HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-07-06, Page 1r•
$2.50 Yearly in. :Advance • � 5.0c Extra'to
.. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO,, a_'7`T TIRSD..A.Y, JULY, 6th,. 1950.
Eigla .PAGES
luron 'fives Final Approvel To;
Lucknow:HIgh School" Cstri.c
Huron ' County Council Met • at
Goderich last. Wednesday night'in
an °'enier'gency session. Called' .by,
'Warden Cecil Johnston" of Ash;
field Township, and 'gave final
approval to. the third reading of
, the :by-law .;that. :sanctions .the
withdrawal of 'West • Wawanos'h
":.'front the. Wingham, High: School
;.District, to join the; newly ferrned.
Lucknow, , High 'Scl ool - District . .
This 'third reading vote Was
again close at 15 to . 14, thus re-
maining unchanged from, tie re-
corded :vote at theJune''session
by which. 'C'ouncil rejected the
recoininendatioris of the Constilt
ative 'CoM ittee and passed the
first.' and second' reading .of the
by-law. Thee third reading was
Spiked, n;ending '.approval of ;the
:Department of Education, and;
when• this was ".not ,received ,.'by•
-L-the--tnmo :sof_adj-ou-r-nment,-a-spec
ial meeting of . County: • ;Council'
was necessary if the, approvai.
• was:;forticorning, by• the deadline
of July _1st:
' .- The twelve' days between the
two: sessions of County Council;
• were .hecrttic ones, and saw a de'
terminect : e1fert . ;beirilg made on
the one hand' to block .the Luck •
now' 'District; 'and: an: equal de
' .terns.inati'on.to obtain its .approv-
Lucknow . Boy ,SCOLttS.. are at
eamp • :this . week at, 'Inverhuron,
under the direction of'' • Carrip
Leader ,Rev. • A'. E, T'avener, 'and
assistants; . Jack • Treleasen' and
Ken ,Chester..,- •
Eddy Gaunt took the boys to,:
tarn. on Monday and Gordon
Brooks will ;bring' them back next
Monday..The 'truckers are giving
their services.'
Local boys at•.' the camp are
Troop Leader 'Russell' Swan. ,' Pa-;
trot; Leaders Charlie Clirs, Ar,
thur Baker. and. Dennis Erniberli:i,
'Scouts Kent Hedley, Ernie Gib -
sots,' Jack Chin,' jack Mowbray,
Bobby' Gardner, Alvin ''Baker,.
George Webster, Kenneth - Had
1kinson,-'Roddy Wraith, Billie t-
chie.•and George Habkir'k;'-Town.
any ' • Fowler '.oaf Dungannon and
•two Cub':•,Sixers, 'Ronald. Tavener
and Ian- Marshall.
car ,accident, occurred .on
Highway 80._anear..Bob . Hamilton's,
farm ;on Thursday evening about.
6:00 o'clock, in which. Miss Wil-
son, of Teeswater, suffered lacer
rations: to' her face ,and head that
x, equired, ,twenty, stitches,
" • Alvin Thompson• • of Ripley;-
The death of Mr Duncan ,Macy:
Millan of Winnipeg'oocurred. sad'
clenly at the home .of Mr. and..
Mrs. 'W. L. MacKenzie of Luck
now on Friday. about the supper
hour Mr., MacMillan bad suffer
"ed a "stroke six years.,ago, from r,,
�ni�ng ':1940 • Dod' e :was' pro, which .he had never regained. his;'
dr�v, a a g p -.
•cee'ding westward and 'had 'stop health. 'Thursday : evening he had
not been feel ' f well;and :orFri-;
ped cn'"the•Highv�-ay. Doug. A,rxn. �
'strong; Of'Teeswater - driving a
19 29 •: Model' A coupe;' ,and ...:also
,proceeding westward, didn'tsee
the parked car:':abecause of the
setting suis and plowed. into the
back, of 'the Dadge: Miss Wilson,
who was a passenger in thecoupe
was thrown through the wind-
shield, and severely cut. She ,;re- ,
ceived medical ` .attention at ..Dr.
W:,• V. Johnston's ..offce arid was
lager'. able to. go borne,
'day. the . rerrsained sn; his room.
Mrs. MacMillan had 'been' with :
•him,less• than half a:1,hour,before •.
Ms. death, and.: he .appeared :as
usual, •hearing a. sound''ucps4airs
Mrs. MacMillan. • and Mrs. Mac-
Kenzie •rushed to •his bedroom
discover ,that he vias beyond rued:
ical aid.
On Saturday Mr. .IVIacMi11ari's
'remains were . sent ,by . train to
Winnipeg where ; ib urial stook
lace. -
Mr' - and Mrs, Thompson'; and p
P!'V' S, E:; .HAYWARD ,.
inducted' three children -escaped, irijur-ies, • Mr, and .:Mrs.. MacMillan., and`
, •'her sister, Mrs. John . Maclntyre,
wa ed as. ,minister of the'and Mr Armstrongs injuries
were •qui. e minor
t 'had' to; leave Winnipeg during the':
e ens hiitechurch a boint-here
Ii1, W .. _ . �- , • •, ._ flood°' and had. (been Iv7siti:ng
-`i'hP hack of the �Dod,ge .,was
ent ` of t e United Church .at arsi3 was since • that time. While here,'Mts.: crushed. in,. • and the: coupe
hursda . u•d .twist- in .aMaclntyre'.stayed at.iGhe'home; of
mpressve ser.v ce on T Y badly incl d g •
evening: P ed frame. •. er ,b other Mr,,: Wm. MacInt re
, '
She laseeri an invalid for ,16
.al. •
' There were deputations.to Tor-.
onto in; , this '. regard from .both
WWingham• and: •Lucknow `:Reeves
of the. munici alities desiring the
Lucknow- •._Area, sent .personal:
wires to' the 1Viinister'•.of Educe-
tion asking':for the approval„'Of :':'
the Lucknow , District. Bruce. ANN
•Count Council .'given unain- AWA
imous approval at:•.they :June'.ses-
sion to the• establishment. ,of the
Lucknow :High iScheel'.'District
and Warden Avis also•' petitioned
the Minister . of Education to ' give
recognition'. to the wishes of this
petition •asking for withdrawal
,from, 'and ` inclusion in
the `proposed Lucknow : District.
`Phese 'petitions were signed by
86 . ;percent of the . ratepayers • of
this section.'
(Continued on`liage 5) •
E., L.
Lucknow High ',School' examin
ation results appear elsewhere in
thisissue. Proficiency :awards•:are:
as follows.
Cxrade 1K -7 -Winner of Finlayson
Bros .Shield', .Audrey • Ross; win
ner 'of`' English :award,
• Rbss
Grade X
Jwinner'.of; .Wm:; Mac=
shield 'Gladys Chin; win-
Kenzie , . Y
n.'of erHistory •award, Edna Reid.
Grade XI—winner 'of `Wm. A.
Schmid shield, ; N ireen Kilpat-'
rick; 'Winner of ; Mathematics.
award, 'Mary Jo Anderson.
Grade XII= -winner of Womens
Institute scholarship, Ruth And-;
erson; Winner : of . language • award,
Gladys Milne; winner of English
shield, Ruth Anderson.
ns Cla
' To'be awarded. 1,
a scholarship for Grade- XIII pro
e. which h h
Band shield ,for .band
B oth' sides in the . Huron Coun-:
ty battle: made special effort:;; to
see••• that Huron, County Council
members were out in: '„full force.
for the eonergency Meeting, as an
absentee' or, two could' change: the
..whole picture.' =
n called for 9.15 P.m.
`�-:Jibe .�sessio
lasted for more than 'two,' hours
before the all-important vote::wad
taken. Wingha m • hada deputation
present ` to present their 'case,
while Reeve'J. C., McNab pre,
sented Luokriow s ;case,: and did
it well,as he has throughout the
„tire campaign,, ' w i . e.. s
ficiency .and the :Nigh • School
'Spearheaded and which has bee
:in full swing for over two months.
Its .:a • long y :' Story -that' •.had ;'its
:'beginning when the southern por-
tions of ,Ashfield and ! West. Wa=
nosh Townships were included' in
:the'Goderich and Wingham High
School Districts At that time the
West Warwanosh. :Council';voted
the • northern • section'. of their
'township into the' Winghani area,
upon assurance: of J..11.. Kin-
kead, I:P.S., that they "Could get.
out,:as .easily as they :got 'in", if
they se' desired; . .Browns • Smyth
'The •con' regations.orf St. Helens
and Whitechurch United .churches
convened • in Whitechurch : on
for the;
Thursday .evening' .
tion• of. their new pastor, .Rev, S.
E. Hayward. Rev. Hayward : suc-
ceeds Rev.. M, G. Newton and
assumed the duties ;of ,his new
'The. 1950': tax rate for :the Vill-
age of Luckrsow• was; struck at: 43
„ills,: at, . the •;July meeting : 'On
i ht.This is- a redact-
Tuesday n g .
ion' of 5 mills from the 1849 rate
of 48 mills. 'The, reduction is.due
mainly; to the' equalization o f as
• sessment program carried out'.
last: year, and to a 'carefully•.
Ont on' Sunday.
was Reeve of Wet'Wawanosh • at , appointm -
t .the . reeve, 'The induction 'service was •pre
e mime andpresent. W. ,p,•.
Everett' Finn�in, was a merniber sided, , over by Rev. Dr.' W
of: the Board: Mr. 'Smyth reiter, Beecroft of Wingham who, ad;
surance at dressed .the,,congregati�on. 'Rev- W.
�a�ted receiving this assurance
h .which:'atten-
• Aari�ong the t rong'
de 'the And eW=Lane Centennial
d r
serv;aice on Sunday' afternoon; was
Virg. ' .Dave Alton ' o Lucknow,
'who” for 41/2 years has been 'cqn
fined, to a:. wheel•:,; chair. ;by'a trip'-'.
,piling, rheu*iatic. condition. Mrs.
years due to .a' stroke, and , was
taken; by: ambulance :.to Toronto'
on. Saturday fore the return train
journey' to Winnipeg.` Mr, Mac ';.,
In'tyre predeceased his ...wife five.
years ago, .and` since then she
has been cared ,for by: :her sister;
it'Lrs.:: MVlacMillap : was formerly
Margaret Gollan sand Mrs. Mac- '
.Intyre 'was formerly -Bessie Gall',•
What May lacked; in the line
of •• rainfall,, ' the, last couple of
o Alton:. is now 80:::Years ,.of age. weeks; in, June
xnore.'than• anode:
estimated and controlled budget ,
for "1950 ex" .enditures. For fhe Sunday, service she was :up, for.•' June rainfall: totalled 8.59°
p h auditorium
•carr"edrto the chart ,. i. hes..:: It bel . d the'.. haylbng
' Chief rate . educti'oris: are . in
and ; none . in that assenvbly was :wonderfully, 'but now . farmers '
the.Count .school. ',acid village
• levies. 'For, all _ ,village ,purposes
the: rate is 23.1 Mills,; the• county
'rate 8.3:and and the, • schools rate 11.6
for a:: 43 Mill 'total
v the charge to
.: att deli... ere ._
. Yost-�wee•� s-�pecLaY se�ro�r. _ .,. x_
The northern section of Ash- 'the minister .
field was not ,included' �. •:any . _,, Rev. Hayward. is a native of •
',districtPort :Elgin, New Brunswick, He
' :_.
is a graduate of St. Stephen's Col
We st rWawanosh ratepayers .
• found they were soon ,:inv�blved Theology lege of gy in Edmonton f Mount
in. a debenture issue in the: Wing- .and an arts , graduate of ,
• Allison College.. For . the' past •
}lam Distnct, and a .move ?vas. actor of.Ben- .then' "representatives appointed.
. petition t,hs ee ,yearn he was•p
Tnade• fQr withdrawal. A P • i and .,has Within a fe�v. days, If is under
was iver ayear ago ,r
s circulated o . miller, United Chus c stood that:Huron Townsli%p°will
`seeking held pastorates in Prince ,Edward,
withdrawal. and although on the
'County Nova ,Scotia, Saska�tche have a. representatiive
-Council ave its approval,; Island, c_B ,ard as their assessment in the
g wan and. St. Andrew's Church, o
it 'wa ' found th,t the wfthdrawal l '
, ,e Jaw, w'here`he was. ordain- Dsstrid exceeds. $50,000, .The, act
procedure • wasn't going to •be so .lVloos, 12 ears... provides for an additional mem
ed in 19u7 and spentyears,. 'the fromthe municipality with
the largest public •school,;':and a
representative• to be named'' by
.. Bruce County Council at' the
November session.
n s • m1, ing : is en a ve, ,x
rate which; was: .reviewed and;
approved Iby Council, -Reeve` J. C;
•McNab ponited Cut that: the'Jan-
uary bud g et had estimated
age- rate .reduction of • 1.6 mills
with a surplus; of $600. '.The: pic-
ture, at the halfway'‘mark in the
year,' now permitsa 19. mill, re-
duction and' provides for a surplus,. or reserve .for contingencies
of $630.00.'.,
A. cdraplete.lbreakdown of, the
rate structure : Will • be given 'in
-our ne�Xt . issue. ThePower fate,.
:however,— wall•, not necessarily
mean. ` a lower tax'' bill fog'. all
ratepayers This will vary andbe
governed.. by the :assessment ad!-
justments made last year:' Never.-•
theless, it indicates very careful.
financing locally and a rate.'re-
ducti n becomes. almost ;startling
news in, the •, face• of •' soaring.
municipal tax .rates iri most other•
To 'Do. .•Test Drillifig
•' Couneil decided'Ito proceed With
test drilling for 'a new well arid.
will :have the International Water
Supply: Co. •proceed. with ' this
work at the earliest possLble date,
which will likely . be in early
August. , ,,
Name School Board, .Member
Orilthe` feearntrieridation of the
Lucknow Board' of Education; ,the
Council appointed Mr. • Robert
Rae as Lucknow's representative.
on the.
n-ew. High:School District
Board, Kinloss,. Ashfield •' and
West. Wawariosh will - each- . have
;simple.' It was now 'required, by
the A that there irrust be san-
ott .
other area to go into. '
At last Pall's nomination meet -
mg in West Wawanosh It ,was de -
Mr, and Mr's. • I-iayw'ard have
one son; Tupper,' with the Hud-
..s6n, pay Company and one clau-
ghter, Mrs. Alfred Mitchell' of
crdecd to circulate another: dual Toronto;
more thrilled . or: pleased to be in
attendance than was ; she.
are casting ,anxious .eyes at the
Skies,.': hoping, they' will`. clear to
allow'hai�vestingl cf the crop: The
S FFERED BROKEN ARM' clovers.. are 'becoming ;Overripe,
:. and the delay, ix -1'101,10g haying..
Mrs. Mark Johnston of Holy -A underway reduces. the; ch°minces of
rood suffered a fractured' , right
arm last.•Friday' afternoon; ; when
struck; by;' a scaffold., which:.col-
lapsed while she was'; under' it,.
The lumber struck .her a glanc-
ing blow- on the head, and for-
tunately het injuries were not,
more . serious
a :decent second cut 'of alfalfa.: -
On:.top et' the , June ,rainfall:
July started off wet; with a doV ri -.
pour on :Sunday morning that
'added another ` :71: ' `inches. ': The
June high vtras.;82 degrees on the
'9th with a low of 32 `degrees ori
the a 18th.
Mme ::Lon;
" ne• t. - i
a .„
Con enn a
held theirpicnic at, Poplar ,Beach'
on. Saturday,' July 1st: Scale two
hundred members" of ' the ' clan to-.
gether with their:.friends, 'gather_.
ed' for this centennial ,anniver-
sary. Visitors were•present •from.
Minnesota; .: Alberta, ..East Lans-
ing, `M.ich., Brockville, •„Windsor,”
Toronto,'.. Niagara alts- Kitchen,'
er, London and St. Marys: An in-
teresting group there: was Alice
Andrew • of Virginia, Minnesota,
and Wm; E. Andrew of Lowry,
Minnesota. They' : 'are; son and
ands n'John n. R;ichard, MrsEve-.
lyi ('Kopp) `. Wood, : Mrs:.' Mary
(Topp) ,Smellie; : Dr:. C. E. Stoth:.
ers, Mr. and Mrs'.• .'.Thomas'.`.
(Clara ' McQuillin), . Mr and Mrs.
Howard:Reid; W. B. 'St thers,.:'Mr.
an i?
d .Mrs: W. •P::Reed,.,:Mr. and
Mrs. Heard,, (Melda Lane), Mr.
.and Mrs. Goldie Wheeler .(Winnie
Lane) and son, •Alfred Andrew.
' -The .members of the execs tirve -
the clan for '1949-50 are ',as'':`
pres„ Mae Lane, Holy -
rood• R. 2 Vice press, Art And-
rew, Lucknowr, sec., Mrs: A.'
,(Stothers) Crispin},, .Lucknow;
da.ughter. bt 'the late' Job ,And- •
areas:, Wm. E. •Ands; ev'v; R. R. 7, •
rew 'Jab: • was the youngest: son
of Wan. and Mary Ann.Andrew,.
and was born in.March, 1850.; .,and
sailed. .
withthe rent o f 'e
. �kr_,
family to Canada in June :1;850
Ile : went to Minnesota cin: 1880.
His ;wife was a, Miss, Hunter:. of.
Also comin 'fromMinnesota
Was Ivor Engebretson• of Lowry,
son-in-law, of ,.the late, Job :And-
rew Mr: Erigelbretson i::, ,bank
manager sin Lawry and has just
completed` 50 years service with A feature of the picnic was • a
the 'orie bank:. Mr. Rus.tell• Mof- family tree tracing lack in .some
eases for seven :,generations .1.6
uc „aur, •
, At the supper ,'hour ,addresses.
and remarks: were made. by Rev.
D,' J;: Lane . ,,,Ivor_,E
: xif;elaxetscm�
Jessie Kilpatrick, Alfred'An•drew.',,•
Steve Stothers;
'Elect New Officers
Officers were elected 'for .1950-
51; Pres., Art Andrew, Lucknow;
vice pres., Fred McQuillin, Luck-
now; sec:, Beatrice McQuillirr,
Lucknow; treas. Win: •E. Andrew,
11.:•'7, Lucknow.,.
fact of St. Pawl, .Minn.; .grandson
`of Sob Andrew, was present for
the picnic.' The following visitors
from a ' distance -were noted,
'among the crowd: ' Mrs': ohri F..
(Edith) Andrew, Jessie Xilpat-
'rick, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Andrew
,,„ 1—_yam,....,+.•`• 'l�.ti�Yi�Y..i�'I+':''i,"9':.`k ...r..�.. ..ati_wl.a....i:'wa$' �r,�V .rlil lrFifr'-��ti:.
Edtn'und . Smal.e Andrew, father
of ..Win::Andrew who came to
Canada in 1850. This had refer;:'
once to the Andrew side of- the:,
clan and • w'as prepared.,by Alfred
• (Continued on page 3)