The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-06-29, Page 24' .4 PAGE: TWO THE L'UCKNOW. SE1VT'lNEL, LUCKNOoW, ONTARIO Bands Parade, at 8.15: Bands, :. hrling THURSDAY, JUNE 29th, •1950,, CALEDONIAN. PARK ,c�Qb,�#i� Performance, Bingo, dolts 2$c, Public jai PChool 'children I��c ■ Prize Draw.. •Ashfield Presbyterian, • W.M.S. The June meeting., of the 'W;. M, S.' of Aahfield: Presbyterian church was held,t the.'home of PMrs DuDuncan ,A: MacKenzie with. adults and 5 children iiiat teiadance. 'Mrs, Brotchie, the in, .;p: P resident resided, Mrs. Eliza beth •Rose• read the scripture and prayer was offered by Mrs. Brot- chie. Mis. Donald. R MacKKenzie. •gave a paper on -the .75th anni- ' .versary . of . the; Presbyterian ohuroh in Canada. Mrs. D: A: 'Mc Leanread a paper :on `-Resent anents';. All en.oyed a solo.` .by ;Mrs.. Will Ross. One of. Isabel Cameron's store, stories. on "Dr. `Lindsay" was read )by:Mrs; Sinp son.: The •.meeting' •cl'osed:. with. prayer., . The .• hostess—served7"—a dainty 'lunch: WHERE THERE'S &CZ' TH ERE'SADEHOSPITALITY • .onthof Weddings:: •COLLINS': ,LAMB '�. ' ed Church Gad .North St. � Uncut ,.. hwas; the scene of °'a� quiet ere ,.t we...d ngd i • :on Saturday, June 24th at -12 :o'clock noon. ;In a. double: ring,' cerem,ony',•the Rev.'W.• C. Cope, minister of ; the . Church, united in marriage, Laura Elaine; eldestdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Toynbee. Lamb;, Colborne Town-. ship., and . Rean Herbert .Collins,;" son • of :•Mr. ,:and 'Mrs..Harry' Col - lips . of. Marlette, 1V.Cieh . .: , The , bride was lovely •in a street length dress of aqua bine lace over taffeta. Her corsage -fw'as4Of • pastel—pink and white carnations :with 'bandeau of:lace, and: flowers in her hair: She wore a . single, strand of. pearls. White • sandals •com'pleted; her- costume:, The bride _ was. 'attended by : • her. •sister,: Leone. in pink taffeta. with 'corsage of blure ,carnations. The -„:groom was SuppOrted.,.Jzytwin: brother Rex. ii■ .uiu•I ummummimr/: ,,, The, Calga 'y.'Stainpeders •/and other top western talent, ran ;z�nca d e Kznsm present .. •; PERSON Zlhe'wedding. party returned • to the 'home": of. the bride's parents: Where luncheon was served. The table was ' centred' by a ' three tiered,+wedding • cake, .after which the' young .;couple left for '.1VIar- lette to ' have dinner with the groom's' family. `.before leaving for. an extended. motor' trip through 'Western Canada` +by way •of Ate Northern States. On "'their return they,': will` reside.. on the groom's farm near 1Vlarlette, Mich, Mrs.• • Collins • have Mr. � and ' planned• a reception. at•the Meth odist Church House: on' July ;14th for the bride and groom .the, bride was' a popular Mem- specially' interested in' Junior In- stitute work, coaching. in ' sewing and d'on'e ,making projects, hav rots :won: her County awards ,this, year. ' As'::.past President : of the: Colrwanash branch, she. was guest of honor ', at. a ' .miscellaneous 'shower at 'the home of, Miss ,Mary Durst,; .= n'here . • fellow,:. members presented her with many, beauti-' .,fui !gifts; wheeled, in.by little Connie. ,Durst. Mary 'served 'a de-: •liciouS lunch - assisted by`' her mother, Mrs.:,John Durst WILEO TER RC:, : Victor Western Singing •, Star, . plus Mike Mark and Jack:` "The Rhythm . Pals'•. "'of • Burns :Chuckwagon Mary:Jane • Russell ' Beautiful: Cowgirl Singer Hank: Jones rn er of ' Ceremonies Weste Mast Big Variety Show .8.0 CONNAUGH' T' STADIUM .,y DANC•INGi FO�Lows ° at Kincardine Pavilion 1 ■■■■�■/■/■■l�/rM,/■/�/M/■ -*r. a and lrl oftthe vol q uet. ley: Miss 'Lois, E , ” •arrell a cousin' Of.. the.•.ibridec.. attended,:• • wearing N, a gown of "pale green satin, and Carried a',rbouquet of ,yellow roses,. and: daisies. The flower girl, Miss Heather Ackroyd, a .niece :of the bride, Was: gowned .'. in mauve brocaded poplin; with• plumed headdress" :•and., carried p basket of yellow nose's and daisies. •Ewan MacL'ean,, brother of the: groom. , •acted as 'best man. • M. rs Lester , :Ferguson • gat* a pleasing rendition sof '"Bless this .House" accoMpanied by, Miss Barbara:lVMacLennan. .• ' • The reception:. was , held, jrr Reid's •.Cerneis ,hall: • 2. • For. • the wedding .trip: to •:Ot-, tawa and_: Montreal the bride wore a.suit: of sky blue�gabardinct with:, White accessories Mr.' and Mrs. MacLean „ will ;reside. near Lac]i'als: Mrs:• Harry Tichlborne 'and Mrs: ,Harry •Dodd ,entertained , for:the Ibride-to-be.. at.1a. beautifully :ar.- ranged;�tea at the' home ,of • Mrs. Dodd where., she •received :many• lovely • gifts front the • ladies :brought' in by.'Master. Peter Stan. iforth in a ;decorated.. basket:; eo1 borne neighbors and :friends, call ed. on Elaine at her home 'the previous week ..Nuaneroits•' .were the gifts ..and good. ravishes extend- ed, to her :'before leaving for.her new home. . • MacLEAN=FARRE)LL A pretty': Wedding was solemn ized at the home of. Mr and Mrs. Wm. R. 'Farrell of - Duron ,Town; ship, when their youngest ,dau ghter, Mildred Catherine; •became. the bride 'of Allan Scott :Mac- Lean, , younger son of Mr_ and Mrs. Donald A. MacLean of Loch ash.' Rev'. J. C.. Hutton 'perform-, ed theceremony before° a bank. of spring flowers'. , The bride• was attired: in • a gown of heavy .White duchess satin . with .tight fitting basque bodice, and net 'yoke edged, with a• wide frill of imported French lace. A wide'! band of lace edged Hospital and the•'groom from the where she spent her lifetime, un- the hem, caught up at the, front Ontario Agricultural College'. : I'til' the death: of her husbancT sic with :sprays of lily of .the valley The groom is .a. former`. teacher l years ago,” Since then Mrs:" Ken- •.nedy has' spent •rriost of the time 4n Toronto. • Mrs. Kenedy wiras a kindly person w1 o' endeared:herself to wide -circle of friends. To mourn the loss of ra devoted Mother are four daughters, .Mrs. A.T. Lamb (Annie) of'Goderich; Mrs. Wm. UARY Cranston (Ruby), of West Wawa? OBI'r .nosh; Mra Roy: ;Maclnne.s. (flivri) l • 'MRS.' W..J,. McGVIRE of • Toronto; •Mrs: • Gordon IrW n; Wednesday evening; one (Daisy) ,of.' 'Goderick 'and.. ten On* y J ire 14th11firs:' W:.J.'•McGu , passed assed. away at the home of her :daugh` •ter in Detroit,:.following a 'seve're • p:. �i aral tc ,seizure on,; Monday.: She was in er '.80th year 'arid •was. formerly Valencia Ensign, .born f., y . at Ingersoll December, 15th, 1870. The eldest a. five children •of Isaac: and 'Emily (Staley) Ensign.. At an early . age she .''moved with' her ', parents to the, Ensign farm on . the Ashfield Boundary, • and BALL—AUSTIN. Baskets• of. white peonies form- ed ed an attract>Iwwe , background .for the, wedding in.' Knox Presbytery ian :church; Guelph :on ,Saturday, `June 17th, at '4.30 ,p.m. when Mil- dred Aline Austin .became :the ;bride' of `Alden; Gordon Ball of, Ames, Iowa ' The 'bride; is the dau ghter of 'Mr.. and:. Mfrs Stewart Austin Guelph and the groom is attended- the Lochalsh school In ••1893 she' 'Harried. William. Jcihn` m189G3 ''and took' up real- .dente' on the McGuire hotri'estead on•, the •Se.cond Concession '' of Huron. Township,' After .t .e ' e eat of• her husband in .19.15 she MON/J- ed' oWed''. to London ,for a few: `Cyears, then', Went:. td, Detroit: where. she remained until'; the • time of her, death ,Mrs.,McGuire was possessed'.of a friendly' and cheerful' disponi- tion 'arid 'a ,generous''nature. ,She had. a •sincere Christian.' faith and, was .a ,loyal member 'of; -:Olivet• Church. and . Pater the ;Methodist. church in Detroit. -She leaves to mourn .her passing, four sons ,and `three • daughters:;.—:'Roy,. Ripley; Howard, Huron Township,;: Percy,. Detroit' Walter, St: , JohnMich. .Donald -of Ashfield. Presbyterian .� Y Mrs.:.' J: : Dow '(Viola); Mi s., II Chiu ch, . who : Spoke • comforting; Warner '' (:Cora); •. Mrs.' • Ed ' Lash.-'. Words -.to the••bereaved:.Interment •rnet (Ethel), 'all.Of Detroit, , Also Was, in Ge eenhill ; ce eteiy, the '' ' e $ 11 and. •sister, Mrs: Chas: E. 'Smith of palll:;'earers°being near neighbors, the son -of Mr Jam, s , a the late :Mrs. Ball .of .I emptville.; Winghani and' a brother' Herbert '.Messrs:::Pete 'Far risk; 1�.\\'art Jam •of' •Ash field Townshi son ieson. John :Little' °3arnes: Little Rev. 'D. C: `.Smith oft"iciarted1, ed the vaied: L• eslie, •predeceased_ her .25, -,Years Bill ••• Wareing; • '.dim ' Johnston. Mr 'H Wilson Styli grandchildren:'•she. 'a5 also.• sail.' ivtived by a ibrother, `Neil, of IVIarysvilie, .Califor imia • °ROBEItt NELSON 'The death ,of . Rc btnrt Nelsp n occurred . .on Sunday'. morning, June 18th, in the Gode•ieh hos- pital,. where he had been a. .. -pat; ient for eight .weeks :lie had been,. in failing 'health fo• some : time, He was, born sixty-nine Tears ago on Concession 10, on the fo''r where he .pent his' entire 1rfe;;: He .was the ,;son' Mr.., arid' Mrs; Andrew'•Nelson,. early '' ..ioneers. of that section.. He .ww ;as hu,hly. esteeine., lci.ndly ane :.: genial; modest+ andel noti'''ng, upright •lra, all' :tris •cdealin.gs with Iiis- fellow- men, , and a:.regulnt at chur c)i ' rhen-health." petTriitted •'•:. He. is survived by his wife,' the Fortner Mary • MacDonald,• whom. he rhar'ried thirty, -One veai,s ago; one son •.James, of• Ashfield, and. one. daughter.' Jean. of Toronto, aaIs.o by, a. sister,' Mi•s.,•Mullen'of Goderich. The . funeral, which, was held •from his late ,residence" on Tues.. day, June h;, was largely : at- tended. ,Ther vice•was.'conduct= ed by hos pastor, :Rev. • .T. R. Mae= iin,g music and Mr. Keith Barber. ago: • sang ': ' ``The, Lord's 'P.rayer" anel The remains were brought to h• er'' old Thome on the Second "Because". Cork scion.; Rev ..D:. A. Bryden eFic i* 4 ,a „r„reLh � • nn •the e arm'of her father, the.. bride was: ear'rand a half, the .death of Mrs, lovely , in an: original gown of Olivet church on Saturdayafter- y White .chantilly • lace' and, satin: Her ;headdress' of ,lace and satin' was embroidered • with pearls, and she carried a ''cascade Iboi quet of whi% carnations and, 'stephan- • otis.. The 'bride's six atrtendanfis wore identically -styled gowns of taf- feta. af feta...Miss Shirley Bates .of Lon-. don, maid:. of •honor,, and the jun- ior, bridesmaid,; Miss. Anne . Aus-: tin, sister of the 'bride; swore' petal 'pink; . Miss Shirley,' Payne, Ot- tawa, niece of the: groom was yellow; ;Miss. Margaret Goodson in orchid:; Mrs' George' .Shaw : in pale. green and Mrs. Donald ShSw in .pale,'bluer :All. wore: coronets •• and carried • nosegays ,,of white parnations. • •`' Mr. Russel Shaw was%best m;an and the: ushers were' Mr:. -Fred Austin;, Mr. •.Wlesley''Robinson, and 1VA.. Henry Noble. ' The r'ee .tion . a heldi •' the e p Was n. Elizabeth Rooi°ri • o2. the Royal Hotel. ,The �bricfe's, Mother receiv- ed , wearing a gown .of flarningo • ,and . a corsage. of Talisman roses; Mrs.„ Annie Carson, Sister of the%groom,,assisted wearing ,a and corsage of Plrendfi blue gown Sweetheart roses.• • -For a wedding trip to the Rideau Ekes the bride wore a navy sheer dress' With white 'sib -es -ser- ies. Her corsage was"a white Or- chid. Mr. and Mrs. Bali , will . make their home in. Altos, Iowa, where the '.groom` is: taking a post grad- uate course at Iowa, State Col= lege. Both graduated in 1949; the bride from..t e Hamilton General Beautiful. • floral. tributes: were carried, by nephews . MRS.;. LUC SMITH anaoa'►�^ i�.°...r4[ '-;11 ..�Z; of � conciucte the tuner, service at b �Y • 1 iiopoynp,#with:,.;:interment ., in.: Ripley ,Cemetery, ei y.. y •• . The, pallbearers were `six neigh born; Jahn IVIcRae, • Flax well, .W. T.:Roulston Donald Me- Charles, •' • Norval Stewart 'and Harvey Brooks. The flower,'bear ers • ;were Douglas Henry, Jack McGuire, Bayirnond Hamilton. John 1VIcCharles, • Robert Osborne ' and; ' Jack Rouiston : There .were., Many 'beautiful .'floral ;tributes and :.friends• attended from;,Wing ham, . Goderich, Mitchell, Ford wick; •Duridas,H'aamilton Sarnia, Detroit' and :Michigan. ' JOHN, KENNEDY ., ' • The death ;of. Mrs. John, Ken- reedy,. practically.a;:lifelong resi dent of ,Kinloss •Township;•• oc- curred in Toronto', on Tuesday, June 20th.`.She was in her: 82nd • The .funeral service was held in the: United Church White- church On Friday afternoon, con - "duetted by - Rev. 'M. G Newton: Interment was in South Kinloss; `Cemetery. ' The ' pallbearers were George Kennedy, Russell Gaunt, MiIas ' McMillan, Duncan Ken- nedy; Jim McIntosh and Torn Gaunt, The flower bearers Were Robert. McAllister, Morley John stein; Keitrietir-Purvis and-. Phan] Mothers. • • Kennedy was formerly Nancy McCorvie, a daughter of the. late Neil and Ann' McCorvie, of • Kinloss Township. • 'She was born iris Peel C unty on October 12th, '1868; ,Ibut came tb"Kinloss as i chi:ld'with her parents, : and forming a scalloping .effect,, and ending' in a long •cathedr'al.ti"ai The sleeveere long ,and close - fitting 'conning to lily points over the. wrists,' Her tiara of orange blossoms held hop fingertip .veil, of net • ',edged with hand -sewn seed: pearls. She ' carried pa bou- at ;Langside. Mr. arid. Mrs. Fairish Moffat ' aijd ,,Gordon. •were guests - at the wedding. In. the :tax year ending' March 31, 1949, . Ottawa' collected.. $1,- 279,999,404 in income taxes, high; est total ih history, Lucy •Srnith' occurred' on Monday, June ` 19t•17 in :'ictoria Hospital, London,. where She had been a pa+tient.for seven weeks. She was .in. her 68t1r. year, -and •had.lived :in, Morris Township ,alrnost all •her life . • The. funeral, service was held last; Thursda.y in Bluevale. United Church; ,. Conducted ";:by Rev, J. A. Burden:' Interment was in Wing - ham Cemetery Mrs. `Smith'-.• husband, •the late Milton; Smith,predeceased ::her twelve years •ago:She :is survived by two' datighte •s, Mrs*. 'Orville Jones" of 'Luoknow Mrs• Nor'¢)a?aa Hoover• of Bri.ssels and only Ross Smith :of Wingham.. She isl also .survived• by three. brothers and.` a.''sister, Mr...•Nellie: "Scutt,; Who has spent the•past, year here with:'. Mr. arid. Mrs. Jones; •DOGS AT...I:,ARG.E in. '•Wiarton Contrary: to the • "tie them up by - 1077. y - law", ,'resulted ' in the . Police Chief`• laying• . charges' against 12 citizens who •were ;assessed. $1,00, n' .a p and' costs opo pparing before 'Magistrate •McClevis. 1' SERVICES •,A,T: • 11 • aim an:d, '61:0 B.A., BA), te•V'�; AntrcW Lane, of Brussels, will have charge at both services,