HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-06-29, Page 6PAGE SIK.- ,a xis atr R4, S, :C. r4; It • Y d."IEGIO11TNAIRES EDGE, JOth:. _ INNING WIN BY 3-2: Zt too ten innings; but onl , . y�. lap: hour and a half, fo r Luck - avow Legionnaires to edge Win over the Centralia Airmen' in ' the Caledonian Park :last , ,Thursday evening. The weather man provided 'a perfect night for the fixture and a recordbreaking crowd. waS. iii attendance, " ;Hiighie Hall stole the show,.He. a clouted mi ht hoarier -'over the ,mighty centre : field f en9'e. in the third inning to. drive in,Jack 'MacDon old' ahead of•. him, •who.,was on' 'With.one:. of• . pair o.waks l he ;de r•w. a`•. i'. '. This wiped out iCenitralia's •ane run • lead' ,from the second frame when an • error and.. two. passed balls gave them, an easy run.: Hall • was steaming them ,in.. so fast t at Banks, his battery ;mate, had t , ble in heading him,. A.:. hit, n infield out 'and. a •Passed ball gave 'Centralia theequalizer in the 5th inning and.at the end of nine"- it. still stood: 2-a11: ' Hall won his own ball game - ;the...He-hoist'– '�. in, the last of , . `, " ed one to deep • right, that: drop- ped' through. the fielder's hands. Hall tagged., - ;up_._ .at second, . He stole ; ,third "while Banks was 'vu'izififiivg, and when they tried; to •ck `Hug ghie off ..third. she legged• it. home in ;nothing. flat as . the third baseman, let 'the'' ,horsehide:. *get' past, liixn :a few feet: That was it, land.the'crowd went home . jubilant' with '. three. wins: !Centralia .'Nine :Were a real 'threat throughout:; They used. two pitchers;• who combined for 13 strikeouts aril gave'up 'a. scanty, 4' hits, (but issued 8' -walks , Hal.was again brilliant ;with 14 strikeouts, and scattered -seven hits , • Centralia 010..010' 000 0=2 Lucknow 002 `000; 000. 13 "Centralia• Carrachar, •• White, Andrews, Armstrong, ,; Thornton,, (Donald, Johnston, Summer, and THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. p.l. KNOW, ONTARIO PUNCH HOIVIE RUI.. IN 9th • TO WIN AT SEAFORTH Luckriow Legionnaires made it four straight on , Mond;ay: night, in toppling the ierful Seaf. orth• squad on ome diamond by a 5-4 score: Clarence Greer Scor.- ed the; .tie-breaker in the first half of. the 9th• after the Legion naires'' detente', went wobbly in the •8th: to.- Permit the "Bosharts a three.-runr`ally;that knotted the: ceu'nt. • • :. ers ' ifed: •13 batt. Hu kxre HAIL. whf , . . anc1 allowed /but 4` hits. His new cattery Mate, Luke Brooks, work- `ea� • behind the plate and •did . : 1 neat .chore of handling •Hal, s ;hot ones ' ' • • '• The Legionnaires collected nine, hits ' off O'Shea, who. had two s'trikeputs. Lucknow got off .to. a good start 'with a' 3 -run •onslaught. .in the. 'opening inning. • Seaforth got one of :.them. back in theirs Lucknow made it 4-1 in .the. 6th ' and it looked.like clear sail- ing till ,the • fatal ,8th,, when Sea forth tied it' up. Lucknow won it speedily in' the lstof the ninth and with Isler• in .a scoring posi- tion for•'Seaforth in the last of the 9th, Hughie mowed down' the wast two batters swinging.__ .Lucknow: Andrew, .. if;". Greer `2nd; MacDonald, : ss; Hall, p; .Brooks, c; . Chin; cf;•'Treleaven, hf Gioggins, 3rd; . Cook, ist. T,Seoxth:.Mulford, 3rd; Krieg- ler, ss; O'Shea, p; • Smith, • •lf; Proc- . tor, 1st; Wade, rf; Henderson, ,c;, hsIer, cf; Cameron, 2nd. • Lucknavy: . Seaforth ...,,100 000 0&0 Games Coming tip, June 39—Goderich at Lueknow July 5..--Lucknow at Winghan July.' '7 Wingharn`at Lucknow Jitney -Winners `There;. were 14 `bowlers . took part in the. local Mond y • night jitney..Winne'rs were -Fred . Jrack- son; Gordon MacPherson, 'Isaac ;Miller and .Mx s. ' W. A. Solomon: Lucknow: Andrew, Ci; C: Greer, MEN'S DOUBLE. PRIZES ALL GO: OUT. OF TOWN i1Q,, 1 Ld(.LII 141 , : ,a i r 1 • 1, Banks, e; Goggin, 3rd;;Gould, rf; :Treleaven,'lf;''Cooke,, est... ' f • New Uniforms For Legionnaires : iSe ball fever is ' running at a high : pitch here, ;''and in keeping with ;the •"atmosphere" the Leg- i.onnaires will soon step out ` .in,. new 'uniforms;. which' have been • badly 'needed:' . Fifteen iiniforrns will ,each; have the name pf the individual sponsor :across the:back. The .can v.ass: for :sponsors •.wag- made last week and was no sooner begun• than it was ;'done: • ..Twenty rinks competed in the Mien.'s •iDoubiles twilight at the local , greens. Mast r reek,, with 'all '£ilvie, prizes going to out-of-town :trundlers. Winners were: 1st, Mc Kay and ,DuVal,;,•Winghain . 2nd; Weibster' and 'Brown , Wingham;. 3rd, Mathieson and 1VIc1VIan.us, Goderich; 4th, Gray, •and Vodden, •Blyth, 5th, ...Allison and Moore; Goderich , ' Caretaker . of the greens this year is Wm. Brown. of Luc'know. He. has them in :fine 'shape now, }w and they ere : at their best' for 'this doubles event. 'Phone 1131:' 'Kincardine PAYING " HIGILIEST' PRICES' FOR;.LIVE 'POULTRY. 'ALSO SCRAP BAGS AND ;SACKS Poultry. Cu11ing A Specialty,' GOODYEAR TRACTOR TIRES Several Sizes In .Stock WOODS' ELECTRICAL' EQUIPMENT\ Houle Freezers,' Frig's,' Stoves, Grinders, Etc., LAN` MOWERS, SHARPENED Change. Over From. Steel To Rubber On. Any, Implement, • SEPTIC. -TANKS FIX TRACTOR FLATS', `'Ptone 64-r-11, Lucknow WELD'ING • DONE AN `W1F ER,E' • ASHFlELD SCHOOL AREA PICNIC -3 The; -third ;annual .picnic spon- sored by the Ashfield • Area. Sehool Board was held at Kin-. tail 'Camp on June 21st,, and was well attended by (pupils, parent$ and ratepayers of :the, Township., Early in the afternoon,and un- der perfect- -weather conditions,'. the sports got underway.. The in- spectgr, . Mr J,. i3'. Kinkead, the secretary treasurer, Mr ,. Richard Kilpatrick, rid #Messrs. W...Altorr, W. W :Tigert, L: Gibson, 1VI. Durnin g . M and G::Finlayson, members of:the. Board; •.all took an active .part iu looking after the , events,,,a n d prizes,' Mr, Aaron Boak, in charge of the loud' -speaker; kept folks infor'ned o'.f all the activities and prize w, .. .inners.. The male•teachers` • assisted with ,'the'pumping '4114 vaulting while the �ady teachers g , were': in charge of games for the small childrenand acted on the lunch_committee. The Kintail. In. stitute ; had . an „ ice cream ,, and. dandybooth which was well pat- ronized. 8 To '1Viir. . �a .2 •� ' • , y g went the 'h•Peter NI�cNa�, ed onor and prize for be- ing the' oldest at the picnic,' and to Rodney McDonagh, aged three weeks, 'went the prize;: for the. 'Youngest baby. The 'program .featured twoex- citin,g'•softbal games. Fdr •.the ` 1st 'game ,the ,teams: were::composed: of twoplayers from. each school. .The, 'final • game played.; after lunch, was closely. contested; '`be_ 'tween- 'Port Albert 'and. Belfast, with• Belfast-' winning ;the' ,gain and the silver 'cup trophy donat ed by;;1VIr,-: 'Aaron Beak. of Port Albert:.`• After. a • bountiful basket lunch, Mr. `• Walter• Alton made a ;brief speech,. thanking::: all, who had ,come to Make the: picnic a site - cess. and alio: thanked the camp ,directorsfor-the ' use pf 'their'•fine, grounds.'A- cordial invitation was extended to: all present ,to attend next year and boost the Ashfield School, Area picnic •Girls, 6 years -Janie Finlayson, Mary: Lou' Collinson; Margaret •McLennan,. • Eileen Vasell, Bet- ty• • Ferris, : Barbara. Finlayson.:.; Boys; T Alen McKenzie; Walter Mole, , .Lloyd :Corbett,: Donald. 1 ill, L111,1.,,111"1"".1 il, t•au ray, Campbell Girls, 10 years — Janet Thor-,• 'burn, Elaine McIntyr•Kathleen Hackett, . Norma. Pentlae, nd•, Mar- ion McLennan, Joyce•.lVlcNay Boys -Terry. Dalton, Jin Blake,, Bibby _Harris; Larry. McIntyre,. Kenneth Mct enzie, Billy Black.; �Grrls, 12 Verona Ellis, -Dolly' McGee, Ann., and Mary Doherty.' Boys -Norman Stewart, Murray Popp; Ralph .Nixon.' Giris, I4=Evelyn Athill, 'Isa 1bel Tigert, . Loretta Martin. ' Boys Norman Stewart,. • Floyd John- stop and Freddie Anderson, John. 'Rutherrfbrd:.: Young Men—Eddie ' Tigert Col in .•Hawes; Charlie -Hallam. Young ladies ---,Shirley Hamilton, lyn":Pithily' ..Isabel , Tigert.. Wheelbarrow, ' boys --• Irwin Campbell ,Floyd .'Johnson, `Bruce Raynard-David Kirkland, Carmen Nixon -Wayne Stewart. Girls Freda Hackett 'Ann Doherty, Isa- belTigert-Mary Doherty, Evelyn Athill-Dolly': McGee (tied for sec- ond), Nerma Errington•.Cois YViole Sack race,. boys–Irwin Camp- bell, #Franlalira Stangel;• Delmar' Maize. '" GirlsiKathleen I-lackett,. Gertie Campbell. ;-legged race, boys Carmen and John. "Nixon, Kenny Alton Leslie < Ha] lam, ' Floyd Johnston John Rutherford: Girls -'••lsabctl 'rigert-Evelyn Athill; Nornia' rington-Lois Mule, Sylvia. 'Cur 'ran -Ruth, Keane, ` Softball . thrryw,' ' Jr., girls: -- :Louise McLennan, Joyce McNay, gonna Pentland,' 13oys—Billy Black,. • Bariry'MeDonagh, . J. C. Dtrrnin Sr.-igir1s--Shit'1ey 1am- iltorr,`.: Raelcen" Hamilton, Isabel • Tiger‘ Sr. boys Wes Rivett,, Jack 1VIcLennan, "Freddie Ander- 5011:.l .unni:ng bread jurnp, Jr, girls —Ann McKenzie, Betty. Lou ,yeas- cella,_ .Kathleen .Hackett. Jr. boys Billy 731,ack;' Morris Dalton, Mtke Dalton, Sr•' :g{ir1s u,Lillian. Popp, Isabel Tigert, Evelyn At - Nil: Sr. boys --.--Norman Stewart, John ,ftutherford Roy Keane, KA1RSREA; INSTI,TUTE MAKES. DONATIONS, TOTALLING, $50 The Kairshea. Institute met in the .I-lolyrood Hall on :June 22nd, one week later than usual on ac- count of she district annual .be- ing held `on the regular day: The hostesses;:were Mrs, Parrish Mof- fat and- Mrs. Wm. Evans. This. meeting was, „given- to historical research- and icurrent..;exehts and the roll 'call was answered by parriesof '"great lovers 'of .hist- ory", Adonation of $25.90 waS.nade to the' Manitoba Flood :Relief; $15 to the Salvation .Army: and $10. to Lucknow; Agricul't'ural Society; It .was: decided that 'anyone want ing''.an' •fnstitute pin. should„hand n on ” ' into the their' `name ad. est Gardner is ltn#p he near• f u ture. T,he sec. treas int u , Mr, and' Mrs.': , .,s Tasker ar.� , auction sale. ,,of. ,home-made , art. spending' .a W!h�ile .°w.ith: Ali and, rid idles `w quite .: a success.. Miss. Mrs: Cecil Gardrnei Annie `'•1cKa �' acted as •. au�ction; Miss Ruth An e .. y •. .. .. R Curran of Crewe is eer• It was •decided.'to held the assisting, Mrs. Jim Hunter. picnic • on Friday,' June 30th as -';.. The Zion .Su:nday School. i P epic soon as school is out in casy) at the. end ' e of: ' is today (T'hursda inflantkle paralysis. starting. of ..the Twelfth. The •: current elvents . `were pre-:. pared', iby Miss .Annie McLeod and ,"We Adopted Three'' . " .. by When should foster parents tell 'their 'children ':ot. their: adoption? ' ' ` Read • the''he.art-warrning story of Ernest , Cady, :foster -parent ofd. 3 adopted children, who: success. .:fully Read and. =solved this'- ro _ p b lem .. ; "We Adopted Three" in he American; `Weekly, great • magazine.with.., this • Sunda (July 2). ' issue of. The Detroit Sunday , Times. , THURSDAY, JUNE 29th, ZION:A SMr. Jack Macintoshvisited on • Sunday evening with Mr, and, Mrs, Frank Ritchie, Mr, and 0.Mrs. Jack McLean Qf° Rochester visited, with' Mr ,and' Mrs, . H,arvey Ritchie' •Sunday °ev.;. ening; 950 Miss Ruth •Baynard spent the week -end With Miss Katharine Ketchalbaw.. ' Mr, and•Mrs. Pordon Kirkland and family 'visited in London and were accinn,panied back by Mrs: Andrew and.John horn Lan,• sing, > Michigan. , Mrs. Will• ` •Gardnei ,''i. • with,, s• visiting .: with Mrs. Margaret • Qardner. of Dungannon: • • We- are- glad* to :hear Mr Ern= raving. read Mrs.. Ross McMillan and the motto "aiM ,when ' you grow old' to be called .a dear old soul not a .horrid '.old. thing" Was well taken by Miss '; Annie. .McKay. ' • : • The guest speaker was as _ Rev: Mr.. Baulch . who 'gave, a . very. teresting and ;instructive talk on .the book. entitled "This ' •is , my. choice'., Solos were `rendered. by Mrs: ;,3. Carruthers, Mrs,,:. James McTavish `and Mrs, Chadwick, An instrumental was much' enjoyed Cpl yecHs -le ss-- ve1yn--Johnston ,and Mrs Hughes favored with a reading. .a Mrs: R ` Martin ° gave the ing • remarks which , brought very interesting meeting. to a1,` close. God .• Save the ' ' King .was sung and : a bountiful lunch •ser- ved "by the ';directors. `ASHFIELD Six,children nere'.:baptiz' • at t ria °. the •Pre' n the � service: in , sl Church.on`Sunday morning• They, Were:, John: Weir, son of Mr. and' Mrs::D. MacKay; • Alexander Neil Douglas, son of . Mr. and :Mrs, -Jack MacKenzie; Isabel• Jean. and Mary. Helen, ..daughters of Mr. Verna Mare`e, daughter' of Mr. & Mrs. 'R; Parrish; .Susan Jean, din - Of ,Mr.and Mrs: ; Wm,' Mac- Donald.' acDonald.' ' Next :. Sunday 'those in -.attend fiance at Kintail .Carnp.'will attend the Presbyterian 'church and their director will be guest .speaker. • &vs ea TRADE MARK REG. costs so little is so easy to serve IF. PRESBYTERIANS OBSERVE 75th 'Ar NIVERSARX < • • A:congregation' of more than 1;500 :people filled .Knox •Presby- .teriari Church,: Goderich, . and overflowed; °. onto the' lawn on Sunday evening. for'- a .'Service .• of 'Witness in ?commeration of the 75th anniversary of the Presby- terian' Church' in •Canada, .held under' the'direction.. of ` Huron- Maitland Presbytery, and repre- senting Presbyterian churches in' all parts .of.:Huron county.: Rev. • Alexander Nimino of Winghami „Moderator of Presby, tery, 'veils in 'charge of the Ser- vice '.andwas. assisted' by 'Rev, R. G. MacMillan, 'moderator, of ses-. ;cion, Goderich, and 'Very. ; Rev. C:' IL ••• MacDonald, former Mod- erator of the general assembly; Revs, Prof. David W. Hay of,: Knox College', Toronto, *Was 'g u c s t 'Spec} er. Running high jump, Jr. girls Mazy Carter; Kathleen Hackett, Mary . ; Alton Jr. ,'boys;';Billy Black, Grant ,Cu'rrat\, Mike Dal- ton. Sr. girls—Lois' Webb, Eve- lyn , Athrll` (ti ), (Sabel, Tigert,. Shirley Hamilton (.tier.' Sr. boys Leslie Ha"Xlam, Norman Stew art, • Carmen Nixon., ' Pole vault,' Jr. boys --Billy lliiy den, Richard Stewart; Mike' Dal- ton; Sr. 'boys --Floyd, . Johnson,. Norman' Stewart,' Geoge Cup-: skey. Girls- Isabel Tigert . Eve- ' .ly'n Athill, Mary Doherty. . Relay race—Beifast,, John, and, Carnien Nixon,. John Rutherford,; Floyd' • Johnston. No,. 9, Kenny Alton, ,Margaret McNail:, Eldor Lannarr, Leslie Tailam, Port Al. Ebert, • Eveln. • Athill, Mary Doh- erty `1Vonnan• StewargBob Bow- den, • .., MASON'S GARAGE'. =ONC 141i, ,I�UC>Ci)�l4 •