HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-07-06, Page 7URS A" : LY6th, . 1950 yceu. fl 'Ther•e /INGHAn TWo Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.15, TONIGHT . .:THURSDAY THREE CAIMIE HOME i FRIDAY, SATURDAY JULY 7,q 8 DAVID,`BRUCE, DAMION, .Q'FL.YN,y .•Young;Daniel Boone one Saturday .Matinee Cancelled, For The' Summer Months MONDAY, TUESDAY. 'JULY :10, 11 PAULETTE' GODDARD, ; GARY. COOPER 1Ti Northwest. Mounted Police ' Reissued Picture - WEDNESDAY, THURSDA icture_ WEDNESDAY,THURSDAY',. JULY .12, 13 KIRK DOUGLAS MARILYN MAXWELL in HAtAPION THE: Lt.c,KNOW SENTINEL, L.UCKNQW, ONTARIO A:t'eit,( V', seltOOL (Continued from page 1;) ThissSi't'ing officials• of tiejour. Municipalities were,. given . De-, par'txnental assurance :that this. proposed Lucknow District met withall the requirements of the Act, and it was official1y stressed that. it Was hot the wish . of the Department to force people into districts ,into, which they did not. wish to go and which • were not logically and strategically their usual.'`home" ' area,: They .Were given official' estimatesof; the. Bost ' of a new, school, and thegrants that' the: Lucknow District. would receive,. - • •On the:atrength of•:this•:informs= atrgr►, :the, Cotincit Boards of I,(xcknow,, Ashfield, Net,,,sWawa- nosh and Y i,gloss�oa`ind'xiiernbers: of the Board o 1.Education'met,i>': a joint'' session, when :Reeve .Mc - Nab submitted figures, • on which he spent .much' time, outlining the estimated capital cost of. a •new school, and the ;;cast of op- erating such a school, based on.. the:'actual'costs'.of operating.' the present school., . The overall picture ; was so en couraging'that` the four. munici_ palities favoredthe .establishment oaf .this district, and have lent every _supiport�.-ao - the,.,_project.1 Bruce County•'Council .approved the 'District at the, June' session,,' they : Departrilent- : -of- Edi catian gave its, approval, ;,and. the cul- minatinig act, of , approval• came .at last week's special. meeting • of 'County' " Council,‘ by .a 15' to 14. Vote ` in face Of the.recornmenda- tions Of. •the Consultative' ..Com_: m.ittees, •' whose lengthy '•report st.ubrrutted at' the tegular,session,, concluded with these 'reoomineri dations (a) Thatthe!apptication of.Asii:- field Townsh>rp for` the, inclusion . oft:property. in ;trhe Lucknow area ' . Worming is a must for successful., flock-raisingu Y R.` A.. FINNS POULTRY CONDITIONER or '. "• DR;HESS WORM POWDER. OR CAPSULES• • FREE ''MIXING BLESS COST 'Any .tonic mixed in a ton '(or possi-bly • less') of New Life Feed.'You:paybulkrice.`for the .tonic, no; charge for mixing:'., P MOR :PROFIT _ FROM' HOGS When 'you. use uur ; ' Net and. Cheaper Hog Ration Enquire at ''PHONE 165 Feeds, Fertilizer Phone: 71, Luckrr+�w District LUCKIOW, ONT. • .Groceries Phone 27. erative.., • GEHL 'FORAGE HARVESTER Leads the ;way to solving your.hay and corn proi)lerns. en1ta " _..��e .thy- conmi l r xrf- Gchl__f-c�t.a e �t uf ._ ;tu. � y • also'Gehl Hammer Mills, at' the Luz kn \' C c� .Op : ll'ere you have all' the `facilities fns h;iai'c1i•114 \°()W bras, • insilage, hay,• com;binetlM'' ti aw,'''rind ;(Orli; for. los::; • :money than-a'liay baler•. • FOR ,TOP Q.LJALITY.'USE;. CO-OP QUALITY TWINE ..No Price Increase'•'This Year The quality: of OUR COAL HAS ALWAYS.BEEN GOOD .•Orclet• soon. to be sure of having yod:r,• `inter" stxpp y? A carr of chestritxt and •'a car of stout, coal on the gay,. ':-;.,Alberta ' and • Brioketts SHOP` THE CO-OP WAY WEDDING BELLS • CAMPBT+�LL—Mac)LENNAIV Bouquets . of wild orchids, ,peonies, roses and delphinium de- corated the garden of Mr,. and ennan,, Lochalsh, Mrs. D. A. 1VIacL when the Rev. a.'E. MacDonald united- ,in Marriage their Only daughter, Margaret Kathleen ,and James Reginald.Campbell, son :of' Mr. ;and• Mrs.,AlibertGarr Abell of Arniberley., • The bride wore • a gown ' of white •faille taffeta With fingertip veil.. She. carriedArrxerican' Beau ty • roses. -,Given it marriage by' :her. 'father. she was attended by' 'her , •cousin, Miss Christine Mac- w. 'Lennart in yellow "chiffon; and. Miss 'Jan•et'Carrmpbell,:niece'`of the groaln .in; ;green 'chitffoh., They carried pink •reses Mr, Roderick MacDonald was:'groomsman. The: Wedding 'mimic' was : played by Piper 'Wallace Hewitt. Before the • ceremony nieces of Vie groom; Misses:'Joyce and Joan • ,Cat ipbell •sang . a; duet. -.':Miss Elaine Sutherland, cousin , of 'the bride, was'.' soloist ` during the signing of the register, 'The bride's mother received' in navy sheer with white accessor- ies: The '.groom's . mother wore flowered chiffon. Distant guests were, from Lis- towe , • Ha�inilbon, Pres; ton - don"; Richmond Hill.; Detroit and a ;. Evanston,. ,111- , ' . .• SPECIAL PRICES on men's and boys' work'clothing, shirts, pants, sock's' and. overalls. The Market . Store. 'be not granted.' (ib) That'. the :requests: of ,the Council , of West •Wawanosli :be not,.ranted (c That the, letter, from the. Wingharn.. 'High School ' District Board be fyled..- (d)That a copy of this report. 'be forwarded t� Lucknow Council in reply' td' their memorandum. (e) That: the - appiidation. from Ashfield •C,ouncil to attach", a part: of theirtownship to :the Ripley` High School District is approved and we lbeg leave to introduce the necessary 'by-laww. ;The Consultative ,Committee ' is composed,. ofJ.' D. -'Beecroft of . • East •Wawanosh, Chairman; Reeve. Kerslake of' Hensah,'" pepv.ty ;Reeve Beaver: Of Stephen%hand ,J.' H. '.Kinkead, 'secretary, • The vote was as follows:.:For Beuerman,..McKillop; ;• Broek,' Us borne, Campbell, Hay; G:.Elliott, 5!. Clinton; Finnigan, 'West• Wawa ■ ■ nosh; •Johnston,; > Ashfield, .L ■ son, Stephen,. •Morritt, Blyth Mc.'•. Donald, :Greyi.'Deputy, McNab ;', Grey; Nicholson, Tuckersmnh, ■. •' ■ •TRACTOR; Goderich Twp.Sills, . Sea- • ■• .' forth Se rertzer, Exeter, :' Web- ■ tier, `Stanley •: ' Against —. Baker, Goderich; ■ - Beaver, Stephen" .',Deputy; Bee: croft, East Wawanoah;' Cousins,' ■' Brussels; Dale, •I•Iullett;: E. Elliott, ■ • Goderich Deputy; 'Gordy,' -How-. ■ ick Deputy,; I• . Johnston', Morris.; •. ■.• M. Johnston, Winghani;. Kerslake, • • r.. liensall; S. •Snyder, • 'Colborne; IIII Snider, : Exeter Deputy; :Strong,: :'■ Hawick; Underwood, 'Turnberrq:: ' • 12 Thanks . Associates • ,■'° Those in touch with the • ques tign :realize', what Reeve J: C. Mc- ■ Nab has .pu,t into this 'm,atter. 'He - "■ ■ .I�iowe was 'the driving force, throughout ; ■ . and had full: co-operation:, anti . active support; of. Reeves John- ston, ohn stop, .Finnigan 'end Tiffin,•and of the 'Board of Education It was ■ well earned: victory : for "these` - gentlemhem . whb never gave: up in u the face -of many Obstacles. To the • ;. reeve o .the adjoining Town': i . .ships NYS , .1VGc ab .has e p s , d ■ • the thanks of this . mitnicipelity; ` In part his, ' letter read as follows:: ;: "On behalf of our. Council` and 11, Board of Education .I would 'like • `. • to express .to you, your Council and - Towoship, officials, our sin. r : • r sere' thanks for your outstanding hell and ...co;,operation in what ■c Proved toire a rather difficult • job--•-obtaining:approval of our, ■. ' . Lucknow • High ' School DIsTrict. "We are trying to `obtain' defer: ■ inite particulars, as to the. appbint- ' ment'of t1 e„ Area Board and' are • that this information will be aavaii ble,in 'time for ail, Tram, a icipalities`"to Make the appoint'r rnent of their representative at ! their July Council meetings; As ■ Theme 8'7-r 4, )t uekttow,. East Eu soon as this- iMformation it ob. In: tamed we Will • advise? you".. , ■ • PAGE FIVE Presents- Thursday, Friday,, Saturday, July 6, 7, 8 SE • A , color" sensation, and Gene Autry's in it� One of the finest Autry pictures yet, witha heart-warming 'story- Stra erRoan Sta•rring' ..._. GENE AUTRY ,' .. ,GLORIA HENRY • PLUS NEWS Matineef:.Until September Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, July 10, '11. 12 ,Irvin Bera n's musical -in •a� beautiful` setting with' two great stars -- JUDY GARLAND and FRED ASTAIRE Plenty of ziip, • in Easter; Paia+ TTENTION !; EACH • THURSDAY we pick : up :hogs • in, Lucknow District 'toetrucked .,. _ b • direct •.to';' . . BURNS AND CO., KITCHENER et us know Jby Wednesday night , and youcan have you':• ,hogs trucked .directly from your barn to the Packing :Plaift on. Thursday.. YOUR ; HOGS ARE PICKED U AND DRESSED; • THE SAME ` Give us, 'a, try and avoid, extra handling and •shrinkage.:' Prompt and:'Satisfactory Returns Direct from Plant: ►R ; PARTICULARS ;;CONTACT: tical' Trucker — — • 'Phone 137-J 'Lucknow A.,Share of, your. Business will be'Appreciated: '4 ■i su �a■uiiis...u..uuaai>.. s. i■iaii Tsui i irestoi IMPLEMENT, f ASSENGER sur 6.00. x 16 Champion Passenger 'Tires' Now Selling. for $16.25, and 'a. i LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON YOUR, OLD` TIRES a BindfrKfl!'v$I': Kirtiv. iarpened• • ■ ' T■t. . o i Also -.Lawn- Moiv.ers• ELECTRIC' and ACETYLENE -WELDING- - •° and GENERAL E'LACKSMIT IING • ,��,.• • No TRACTORS, FARM; WAGONS, • MANURE SPREADERS; : BINDER TRUCKS; ETC. C tit Down for Rubber OPEN ;EVENINGS FOR ,YOUR CONVENIENCE' • m. sr m' ' •. • ,n: • lIuuIs■s�iIiI*a■*�r■■sUl$irst�i. isI■Msisiir UUI i c