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School Report
• GRADE IX • .'.
' -• , •
• • 11. 4-1
• tr.1 4illk.s4Z.CZP'se4111CZ
George Antlerson „ 2' 3. 3 ° 1 -c 2 2 2.21
•'Itobert Armstrong • • „„, c c c • 2 c c 'a c c 2,
Nwn, 2. A 2 3. 3,0.1 _2 ,c
. Thehna Bushell ,.,....,,,... . ... ...„ e .g 1 c 2 3 3 c .3 c . 2 :3
Farrish . 2 .1. c' 3 e • a c '
Carolyn Gibsen 1 1 • 1 2 1 .1..1 1 2 1.' I 1,
Alvin Hackett ', . , c 3•C c 3' c c' c 0
Douglas 2". 3 3 c 3 1 c 3. c ° 3 c
Joan. Hatnilton'. ... • 2 .1 1 2' 1 1 1 2 1 1 .• 2, • 3
Albert Hedley . . c .2 3 •1 • 2 2, 1, 3 2„
AlvmIx'win.. . . c. c 2 c c 2 c 'c 3 c,•6
• Betty j-otriiton 22121133c222.
• *: joyee Little - ik• •c, c f 2 "c , c 3 c :c c
• Robert° McNain. , cc • c C • 3 2' 2 c tl; "2
''Mildred MacDonald 3 .3 :1°. 3 2 •",1 •3 •,'2° , 2
Margaret Murray • • , • 2 c c 2 2 ,1 3•• .•' 2 2.
Audrey Ross 1 1 1 ,1 1 1 • i 1 ; 1 1 -1 1 .
Donald Smith- ; , * • 2 c • c 1 2 c 2 2 1 .2
Marlene Smith 2 1 1 1 1 1' 1 • 2 1 1' -1
.. •
:•Supplemental' Examinations: ; '•• . '
Dougald Campbell: French (c); Mathematics (c), •
• D,unean. Campbell: French (c); Mathematics `(c).
Donald Stewart: French •(3). •• • : •
'• Dan Rose : French , (3). •
Russell Swan: French .(c); History, (c)
Allan; Johnston::. French (c); History (c)
1. Ellwood Irwin: French (3); Geography. (e); ,Ag. Sc. (2). '
Donald-MacIntA.-e-:-Fr-ench • n" '
Clayton Hedgins: French (c) . •
Prank •Alion,
. •
0, 2
Li) ,9 4. g TID
a X.
c '.c c 2 1 3 c c. 3
RuStell Barr 2 1 '1 1 2 • '3 2 1
Dotigald' Campbell- ,c • c c • c 2 c 3 2
Dtincari Campbell •• , e c c c 1 •ci 1 •• 1
Marie Cainpbell c 1 1 • 1 c c :•c. 2 2
MervYri Conley ... . 3 • c 2 -6 2 • 3 3: • c 1
pladys Oliin • ' • 1. 1 1 1 1 2 1:.. 2 1
Betty - • c c . c c c c c 3
• •
Betty Harnilton 2 • 7, 1. 1 c a' 3 2 • 2
• Jacgtialerie'lieclley • • • - 1 • 1 1 1, 1 2 1 -3 • 1
Ellvvood Irwin • 3 c c ,2 c .2 • -2
• • •
Joan Johnson 2 1 1 1 3 •-c- c 2 c
Donald. 1ViacIrityre •c c 1 t_ 2 c_1 2 1
Mary '1VtacIrityre; 2 c .3 c 2 c c c •
`13onalcl McNay - •
• Murray 3/ficDoriagh
Mary lVfacMillan
- Edna Reid
1-,f' 1 1 1 2. '• c • '• 1 1
c 12 c . 2 • 2 ,• 1
Thursday • evening, June 29th,
• A,shfield, Y.P,U. held their an-
nUal• 'Weiner...roast, 'and picnic at
• Kintail. In spite of the unseason-
able coolness a goodly, number of
Young People gathered and spent
a iollyevening .around a roaring
fire, playing 'garnes and roasting
• weiners, The guest of the even-
ing, Miss Bernadeari Alton, lately
removed to, Lucknow, buit long
a valued member and officer of
• the •society, was Etsked to step
‘fonward•during the feStivities and
in' the 'absence of Miss'Ehnira 41 -
ton, -Miss Donalda• Hackett • read
the following address: , •
Dear 13ernacleen, •
• We.;. your friends of 41ackett's
• and ak's oung eople s Vnien
are gathered; here .'tonight With
• two purposs mind: One is our
:annual picnic 'at the lake, and
the other is to shoW.a little ap-
preciation of: your never -tiring
,effortS in our Young Peoples'
work. We deeply regret that'yoU
have de'parted from our midst
and: especially from, our Youhg
Peoples' meetings.
-You have given. us long and
service at our meetin*s.
As :you have not gene too ,
away .We hope that yOu will he
;able to. 'attend :our thieetin'gsigEnie,
tinies. When we'. reopen in the
Fall again. • •• •
We ask you tOaccept,this.small
• gift as a'Slight expression of our
sincere .appreciation, 'ana, tore-
Mind you of the folks back here
at Hackett's and Blake's, •
Signed .on•ibelialf of the Young'
People's ' • -
At. the 'Proper ',Moment. Mrs.
Harry' Wilkins •Etepped: forward
and presented ,Bernadean With :a
Beswick ware .yase. Berri
acle.an, though 'entirely taken by
surprise, expressed her thanks in
a few well chosen words, and it
is the wish 'of, all t that she may
he .a frequent :visitor' in the fitt-
New St. James Presbyterian
Church, London„ Ontario, was
the •seene of a very' impressive
marriage ceremony at 2,00 ji.m.
Saturday, June 17th, 1950, When
Ina May, MacPherson second
.daughter of Mr. and:Zirs.'. W. J.
MacPbersOn, "fOrroerly. 9f Holy -
rood, became, the bride ; of Mr.
cad HellrY,Schoffer,: gti of W-
and Mrs. George Schoffer of
• Medie JaW,,, - Richard
Stewart,. pastor Of the* 'church,
performed the ;ceremony. The
• bride entered, the church on the
arni. of her brother, Wm., J. Mac-
Pherson of, MilVertozi. "Mr, Mac-
• Diarrnid, organist of the church,
,Played the Wedding ,Music. The
soloist of the:•.chl-it.01, Mias.Thom-
as,. sang the .`,14ord'S Prayer" and
"O•Perfeat.LeVe".•The bride wore
an Erie • blue. taffeta 'silk With
over nEt appliqued, skirt .of• bar
ere length with matching head-
dress of flowers • and oshpulder
- length tveil and, carried' a ibouquet
"of: Better Time roes. Her. only
ornament was a three strand set
• a. pearls, the gift -of the. groom,
The matron of 'honer ,Was Miss
•Grace IVtacPherson of Hamilton,
sister of •the bricle,whe were a
Nile green silk dress With ihro-
eaded all over lace...dress with
matching headdress ofl flowers
and ribbon *wild Carried :a:
quet of .yellow Delight roses. The
groom. was attended by,. -his
ther,' Mr. L. 8choffer Moose
Jaw, :'Sask. .. The reception , was'
• held: at Lyn •Lodge, :. London;
where a•Chicken. dinner' was ser-
ved to the, immediate ' family
onilY. The' table was 'centred with
a: three-tier. Wedding ,cake and
• circled with,: roses around,• it.
'When 'the •"punch": 'and' 'bride's
cake were. served Rev.' Richard
StewFt proposed the toast to 'the
brid • 'and' the.'igroein responded
very fittingly. The bride'a Moth-
er received in an 'Aisa blue :dress
Of Mesh ',over• wore'
.white hat and white' accessories
and. corsage of: ,pink and 'white.
carnations In the abaenCe. of t..1.1e.
:groom's mother,: Mrs. MacPher-;
s.on :wai,.aSsisted by. MrS.,•(Rev:).•
• Stewart who wore a. pale 'MAO
'crepe dress and white hat in
ceiving present.' Fora wed -
ding trip. t� Meese Jaw, Sask.,'
Mia Chicago andether points in
the TT,'S:A thp •aserey.
gabardine suitSwith blue•acces-
sories and were':a corsage "Of red
roses; On their, return after July
10th they, will i•eaide, in London.'
3 2° 3' °:3 c 7 c: • 3
2 1 1 1 1. 1 .c 2 2 • 1
• 1 1 - 1 .' 2 .1 2 1 1.•
• tDan Rose ° .• • c ,:c c . 3 c 1 1 •
Netzha, Sherwood . . 1 • 1' • 1 2 c' •• 3 1 • 2
Donald. Thompson 3 c • .1 2 d 3 • 3 • 3
Supplemental Exaniinations--'
Phyllis Chadwick: 'Lathi. (3); French •(3):
Donna, Hamilton: Latin (3); ••French (3). • . . •
..Rarold llowald: French (3); Latin '($).
Winnifreil Stewart: Ag Sc (c).: •• • , .•
, • , '' • . • ..
• Mary Jo Anderson
,Joyce Baulch
• • Phyllis Chadwick
•. Margaret .Cooke
Donald Haldenby
Joyce ,Haldenby
• 112•• t'as ;14
•• g
•. 4.)
• 2 2 1 , 1 2 2 2
'c c
. . . . .. , 3 2 " 1 2 2 1
• Donna Hamilton ' - c •••• 'c •••• c • . c• 2'
Shirley Hodgins' . . . • c ,• c cc c
Harold Howalct c • c . 3 e • 2
Wayne • Johnston • ,2 2 • e • • 2 2 1 , •
Noreen 'Kilpatrick ' 2 1 2 .2 • 1 ' 2
'Patricia • MacMillan • '3. 3 c c C: • .3
'Jack 1VIcKim. • ' ,2° • • 2 1 3 c , 1
Murray. 1VIeNain c • c • 1 2 c , 3 " 2
Eleanor Murray ' • 3 • e.' '•c c
Marie.Percy ° • 3 c •.c. • - 3'. .3. 2 C.'
. likririnifred-.Stewart c , e • 3 ' c.3
• • ,
•Supplemental Examinations= ;
•• Morley Chin: Latin (c). •
Bruce Johnston: Latin (c). •
Kathleen Lane: Med. Aistory (c); Latin ,(3). '
, • .
•, . , -4, ... ng 4.1 '• - 01, . 4„) ..
, ;.•..„,,.... . Ruth Anderton • .,',., . iii..:.f ,
.1,1.• ': . 1 . ' ..' 1; ". 1 ',1 1 • ' . 1. 1 • '
... . • • •
x . ' abat). Campbell: '„,....t.,„,.,,...,..`.;.:„„....:,,,,;; 1 . '1 • 2 - 2' : 1., . '1 .3 •
, . Margaret Chin , • :,.. •....„,„;, ,,..... „' '.. .. c '2- : •0 2: . e....; 'c. ' C
*Orley , Chin ............:,..,.....;•-•."...,.. e- ' 3e-- cs. 3,, •'` - • ' 3.
3rtiee'Sohn§ton• ,, Y. w 4 4,;:r.b..vel..'• 0 4 d ... .. •Vlia • %i .1 ' c' , 2 •c . .. ',.1 •
,,• Jati•e•••• johnsffne ,...„....„.,:„,.„..,....„'.....•..,' .3 : c .„ 2- ' ' 2 ..:, a.•, 1 ..
Shirley- Johnston ....;',..,...........:,.........,:.; ,c' • - 2 -2 I. ..•,•:e„ ' 3 .•..e
Kathiteen' Lane- ,................;.....'...,:....•.., .. ..,c: '[. ' ' 2 • . 6",'', ',. . c ' .e. ;
Letrainet. lVfacDonald .:4,1.40•IrVf,14,1001,1,1 ‘3 • c . c . ...-p ' ,:.A. - c
Allan Maclntyre ,,..,.:-,,....„..,..„.....,... c .' 3 3 ,3 , .!.'.0'
: 'Ray MacKeri,tie ,•.......„„....,....;.....,........ 2: . ',i 1 • .. A ' . 1.. : ' 1 1
. Gail MaelVfillan '. . :,..":., . ..„,.."„:„; . :.".•,, . ,.,.... '2• 1, 2 , 2, •...6 ' ,3 ..:, 1
Gladys Milne .,........;:,!..,..,....,„;!.•...'1. '...1... 1 . 1 - , 1 ' ' 1., '1', , ..
• , Shirley Robinson ,...,77.)„...°,...........'„...,' 2 .• • ',3. • c . 0 ' : -.0 '. a 3.:
, ' ' , ' , • , .
. V • . ' . , ,
. , .
' r .
. •
. . .
. . .
9 . .,
• '9. • w •
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w r . '—:N.•
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. . .
/ I
Mr. Dan "MacDonald of Ripley
.and Mr,- and ,lkifra. :Dan_ lVfacKin-'
non ofSpruce, Mich., and Mr. &
Mrs. .'Ralph IEVunbani of 'Wet
Blanch,, •Mich.,. were visitors at
.the home of V1VraelVer last Min-
, .
• ,
Congratulations to Miss Evelyn
Johnson, Miss Laura Blackett, and.
Mr. Mac' MacDonald.Ori passing
their. ' Entrance :examinations.
They will all attend, High School
nekt, year.. ,. •
Mrs.:',DanThOinpsen is.,ivisiting
for the past week with, her child-
ren in' Toronto, , ' • • •• ,•
M. .R. Mrtin accompanied
her sister. and brothers frii St.
Helens ora' motor trip to North,
•Barlast week.° • ' ' ' • '
Mr.' Graham MacDonald
ed home 'from Petrolia last Sat-
urday. arid •he and. his sister, Mar-
garet Willenter "Summer School
at London, Monday; July 3rd;
Mrs: -Jack MacIntyre who has
•been spending' a few: weeks at
the home `Of Wm. MacIrityre left.
for her '.liorrie in Winnipeg' Sat-
urday. .• .• ,
Mrs. Ruiseli` Beacock of' Wiar-'
ton and her three children are
!visiting at the hoine 'a ,her bro-
ther, Mr.. Ira Diekie.
Miss Helen' MacIntyre 'of flint,
sPent the, holidaY week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Coll-
yer and other relatives. •
Rev. 1. C."Nieholsion Dies
The .death. cit. Rev. John Cal-
vin • United,1
Church minister, occurred Une*-
peCtedly at, his horn.e in 'Kincar:.
dine last week: He was ,and
had been poorly for a time, which
icireed ,htin 'to resign,his charge'
at Glen Allan a few months ago.
Rev. Nicholson Was a native of
Huron Township and 'a former
minister at Pine •River,
• , .
A...very' pretty wedding took
place: in'. Holy Family Church,
• , .
Toronto, on -Saturday, June 11th,
When 'Reit; fr. .Breen united in
Marriage :Bernice. Schleen, dau-
.,,Aof .and Mrs.: Fred
.Schleen •and• • Clare
Lannan,1son ..saff Mr:•, and Mrs
Wm.Lannan of .Kingsbridge.
The bride; given. in ;Marriage
:by her 'father, looked lovely in a
,floor length gown White'.sheer
margUisette with 'full length.veil
and carrying :,a bouquet of babY
mums and.redreSeS, •
Mts., Art lVleisenier. wasLiier
'sister's matron of honor, wearing'
a floor length dress of' blue net
With matching' -shoulder length
veil. She carried a flower fan of
red roses 'arid 'sweet peas. Miss
Rose Marie .Lannan. 'was brides-
maid and Wore yellOW 'eyelet or-
ganza with ,Matching veil arid
Mittens and carried 'yellow.roses,
and sweet peas:. • . . •
Victor Martin And Wilfred
Schleen were grooarnsmen, and
Art ,Messenger and Gerry Hill
were ushers. • ..
Ave ' and "On this day'
0 be'autiful mother'''. *Breakfast
was served to awn*, 15 guestraf-
ter, (which: the, party • drove 'to
Killaloe 'where a ' wedding din-
ner and reception Was held., •
After a shoii honeymoon the
young couple wilt reside in Ham,"
atom Guests were present" from
Toronto, Hamilton,. Kingslfridge,
• Wind Cl i Ws' •/Owen Sound arid Lon oh
a M 1 s S7,338 -I
1.7,1,• ?:'/A: ebttylemnieentitiosfur$a7n,3c3e8. .1:10allig pba6neyrti .
who hacl the, roof,b1biVri 'off his
with Bert McLelland of tervie 065744641/. , .
new implement building early
this year, It is reported to he
"the largest wind. damage clail..
ever Paid in this district.' '
tastes best
when served ice cold
jVLY 6th 198o
singingr. NewtOn showed
.evenhig. Comitunity.
terestillg pictures a local Scenes •
honored at a pleasant:.gathering •
in. the United Church on. Tuesday
BIP ' 1
new home at HOIrneskiille„:..were
•Rev. M. 0, and Mrs. Newton
who left on Thursday for their
At the conclusion, Rev. and,,Ms,
Newton were called to the front. '
when. an address :Of appreciation
and good. wishes was .read by Mr•
Lorne 'Woods and 'Mr.George •
Stuart:• made the preSentation. of „.••
a pUrse .of ,money. Both 1V1r. and.'
Nter he.*tiCh,PanHsToCPialil.ecitimplitti;4walSY•e4lif..-
je.Y.od!. .when the ladieS •served
The pupils and teaehrs of the
St. 4ieletes'.schocil erijoye.d,Ved • ,
nesday.afternoop at Lake Huron,
14. ailSPOtatiOn: was pi ovide,d by
Mr. Eric. aWoore,-,IVIrs. ,Chas.:•••••Mc-
MrS: •..Tas. Curran, •.N.11,s,,,
Frank: lVicQuillin and Affr..
leyMoOarne.d, Mrs.,wiii bsteis
Motored. to Abitibi last Week, hot,t.
to Alberta ,as reported: , ,•;% ' ••
•Mr. and Mrs, 'James :Durnio.
Were week -end visitors in
GeOrg..and Dr.•Wni,.• Mac-
Gregor and Mr, -Dick
of Chicago. 'were visitors . 'few the, .,
holiday' week-end„.with Mr. and.
Mr. and PithS. Irvin McCabe
.Marvin:and and Bryan of ,Wiridsor
and. ,M40,•!,
Keith . a Terry of Bluevale
•were .visitors on Frielay-W-ith-Mi
other tela‘-' •
, . . .
Mrs.james Gaunt...is 'receiving.
:tre.atment ih.,'Victoria .HoSpital,
ducted. Into 'the ;charges, of. White-. •
Church• -and St, HeelnS• on ThUrs-' • •
day night, occupied; :the • puli pt
here ; on. Sunday Morning. •
Mr. and",Mrs.• Callum Carneron.. ••,.•
and,•,Carol o Detroit were ,
day visitors with Mr, 'and:Mis
John, Cameron .• . .
' • •
A reunion of the graduate
nurses 'Of .theWingharn General.'
:Hospital was :held at Itinpardine.
.on June 28th: Dinner was served;
and • the following Officers Were .
elected for,' the 'Coming • •year!..'' •
hon pres,,:Mis. Gibson Gillespie, . •
Whitechurch, pres:; Mrs.. Walter
Pocock, -Witigham; Sec:-treas.*
Mrs. L. MacDonald, Tees. •
water: •Ilt was decided ; to have an
annual:pienic. Next year'Sgath-
ering will (be at Khicardine the••••
last WednesdaY. in Jute. ••
"Thirteen nurses'were registered
at : last week's :gathering..*. Mrs.'.
Gibson Gillespie, • White'church,
was'.the eldest •tgradttate present.
Next., was Mrs., :Bert, Walden. of.
Amberley. Present also was Mrs:
Wilson Ringirose of Teesiiakr, •
Victoria BloSpital '•''graclUate, and
assistantauperintendent at Wing-
ham fpt .manY,.yearS; Miss M. E..,
Adarns'.of *Ingham was Unable ,
to 'attend. , ' • ..• •
Others'• in attendance "were:
Mrs. Walter •POtock, Win,gham; •
,Mrs. ,Calvert Finlay,Ripley; Mrs.
Neil L. MacDimald; Teeswater;°
Mrs. Clifford Cottrill, Tivertoti
Mrs. Stanley Gallaher, Wroxeter;
Mrs. .Howard ,Machan,' Winglialm • •
Mrs. Eddie McQuiLlin, LuCknoW;
Mrs, James Carr, Winghani; Mrs.
Donald F. gackehzie, Lucknow
MO. WillrOd. Peg49,,.Caoill; /v104.,.
• 5ut ,44':attended.'ind 'Sporta
for All were:enjoyed:and a Very,
pleasant day spent It is 'hoped .,, •
'to. •hear ,from •.611 graduates' and,
have a' larger attendance • next•
year, Graduates.. are: asked
please send their nal4 .and acl-
dress to. MrS. Neil. MacDenald..11.
• Teeswater• Tax Rate
Teeswater'S 1950 rate
.he 74 milts for, ptiblic School sup-
portefs.:which i an incroase of
21 rnifl oyer • the 1949 rate, Tho
Village rate and the Continuation.
• school rate are. each. up 8 ming,
and the public. school' rate is Up •
4 'mills,