HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-06-22, Page 5T U•RSDAAY, JUNE, -22nd 1950 A. G. I TCHISON. FLEW WailA TROOPS TO FIGHTFLOQ1): • , A, G. •AM,t ..on, elder" :sen of Mr, and Mrs. Horace Alt- .chicon; was one of about 5,000 soldiers who were rushed to Win- nipeg to helpbattle . the .flood. Ayliner is stationed at Vimy Bir racks at Kingston. , • They were flown West 'from Trenton airport •in an R.C.A.F. North ,Star.: transport plane .' •did. .-Were.'JuSt' '/z _hOUrs. •from_:Tren- • ton to. Winnipeg. `What. a sight • `the. flood was, from the • air. It • was 'hard' to believe until we got • there aiid s,aw. it",., Aylmer Says. , ;They..' were; there about' a week. • before :the Red River . readied its' ained 'for, ,' ;:lae'alr •andcern about 3, altogether.-- 19 �: • Although', donations ;for, ' perP, 1e of 1VT•anitaba ar•e .coming rn 1� i frtini'.'all 'o.ver' Canada,;::Aylmer "I. feel uro' 'i wili • never' • says: • -SUre: � .•.._. .i. full the he enough to p y in -fall ali , damage •done'. M. IIENDERSON TAKING :'SPL'CIAL PURINA • COURSE'., A specialized c -dur ed e iri- seen- s.. tific',farm management, feeding and sanitation practises for a, set=, ected group of men 'from;Puriria • feed stores got un'denway •recent- ly in: Toronto at the Icing Edward TSF. = LUCKNOWM SENTiNB;L, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. Ii,ED CR4)SS DQNATIONS STAIN:). AT OVER $.1,600:9Q • , 'SAGE FIVE' Total donations • to .the 1 uck- now and Vicinity' Branch of the Red C.r:'ossstand at $1,916,50. The, canrrpaign; opened early in March' and for 'over .three months dona- tions have continued to come 'in; ,to boost' the' total to the • above: figure, which is a, remarkableachievement fora oeromunity of this. ,she, and one 'which` distin- uisihes it for its generous; and continued, supoprt Of this _ Soc- iety in . peace time•s 'i a n war. - .: The following donations donations have. clot 'previor sly : been a'c'kiiowledg- ed:..:John ,,Brad1'cy $5;00,, ;,Tames Shiells 19.00X ` D,avid Johnston 5.0„0; , A `Cciurtney 2;00;- Kintaii Women's:. Institute'' 25.001. John 'McFaclY'eti; Tiverter x'1.5,00 Reid, R 4, Kincardine, 2.00; K:• L:. MacKerilie S.Ot) • : •.CHiJRCH NES Ilunter=Jones Group W.• A. • The June 'meeting of tine :Hun ter -Jones Group was:held at.the home of Mrs:. Robert: Thompson on Wednesday, June .,14th, with •Mrs.-Pharis Mathers; convener cif, the program• .committee, presi dw. ing.•' The •scr irptu:re• :reading ;was, read shy Mrs,; Albert Little,'The> :i•o11 call •was'answere.d; by "when. ,is' your birthday". There will be of essioj ai ;. no t»etirrg:•—cirrri�ig ;Jal.y and August. Nirs. Amelia :Treleaven gave; '. a reading,: followed by a 'piano. solo by Mrs:, Harvey •Web •scar :R.c'idin ' were given by Mrs:: Fd.•H'odgins;: Mrs. Vernon Hunter and Hazel ,Webst'er. Marilyn patrick';.and Elizabeth Ann, Web- ster "theii faiv'ored with a vocal. duet:. An `interesting. contest was held after *Welt; lunch was ser- ve ;.Hlotel.. A .series 's s e , tieing held periodically.. • Muri ayr .Henderson, feed: sales man J at': S.: W. Gibson s, is. air cin r • those enrolled' inthe coi.iise•w.hich, `will. include. four. •snore 'sessions addition to,assi,gned;.field, pro. jects-in this area.' "Cond by 'b 'the. Ralston' Pur Bina' Company for the purpose of training these ,men to . hel,p farm er s in their. poultry and l i.veYstoek operations,, the ` f i,r.s t' session stressed, the i•nvportance of farm' management • •.and. • the.; need for anirrial .„arid poultry' • diseas'e : con- trol. • , suecessful coi•n;pletion• of p , the:. 'course,. :Murray', ;will', be.':a: graduate feeding advisor; ' qual-• ifying him to work closely .With 'fanners : in their : ptod'u.etion pro-. grams" OIst�ri n Chesterfields .And'' • Occasional ` Chairs Repaid and'Recovered Factory :'Gurarautee Free Pick -Up and .:Delivery STRATFORD UPHOLSTER ING CO 42 Brunswick . St. , Stratf oral •` For further information enquire at JOHNS'TONE'S Furniture Store 'Phone ..46, Lucknow • 11I4eNay=Kilpatrick Group W'A. :, The ;McNay -Kilpatrick,- Group of :the W.A. met, :at :the home -of M•i•s.;W ;G. Andrew: with 23 lad-. ies present: 'The program conven- ei, :IV1rs'. Alex :Andrew presided., Mrs .'Umbach led in prayer. The •scripture lesson', was t-ead•bi;Mrs F G: Breyer A bale .of clothing' will ;he,packed for the. needy and doria;tioris'are' to.,. be,;,left.. in, the United'., Church ' 'Sund'ay •School roof—this. week. 'The roll •call was' answered'. by hancr,:ng in gift bags, Two`'. humorous .••readings:,.' were gni en. by Mr s:. A," E. `McKie acid. COWS -- $5.00 ,each HORSES —7$5.,00 HOGS SOc:per cwt. (Over 250 •lhs. each) Phone Collects; - Ripley 182 Wingham 561-j Ingersoll.21 William Stone Sons, Ltd. INGERSOLL, ONTARIO ANN1ilEItSART :GREE'TINGS SENT WMS PAST PRESIDENTS: The 25th anniversary meeting of the United Church Wopi,en's 1VJ;is'sionary :Society was '•held at. the home of • M'rs, Thomas Burns. Mrs. W. ' ;B. Anderson presided, and Miss Kate MacGregor , read the ,scripture, The hymn., "The ,Church's ,One Fouzidatioxl". open - cd the. worshipsexrvice.'The hymn and ,scripture were those used. the inaugural service, -October - 25th, .1925, at floor"St United Ghur;oh, Toronto, , Mrs. Ewart Taylor-, 'Mrs: ,Root. Thompson, Mrs. George Andrew, Mrs. A; :E ' McKim, :Mrs. N. L. MacKenzie and. Mrs.. Robert Rae' eviewed .the progress of the `'Soc.. iety"as a 'whole: Mrs'..'S.. Rathwl1, M. Allan Turner, Toro ito''and, Mrs; George 'Andrew, 13ast .presi- .duns; Mrs: :W: B.'Andersori;° pres i:dent'' and:: Mr's. Thomas' Burn's,; treasurer;" Ware • :presented• with flower corsages.'' . . Mrs."Mprnford: reported, on the W M.S. Preslbyterial -held in Kin-' •ca dine, ''A vocal duet by Mrs, P. W.. Hoag; and Mrs., J. Hall, and a solo.. •by •-Miss Margaret• Rae were ,acconiipanied by Mi s, J... patrick. • , Greetings . were sent . to past presidents,,. 'Mrs, Robert Mo.Cal- lupi, ;Port ;A}berr i, B.C.,; Mfrs,• ;R. C•ruw, Toronto;; 'Mrs:•'S. T. --deizer Idronto-°-..1Virs. Allan Tur ner; Toronto; Mrs. Con ; Decker, Kitchener, and Mrs: J: W. S:tew- a t; Trhafalgair•. • •• • For. refresh �nents 'an attractive ly decanated "birthday. cake" Centred 'the. table, The president lit .the candles • The •'program and lunch 'were: under the convener, ship: • of .Mrs JohnHenry, : Mrs; W •B. Andersar ' and Mrs. J.:W.' Joynt. gave apiano solo. After a •cox test u nch,-,W as. served"by:.the cormnit^ tee..'' The next- meeting is",:to be :held at the •home of .•Mrs. J,: Joynt in`Septenilei. Mii.mford Group .of. the 1V A. T1ie •:Jure meeting: Of 7Group,.1 of: the W A; of the, United church was held at the home •ot Mrs. l;1: Tham'pson,.::•with :the leader, Mrs., Mumford;: 'presiding;,,'.1VIin .fes were. read and approve::d;'corr- respondeirce.re td and the call, • was —answered. 'by, 20 membeis, Mrs,. Mininiford• .thanked.. all .the' members .,*.1-1.0' .hacl. helped -'from Grout 1 to male, the, silver .cher. �versary tea the' success it ,was. :A ;short business sesAori followed. `Members were told that a - .bale was. beingbacked and 'ti it; clues tions of 'used clothin .wO e bent;,. asked for' and• • could; be left . at the; c.hurfch.. The° cheerio commit• tee. reported .and. •the treasure :* gave.: her. roport, Mrs. Jack ,lien•. 'de'soii gave- the .scripture i c:ac1 . ing. The September ineetinl is an .evening Meeting and is•to 'bc, hel"-•1. at the hcirne.' of Mrs,' Fred Gil - Christ and wi).l'; take :the ',forth of an auction sa e•, The nrenlhcr: .ere asked to keep the: stl.nshine_ bags • in rind dtiring the'• sunmier. months°. The June committee of Mrs._ =Giant Mac Diarmid, • Mrs., Bert Roar. h..1V rs I�lcici» 1Ji*ndc'p. son and' Mrs; then took charge of the 'programme which Was as follows.:'t1 spieild ict talk by Mrs. Turner on Arca we taking .too much 'far grantee:. 'an instrUn ejital on the auto htir c;. ivy 'Mrs. ,lttnles. Webster; a ("elid- ing by Mrs,. Tiert': Itoiich;..a' solo by- 'ittle l)ontla Johnstof 'who' ac- corllptirlie'd• , he*rself 'ctrl • the., auto harp; ti_ reading 'by Mrs, Neil Mrs 'Cenzie and a contest conducted by Mrs, Mae1ThLrmid; The,iiiipah benedic.ti.ori closed the meeting and ;then =e1 litt1 25ci ,taa •Was sot., vctd by the committee with the' pr oieeds ';ac►it1l to the 'cheerio' ..00 tilitte0. Jessci James and -the .Baby When a ' b;aby's • 'cry, annoyed; Quan'trili, cruel Outlaw; • .` Jesse James,,,'saved its life; proviiig..he:. could •be as gentle 'as a ,:worrnan•: in '•soothing: a -child.- Read.``Jesse. James' and' the Baby,", by Homer, Croy.' and' ?E L. Losito, in •; The American • Weekly, with this Sun-' . •day's, • (June,° 25) -.issue of The . De tkoit:: Sunday , Times. The : ,total • population. of.. ` Cori ada's ten ,provinces at Decen'iber. 1st .1949; w:as 13,'107,000. ,r.,mssos•a, !►0•!,!!! t !olmo oo<y AliertriarowsoommAispointoiwirce a nmar o Child and Animal 'Ph tography A 'Specialty . ' iPOIMAI $ WEDDINGS. = COMMERCIAL Films Developed Cameras Repaired„ .and Printed 'Z4. -Hour. Service. ' i -hFele liQne .h99�, W ug_ .am. e�«�1;�,..�a�.oo��o.�O..w��,�s�•�u;�tl�rQoo�,�,��+,+�t,�o�IN1lu� - . ZION W M.S, Mrs. Lloyd 'Hunter, was hostess aM S ednesdato Zifter. n W ay.,, •• noon; • Jur _ 7th,; for their •'annual ran other ' • ' meeti'n •Th re' g dm s. ;; �• � • .�: 'iwere; •sixteen ,present, 8 ofthem randnrrothers .. also five ,af the .,gran�ddhildren:f• 'Both, • grandmoth- ers of • - Mrs Hunter's 'childrei were present, Mrs.. 11. Curran be - mg a visitor from Blake's society. The president, Mrs: W. O. • Hun- ter, opened the meeting, 'after Which ,Mrs: ''C •B. Woolley • con- ducted • a short worship service' w th, • Mr:' Woolley reading - the • lesson Mrs Will. Hun 'ter gave� t b, Mrs. readtn � also Mrs. Woolley,while . Mrs. • Kirkland; read the thapter : of ' t study book; `Growing with the Years",, Each . of the grandmothers, Mrs.. , Mr-. sIsaac 'Andrew, ':.,,,4S, • 1 Gardner,. ,Mrs, dn e r, Geo: Humer, 'Mrs. -IL ur, rn•Mrs: FredAriderson•Mr's. , WillRitchie, Mrs. W. :0. H `nter and Mis.•Wdolley .were asked.to•,, ,. g. ;tell• .s.o, •ie • aniusin g :' incident " •or speech of their,: grandchildren:.' Mr, Woolley closed .the meeting, with. prayer, of er WhIrelt-`nth . younger :members, •served a del- icious lunch, ,including ,a beaut- ifully !decorated ,pink and white grandmother's . cake,,''• tarts ' • and : candy.' On Ibelalf • of .the ,grand mothers;: 'Mrs. Geo. Hunter mov- ed' a vote of . thanks and all agreed it ; had . been'very, en- : •joya'ble meeting, • ' ;•• u �aranteed •, rust Certificates ISSUED. for any ammount'•, .. , : fora• term of • five years guaranteed both as to; principal;' and interest'. .. Interest cheques mailed, to reach; holders on: due date, or, 'at Holder's • option, may be ;allowed:•, to accumulate -*at compound'' interest.' . An ideal investment for: • Executors individuals • Administrators Committees •. 'Corporations •:'Trustees' Cemetery ; Boards • . Hospital Boards. THE ,c ER .RLI NG TitU 1 CORPORATION,. 372 Bay. Street, 'Toronto 1 e. ON SOO The "cut -in" driver is headed for trouble ® on the :road or in the courts. The motorist who swerves in and out of traffic lanes is a menace to life and property. .DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS GEO. H. DOUCETT, Minister