and June and one brother • Robert, all o 'on • on,, • Both; Frances ,and June 'Have, • been. •iblind , since in- fancy. e• -The funeral. service was held at the Needham, Funeral Chapel,• 'London, . on 'Friday, conducted by Rev. J W.• Hunt of Wellington St. 'United Church, assisted by the Rev C Hussar of'Hyatt:Ave. United Church. Interment• wag in Mount' Pleasant:' Cernetery, the :pallbearers. being Harold Ritchie; Norman Ball, Art Brighton, Joe. `Howe, Fred Guiesch., James ,Rus - ll se THAT on Tuesday of .' last week Mrs:. Ross;;Gamariie. entertained a numsber of. girl `friends•= at : a tea in honor, of her sister, Miss Louise :. Campbell, whose '`par.- riage tool,; place ',on Saturday., , • THAT Montgomery Motors has recently: made; delivery Of new Fords ' to;' Wellington .Henderson and .Dick 'West , o^ THAT •Zion` L.O.L. • attended div- • ° ane, worship in Zion Church' on Siinda�y eivening The local 'iodg •was augmented by visit- ing • brethren for, a parade of Over '80-Mernlbers. of the • Order. The church'Was : filled- for .the occasion and :the congregation heard a`timely' sermon .by ,1}r.:: W.: J. 'Mumford. In the morning several district.Orangemen took. part in: 'a, County parade to the Anglican Church, Kincardine.: . THAT. Mrs. D. C. Taylor,,who has been,, a patient in ; Winglram Hospital: ` for more • than • three months since siifferir g a. fract-. , ured lilt,`' is �gadually .improv-, Rudy ,Sieloff. All enjoyed a social• BARGAINS in:men s ,and .(boys chat , frig. after vrhich, Mrs:' •William sumrner•'clothin Wand vrrork cloth- Coy: 'expressed ' her-gratitude.:to g Ing. • THE •M 4RKET•'STORE . ' those who arranged' the. party, 111:440:.Tax. Rate:: ,For 19 50 19d0 ASSESSMENT •$611;608.0,0 1950 Mill Rate Amount ' 1949 _ 1950. ,, .. Expenditures •. ; 1949, •1950, • • .. ... , P , County<'lev `"50.56.50. . 10.0 8,3 $ .5319.88 • $ , 076.35 Y $ ''7077,04 13.0 11:6` 6916:55 • * .7094:64 • Sichoal levy"...,... • • .. • . • 23,0 19.9: $1226,43 $12170,99 . , .. $12133.54,.. � General Rate Village , reivy 8777.00 17.1 Public Library 46950. .9 -Relief &• Indigent• ,.,i ,`1200,04 • 2:0 Street • Lighting: . 2074,00 3.1 Debenture ' 987.36' 1.9. 11350786' 25,0 23,1 .'9357.66.... : � _90964 •$ 1.5,3 $ , .8 478,79 489.26 2.0 • 1063.p8," 1233.00 3.4 1649.'15 2079.46 1.6 '1010,1,7 ; 978.57 3299..08 $14137.95 Total .Tale ' Rate • 4 4$,0 4'3;0 5 Mills Reduction . General Rate 13 Milis • 1,1;137;95 c ,13,507:86• 1,).50 •Rant: Estimates .:,:.. • „ .. r.. ▪ .,tri,. 'lJ c?0 4JJ Budgeted Surplus and Rcservxe ;r • c • At th the• : ear • Council: hitch, vied 'for a 'reduction' e start of year,: , , •of. 1,6 mill .•.i the ' Rate . and .;a' Sur plus of .,$600.00. mills...in the. General oug t. this:. objective with . a. . •... li�ou ' h' Council:` ^ r Meet , . . _ l?pears as t g � s reduction of .1...9 ills in ..the ' General Rat and ::a •, Surplus or • gmbove.. Re'scrve' for contingencies of $630.00, as • shown a • .( , o— THAT. -'Rev.' W. J: Li11.co,. Meth- odist . chaplain at the '' Mayo. C1i'nic, was called on to, lead in • player by Dr. .W..J. 'Muamford at' the morning service in the United •Church.• Allan Stewart was soloist wits; Mrs. Crispin at: the organa in the' ' aibsence of Wilfred Black. THAT 'there, tare four unclaimed license plates at The Sentinel Office—C'58971, 67670T, S 8953, 8.70410. o- THAT'wthe Week -":end feature at The; P1.ayhoiise• "So:. Dear: ' To y Heart is rated .as an out . standing 'picture. "A Date with Judy"' at the first of the 'Week promises to .be: equally 'inter= esting. THAT wthe Township af' A.shfield is ' :advertising for an assess r .'due eta the fact that James u1-•. bell is not enjoying the best of :health, and is .unable to accept the appointment made 'earlier in the year. o� THAT Mr.r:and. Mrs. Harvey Hall gild John left on Wednesday by motor for Trail, D.C., where they plan t� ma `e their ;home.. (Continued::, on page .8) r•, SISTERS FROM' OLD •LAND •MEE.T IN HAPPY REUNION EIGHT `PAGES. DIED TRAPPED IN FLAMING CAB Jim Godfrey,' 25=year-old Ajax truck driver, died `in' the .:flaming cab of his transport truck about • o'clock Friday afternoon; following "•ar accident on -•No., 2: Highway :about five'. miles, east of Morrisburg in the Cornwall trict. . Hisr t agic and, untimely cieath:• , leaves "'bereaved his ' y o u n g widow • formerly Donna. McCall.:ney' sof, ,Lucknow l� and, three child- . reri,' child—Janice,:, ',Murrayand John the eldest being five years of age .andthe youngest nearing two- :years.. two'years.. Mrs:. _Godfrey is' 22• years; :of age:She: is• a daughter of Mr, "and Mrs: Art McCartney ,of Ajax,' and formerly of Lucknow,• and • is ' a :granddaughter,: of 'Mr. and • Mrs..: R. T. Douglas. • Jim was employed by the Mc a Callum Transport' Company - of..,.. Oshawa: and was enroute' to the: Quebec border with•''a transport -loaded-with--two--three-ton-trucks .and ':a .half -ton: panel truck. The transport was, in ..collision with •a truck loaded :with`"' 20 tons, of steel, and .'crashed into the ditch. • One of the'three-ton trucks :drop- ped ;on top of the cab of• Jim's', transport ;and trapped ' his there. The oalb caughit: fire',.alinost. im,. mediately' and it . was'. impossible. to get near ' the truck . Dr; John D ' 1Vi';ac onal :'a-" i,o .s Angeles doc:- . tor, '�enroute to Toronto•. was the'. first ' person on the scene but could not get within. 30 feet ,of ': the blazing cab. To Frank Jrm,. McCallurini ' s• em . nloyer; fell the difficult 'task .of', informing Mrs.' Godfrey ..of the traedg• g. Y � .. :The funeral service . was held •. part : the • McIntosh Funeral: Home in Oshawa••on Monday afternoon.. Mr.. and. ` Mrs. Gordon Davidson, (nee. Donalda '.Douglas)' of Whig - .attended: ham the, funeral: Visitors ' here . this', week' • were .Mr..`and• •Mrs. James -Burns` ands • Pameland Marjorie •Bro : � = M, ] wns word, ' of Ingersoll and Mr. 'and rs: .Mee:and .M Fred Linda -of Fred Mor-. ristown,. New`.Jersey.: i ' The three girls are natives oft England., At th close ,of World War II .Mr..and Mrs.' Bu�ns and her'. young sister` Marjor •e' 'c cattle young J am. t•9u-e a `hci Jim took'.a telegraphist course” at the local depot, and has since.,.been a railway employee. Mrs. Mee came ' to, the United States two years ago to make her home in, pew Jersey, and this : is the first opportunity the .:three` •; sisters have had of getting tofgether. • • • Mrs. Burns and Marjorie. have•. long • since. •corne 'to. regard., dam ada •as home and • Mrs •;Mee; :is 'equally pleased .with her land of. adoption,` and is greatly impress ed by the freedom: and opportun ' ity' offered by 'these , two, . good - neighbor " countries. EXTEND, IMPROVE BELL SERVICE Telephone service in 'Lucknow and the... surrounding :rural.'. ;area RETIRES AFTER .47 --YEARS . OF RAILROAD SERVICE Mr. 'and Mrs.: Jhn o • or M � o e, of Duluth are visiting. at Lochalsh with`Mr. and Mrs. D. F. MacKen- Mrs. Moore wias formerly '1 Isobel MacKenzie, • This Past 'spring Mr: Moore re _ g tired :' after 47 ';years', service as a' locomotive' :engineeron the Soo: • run... He• is a •native of Lucknow ;• and was in the Village,this Week enquiring about 'what few school- :mates •.and friends still reside m the. old 'home, town.• IVIr. Moore' was sen of'the'late Patrick .Mooreof Lucknow who '• was •.em to ed ; a . • one . time -in • P Y t Mitchell's 'mill. John, himself, also spent a. couple of. seasons' :in this mill before leaving ;here in 1900 for. Calix' est, ' where..he spent a `• �.. sort . ti e• h before�•�•' • cin • t , going o• Duluth.'' will lbe;:considerably improved asi• , a rent,, of° •the extensive . con- FORMER RECTOR structiiMprogram,•undertaken by' • the,' Bell Telephone `eomripany • in NAMED CANON this locality, D, A. McArthur, the Aten: r a , ec tmet~ting'. of the ' Synod of the 'Diocese of Nova Scotia, 'Rev. C. W: Saunders of the „parish of Stewiack, ' Nova Scotia,, was appointed Canon of A11 Saints Cathedral in. Halifax. The appointment became ' effect:- iveat the end of May. Saunders_, was rector uat. . cknoNirand St, Helens iron`' 1905 to 1910, and two years ago this summer attended the Bruce County Reunion to .'renew ac- quaintances, with ' former'pari$n:- •,loners' and friends: Rev. Saunders is now 'recto` of .St, • James•s Chureh of England '• ir, Shudenacadie,. and on •Su.indav; June 1 1 t • celebrated the 47th an- •nivelsary of his ordination to the riesthocicl with the observance p , c company's. manager .`for this re- gion,-said-this weekw .:- The • project, .designed to pro Vide better telephone service Eby ;brinnging relief-", to overloaded liners, involves the installation of cables : and wire :and •the erection of some 280 • telephone ;poles: • When the program is completed_, soiriietiine this fall, `alrnos ' n 200, miles of wire, in groups' ofhun- dreds:. to• form a :cable, will have been installed. Bell • Telephone crews 'are laying large Sections Of the cable underground".` where it will be. protected from the damag- ing effects :of rain, .wind,' sleet, and .snow storms,, Tlie cables, connecting `'with, smaller cables arid wires •branch out throug'hout the Lucknow exchange area, ;are `terminated at the central office. There, the con- nection is 'made "betweenout side"„facilities•, and, the central office, equipment, thus providing more .lines and:.bettor service to subscribers: • 'of tl e••Holy Eucharist; • Rev: Saunders is the ofde:-1 active Anglican priest in the: Diocese of Nova Scotia' and his' recent appointment as Canon was : , recognition of ' his, long' and, devoted service to his church, ' • ,, :• . :,> h'. •