HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-07-06, Page 104 q. '1'AGB MORT' I,UCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, QNTARIQ TI•llt,TSSD,A,Y, .JULY 6th, I95Q 6 Martha ".Washington resses • Smartly Styled For, That .Dress -Up Look Stripes,;Floral• Patterns, light' and 'dar'k grounds• Misses sizes 12-20: Ladies -36-44. FOR: THOSE, WHO SEW . • r to i ,.. • dark own.d seine with border; for • Broadc, .ths n dark gr. r.. , the new• Fall ' Skirt., • ' GINGHAM, S►. CHAIVIBRRAYS, CORDUROY VELVET; t ' CLAN TARTANS. • Boy's' Diamond Brand Blue Jeans, sanfor'ized shrunk. Girls *Riderette. Blue Jeans; sanfornzed shrunk empleton . .: BORN .• CUIVITNG in Winghant General • Hospital onTuesday, July 4th, 'to Mr. and IVIrs. Hugh Cunning; a Sen: cKINNON in' Wingharn. Gen- eral:: • Hospital on 'Sunday, ' July :2,nd, to Mr; and Mrs. Donald Mc- IXiiinon of':Lucknow, a. son. 3ILEFFER - In. Winghaan General. 13ospital , on. Sunciay, ,June :13th, to. SMr:and 'Mrs.Oscar'Kieffer, R 1:, Winghaan, a son:. • :Was Secretary'•Qver .31) Years +. •. The late Robert''Nelson • whose .death: occurred on June 18th, was a member of the Canadian Order. of Forsters ,since he' was a youth - of eighteen and for more: • than, 30:•year's sentvled as'.seeretary. 'In. last week's, obituary, omission was Made of the fact',that during the •service '. Mrs 'Robert 'Scott sang:very beautifully, "Saved : by, Grace". The . many lovely '.floral; tribues . were ' borne by. Duncan,' Bill and .Douglas Farrish, Alvin Gliders and ' Grant Farrish. loliday o Suggestions Weitoh's Toasted Cocoanut Mallows Special! •Lb 35c I owireys Canniflie '1 ikto 9 oz. pek& Horsey Grapefruit and Orange Juice 48: oz. tin 49c 1Vfonarch Ready Cake 1%./ ix ^ • Chocolate or white Tekg Aylmer Pitted Pie Cherries` 15 oz: tin 29c *Aylmer :Fancy Strawberries 15 •oz: tin 32c Welch's Pure Grape Juice 16 oz, bottle ................... 27c 32 oz. bottle .. ,..........:.... 50c MPSI "The Store. of Friendly Servile" . , Phone 82 We Deliver Ce_.)671Z TRADE MARK t EG. belongs in your ice box FORWARD $894.11 TO FLOOD RELIEF FUND At'the;first 'of the week a check for: • $894.11 .was forwarded by Reeve J.!. C:. McNab to .:the Win. nipeg Flood.Relief ` Fund,:. rep resenting the donations .made: up to*, the ''''week -end by citizens 'and organizations ::in Lucknow . and surrounding. rural district. 1 SEE: BY THE jl SENTINEL THAT the • Lueknow Pipe Sand was one of eight .bands. taking part in. the : annual July 1st, Scottish :.celebration at Embro. While the local. band•didn't'fig- , ure, in the prize winners, they did, -make. a very creditable' showing. The Band was in, Lon don -on. Monday, THAT a,at. the end of the week Harold Greer, Bait '•Thompson, Lloyd Hall and Bill Sproul had ,reachecl Vancouver, A letter •dated,'June30th•,,said .they were, going ;through :Ole .Mountains andtowering.-redwood..forests of... Or egbn. 'In Los Angeles` they ;called 'on "Kathleen ' Gardner",,' :forliierly of .Zion: The `weather., `.` had been hot with temperatures ;tip to 100 degrees., ' . ' o-. THAT Joe Whitby, Sa , recently "underwent • an • operation : in Westminster ,Hospital; .London., His condition°caused much con- cern for a. time; but he is now ,,;off, the "seriously , `fse ., iously ill" • ° - Shut , the•school books , , , . Open un the camp .trunk School's out, Summer's here and there are two whole months.: :ahead of sunning, , swimming and having fun! ' Twg Months,, Too, of Holiday Clothes orbs T -Shirts,. $ :wdresses,: Slacks. and. Sunsu&ts,,;.Casu d Sh. -colorful, practical. 'to. eery ready at AshYhton's for all, ages from 1 to. ' 16 in bath boys and .girls, , No, We Haven'fi Forgotten .:g.o: or otten . her!` '• , ... ; � t. Sundresses,. sizes 12 to :46 • from,., $2,98. up. • , Slacks, Shorts, T -Shirts, J 'ans, sizes up to, 44. NEW;DRESSESIN •THIS°. WEEK This summer- enjoy Your vacation and "relax in cool, comfortable clothing.- < t Monts TOT -TO -TEEN and. LADIES' WEAR 'Phone 89-w Lucknow, .Ontario '�I11;14IIIIIIII�.f!!III'!!;!Hliil!IllllllllllllN!p.111IIIIIIIIII�Illlll!IIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIhili;�ihIh ld IJI f �,IilI iiI , tlfph(bliillNlhht�Nll1�111i�f 111;llMllblll+hlll,ial!Iulhitllll ll;,111Ifl !,riu' . THAT angle •parking. 'stalls are being .painted on Maui Street E. this ;week.'.. A ' similar parking plan_proved very 'satisfactory ,last year. • • •THAT while: Mr, and Mrs. Gorr_ don Steward and :'son Bruce were visiting here at ,the week • end,. Mrs. Steward received the sad and shocking news that.her € • ?3 -Year -c44,,. (brother -Anthony Zete, had•i.een killed' in 'a car ' accident.. They, left rrnmeditely • for Ottawa. He was one :of ; three 'nernbers of the Ottawa inter ,mediate•softball team who were killed when the .: car in which The: following 'donations: receiv '' they . were . returning from . an ed during the week include; *as "et'hnbition.'rgame, crashed into will be noted,' the' sum: of $68.50 ` a C.N.R: • train near Ottawa; •- from the Chamber.. of Commerce. This is •"part of, the,. proceeds, . of the (bingo .and dance held : 'a few, weeks ago.` :In addition $75.00 from •' this .night was sent by , the. Lucknow Branch of the Canadian Legion, ' direct to Legion head- quarters uarters or therehabilitation of service men in the flooded areas. The' :following donations boost the total to'$899.11, ,all :but $5.00 'of which'has 'already been for- warded: Richard . T Kilpatrick $ 5.00`' George :Alton' 2.00 Anonynmus . 2.00. Mrs Leitha Morrison 2.00 Robert Rae 'r. 10.00. Lucknow and ,District • Chamber of ,Commerce 68:50' Ada. Webster 5:00 In forwarding 'the remittance Reeve,'iMcNab'' rwrote in part as follows: • "I ani pleased to: f or*ard this me/ley from these contributors. of Lucknow and District, , and, on behalf of the citizens of the Vill- age of Luckzlow . and this .district, I :extend our :sincere regret's - •that you should have; • suffered such a ;flood •, catastrophe, but we sin. cerely hope that : you will:' reach your objective and experience rapid, and t complete rehaiiilta�, tion','. • THAT • Betty Bell Mathers, dau ghter of•, Mr and Mrs. Jammy blathers ,of • town .was ;4 years old on :Saturday, July 1st. On Friday she: hada party, for a nuanber of little friends to • mark the event.. THAT • Alex Wolfe . of Selkirk has been appointed' game'and fish=: eries ' supervisor for ..;parts : of Bruce and Huron.: Counties, Suc- ceeding Les Petter who recent- ly resigned:" THARI' 'Ba�b" BarkWell . of Olivet ° has purchased • a neiw ten -foot self-9to,pellett. combine with .all the attachments. • THAT Dr. rand , •Mrs. W. .V. jOhn- ' •stoic ` returned last :W"ednesday, froin a motor trip to the ";'Mari-' : tilnes where the Doctor attend- : ed..the 81st annual 'meeting of • the 'Canadian Medical, •Asspcia- tion; "i which :was held in .Half-• fax.:' He was re-elected! • •a,'` dlr- .' ector of the Association. THAT: Panzie. Champion; nurse.- in -training' at :; the Canadian Mothercraft Hospital, Toronto, received ;her cap on Thursday, • June 15th.Her parents, Mr. and THAT Di• Reg Allen of ,Ohesley j Mrs.' John Champion of Logi- has succeeded Dr. G. W. O "don; aittended .the capping cere- hiony." • ". Moss as directok 'of , the Bruce County Health .'Unit.: Dr. Mos has: gone to 'Leaside as assist MA -director of the' East York Unit In Bruce, .E. , J.' Williams of Toronto has . been appointed a sanitary inspector . increasing the Unit's inspection ..Staff to 'three . members: Fashion -Wise Women Depend On SLEEK, SHEER `"PENCIL, SEAM'' NOW IN: STOCK AT Now that Summer is here and vacations are tarting, be''.sure. to ' • 'CHECK YOUR� CLOTH ING NEEDS .�is la of See our ..lovely d p y .$O P �Rt SHIRTS..., in Nylon, Gabardine:Or Angel Skin.• rlsoa':; /. `• SHADES ` •SPORT~ TROUSERS IN ALL.; �. Webste _ adleSandMens. Wear. Phone8 Lucknow,O nt. : 771IGIIiIINIBII111UpIINnI • INtl1mINNUNNppI1lNIIp1NN1 1pINIINNIIU ( 1INTI NIpi linin ja ,; • or {'Summer. en's `Boys! aid' Children's Sizes Goodrich and Fleet "Foot` OutingwasCa ' � Shoesn• l We. have a- complete.fstock of these. lines for Msummer'weari for every •inember of the family THAT ,weather r, conditions on Sunday .forced: the cancellation of The ' zone d ithrihead service at Mitchell., Several:; carloads of Lucknow Legion members ac- cainpanied . by •the High' School Band had planned' to ''attend. THAT more than 20 pheasants :have been..hatched from the egg settings., recently obtained by the • local ;'Fish, and Game; Pro- tective Association.. ' Another couple` °of dozen eggs' will, be" T,HIAT. a 'lot of people seem to have lost their eye glasses. We had a pair 'advertised' last week • ''and• there were three replies,• • But, 'we .still have; 'the glasses, as none of the three• owned the pair that was found, :_ ummer and Spring erc arndise