HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-07-06, Page 1r• $2.50 Yearly in. :Advance • � 5.0c Extra'to .. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO,, a_'7`T TIRSD..A.Y, JULY, 6th,. 1950. Eigla .PAGES • luron 'fives Final Approvel To; Lucknow:HIgh School" Cstri.c Huron ' County Council Met • at Goderich last. Wednesday night'in an °'enier'gency session. Called' .by, 'Warden Cecil Johnston" of Ash; field Township, and 'gave final approval to. the third reading of , the :by-law .;that. :sanctions .the withdrawal of 'West • Wawanos'h ":.'front the. Wingham, High: School ;.District, to join the; newly ferrned. Lucknow, , High 'Scl ool - District . . This 'third reading vote Was again close at 15 to . 14, thus re- maining unchanged from, tie re- corded :vote at theJune''session by which. 'C'ouncil rejected the recoininendatioris of the Constilt ative 'CoM ittee and passed the first.' and second' reading .of the by-law. Thee third reading was Spiked, n;ending '.approval of ;the :Department of Education, and; when• this was ".not ,received ,.'by• -L-the--tnmo :sof_adj-ou-r-nment,-a-spec ial meeting of . County: • ;Council' was necessary if the, approvai. • was:;forticorning, by• the deadline of July _1st: ' .- The twelve' days between the two: sessions of County Council; • were .hecrttic ones, and saw a de' terminect : e1fert . ;beirilg made on the one hand' to block .the Luck • - now' 'District; 'and: an: equal de ' .terns.inati'on.to obtain its .approv- BOY SCOUTS AT. CAMP AT `INVERHURON THIS WEEK Lucknow . Boy ,SCOLttS.. are at eamp • :this . week at, 'Inverhuron, under the direction of'' • Carrip Leader ,Rev. • A'. E, T'avener, 'and assistants; . Jack • Treleasen' and Ken ,Chester..,- • Eddy Gaunt took the boys to,: tarn. on Monday and Gordon Brooks will ;bring' them back next Monday..The 'truckers are giving their services.' Local boys at•.' the camp are Troop Leader 'Russell' Swan. ,' Pa-; trot; Leaders Charlie Clirs, Ar, thur Baker. and. Dennis Erniberli:i, 'Scouts Kent Hedley, Ernie Gib - sots,' Jack Chin,' jack Mowbray, Bobby' Gardner, Alvin ''Baker,. George Webster, Kenneth - Had 1kinson,-'Roddy Wraith, Billie t- chie.•and George Habkir'k;'-Town. any ' • Fowler '.oaf Dungannon and •two Cub':•,Sixers, 'Ronald. Tavener and Ian- Marshall. INDUCTED THURSDAY FLOOD .EVACUEE... FACE LACERATED IN ; VAR' ACCIDENT' THURSDAY . DIED 'HERE FRIDAY car ,accident, occurred .on Highway 80._anear..Bob . Hamilton's, farm ;on Thursday evening about. 6:00 o'clock, in which. Miss Wil- son, of Teeswater, suffered lacer rations: to' her face ,and head that x, equired, ,twenty, stitches, " • Alvin Thompson• • of Ripley;- The death of Mr Duncan ,Macy: Millan of Winnipeg'oocurred. sad' clenly at the home .of Mr. and.. Mrs. 'W. L. MacKenzie of Luck now on Friday. about the supper hour Mr., MacMillan bad suffer "ed a "stroke six years.,ago, from r,, �ni�ng ':1940 • Dod' e :was' pro, which .he had never regained. his;' dr�v, a a g p -. • •cee'ding westward and 'had 'stop health. 'Thursday : evening he had s not been feel ' f well;and :orFri-; ped cn'"the•Highv�-ay. Doug. A,rxn. � 'strong; Of'Teeswater - driving a 19 29 •: Model' A coupe;' ,and ...:also ,proceeding westward, didn'tsee the parked car:':abecause of the setting suis and plowed. into the back, of 'the Dadge: Miss Wilson, who was a passenger in thecoupe was thrown through the wind- shield, and severely cut. She ,;re- , ceived medical ` .attention at ..Dr. W:,• V. Johnston's ..offce arid was lager'. able to. go borne, 'day. the . rerrsained sn; his room. Mrs. MacMillan had 'been' with : •him,less• than half a:1,hour,before •. Ms. death, and.: he .appeared :as • usual, •hearing a. sound''ucps4airs Mrs. MacMillan. • and Mrs. Mac- Kenzie •rushed to •his bedroom discover ,that he vias beyond rued: ical aid. On Saturday Mr. .IVIacMi11ari's 'remains were . sent ,by . train to Winnipeg where ; ib urial stook lace. - Mr' - and Mrs, Thompson'; and p P!'V' S, E:; .HAYWARD ,. s inducted' three children -escaped, irijur-ies, • Mr, and .:Mrs.. MacMillan., and` , •'her sister, Mrs. John . Maclntyre, wa ed as. ,minister of the'and Mr Armstrongs injuries were •qui. e minor t 'had' to; leave Winnipeg during the': e ens hiitechurch a boint-here St.. 'i Ii1, W .. _ . �- , • •, ._ flood°' and had. (been Iv7siti:ng -`i'hP hack of the �Dod,ge .,was ent ` of t e United Church .at arsi3 was since • that time. While here,'Mts.: crushed. in,. • and the: coupe hursda . u•d .twist- in .aMaclntyre'.stayed at.iGhe'home; of mpressve ser.v ce on T Y badly incl d g • evening: P ed frame. •. er ,b other Mr,,: Wm. MacInt re , ' She laseeri an invalid for ,16 .al. • ' There were deputations.to Tor-. onto in; , this '. regard from .both WWingham• and: •Lucknow `:Reeves of the. munici alities desiring the p Lucknow- •._Area, sent .personal: wires to' the 1Viinister'•.of Educe- tion asking':for the approval„'Of :':' ` the Lucknow , District. Bruce. ANN •Count Council .'given unain- AWA I imous approval at:•.they :June'.ses- sion to the• establishment. ,of the Lucknow :High iScheel'.'District and Warden Avis also•' petitioned the Minister . of Education to ' give recognition'. to the wishes of this petition •asking for withdrawal ,from, 'and ` inclusion in the `proposed Lucknow : District. `Phese 'petitions were signed by 86 . ;percent of the . ratepayers • of this section.' (Continued on`liage 5) • E., L. INNE Lucknow High ',School' examin ation results appear elsewhere in thisissue. Proficiency :awards•:are: as follows. Cxrade 1K -7 -Winner of Finlayson Bros .Shield', .Audrey • Ross; win ner 'of`' English :award, • Rbss Grade X Jwinner'.of; .Wm:; Mac= , shield 'Gladys Chin; win- Kenzie , . Y n.'of erHistory •award, Edna Reid. Grade XI—winner 'of `Wm. A. • Schmid shield, ; N ireen Kilpat-' rick; 'Winner of ; Mathematics. award, 'Mary Jo Anderson. Grade XII= -winner of Womens Institute scholarship, Ruth And-; erson; Winner : of . language • award, Gladys Milne; winner of English shield, Ruth Anderson. =-, =en inn ns Cla 'ter ' To'be awarded. 1, a scholarship for Grade- XIII pro e. which h h ..member. Band shield ,for .band B oth' sides in the . Huron Coun-: ty battle: made special effort:;; to see••• that Huron, County Council members were out in: '„full force. for the eonergency Meeting, as an absentee' or, two could' change: the ..whole picture.' = n called for 9.15 P.m. `�-:Jibe .�sessio lasted for more than 'two,' hours before the all-important vote::wad taken. Wingha m • hada deputation present ` to present their 'case, while Reeve'J. C., McNab pre, sented Luokriow s ;case,: and did it well,as he has throughout the • „tire campaign,, ' w i . e.. s • ficiency .and the :Nigh • School 'Spearheaded and which has bee :in full swing for over two months. Its .:a • long y :' Story -that' •.had ;'its :'beginning when the southern por- tions of ,Ashfield and ! West. Wa= nosh Townships were included' in :the'Goderich and Wingham High School Districts At that time the West Warwanosh. :Council';voted the • northern • section'. of their 'township into the' Winghani area, upon assurance: of J..11.. Kin- kead, I:P.S., that they "Could get. out,:as .easily as they :got 'in", if they se' desired; . .Browns • Smyth HELD INDUCTION -AT,, WHITECHURCH, 'The •con' regations.orf St. Helens g,, and Whitechurch United .churches convened • in Whitechurch : on for the; iriduc- Thursday .evening' . tion• of. their new pastor, .Rev, S. E. Hayward. Rev. Hayward : suc- ceeds Rev.. M, G. Newton and assumed the duties ;of ,his new e 'The. 1950': tax rate for :the Vill- age of Luckrsow• was; struck at: 43 „ills,: at, . the •;July meeting : 'On i ht.This is- a redact- Tuesday n g . ion' of 5 mills from the 1849 rate of 48 mills. 'The, reduction is.due mainly; to the' equalization o f as • sessment program carried out'. last: year, and to a 'carefully•. Ont on' Sunday. was Reeve of Wet'Wawanosh • at , appointm - t .the . reeve, 'The induction 'service was •pre e mime andpresent. W. ,p,•. Everett' Finn�in, was a merniber sided, , over by Rev. Dr.' W of: the Board: Mr. 'Smyth reiter, Beecroft of Wingham who, ad; surance at dressed .the,,congregati�on. 'Rev- W. �a�ted receiving this assurance is A TTENDS 'REUNION''SERVICE'. DESPITE WHEEL' .CHAIR : h .which:'atten- • Aari�ong the t rong' de 'the And eW=Lane Centennial d r serv;aice on Sunday' afternoon; was Virg. ' .Dave Alton ' o Lucknow, 'who” for 41/2 years has been 'cqn fined, to a:. wheel•:,; chair. ;by'a trip'-'. ,piling, rheu*iatic. condition. Mrs. years due to .a' stroke, and , was taken; by: ambulance :.to Toronto' on. Saturday fore the return train journey' to Winnipeg.` Mr, Mac ';., In'tyre predeceased his ...wife five. years ago, .and` since then she has been cared ,for by: :her sister; it'Lrs.:: MVlacMillap : was formerly Margaret Gollan sand Mrs. Mac- ' .Intyre 'was formerly -Bessie Gall',• lan JUNE WAS° WET' What May lacked; in the line y; of •• rainfall,, ' the, last couple of o Alton:. is now 80:::Years ,.of age. weeks; in, June xnore.'than• anode: estimated and controlled budget , for "1950 ex" .enditures. For fhe Sunday, service she was :up, for.•' June rainfall: totalled 8.59° p h auditorium •carr"edrto the chart ,. i. hes..:: It bel . d the'.. haylbng ' Chief rate . educti'oris: are . in and ; none . in that assenvbly was :wonderfully, 'but now . farmers ' the.Count .school. ',acid village Y, • levies. 'For, all _ ,village ,purposes the: rate is 23.1 Mills,; the• county 'rate 8.3:and and the, • schools rate 11.6 for a:: 43 Mill 'total v the charge to .: att deli... ere ._ . Yost-�wee•� s-�pecLaY se�ro�r. _ .,. x_ The northern section of Ash- 'the minister . field was not ,included' �. •:any . _,, Rev. Hayward. is a native of • in ',districtPort :Elgin, New Brunswick, He ' :_. is a graduate of St. Stephen's Col We st rWawanosh ratepayers . • found they were soon ,:inv�blved Theology lege of gy in Edmonton f Mount in. a debenture issue in the: Wing- .and an arts , graduate of , • Allison College.. For . the' past • }lam Distnct, and a .move ?vas. actor of.Ben- .then' "representatives appointed. . petition t,hs ee ,yearn he was•p Tnade• fQr withdrawal. A P • i and .,has Within a fe�v. days, If is under was iver ayear ago ,r • s circulated o . miller, United Chus c stood that:Huron Townsli%p°will `seeking held pastorates in Prince ,Edward, withdrawal. and although on the 'County Nova ,Scotia, Saska�tche have a. representatiive -Council ave its approval,; Island, c_B ,ard as their assessment in the g wan and. St. Andrew's Church, o it 'wa ' found th,t the wfthdrawal l ' , ,e Jaw, w'here`he was. ordain- Dsstrid exceeds. $50,000, .The, act procedure • wasn't going to •be so .lVloos, 12 ears... provides for an additional mem ed in 19u7 and spentyears,. 'the fromthe municipality with the largest public •school,;':and a representative• to be named'' by .. Bruce County Council at' the November session. n s • m1, ing : is en a ve, ,x rate which; was: .reviewed and; approved Iby Council, -Reeve` J. C; •McNab ponited Cut that: the'Jan- Y 'Jan- uary bud g et had estimated g age- rate .reduction of • 1.6 mills with a surplus; of $600. '.The: pic- ture, at the halfway'‘mark in the year,' now permitsa 19. mill, re- duction and' provides for a surplus,. or reserve .for contingencies of $630.00.'., A. cdraplete.lbreakdown of, the rate structure : Will • be given 'in ' -our ne�Xt . issue. ThePower fate,. :however,— wall•, not necessarily mean. ` a lower tax'' bill fog'. all ratepayers This will vary andbe governed.. by the :assessment ad!- justments made last year:' Never.-• theless, it indicates very careful. financing locally and a rate.'re- ducti n becomes. almost ;startling news in, the •, face• of •' soaring. municipal tax .rates iri most other• centres. • To 'Do. .•Test Drillifig •' Couneil decided'Ito proceed With test drilling for 'a new well arid. will :have the International Water Supply: Co. •proceed. with ' this work at the earliest possLble date, which will likely . be in early August. , ,, Name School Board, .Member Orilthe` feearntrieridation of the Lucknow Board' of Education; ,the Council appointed Mr. • Robert Rae as Lucknow's representative. on the. n-ew. High:School District Board, Kinloss,. Ashfield •' and West. Wawariosh will - each- . have ;simple.' It was now 'required, by the A that there irrust be san- ott . other area to go into. ' At last Pall's nomination meet - mg in West Wawanosh It ,was de - Mr, and Mr's. • I-iayw'ard have one son; Tupper,' with the Hud- ..s6n, pay Company and one clau- ghter, Mrs. Alfred Mitchell' of crdecd to circulate another: dual Toronto; more thrilled . or: pleased to be in attendance than was ; she. are casting ,anxious .eyes at the Skies,.': hoping, they' will`. clear to allow'hai�vestingl cf the crop: The S FFERED BROKEN ARM' clovers.. are 'becoming ;Overripe, u :. and the delay, ix -1'101,10g haying.. Mrs. Mark Johnston of Holy -A underway reduces. the; ch°minces of rood suffered a fractured' , right arm last.•Friday' afternoon; ; when struck; by;' a scaffold., which:.col- lapsed while she was'; under' it,. The lumber struck .her a glanc- ing blow- on the head, and for- tunately het injuries were not, more . serious a :decent second cut 'of alfalfa.: - On:.top et' the , June ,rainfall: July started off wet; with a doV ri -. pour on :Sunday morning that 'added another ` :71: ' `inches. ': The June high vtras.;82 degrees on the '9th with a low of 32 `degrees ori the a 18th. Mme ::Lon; Andrew- istances " ne• t. - i a .„ Con enn a :Andrew-Lane.connection held theirpicnic at, Poplar ,Beach' on. Saturday,' July 1st: Scale two hundred members" of ' the ' clan to-. gether with their:.friends, 'gather_. ed' for this centennial ,anniver- sary. Visitors were•present •from. Minnesota; .: Alberta, ..East Lans- ing, `M.ich., Brockville, •„Windsor,” Toronto,'.. Niagara alts- Kitchen,' er, London and St. Marys: An in- teresting group there: was Alice Andrew • of Virginia, Minnesota, and Wm; E. Andrew of Lowry, Minnesota. They' : 'are; son and • ands n'John n. R;ichard, MrsEve-. lyi ('Kopp) `. Wood, : Mrs:.' Mary (Topp) ,Smellie; : Dr:. C. E. Stoth:. ers, Mr. and Mrs'.• .'.Thomas'.`. (Clara ' McQuillin), . Mr and Mrs. Howard:Reid; W. B. 'St thers,.:'Mr. an i? d .Mrs: W. •P::Reed,.,:Mr. and Mrs. Heard,, (Melda Lane), Mr. .and Mrs. Goldie Wheeler .(Winnie Lane) and son, •Alfred Andrew. ' -The .members of the execs tirve - the clan for '1949-50 are ',as'':` foillows:' pres„ Mae Lane, Holy - rood• R. 2 Vice press, Art And- rew, Lucknowr, sec., Mrs: A.' ,(Stothers) Crispin},, .Lucknow; da.ughter. bt 'the late' Job ,And- • areas:, Wm. E. •Ands; ev'v; R. R. 7, • • rew 'Jab: • was the youngest: son of Wan. and Mary Ann.Andrew,. and was born in.March, 1850.; .,and sailed. . he withthe rent o f 'e . �kr_, family to Canada in June :1;850 Ile : went to Minnesota cin: 1880. His ;wife was a, Miss, Hunter:. of. Ashfield, Also comin 'fromMinnesota Was Ivor Engebretson• of Lowry, son-in-law, of ,.the late, Job :And- rew Mr: Erigelbretson i::, ,bank manager sin Lawry and has just completed` 50 years service with A feature of the picnic was • a the 'orie bank:. Mr. Rus.tell• Mof- family tree tracing lack in .some eases for seven :,generations .1.6 uc „aur, • , At the supper ,'hour ,addresses. and remarks: were made. by Rev. D,' J;: Lane . ,,,Ivor_,E : xif;elaxetscm� Jessie Kilpatrick, Alfred'An•drew.',,• Steve Stothers; 'Elect New Officers Officers were elected 'for .1950- 51; Pres., Art Andrew, Lucknow; vice pres., Fred McQuillin, Luck- now; sec:, Beatrice McQuillirr, Lucknow; treas. Win: •E. Andrew, 11.:•'7, Lucknow.,. fact of St. Pawl, .Minn.; .grandson `of Sob Andrew, was present for the picnic.' The following visitors from a ' distance -were noted, 'among the crowd: ' Mrs': ohri F.. (Edith) Andrew, Jessie Xilpat- 'rick, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Andrew ,,„ 1—_yam,....,+.•`• 'l�.ti�Yi�Y..i�'I+':''i,"9':.`k ...r..�.. ..ati_wl.a....i:'wa$' �r,�V .rlil lrFifr'-��ti:. Edtn'und . Smal.e Andrew, father of ..Win::Andrew who came to Canada in 1850. This had refer;:' once to the Andrew side of- the:, clan and • w'as prepared.,by Alfred • (Continued on page 3) • • r r` it -•� • 4,! a • r E'I