HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-06-22, Page 8PAGEEIGH'i: 11 hl. r',i; is r'. ra 4 17 ii Jia ,'. elf „a .. :t, • • LEGION'NAIRES• EDGE GODERICH IN CLOSE ONE. Lucknow Legionnaires a n d Gaderich Sailors .tangled in,•a nip .and tuck ' battle here. ,pn Tuesday aught with the•'jibmesters racking ' up:. a 5-4 win in. a 9 -inning tussle ;that. . was rattled off • in, a little a1f. h less than .:an . •hour and a iiughie Hall'. , fire -balled the horsehide past the, Sailors. for 18 strikeouts and • scattered 7" hits.' - x Young • was•no push o vex an d whiffed"' 11 against ,8 hits • Lucknow ' scored,: one ln, 'the. first: • Art Andrew lecl off with .a; hit, advanced, 'to 2nd' on Greer, s • iascrifiee; •had•, to •pull` up at -3rd on a. "hit, by'.'Jack MacDonald and Scored: When •' Hall fliedout • . tog. s Goderich 'squared thin 'start the 5th with - Westlake scoff-: ing' on a hit, a fielder's•' choice land a passed ball, ;when Hall did .,not move . in . to cover: ,Luckrow ;added three in their ',half of the 5th. With, one away Andrew laced a' triple .to 'leift,. but was • robbed at the plate: in Ian attempt to score on Greer's tfielder's choice. «Jack MacDonald got an, infielc hit?and--scored::on an, error, 'in ;left, on Hall's long ••fly', .,with Allis 1 •speed •Merchant, tagging -:up at..•thirt[ onr.the play._ He scored • on a passed ;ball, with, Banks lacing. a hi through • :middle c r , the next , pitch Goderich got, right back . in the THE. • I Kingsley, ss. ::, 4 0 ' °1 •1,' 1 • .0 McLean, . cf ,..r., .4 Q ' 1, 0 1 '' 0 Westlake if �. '1.. 1.' 1. ,' 0 0 . '2 Young, P ,...,.,;.. 4. 0 • 1, 0 0 . 0 • KNOW SENTINEL,' LUCK -NOW; _ .ONTARIO 37 4 : 7 24 6. 3 LucknoW • :ab- • r.. h po a e P ndrew, cf .,,,... 4, .'2 2'' 0 .0 0. Greer,. 2nd .,,.....,. 3 1 .0 0. 1 1 MacDon'd, ss; .;,. 4 Q. ` 3 .2 0� 0 Hall,. 1? ,,,,.,..4. 1. 0 1 ..3..P Banks,, c :. ',4 0 .1 16.:2 1 barrow ..race, David and :Geoi.ge Koviak, 3rd :,.:... -4 '. 1. 1 ' 1 0 0' 1 • 0. o' ff. ,,, '3 0' 0 H'e Treleaven, ;if 4 •0• 1 0 0 0, Cook'lsf •;•42.' 0 .0 -.6, r,0 ..1 SALKELD, •CLAN MET ,AT SEAFORTH ' The' Salkeld, annual reunion was held in. Lions' Park, Seaforth on Saturday, June 10th .with 66 members. of the', elan` present. • Dinner,was served at 1 : •;p.m,, after which an hour of sports was enjoyed, by young'• and; old, alike. Winners., -included: three -;legged.. race, Andrew and. Betty Mathie son, Goderich; relay ,' race,, Ann' ;.Todd, . St. • Helens and ' Margaret el' Bouski.11, Winnipeg, 1Vian.; who • 34 5 , 8'27 6 .31 • DARKY' ACE STRUCK, OUTS• 17 FOR . LOCAL'S FIRST .WIN Lucknow Legionnaires sprang their, newest, surpirise : in ' Class ' A softball .last Wednesday night in Clinton. The surprise. was Hughie,' Hall, 18 -year -Old 'negro student from" Detroit, who ..proceeded to' whiff„ 17 batte g Fume;: Milton; time race, David B s kill G eor 4 et g umM ar ar ou . H p �. Hume; spot ' race, _Mrs. R. Bo�}s- . • • W: W lli's Clinton; : rnir loll Mrs. a , :. Wise' n• ;ton, Nil's.. Wm D.allirrg,'•Monkto , kick :th'e-slippe • race,• ;Mi.'s: ' Wise, Mrs' W Wallis, Mrs.. •.Geo..,.Saik- el. Election; €7:f• officers was held re- sultirg in the following being r.+ THURSDAY, JUNE. 2n lrrSQ COUNCIh MIN.UT S' KINLOSS TOWNSHIP x f. Council' nlet 'on. 'June 12th as e • nnernber.s' per, adj ournment< A,1 present.. . . Carruthers Lavin .that the 'min- utes of th4 last' regualr meeting of May 8th and; special meeting May •36th las.. read be approved .and signed.. ' Laois -MCI nris n that the.. cost of the weed sprayer ..be -transfer- red-froth the general account to the .hilg,hway . account, ' q ler ,Carruthers Peroy that the .c clerk' k :send the bill. of. the Lt cknow Fire, Deint, to,.the 'agent -•of thea, fire in7 s>irance••cornpanycarryi'ng the in' 'Pere surance•' on the. • Pearge y _ Stone"-at'Holyr'ood Clin eicc-Carruth'crs that the. clerk ate race Mrs, Jennie W , .. 1' Y , , Write .. engineer James A., Howes Of Listowel and : ar rari�ge• �a meet-' in; as''soon! as.possible: , d , Ca�rruthes McKinnon• that thci cle.'vk 'take ;necessary ,procedure to take care'of the obstruction ,on stalled for 1951 ,pres.; 'Roy .Run-` the McKay-McQurl'lin`. drain ,on dle; Goderich vice. Pres.,. Mrs S'.` Highway. 86• ' Rae, Stratford;': sec.-treas.•,.. Mrs•` ` Carruthers Percy that . ,'v do ;F, Townsend,• Clinton; assistant, now adjourn to ` }neet again on rs'• allowin only, Miss E. Washington, 'Auburn.: • `Monday the 17th day of • July, two bingles,. to live . •the. Legion It was decided (1) •to~pay . $5 to 1950: •` ' 4 • and . their th Lions. Club the ,use of Cheques issued: W. R. Ch 7 't , . � e. i _ ;rri;an, relief Supplies• . $25 i)0; first ,victory in four, stars: park; '(2) th a donation b g• v } a err'ifc he 'caretaker.; 3:) 'to hold CKNX,: two :broadcasts, 6,06.; Jas, Hughre s fast l all. w s_ �- en�to a • t Cochrane-ibala-nee ora -y oiler- tc.m, • ap- names a o 'win; 'ethe- 1.q h shut t year ' the third ,and •m the.last 7 innings esu the picnic nex y r 49.50;: George„If ,Hiltz, gas and oil, out' the Airmen with. only 24 !men ,Saturday hi, June, (4) that Mrs:." ,,..:0, 3 ,'Co• -.O Store, Luck:= faciri:hi ;Unaccustomed to,`On .F Rowed be responsible for •the., ` spray , 6 , p , .., _< .._...... . r . .._ ._ _ i:. ,_ ,_...� _ r.. ''=--now._:-,-rel-ief : supip.lies.Y-15-0 L; '''T;RA T tario `r. es: Hughie got off, to ;a wrrtrr}g .up..o the,. Spectator for n�, 'bad' .'Start, issuing ..three Walks,. •nex.t;• year with' Miss :M E"..• : Sal-. Lane;, hydro at :hall, 5.54, C.rsrpo►,- t'he.ation of Lucknojv, fire.. truck .a:t and which.;cwere `a factor in Clin- . keld asci ting • `1�T•ewriian's' `Store,', 50,00; , Gordon. ton' getting three runs: They• add-. A prograrri was•given with the.McPherson, 1 lox..' bounty',; t.00, d another in the-second,.frame, M ga St r1eY.-Co we11-?5-€ox-bountie-s;= ..: resident, ..Mrs. Wm: Dallas ___iii__ . � • • - charge •and which, consisted of a ; and, that, was that., 5,00 Jack' McQu Llin;• 2 fox boor Mac=' enzie, 1�#'i'ag ;�i gar ., l ,kij Carters, 'London .t. .185.78; Donald" acl via!, sa, , l°,':,I"•z„;;' 15.00; Hoy H� 1.rnan 1. ibex, 4j:00; R. 'Forster, veld•,r� 13.00; C. • E. MoTay.i h,' .fagl x,11, 109.88; Armco Dr a rage (;c;,, cul- verts, '870.8.8; -Dept. o.t high a.a gas tax, . 52.80; (. 'E, V!c'I?a� bail, oil, 42,50;• Sherwin William • ,, brush kill, 487,64; Dan McKinnon,. express . charges on abciv.•c�,' _ J. R. 'LANE; Clerk, B.F.Goodrich extra • game m the 6"th , on ;a Walk -air • a: home run clout by, Bissett. G:od erch tied it 'up::'in 'the 8th on a, two .iscratch hits, arid a passedball`.: to Young who struck. •out, on,the' next pitch for the' 3rd' out: The Legionnaires won. it ' neat- ly in the last, Of the' 8th. ' Tom. 'K:oviak doubled, stole third and •.trotted homee. on I3i11 Treleaven's :s:ingle.. In a good: .display of sports- ananship,, Goderich players con ;gratula.ted' mall; . and .gave . the Luckno r team a Cheer, which was 'heartily returned. The,., Legionnaires picked'• uP sing -song,. which::proved that the ties, ..2.09;: Wesley Young, .1 fox., single runs' in the •2nd, . 3rd and vocal talents of the group had bounty ,.:1.00; David Ross 1 fox 4th innings,' and broke loose .in. not been used for some •'• time; a , 'ant 1.00. Gordon Gor'don Ho;digkinson, the'.' 8th foi,:.`four.,runs to 'salt it 'bounty y, solo. by ,Ann. Todd; some: is 5 fox •beanfres;, 5.00;, Donald' 1VIac away: . of). the 'clan. by : Mrs: Routed, ' a ;1nty e, 5' fez bo,inties,: '5:00; -Al Freddie Banks', olio.does a neat on ".ghee "'bv Mrs.:Geo arid: ims kf ''eau ht ! reading g p lister Hughes, .3 fofx .ho unties; 3..00,, ;job pati the mo h e g . . Salkeld; reading; George Hume;',Murray,ns ectoi . warhle' or:!Hu hie in'Clinton; Tom .Gogo'reading;:David:.•Hume reading.: of..Il A. M y' p ' 1 g . fly,;:265 00 • Ethyard ' Thornpsoxi• ' in ;;the..'`third' :men lber '.,of "the" the, 19'50''":S ectator"' by `Miss! M: g , l t P •,,,balan•ce. tr•:acto:; ,on ; spr a.y; 70 C),0;' 'd"ark-skinned , trio was,, still side'- ' E.• . Salkeld on.:the ., .doings and r : kin in'ed with ahand' injury • ' e vements""' of . :the' inembres : 1VIrs,. James. S,mith;' ca eta.: g, 1 .. . achre � 5 Q0;' J R;� Lane,.,unemployment Lucknow <' ,' 01.1:.100 .040.,. 7.i ,for. 'the•;pas-t •year,; speech'by,•Mrs• .• s ni 's' .4.20* • ' 310:• 000= .0004• ., .•; �. insui ance . to p, Clinton .. '. R. .B.ouskill `Winnipeg, , who ..i,e� ... i. .. •P No., � , 1'Iighway,ghegiaes. ay Iio•11 • Luckno-w Art:. .Andrew,. f, ce �ed..the. prize ;for. h iving :'come:: , 5 $240 85' Scott` Bros. ' Cc asst Co:; 2nd ; '•Jack' Mac*, Clarence- Greer,:.. ,, Donald, s ; •. H > gall n F.: Banks c, ,I oviak, 3rd;' Ivan,'Heihn; rf Bill Treleaven, ac oo ; . s '•• day Guests` Were; present. from ' Goderich, ab ' r.' h Po. a.' e. d p St the farthest •for the picnic ;' • ditching,,;gra�rei', etc.; 1682.00; .Tas. • � d at 6;30 n'd, .• '• � 00 012 0 0-�4 . ona s, , .. Supperwas sez e .a 1 32:25: H. ' H: 11an- Goderich';. 0r Ed�:ar, .grave • rY-=-S: all reported.,ha�"ing had'a good Ia�cknow 100 `• 030 0 1f Jack C k 1 t ' riermarr gravel 376.10; Frank Clinton, Dungannon; Auburn; ' : . Mero,1.st 5 0 1` 6 0 0, Fulj,.ford, 2nd 4 ' 1, 0 3 ' ;1 0 Bissett; 3rd:. `; • 3 •2 1 1 2 ...1 Leich, rf • 4 .. 0 i 0 0 ' 0 (James Next weer ' :. e� ri5, r.a ore., June'•.26-Lucknow at Seaforth Monhton, ''Luck;riot�; '28=-Lucknow at ;Goderich ; j Winnipeg.; ;. • 30-Goderich: at .Lucknow ITH RATH .Marathon is an extra -value tire" with'. every feature you would expect in a Goodyear, It's a guaranteed tire built to give you outstanding mileage. As the name implies it runs .. and Runs and RUNS. 6:00-•1, 6 only 6.25 Other sizes at egfally Iow'' prices. GOMERY FOTO NT PHONE:, 40 FORD SALES AND SERVICE MORE PEOPLE RIDE. ON GOOD iAR :TIRES. THAN .ON ANY : OTHER: ,KIND' A85 GOODYEAR TRACTQR . TIRES everal Size's iff .:S'tocit O9DS ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. 1[ orne Freezers, ' Frig's, Stoves, Grinders, 'Etc. • • LAWN MOWVItS., SHARPENED. Change.:Over -From. Steel To: Rubber: On Any. Iin'plement a SEPTIC TANKS `. WE'I: TRACTOR FLATS 'orster's Weldin ''Phone 64-r-11,.• L icknow WtLpIts'G .DONE''. ASIVVVI I RE' 4 1 oaericn, Milton and ,. FOUNTAIN'1'.OE REPLACED The June ineetin" .of•the W..4:1: was held 'a usual in ,the Council 'Chamber with' 22 present. it Was. : voted to . give $10 ::each to the Salv;ationl;Army fund and :to..the Manitoba Relief . Find A .motion. teas made to replace �he .drinking. fountain. on ;Main. treet . which had :.'originally, been• erected . by' the' Institute in 1936. The making of lingerie- was ; decided upon as • the ,Institute • short • course, to- .be held -the latter part of October, . ; : Mrs. Salkeld made final ar rangenients •.• for,••the making ,of' bouquets, for those who' had been members-_ -35 ''years :ago. Those 'will be ' presented at, the District Annual to' he held • in 1'olyro'od On - June:• 15th, This includes siX Institutes,. The .ro'l'l call was ans- wered by . "Sot•netli:ng a hous“ •guest• should" not' do.". The motto 'for the day: ---"No oneg6tS i'ndiges-' ti.on`frorn• eating humble. pie" lura:;.' read by' Mrs. Howard Rohinsrori. � •Mr, Elm' e ' Urnbach ftivo'ecl with, a: pz no."solo and ,ako arcoh'ij in- ied Mkks,,Rae, \A -he sand ' In Lilac Tirnel,, . • F6r the ' Standing :,committori, i Mrs. McGill, the ,convener; •read a".paper On '.Drugs and Miss ' W.:.' McLeod 'gave , g ',paper ' on.. "The . value: of a • good homemaker whose price .Solor:•noh, said was • far above rubies The' meeting", closed with a splendid' demon- stration by Mrs.: Philip Stewart' •' on theMaking of sandwiches.. They wei,.e most attractive as"well as tasty and served as part 'of the . ' lunch ',Which` followed. • a :There will be nd' regular meet - ink in, July or August but dur- ing this time •a picnic at Kin,car-' dine and a' .bus• trip 'to* London have been planned.. Low ressure THE LAST WORD IN RIDING COMFORT • • 1' RD -56 • NECK IOUs. f Ep1UA• 1;4COMFORT • RI oDEgti SIYUNG• •Mil. R'D P*RUNNING •QUit MAS�Dt� G ��►� ;lr>•>t'Ifl k ` rid*:( SEE US ' TODAY! serving . Coca -.Cola `• serves hos.pitCaiitY: bot.t1e'cart'o'n et b'otile" ?Jai 41400 .10'p Nulilsnzed bottler .at Coca -Colt 'under wanewith Coca -Coir IAi GODERxCH BOTTLING WORKS r `jgf()Nt 4: CxODERICH