HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-07-06, Page 9RspArX, JULY. 8tla, 195Q . WEDDING.. BELLS • ,LiNLEY.--$N,ID11R A wedding • of interest took place. on. June 23rd at Greenville,. south- - Carolina, • when, ' • Grace Evelyn Synder of Detroit, Aitch'., daughter of Mrs,' Josephine - Cain-, eron of ' Belgrave,• Ort,; and. the . late 'Kenneth' Cameron of .Luck- nog was united • in marriage, to, George Albert. L,inley, eldest son •of 'Mr," and. Mrs. -Albert Linley,, Ferndale, -1 fidh, and formerly of Meridan,. Connecticut,' The cere- mony .was performed iby Rev.: G. .A, Gullick; The attendants 'Were' ,'friends 'of, the groom, The bride looked •smart' in' .a navy gabardine suit, pink. ,.hat and 1 'blouse `ofr nylon sheer,..poyes. and naive accessories. She :wore tt corsage of • ;pink '•oar. na'tiors; and gar"denies, :They ieft:.iinrnediately ,Y on a ;.trip ;through tt;he Southern ' I;tates going as far as 'Atlanta, Georgia', 'Por travelling therbride donned a grey suit of; gabardine, • yellow .hat and blouse with . black accessories. Mr; Ltpley is a• graduate of the Detroit College ,of . Engineering and isoehrployed. ;as •service marl.= ager, for a prominent television distributor.:'.On'..;their '.return: Mrs.,. 'end 1VIrs. Linley will 'ibe .at• hom their eir 'friends at.71 West Euclid Ave. TI=IB LITCKlOO : .INEL, , LOCNKNOW,. ONTARIQ PAGE NINE WAWANOSH ARfA .I HELD 'FIELD DAY. The second . ani I,.field, day of the , West •Wawanesh schools was held on Junc, 9th at: ;School See- tibr No. 2, A long. list of events was keenly contested ''by .;pupils from" Schools No. 1,, St.- August fine, No: 2,- No, 3, No. 4 St; Hel- 'ens, 'No. 12 Fordyce' •and -No. '.17:. First, second and third prizes as well ,as ribbons Wereiven •in eachg event. by the'School Senior, ,gir1,champion,, Isabel;Ie MacPherson and.'Wilma Chesbro, (stied); runner-up, Joyce' Robin on: ,onior boy, champion.,. Doug las •Nesbitt, 'runner-up Ken 'Cald, .Well. Intet-rnediate girl chanj ion. p , Evelyn. Smite runner..up, Donna: Wdod5,. Int't�'rwrriediate, .boy xoharn`p tori, ,Hur(i•lel Gtiyea.U; runner-up,' Archie .McQuillin. •Jiinior. girl charnpfon,: Myrtle Snell; runner- up, J:oun Mills. Junior boy .chain pion, Elwin' Good; ''..'r=unne,r=up,, Stan •Ccanrielly:, Z'1e Vents. were as follows:' Duch --, junior girls, Myrtle Snell, Noi'n'ui Forster, Kathleen Smith JOrlioi•boys: Elwin..Goad, Stan Connelly" Eddi,o;.Gaunt;•• In-' •termediate'` girls: -' >r✓vely;n . Sm.itli, Donna Woods ;Alison. • Webb; In:; • • • 'ate bo,,S: Har-t,100,oyea .Archive McQurll•.in, Barry .MeQuil lin Senior. girls .: Wilma Chesbro, :Joyca: Robinson, Isabelle. Mac Pherson.. Senior boys; Douglas Nesbitt,- Ken Caldwell, 'Tvan •Me- Qui-lliri. Standing broad 'um J ] p union •girls Joan Mi.11s;. Donna McNee, DONNYBROOK. The W.M.S. and W.A.wiil.'7neet on Tuesday, . July l l th .. at, the .. home. of 'Mrs.—::Edward ,Robinson with, Mrs :;Stulart Cham.ney • in with Mrs.. Stuart , Chamney in • charge of the program A,t, the :.:close: of themeeting eeting :the W.A..•are. holding` a ;miscellaneous; bazaar.. ,•All the ladies of the .congr.:egation . are •.cordially° invited ••• ' There will be no • chureh•;service: '• at Donnybrook for' the rernainder of July: butt, Sunday . School will' be held each Sunday n•iorning' at' 10.30.• Miss Gladys : Jefferson,, Reg:N :of Londonf;_. was home ower the week. -end.:; . 'and :,MrsChisholm •;' and7John of Exeter • and`;Mr.. and, 7VIrs:t. J Craig• of ..Goderich were :Sunday visitors` With, Mr. and Mrs. R.Ohamney. hr;y.AND1i;EW ; LANE SPUKE AT -BLAKE'S . ANNI'VERSAR :.,Blake's United •C•hurch on the Ashfield Circuit . held ; their an- `:niversary service on July : 2nd. This church, hasbeen in operation for 58. years, •in ,the present. place. The congregation ,was' organized some,'eight or ten years' previous •ly and held its services - in the. Old Temperance Hall. In spite of rain in;'•the morning • a good con- gregation Was' ort and the church Was practically .:filled .to' capacity ',: for. the ,evening service. • Rev., Andrew :Lane .of Brussels 'Preached inspiratiohal sermons at both services. Howard Blakepre; sided at 'the organ-g,- • rgan ' Mrs: 'MacDonald' acid Mr'., Dav- id •.CarrUthers accompanied by, Mrs. Rice • contr•.ilbuted two duets, in the morning and the Toll.' Bro-. `thers; of Auzurn.: ` sang• two -duets, at the evening • service. , Visitors were present from De- troit, Belmont, Fergus, Kinlough as well . at :the neighboring churches. Upholsttrin'g Cheat erfizlds1 And :. Occasional` 'Chairs, Repaired and Recovered • •h'actory •Guarantep• Free Pick -Up and & Delivery .STR•ATF RD .. UPHOLSTERING -CO. 4,2 Brunswick St. -Stratford' For fiirtlrer infor"tpatioin enquire 'at OHNSTONE'S Furniture Store 'Phone 76, ineknr w N UGPUDIC ••• Mernoria1 serivice at the • Dun- gannon m - Ceetery • Will -be- field Sunday ,:afternoon, ,July 9th at - 4.30 pari: at" .which Regi..: �C. A.' Winn of E'rsk ne. Presbyterian Church willgive the address,. All' are welcome -to, attehd1•this, an nual.Service sand in the event .of rain the service will be inside. 0.- Eva Killough, R.N. of Tor- onto and 'Miss' Mabel Killough; Byron, are spending a' vacation, with:. their mother, Mrs.. J. Kil lough: 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Kelly : -and-Jing of: Seaforth were Sun'- day. visitors < } T „ Holiday' visitors wit•Mr. ' and Mrs.: Lorne ' Evers :were Mr., and Mrs, Jim Million, Patricia, Ger•. ald and' twins Judith . and Janice .of•. Stratford • Mrs. D. H WWard, of Toronto was „a Visitor with her. sister, Mrs. (Rev.) J. Bright. Mr. and Mrs.' Stanley Hughes of Toronto visited relatives• here over the week:end .and were ac- companied •'by. the latter's father, Mr. D.S.:Errin-ton, who is now visiting hzs' daughter, Mrs. Roy Black; T.ucknow'... e Mrs-, Will Andrews has return- ed to. Stratford: -to resume duties of. nursing -her sister -in law, of ter spending a ,couple . of ;'weeks u at her home in the;Village.. Margaret Joy :'Durnin, .had her tonsils removed at' . Wingham :Hospital on'Tuesday; Mrs. !Geo. Rivett; •Wes .& Jim- my.wen,t at the week=end ito..visit • her daughter; ' Mrs:" Bernidine Thompson, Tillsonburg; Mr. Maurice Ivers of: Win'gham Myrtle .Snell.- Junior .;boys:'Elwin Good, Eddie Gaunt, 'Stan: 'Con- nelly. ' Intermediateirl : g ,s, .'Donna. Woods E',el. Snn' yn S rth;.:Joan Dev- Breaux. Intermediate ermedite'o. b . ys.•° Bar- ry.McQui11in Archie' McQuillin, .. , > 1ViGcQurllln.,: Harold. •Gbyeau. •Senior. irls,; Wil- g find Chesbro, Isabell M e; acPher' son "Joyce Robinson. Senior boys: ,ys. Ken•'Cald:well';'Dou las: •Nesbitt Ivan _ McQuillin. Softball.'throw, Junior. girls •Myrtle Sne11,� KathleenSrn:ith," Joan Mills. 'Junior boys::;Elven Good,' Stan Connelly, Jirn `,Mills; Intermediate girls.: Evelyn Smith,: Phyllis •Barbour" Tonna Woods. Intermediate • 'boVs: : Harold Boy - eau, A Barry •• McQuillin, Murray' Wilson Senior .:,girls.; Isabelle. MacPherson,. Joan Forster,,' ar- bara Wilson., Senior boys:• Dougg las • Nesbitt; • Ivan Dow,.. Keith Good. • Running : high,:: jump-= Junior' boys:: Neil .Rintqul, Eddie Gaunt, Jim Mills; .Interniediate `boys;: Harold ,-Goyeau, - Archie . McQuil- in,' :Donald.Tabor, Senior,: boys Douglas Nesbitt,.' Ken ,Caldwell, Ivan Dow. • Running broad : Zurnp —,-Junior girls:' Myrtle Snell; 'Joan :Mills,. -Donna Nesbitt :junior, boys: Stan Connelly, 'Elwin Good,; : 'Eddie Gaunt. ;Intermediate' girls: Eve- Iyn ,: Srriith Donna' • Woods, Gail 'Godfrey:, Interm•ediate•b;oys: Har • old Goyeau, Archie lVicQuillin Donald Taylor Senior • boys': .Douglas 'Nesbitt, Keith • Good, Bill McCurdy Three legged race,.girls; Donna Woods and Alison Webb, Evelyn Smith and :Norma Murray, Isa- belle Nivins salbelle.Nivins and. Doris Caldwell. Boys: Douglas and Ivan `McQuil- lin, ,B111. McCurdy, and Bilk Riv- ett, Than D"ow.-arid Harold Goy- eau. Wheelbarrow race, 'girls` Isa- sa Ibe a MacPherson and Wilma Ch sbro, Isabelle ; 'and Na- ; I dine .'McIntyre, Betty .Devereaux` and Joan Devereaux andPearl Wilson and Joan 'Mills (tied). _Sack._ race,;- girls; - Wittha Gales bro, Joyce Robinson, Boring. 'Woods'. Boys: Bill Rivett, Archie McQuillin, Ivan Dow.. ,Slipper kick.: • Isabelle Mac= Pherson,'. Phyllis Barber, Joan Mills.. Relay race:'St, Helens Ivan McQuillin,•' Wilma . C'hosb o,, hello . M ac'Pho .'iir- , 1)iru.alas., Nes- Witt: 'St. A'tr,tustinr: 'Kon teddy, ,roan t)evei''anX,'Dolinis Ccinticl- ly.• )Till r,vddy, No, 3: Shirlr,\' Fin nig:fri, : i nna Smith. Evelyn ,SJrrii,h.` N'turin:1 .: WhVt'iln:rTTOI Durnin and 1<:'i hCxrpcj,.. Kum Caldwetll and toonarc1 I'Yr°irncll,'c. B ib Aitchition. and. Marvin' Donald. . Rooster fight: Pocrg1jis Nesbi;t, • • 1 IanvilleHammerton P Child and Animal Photography . A Specialty . i PORTRAITS ORTRAI TS - WEDDINGS GS - COMMERCIAL, i 24 -Hour Service - Films .Developed .and Printed. . Cameras paired. Telephone • 199, Winghani • O,M�tNll�s�l��l����,i�l��fl ow►1���u��1�n_'_•l nrq+„�o�u�u��i� r. IALFTY FARM EQUIPMENT Sales and • Service m; erial" • fresh ing Machines y . G'ilson.. Refrigerators and Washers Woods Combination Frigidaire and Freezers, Grinders; Don Durnin, Bill Leddy. After -th • e sports, a11..assem . p bled. in the school: 'where the pupils •sang •a'''.number of songs, -under the' . direction Of, Mr. S; • Ba'xter, music supervisor.. Lunch was set= ivied 'by ;th;e.' ladies• with' lemonade being supplied •b -y, the ?School Board. A refreshment ,;booth was_ ,sponsored 'by the.,St. Helen's 'Wo=, men's- Institute. After lunch a,.ball garne:' was played, with a. team from :schools No,," 12; to :17 .against a team frotn schools NO.- 1,,'3 and 4, the . score being: 2341: in favor of the :first team. The ;game was umpired iby. gr.' 'Gordon MacPherson.; FARM.: EQ. UiPM:ENT • LTD. ; . 4 uron : Road: 'Pho>ie 11.3;•-• Goderich 'is -visiting his' brother,: NIr. Lorne ' Ivers. • Mt; and Mr' `. ,1VI . s. Omar'Brooks• are spending; six weeks at the' Pacific •'Coast.. Mr: •arvey l ' ' : . )ti , y, M!a a is carry= ing ,_dn_ trietg ruckin business` for. hi m While 'tAey. �are gone. Mr...and .M'rs. Anderson `•NLu,. Mug- ford 'spent .'•the"week- end with 'the latter's n other, Mrs. -Abner Morris • and 'attended ;Part' of the reunion in Colborne. town ship. r A dance-ireception' was held in . Dungannon Agricultural Iia11 on, Wednesday night• in honor' of Mr. 'and Mrs. Keith Blake (neve Irene : Menary); Con. 9, Ashfield town- ' ship; who Were married the early•: part of June, .;Many:: friends fatten'-' ded and enjoyed dancing to Dowell's • orchestra. : During- the evening an• Gadd, ess of best wish es' was read by Russell. Irvin, and • the 'newlyweds::: ;Were • presented with a- purse" of money :,by Rus sell Alten: tn: ... REFRESH ! DRINK eCe96:arreK" TRADE MARK REG. E P A R I M E N T HIGHWAYS GEO. H. DOUCETT, Minister